Re: [REQUEST] - Synchronized scrolling on splitted windows [74203]

2020-09-11 Tema obsahu Geoff Winkless

Synchronization in splitted window will be available from next build

Just tried it out, it works perfectly, thanks!!


PSPad freeware editor

File Windows in Cascade view vs Arrange [74204]

2020-09-11 Tema obsahu Aiutopc
When I open a Pspad project and there are many opened files, it shows always
their windows setting in the Cascade view mode, do you know a way to save as
default the Arrange view ?

Thanks in advance


PSPad freeware editor

Re: File Windows in Cascade view vs Arrange [74205]

2020-09-11 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
The default view should be maximized.
PSpad doesn't know to remember positions of individual child window now.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: "only one instance of program" is uncheckable [74206]

2020-09-11 Tema obsahu UnConnoisseur
Years later (PsPad 503)

Run as administrator ungreys many other settings, but Only One Program Instance
is still greyed out. What then?


PSPad freeware editor

Re: "only one instance of program" is uncheckable [74207]

2020-09-11 Tema obsahu UnConnoisseur
Oh, and I have virgin PsPad install other than via Settings menu.


PSPad freeware editor

Re: "only one instance of program" is uncheckable [74208]

2020-09-11 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
In the 5.0.3 version was a bug in settings dialog. This bug was fixed in the
5.0.4 version (available in the developer forum).
Another possibility is edit PSPad_MU.ini file, placed in the PSpad folder
change to:


PSPad freeware editor

Re: Control Z [74209]

2020-09-11 Tema obsahu Angel Torres
I am doing something wrong. 
But let me try studying a little. 
I have a lot of macros made by myself sometime ago. But my memory.


Nice program indeed

PSPad freeware editor