Re: [fossil-users] Web UI Refresh Issue

2011-11-08 Thread Ingo Koch
On 08.11.2011 19:15, Shaun Mahood wrote:
> Hi, not sure if this is the right place for this (please redirect me if not).
> I've noticed that the main web UI for Fossil does not seem to be loading
> consistently for me -- it seems to pick 1 of 3 states.
> -  Load everything
> -  Load everything except the CSS styles
> -  Load everything except the logo
> I am using a custom style found at
> and using
> Firefox 7.0.1, running Windows XP and using the "fossil server" command.
> I am also using my own logo which is 34 KB. Anyone else run into this, or is
> it based on my specific setup and customizations?

I've seen something similar in WinFossil which also uses the fossil server
command to display the Web UI.
WinFossil uses the .NET WebBrowser component (Internet Explorer) to display the

Sometimes it doesn't load anything at all after it is started. Refresh then most
of the times loads the page as plain HTML without CSS.  An other refresh might
load the page as expected.
Sometimes it starts with plain HTML without CSS. Refresh then also might or
might not load the page as expected.
Once the start page is loaded correctly, all other pages are loaded correctly 

Most of the time it works as expected.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Annoucement: Fuel GUI Client

2011-10-08 Thread Ingo Koch
On 08.10.2011 13:04, Gilles wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Oct 2011 19:14:48 +0900, Kostas Karanikolas
>  wrote:
>> Since there's been some interest lately in alternative GUI tools for Fossil
>> I'd like to take this opportunity to announce Fuel a cross-platform GUI 
>> client
>> for Fossil.
> I unzipped and launched 0.9.4 on Windows, and it displays the familiar
> "Fuel.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry
> for the inconvenience. [...] Please tell Microsoft about this
> problem.".
> Are there some additional files/steps I should install/perform before
> running Fuel?
I think that Fuel has the same problem with your checkout that WinFossil has:
Too many files to check to display the file status icons.
As I wrote, with the approach to make the drives root your checkout root no GUI
client will serve you well.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] GUI client for Windows?

2011-10-07 Thread Ingo Koch
On 07.10.2011 01:09, Gilles wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Oct 2011 11:01:43 -0400, Tomek Kott
>  wrote:
>> Yep, it should. It's worked for me for all of the repo's I've tried.
> So I guess WinFossil doesn't work when the repo is opened at the root
> of a partition that contains a lot of directories because it will go
> through each one looking for files that are under source control...
> which can take a look time, and can even fail if a directory contains
> characters it doesn't like.
WinFossil works if you give it time enough to do its job. ;-)
By making the drives root folder the checkout root you decided to make all the
files on the drive a maybe part of the repository.
What WinFossil does is to scan the checkout for unknown, added, deleted, changed
... files to give you all the neat icons to decide where to go and what to do.
To display the folder status, the status of the files down to the deepest nested
folders is propagated to the toplevel folders.
If your repository root is the drive, obviously all files of that drive are
scanned and on top of fossil processing all the files there is WinFossil
processing the information too to provide a graphical representation of the
folder structure and the status of the files.
That's what freezes the UI if you have a lot of files on that drive.

Running "fossil extras" from the root directory will also scan the whole drive
for files which are not part of the repository.
The command line where you issued the command will also look like frozen.
I've just checked that on my data drive and it took about four minutes for
fossil to scan the whole drive for extra files.

I think that you're using the wrong approach to version your files.
You don't need the Windows folder or other system folders to be under revision
control, right?
Normally you have a well defined set of files and folders which are subject to
revision control.
Try it this way:
Anything which should be under revision control is located in a dedicated
subdirectory, name it Data, Documents, Projects or whatever you like.
This folder should be the root for your repository.
Even better: build dedicated repositories for each of your
projects/tasks/workflows or whatever you name it.

If you insist on using the drives root as your checkout root, then WinFossil is
not your fossil Windows GUI and I think no other GUI will be. They all will have
the same problem with collecting the data necessary to provide a graphical
representation of the file and folder status.

Regarding the file/folder name characters for which the scan may fail: Richard
already answered this one.  It is fossil which doesn't like them for good
reasons. ;-)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] any interest in integrating jimtcl w/fossil?

2011-09-21 Thread Ingo Koch
On 09/21/11 20:16, Martin S. Weber wrote:
> Absolutely. Rest assured, I do:
> On 09/20/11 15:00, Martin S. Weber wrote:
> > Of course if you're an IDE person, you'll
> > appreciate easier integration with, say, the behemothian eclipse, the
> > leviathan netbeans, the Zizian IDEA or the all-encompassing emacs.
> Sorry I forgot to mention the humongous VisualXXX ;)
LOL, sorry that I missed the mentioned post. :-)


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] any interest in integrating jimtcl w/fossil?

2011-09-21 Thread Ingo Koch
On 09/20/11 15:53, Martin S. Weber wrote:
> On 09/20/11 19:20, Steve Bennett wrote:
>> It is the interface to fossil which is important.
> Yep. That's where step #1 comes in - librarization of fossil. Luckily I'll
> have time for that (at least rounding up an API suggestion) next week.

Please keep in mind that such an API should not only help implementing language
bindings for fossil but should also support tool makers.
I'm working on a C# library to use fossil commands and a Windows GUI for fossil
(with the goal of Visual Studio integration) and I really miss a library like
the one that exists for SQLite.
Implementing tools around fossil would be so much easier if a library would be

An other thing:
Seeing how much fossil developer related traffic currently is on the mailing
list, maybe it is time to setup a new ?
I think it would make sense to split because users looking for answers regarding
their day to day usage problems and not being directly interested in development
of fossil should not be bothered with development topics. Maybe someone of the
active developers asks Richard to set up a new list?


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Presentation slides for Fossil?

2011-09-08 Thread Ingo Koch
On 08.09.2011 11:41, Stephan Beal wrote:
> Hi, all,
> i remember at least one or two list members mentioning (in the relatively far
> past) doing presentations on Fossil. This question is for them...
> The company i work for allows us to propose so-called R&D topics, where we get
> a few days of budget to go research a topic (typically a new/up-coming tech)
> and then make a presentation about it to whoever wants to come listen. While i
> can't make a business case for fossil here (meaning i won't get an R&D
> budget), the company has several program-at-home-at-night guys like myself who
> could certainly make use of it if they only knew about it, and i'd like to put
> together a presentation for them. Basically, "how to set up and get started
> with fossil."
> So my question is: have any of you got some slides i can steal to get a head
> start? Because i won't have an R&D budget, i'll be putting together the
> presentation on my own time and i'm looking for a way to cut a few corners :).
> Though the presentation would be made internally, i can see no reason why the
> slides created for it should (in this case) remain internal, and i would of
> course be happy to make them available online.
Take a look at

Hope that helps,

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] login failure when trying to pull

2011-07-03 Thread Ingo Koch
On 02.07.2011 00:33, Rene wrote:
> 1) It is a big nono to open a repo next to the repo e.g. your
>> ADMINUSR@SPHINX:~/fsl/wa-pull $ fossil open pulledrep.fossil
> should be mkdir src; cd src ; fossil open ../pulledrep.fossil
Could you please enlighten me why it is a big nono to open the repository in the
same directory that holds the repository?
I'm doing it almost all the time and I've never encountered any problems.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Help install fossil as window service

2011-06-01 Thread Ingo Koch
On 01.06.2011 17:37, Steeve St-Laurent wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install fossil as a window service.
> i sucessfully created the service with this command
> sc create fossil binPaht="GoodPath\fossil.exe server"
> but when i start the fossil service i get this error
> *Error* 1053: The *service* did not respond to the start or control request in
> a timely fashion.
> What did i do wrong ?

You can't register an arbitrary program directly as a Windows service. Every
Windows service has to implement at least two functions which are called by the
service manager to start and stop the service. Fossil obviously does not
implement those functions, so it doesn't respond to the service manager as 

There are programs available which implement those functions and can then run an
arbitrary program.
Just do a search for "run windows program as a service"

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] SharpFossil/WinFossil

2011-05-10 Thread Ingo Koch
Am 10.05.2011 02:24, schrieb Jeff Slutter:
> On 5/9/2011 8:15 PM, Matt Welland wrote:
>> Rather than changing the terminal user interface (it will be slightly
>> less nice IMHO due to the extra newline on a prompt) I suggest
>> considering the approach used on the monotone project. A separate
>> interface for automation. Make the human friendly interface friendly
>> to humans and make the automation interface friendly to automation.
> I agree, you don't want to mess up the text for the normal command line
> user. I suggest doing something similar to Perforce with it's tagged
> text output ("-z tag") ripe for parsing, or, just testing to see if
> adding fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); instead of adding tacking on a
> newline. This will hopefully cause the parent process to receive the
> child output.
Unfortunately fflush(stdout) doesn't help. It is part of the prompt_user
function since day one.
For now, I think I'll do it with my small change. It works and has near to no
impact on the fossil code base. The prompt_user function doesn't look like it
will be changed in the future. An additional flag for parsing friendly output
would require changes in a number of commands and IMHO is not an option until
there are more projects which require this.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] SharpFossil/WinFossil

2011-05-09 Thread Ingo Koch

> Ingo,
> This seems like a reasonable change to Fossil as long as adding it doesn't
> break anything we don't understand (I can't believe it would).
No, it won't break anything. The only difference is that on the commandline the
users answer has to be entered on a new line and not on the same line as the 

> Propose it as a change and get Richard Hipp's feedback.  Maybe you should try
> to become a Fossil contributor and make the change yourself so there doesn't
> have to be a custom Fossil build.
I've already added a ticket as a feature request a while ago. I won't conjecture
about the reasons not to include this change. After all it is Richard's project.
I'll try to always include a modified Windows binary release of the latest
official Fossil release version into my project. Anyone who doesn't trust this
exe might compile it himself. ;-)

As I mentioned, SharpFossil and WinFossil are far away from beeing complete or
bug free. And as long as there is one user (me ;-) ) it doesn't make sense to
beg Richard again and again to change anything in Fossil to support SharpFossil.

The main purpose of my original post to the list was to encourage Windows users
of Fossil to try SharpFossil/WinFossil and to get feedback about it and may be
to get people involved in further development (for me, it is a spare time
project and unfortunately not evolving fast enough) .


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] SharpFossil/WinFossil

2011-05-08 Thread Ingo Koch

> CR/LF - very windows specific
> LF - is very common on other platforms (*nix)
> CR - Mac specific I think
> Without checking is it possible that you are receiving just the LF which you
> should be able to parse on with stdout output.  If there is no CR/LF,LF, or CR
> then I think one of these would be considered a reasonable enhancement to
> Fossil.  It just may that the right choice isn't CR/LF.
The modification I've made is to add a '\n' to the prompt. So it is sufficient
to add a LF even on the Windows platform.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] SharpFossil/WinFossil

2011-05-08 Thread Ingo Koch
Am 08.05.2011 16:54, schrieb Jeff Slutter:
>> I've included the zlib1.dll into the file.
>> What do you mean by "I was unable to run the WinFossil binary"?
>> I'm developing and using it on Win7 x64. Do you get any error message, 
>> exception
>> or something like that?
> The Fossil.exe included in now works for me.
> As for WinFossil.exe, as soon as I double click it, it crashes and I get
> a standard Windows message box saying "WinFossil has stopped working.
> Windows is checking for a solution to the problem...". Running the
> executable via an instance of the MSVS2008 debugger reveals a
> BadImageFormatException:
> An unhandled exception of type 'System.BadImageFormatException' occurred
> in WinFossil.exe
> Additional information: Could not load file or assembly
> 'System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture=neutral,
> PublicKeyToken=db937bc2d44ff139' or one of its dependencies. An attempt
> was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
> I'm confused though why it would work for you, and not me. Other than,
> perhaps, on your machine it is finding the x64 System.Data.SQLite behind
> the scenes, perhaps from the GAC.
> Seeing these errors in the past, and knowing that System.Data.SQLite is
> a native assembly (it is either x86, or x64), to fix the error, you need
> to explicitly set the "Platform target:" field to x86 (in the
> Properties|Build tab of WinFossil's Project Properties), and then make
> sure you distribute the System.Data.SQLite x86 assembly (as you already
> are). Optionally, you could provide both x86 and x64 assemblies of
> System.Data.SQLite and let the user choose the right one based on their
> platform.
That's what happens if you test and use software on the development system :-(
I got caught in that trap two years ago but I forgot it until you mentioned it.
I've uploaded a modified version which has been tested on a 32 bit Windows XP 
VM too.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] SharpFossil/WinFossil

2011-05-08 Thread Ingo Koch

>> For details and download see
>> Please clone and play with it. Any response is welcome.
> Great stuff, I'm definitely interested in something like this, I'll have
> to take a look. Two things:
> 1) I was unable to run the WinFossil binary you made available for
> download (Win7, x64). However, I also realized I wasn't able to run the
> fossil.exe you provided also because it is dependent on zlib1.dll, which
> I do not have on my system. Static link perhaps?
I've included the zlib1.dll into the file.
What do you mean by "I was unable to run the WinFossil binary"?
I'm developing and using it on Win7 x64. Do you get any error message, exception
or something like that?

> 2) This is to the Fossil community, would it be possible to get into the
> main branch of Fossil the minor change necessary for this project? That
> is, placing a CR/LF at the end of request printfs so that processes that
> spawn Fossil.exe programmatically can process over the stdout/stdin.
> Perhaps some command line argument to enable this?
I already suggested the modification in a feature request some time ago:



fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] SharpFossil/WinFossil

2011-05-07 Thread Ingo Koch
Hi all,

for all those who are missing a Visual Studio integration of fossil, I started a
project to provide a C# wrapper around the fossil command line. The long term
goal is to provide a SccProvider for VS. As a prove of concept for the lib I've
also added a Windows application which uses SharpFossil to provide a graphical
interface for the fossil comands.

Neither SharpFossil (the wrapper library) nor WinFossil (the Windows UI for
fossil) are complete, but they already have some features which might be useful.
If you want to try it, please be aware of the fact that you need a slightly
modified version of fossil (reasons for this on the website mentioned below)
which is included into the repository and the distribution zip file.

I'd like to invite anyone who is interested in Windows/Visual Studio integration
to participate. Take a look and test it with your environment, submit bug
reports ore feature requests, be part of the development team (to be build ;-) 
) ...

For details and download see
Please clone and play with it. Any response is welcome.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Versioning without files

2011-01-11 Thread Ingo Koch
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Ingo Koch  wrote:
>> I'm working on a C# wrapper library around fossil
>> and I encountered some commands which require user input.
> Tell me about these commands when you encounter them and I'll add
> command-line options to work around the user input.

I think it would be easier to modify the function

void prompt_user(const char *zPrompt, Blob *pIn){
  printf("%s", zPrompt); // change to printf("%s\n", zPrompt);
You could include a setting like prompt-with-newline defaulting to false to let
the users decide whether to insert a newline after the prompt or not.

Anyhow, here is a list of the prompts from within command execution:

void branch_new(void){
prompt_user("unable to sign manifest.  continue (y/N)? ", &ans);

void clean_cmd(void){
char *prompt = mprintf("remove unmanaged file \"%s\" (y/N)? ",
db_column_text(&q, 0));
prompt_user(prompt, &ans);

void commit_cmd(void){
prompt_user("continue in spite of sync failure (y/N)? ", &ans);
prompt_user("continue in spite of time skew (y/N)? ", &ans);
prompt_user("empty check-in comment.  continue (y/N)? ", &ans);
prompt_user("unable to sign manifest.  continue (y/N)? ", &ans);

int ssl_open(void){
prompt = mprintf("\nUnknown SSL certificate:\n\n%s\n\n%s\n"
 "Accept certificate [a=always/y/N]? ", desc, warning);

prompt_user(prompt, &ans);

void scrub_cmd(void){
prompt_user("Scrubbing the repository will permanently remove user\n"
"passwords and other information. Changes cannot be undone.\n"
"Continue (y/N)? ", &ans);

void user_cmd(void){
prompt_user("login: ", &login);
prompt_user("contact-info: ", &contact);

called by checkout (and open which calls checkout), merge and update:
void vfile_to_disk(
zMsg = mprintf("overwrite %s (a=always/y/N)? ", zName);
prompt_user(zMsg, &ans);

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Versioning without files

2011-01-11 Thread Ingo Koch
Am 11.01.2011 18:45, schrieb Stephan Beal:
> On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 1:44 PM, David Bovill  wrote:
>> In my case I'd like to be able to keep track of script elements, handlers,
>> functions, methods, classes etc and not the files they happen to be inin
>> a db is much the same, but I am wandering how I can use the db to store
>> metadata such as the files the function is found in, so that I can link the
>> script elements to these files.
> IIRC, one user recently posted that he [ab]used the wiki in that manner. He
> stored some metadata in wiki pages and fished it out from there.
> If your IDE interface to DVCSs is shell/command based, fossil shouldn't pose
> any particular problems for you. 
That's not the full truth.  I'm working on a C# wrapper library around fossil
and I encountered some commands which require user input. My problem is that on
Windows I can't read the line containing fossils prompt because it isn't
terminated by a newline.
The Process class I'm using to run fossil only provides an event which is fired
after a newline is read from stdout or stderr.
I've compiled my own version of fossil where a newline is added to the prompt,
so that I can implement the wrapper without waiting for my feature request to be
implemented  ;)
An other pitfall may be the many different answers fossil generates as a
response to the different commands. They are readable for human beings, but a
wrapper has to parse them, it has to be prepared for different kinds of output
layout even for one command when used with different switches, it has to
separate information from eye candy and so on and so on.
I thought it would be easier as it is.

> However, fossil is a monolithic
> application, as opposed to a library with a CLI front-end, which makes it
> essentially impossible to write anything _except_ shell-based add-ons for
> it. Two or three years ago (has it been that long already!?!?!?) i looked
> very closely at how to refactor fossil as a library+app, but by that point
> fossil was already so large that the effort involved would have been
> tremendous (and fossil has always evolved quickly, so it would not only be a
> big target, but a fast-moving one). Such a refactor/rewrite would, however,
> make things like GUIs much easier to write.
I second this. A library version of fossil is on top of my wish list.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Prevent the hex dump of binary files

2010-09-20 Thread Ingo Koch

Hi all,

being new to fossil, there is a big chance that I'm doing something wrong. ;-)
May be you can help me:
I've set up a repository for a project that beside the source files has a lot of
binary files like pdf or doc files. What I see when I click on the corresponding
link in the files view is a hex dump of the file. That's pretty useless for me
and rather time consuming if you have big binary files. I could avoid this by
just not clicking on those file links.

I've attached one of the documents to a wiki page to access the doc from the
wiki documentation pages. The result was a new section on the wiki page called
Attachments with something which looked like a link to the document. Clicking on
the link teleported me to the page of the artifact I've checked in before.

Again I see the hex dump of the file, which still is useless for me and I guess
for anyone else too.

Meanwhile I've managed how to embedd links to the stored binaries on the wiki 
so that I'm offered to download or open them, but the hex dump on the artifact 
still bothers me.

Is there anything I can do to prevent the display of the hex dump for binary 

An other question directed to the maintainer:

Is there any chance that fossil will be split into a frontend like fossil.exe
and a library fossil.dll which has a well defined API so that other applications
could use fossil without calling fossil.exe and parsing the output to see what

The reason I'm asking is that (after years of using CVS and now Subversion) I
really like the DVCS approach and fossil with the integrated bug tracking and
wiki is what I missed for so long.

I'd like to introduce it in the company I'm working for, but those who got
access to a test project griped about the lack of support for their favorite
development environment. Especially the windows developers are not amused if
they have to switch to the command line to do anything related to version
control. They want to do a right click on the file or project and select commit
from a menu. They want to enter the commit message in a dialog box instead of
providing it on the command line. You can imagine ...

I thought about writing a C# wrapper to do all the tasks by calling the
fossil.exe and provide an interface to implement a SccProvider for Visual
Studio, but that's quite difficult due to the variety of possible answers from
fossil which have to be parsed.
A well defined API like the one for SQLite would make things a lot easier.
I think that fossil could be even more attractive for developers if there would
be an easier way to integrate it into other applications.

Nevertheless, thanks for fossil. It's a great peace of software.


fossil-users mailing list