[FOSSology] at SCALE Feb 25-25 Los Angeles

2011-01-05 Thread Bob Gobeille
Hi Everyone,
I plan on being at the Southern California Linux Expo Feb 25-27

So of anyone wants to get together there and talk about fossology, let me know. 
 I'll be in the HP booth, but we can get together in the evening if you would 

Bob Gobeille

fossology mailing list

Re: [FOSSology] Reg: Updates to Fossology repository

2011-01-05 Thread Bob Gobeille
Hi Pravin,
I can answer your question on updating licenses and copyrights.

How to add a license is documented on http://fossology.org/nomos.  However, 
adding a license is a code fork.  So if this is a license that is not specific 
to you, it would be good to get it into the fossology distribution.   We have 
had people who aren't committers send us patches.  I've also added licenses on 
request.I could add a method to simplify this, but so far there hasn't been 
much demand.

Alex, who wrote the copyright scanner is going to write up how to update it.  
Currently, the copyright scanner uses a very small dictionary to identify 
copyrights and other developer touch points.   The dictionary looks like this:


So one thing you can do is extend this dictionary.  However, we could add a 
second method that uses regex's so that you could write very specific rules.  
Would that be helpful or does extending the dictionary work for you?  If you 
can share on this list (or send me privately if necessary) the copyrights that 
are being missed, we can get a better idea of the problem you see and what the 
solution is.

Bob Gobeille

On Dec 27, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Ma, Dong (Vincent, 
ES-Best-Shore-Services-China-BJ) wrote:

 Hi Pravin,
 Sorry for the late reply as most of fossology team member in vacation now.
 Regarding your request,  I can try to help with this:
 Request 1:
 1.   Your installation is from source or packages?
 a.   If from source, you need to check out new release code, compile and 
 install with install instruction from source.
 b.  If from packages, the new packages will support upgrade.
 2.   Both from source/packages, the upgrade process will not remove your 
 old date in the repository and database.
 Request 2:
 For now we didn’t support edit the analysis  results, if needed you should 
 update from database, this will be our further feature.
 Hope that help some.
 From: fossology-boun...@fossology.org 
 [mailto:fossology-boun...@fossology.org] On Behalf Of Pravin Jagatheesan
 Sent: Friday, December 24, 2010 5:02 PM
 To: fossology@fossology.org
 Subject: [FOSSology] Reg: Updates to Fossology repository
 I have installed the latest version of fossology 1.2.1
 Appreciate if someone can help me with the following
 1.   How to update the repository when there are new releases from 
 2.   How do I update a license or copyright in my local repository as I 
 have some application specific copyrights
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 ***INFOSYS End of Disclaimer INFOSYS***

fossology mailing list

[FOSSology] Test packages for FO 1.3.0 now available

2011-01-05 Thread Laser, Mary
Greetings  Happy New Year!

The FOSSology Project is pleased to announce availability of test packages for 
FOSSology 1.3.0.  Per the attachments, unofficial install packages for testing 
on the following platforms  distros are available for download:

* Debian Packages (amd64  i386)  http://fossology.org/debian/1.3.0-rc1/

* RPM Packages (rhel5/centos5 fedora12 fedora13 i386 and x86_64) 

Please refer to the attached instructions to configure your system to use apt 
or yum for installing the FOSSology packages.  (We are having trouble creating 
Ubuntu packages, but plan to have them available at release time.)

New features/enhancements include:
1. Groups. http://fossology.org/perms  Implemented user groups inside of 
fossology as an indirect but critical requirement for 1.3 because tagging (the 
real 1.3 requirement) is dependent on having groups to administer tag 
2. http://fossology.org/tagging File Tagging
  I.   The ability to attach a tag (short (max 32 
character) tag, plus a long text) to a file or container.
 II.   Tagging requires permission for creating, 
attaching, and viewing tags which is why we have a dependency on groups.
3. Copyright agent replaced. A quick experiment showed that we get better 
results with simple heuristics rather than the old agent based on naive Bayes.
4. Fixed a cp2foss authentication bug that prevented bucket agent from getting 
5. Many bug fixes!
There are a couple known bugs in unpack when running under RHEL/Fedora.  
(http://bugs.linux-foundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=596 and 
http://bugs.linux-foundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=597)  Fixes have been checked 
in and will be rolled into the next set of test packages.

Please report any other bugs using our bug reporting system hosted by The Linux 
Foundation at http://bugs.linux-foundation.org/ OR, write to the fossology 
mailing list.

The FOSSology Project

Hi Mary,

The 1.3.0rc1 packages from Mark for lenny i386 and x86_64 platform are 
I put them on http://fossology.org/debian/1.3.0-rc1/

1. To use apt-get install fossology, you need
add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list on the machine where there are to be 
deb http://fossology.org/debian/1.3.0-rc1/ ./

2. How to install
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install fossology
Notice: You need generate two files under /etc/apache2/sites-available, 
I do not confirm if this is one defect.

They are:
File Content is:
Alias /repo/ /usr/share/fossology/www/
Directory /usr/share/fossology/www
AllowOverride None
Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
# uncomment to turn on php error reporting
#php_flag display_errors on
#php_value error_reporting 2039

3. I am testing the packages, if find any issues, will file bugs, or discuss 
with team.


Best Regards,
Larry Shi(Shi Yao-Bin)
Open Source Program Office (EB-BAS-BECOM-BJ)
China Hewlett-Packard

---End Message---
Hi Team,

The 1.3.0rc1 packages for rhel5/centos5 fedora12 fedora13 i386 and x86_64 
platform are available. You can download from
--   rhel5/centos5 i386
---  rhel5/centos5 x86_64
   ---  fedora12 i386
  ---  fedora12 x86_64
   ---  fedora13 i386
   --- fedora13 x86_64

To use yum install,

1.you need add repo file to /etc/yum.repo.d/.

2.   Rhel/CentOS repo file need add following lines:

# FOSSology release candidates and other special builds
name=Fossology testing

3.   Fedora repo file need add following lines:

# FOSSology release candidates and other special builds


name=Fossology testing




4.   yum --enablerepo=fossology-testing install fossology

Vincent Ma ( 马冬 )

Hewlett-Packard Co.,