Hi Jeroen,
We always like feedback.  See embedded comments.
Bob Gobeille

On Feb 9, 2011, at 3:38 AM, Jeroen Baten wrote:

> primary feedback: I love this tool! How can I help?

We have a developer's mailing list fossology-de...@fossology.org.  Give us 
enough information so we can get an idea of your competencies, then we can make 
suggestions.  If you have a particular area of interest, let us know.  
Typically what we do is have people send us patches.  Then when we are all 
comfortable with your judgement and ability, we would give you commit access.   
There are so many things to do on this project, take a look at 
http://fossology.org/task_list.  Those are features, but we also have docs, 
install testing, feature testing, language translations, ...

> question: someone told me about 'maven site' that show licensing
> information. I have the feeling Fossology is better but I lack the
> arguments. Can you help?

I think maven records licenses in their project object but doesn't figure out 
what they are.  I really don't know much about it.

> Features wanted:

For every release we prioritize what we should do.  The priority is very 
heavily based on what users tell us would make them more productive.  Keep that 
in mind in the discussion that follows.  Things that aren't a priority now, 
could become so if we hear from enough users.  Sometimes "enough users" can be 

> =======================================================================
> -Guestimations in the job details screen. Great that I am analyzing a
> gazillion files, but when will it end approximately?

Do you have some ideas on how to do this?  I do but it's not high on the 

> -Did I already mention guestimations? :-)
> -Why am I seeing the contents of a binary in the 'browse' screen? Maybe
> a warning 'are your sure' beforehand?

We don't show a warning because it's reasonable that you want to see the 
binary.  That's why we have 3 options for how it is displayed (hex, text, 
formatted).  If you click "View" on a binary, you will see the binary.

But we have had errors where a binary was not unpacked.  In that case you 
expect to be able to drill down through it to see it's component files, but 
cannot.  All you can do is view the binary.

> -in job screen links to short help on text in 2nd column would be great
> for newbie. What is this step doing?

Are you looking at the agent name column (unpack, adj2nest, pkgagent, 
fo_notify, nomos, ...)?

> -in job screen: links in "Queued Scheduled  Running Finished Blocked
> Failed" to show only those type jobs.

The "Queued, Scheduled, ..." colored bar aren't links.  That is just a legend 
for the color codes.  We never thought about making them links, but I can see 
the appeal.   We are working on a new scheduler for V2.0.   We should revisit 
this with 2.0.

> -My first mistake was uploading a binary file. Don't know how to prevent
> that one though.

What type of binary file?  Was it an archive (bz2, gzip, tar, iso,...) or a 
single file binary like a .exe?  The former should have been unpacked, the 
latter not.

> -upload direct from subversion and also download sources of dependencies
> (maven libs and stuf)

Upload from subversion is on http://fossology.org/task_list.   I suspect this 
one will bubble up in priority fairly fast if we get more user requests.   

> -hudson plugin 

Mark (fossology developer on this list) was working on that.  He could fill us 
in on the status.

> -nagios check: job with id X only found known open source licenses means
> status green. found unknown license: staus orange. Found known closed
> source license: status red.

This is a new one.  There is a proposal for a REST API on 
http://fossology.org/task_list.   However, the proposal is languishing due to 
lack of response.

> Errors encountered in php and query code:
> =======================================================================
> -I don't know it they are big, but here's my syslog:
> I dedoubled stuff but maybe missed 1 or 2.
> Feb  9 09:20:26 htn-ws-3092 httpd: PHP Notice:  Undefined index:

All of these Undefined Index notices can be ignored.  You have your php logging 
level turned up very high to see these.  That said, I have the same log level 
and we try to fix them when we see them in any code we are touching.  We just 
haven't caught them all.

> Feb  9 09:35:58 htn-ws-3092 postgres[29401]: [2-1] 2011-02-09 09:35:58
> CET ::1 4d524b2d.72d9ERROR:  prepared statement
> "FolderGetFromUpload_1_exported" already exists

I've been meaning to fix these duplicate prepared statement errors for a long 
time.  You can safely ignore them.  They are really notices not errors, but 
they are annoying and can clog up the postgres log file.

Thanks for the feedback, and we would be happy for you to work on fossology 
with us.  The nice thing about working on an open source project like this is 
that you can fix all the things that annoy you.  ;-)

Bob Gobeille
fossology mailing list

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