Re: [Candidacy] Thomas Thurman

2007-11-19 Thread Thomas Thurman
On 19/11/2007, Olav Vitters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 17, 2007 at 12:07:27PM -0500, Thomas Thurman wrote:
> > I did send this email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
> >, but in a conversation a short while later I
> > was convinced that I could best help the Foundation by not being on
> > the BoD; I cancelled the foundation-list posting and asked on
> > #sysadmin for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] ticket to be killed, but clearly it
> > didn't happen in time. For the avoidance of doubt, I am not standing
> > in this election. Sorry for the confusion.
> I asked what it was about when I saw your message (a few hours later).
> However, I don't have access to the elections queue (not that I knew
> what queue it was in), nor do I want to possibly override some team (of
> course I've used a different account with access). Most people in
> #sysadmin actually do not have access to these queues.

Ah, sorry, I didn't realise. I would say "I'll know for next time",
but presumably there won't be a next time :) Sorry for all the

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Og Maciel
Hello there,

Had a pretty long day at the office and didn't get a chance to work on
this all day... so here it goes.

[1] How much impact would being a member of the GNOME Foundation Board
have on your current contributions to GNOME ?

Up until now all of my contributions have been in the form of
translations to Brazilian Portuguese and bringing more contributors to
the Brazilian translation team. Because of my involvement with
Foresight Linux and the fact that it is very GNOME-y-centric, I have
also been involved with bug reports and in a way advocating for its
simplicity of use and (yet) powerful features. However, I have always
wanted to reach a broader audience and not only be confined within the
Brazilian or translation arena. I believe that my ideas and plans,
should I be elected as a member of the Board of Directors, will allow
us to get our (GNOME) foot on the door of many new and exciting
opportunities and promote GNOME as a great desktop environment,
development platform, and a symbol of technological innovation.

[2] Online Desktop and Services are being talked about as the next
large step in GNOME - what is your vision for Online Desktop and
Services and how would you measure them ?

As many of the other candidates mentioned here, the Online Desktop
could be the one thing that will tip the scale when users choose their
desktop environment. I've had the opportunity to see a few demos and
was fairly impressed with its potential. I believe that it is not up
to the Board to decide on the implementation or even which
tools/languages to use, but serve as a facilitator and guiding light
to make sure that the project stays on track and focused... GNOME
users have become used to expect innovation and great software in
every release, so the Online Desktop could definitely provide that
extra buzz!

[3] What are the SMART goals that you desire to set for yourself
should you be elected to the Board ?

a) Promote, Promote, Promote! Everybody now! :)  I feel that there
isn't enough marketing going on for quite some time now. I feel that
every single achievement and milestone deserves to be shout out in
every single venue! Major releases? Minor releases? New developers
joined in? A new school started using GNOME as their preffered desktop
environment? Everything should be promoted, no matter how small some
people may deem it. It is all about making people recognize the GNOME
name and product!;

b) Pay extra attention to making sure current and previous
collaborators are properly credited and acknowledged for their
contributions. Every little bit counts! And because GNOME is about
people, I'd like to see us grow as a strong community.

c) Bring the GNOME Fun Wagon to newer places! Fund smaller, localized
events so that people get to experience the GNOME goodness! Big events
like GUADEC are cool (I assume since I haven't been to one yet) and we
should definitely market it a bit more, but smaller events are
probably the best bang for your buck as far as attracting new users
and collaborators.

d) Expand our collaborative relationships to encompass other projects
and distros, to help promote better communication channels and ensure
that our partners and distributors have a place to get what they need,
as well as provide us with usefull information and feedback on ways to
improve. Often patches and improvements seem to travel on a one-way
street, and we could improve our chances of making it a two-way road
by opening newer communication channels.

e) Revisit our build methodology and work new ways to automate and
validate the tedious building process for our releases.

f) Have I said that GNOME is people yet? :)  Let us  tickle that GNOME
foot and make the whole user experience fun and rewarding!

[4] If you are a candidate for the first time, what are the areas that
you think you can do better ?

I feel that I can help improve marketing and exposure. I also feel
that I can bring in my community building experience to solidify what
we currently have and make sure we can bring in more people and bridge
gaps with other projects. Finally, make sure everyone has fun too!

[5] Do you think it is important to mentor and coach potential leaders
in the GNOME community ? If yes, what do you think the role of the
Board be in this task ? If no, what are your thoughts on this ?

Absolutely! It is my opinion that any type of governance body has as
its utmost responsibility the education of those you serve. I have
always believed that a manager is not only the person that gets a team
to deliver a product, but also someone who will guide you and help you
grow as a professional. Sadly, you don't see that happening everyday
and most people forget their own issues and turmoils once they've
reached some type of managerial position. As the leader for the Ubuntu
Brazilian Translation team, I took upon myself to coach and guide
several individuals (who were genuinely committed to our project) on
how to make sure the project worked smoo

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Diego Escalante Urrelo
On 11/19/07, Bruno Boaventura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With the final list of candidates announced, it's time to submit
> questions about the GNOME Foundation and GNOME Project to this years
> prospective Board of Directors.
> The list, a summary of each candidate's statement and a link to each
> candidate's candidacy can be found at:
> Here we'll go:
> [1] How much impact would being a member of the GNOME Foundation Board
> have on your current contributions to GNOME ?

It won't have a big impact, right now my main activity is minor bug
fixing and a good bunch of bug triaging.
As I said on my candidacy statement, I'm planning on devoting a bigger
part of my GNOME time to Board activities, but given that my GNOME
work is anyway not really time consuming or absorving I don't think my
usual GNOME contributions will be hurt, I'm not a rockstar and I'm not
planning on becoming one for the next 18 months.

> [2] Online Desktop and Services are being talked about as the next
> large step in GNOME - what is your vision for Online Desktop and
> Services and how would you measure them ?

I think OD is really a cool project, I have heard lots of opinions
saying it's great and others saying it's just an Active Desktop copy
(hah!). There are other not directly related projects that make me
dream of great innovation in the short term, for example Telepathy and
"tubes". Having that kind of integration between communication and
collaboration is going to make us rock.

OD is a great opportunity to innovate freely and go a step further,
the vision behind it is quite realistic for our time: "stuff is
happening online, let's integrate with it". After all, one of our
killer features is being an integrated desktop :).

I'm sure OnlineDesktop will produce some interesting new ideas and
applications. Talking about the role of the Foundation with this
project, I'd say that it's important to support this and other
initiatives with the resources they need -as long as it's realistic
and reasonable-.

> [3] What are the SMART goals that you desire to set for yourself
> should you be elected to the Board ?

- Support initiatives in Latin America for getting people involved as
users and developers. Concretely, I would like to "deploy" 2 or 3 of
our rockstars next year to a LA-tour, as seen on marketing-list[0] and
later gugmasters[1] the idea has had a positive response. I would like
to serve as a direct link to this initiative and hopefully other
similar ones.

- Help on showing the Board as a more transparent group, it's not that
today it's not transparent, but I would like to make it as crystal
clear as possible so people does know what happens in the Board and
how the work is done (of course, as long as it doesn't disrupt the
privacy of the matters discussed, common sense implied).
I think this can have a positive impact on the number of people
approaching with ideas and initiatives, also at the end of the term I
would like to see a good number of candidates given that the doubt
about what would it take to be on the board would be then a lot
smaller, if not gone.

- Putting attention to details, I confess I'm a perfectionist and I'm
not planning on stop being one on the next 18 months :).

- I would also be glad to be a channel for people to communicate with
the Board, I feel that given my age and friendly attitude people won't
feel inhibited from talking to me.

> [4] If you are a candidate for the first time, what are the areas that
> you think you can do better ?

I think that my context is quite different to other people already
working on the Board, not that it's better but it's just different.

I'm quite young (20), I'm peruvian, and silly as this sounds I think
that gives me a totally different set of ideas and ways of thinking
that can complement perfectly with the other members of the Board.

Some of the things I see room for improvement are the ones on question (3).

As for skills to offer, I feel that my work over the last year and a
half with my local LUG organizing conferences and workshops have given
me a good knowledge of how to work with people and have made me immune
to the boredom of administrative tasks. I also enjoy doing public
relations and marketing.

> [5] Do you think it is important to mentor and coach potential leaders
> in the GNOME community ? If yes, what do you think the role of the
> Board be in this task ? If no, what are your thoughts on this ?

This is really important, I think one of the key factors to the
success of a group is producing new leaders and developing their
Leadership is not limited only to being on top of a committee or being
a Board member, leadership should be present on every single aspect of
an organization through its people. We should think of everyone as
possible leaders and encourage them to not be afraid of taking the
first step into something.
Leadership is one of the factors of 

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 22:16 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> Please do stick to the regular routine. But I guess it's too late for
> that now.

May I suggest that all further questions be sent to the election
committee (no CC to foundation-list!) for a second round?


"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little
 Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 20:07 +0200, Baris Cicek wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 08:30 -0300, Bruno Boaventura wrote:
> > I think the members can propose questions and send them to the
> > Membership Committee select the best questions. Can the others members
> > of MC say something about this?
> That's possible, however it doesn't look like necessary. Membership can
> direct their questions if they really look for answer, that's why it's a
> debate at all. Candidates are free to ignore questions, though they
> should consider that would affect membership votes.

This generally leads to chaos. Questions will be duplicated, and it
won't be easy to see what questions each candidate has actually answered
because they will choose not to swamp us with duplicate answers, but
they won't reply to the same duplicates. Or they will swamp us.

Please do stick to the regular routine. But I guess it's too late for
that now.

> Current set of questions cover general BoD responsibilities and they are
> mostly aggregated questions over years with some popular topics. Voting
> will begin in a week so getting questions through or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list can be time consuming. I
> think this should be noted for next elections and preparing question set
> should be started earlier than this year so that necessary channels of
> communication could be used. 
> Either way, we're in a period of knowing prospective board members more,
> and it's best to use this time with more productive manner. That means
> polemics and things that do not relate with Foundation or Board of
> Directors should be avoided during the debate. If you have some
> questions you can just wait some days, and/or elaborate on topics in the
> middle of this week. 


foundation-list mailing list

Re: [Candidacy] Thomas Thurman

2007-11-19 Thread Olav Vitters
On Sat, Nov 17, 2007 at 12:07:27PM -0500, Thomas Thurman wrote:
> I did send this email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
>, but in a conversation a short while later I
> was convinced that I could best help the Foundation by not being on
> the BoD; I cancelled the foundation-list posting and asked on
> #sysadmin for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] ticket to be killed, but clearly it
> didn't happen in time. For the avoidance of doubt, I am not standing
> in this election. Sorry for the confusion.

I asked what it was about when I saw your message (a few hours later).
However, I don't have access to the elections queue (not that I knew
what queue it was in), nor do I want to possibly override some team (of
course I've used a different account with access). Most people in
#sysadmin actually do not have access to these queues.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Brian Cameron

Thanks for the thoughtful questions.

 > With the final list of candidates announced, it's time to submit
 > questions about the GNOME Foundation and GNOME Project to this years
 > prospective Board of Directors.
 > [1] How much impact would being a member of the GNOME Foundation Board
 > have on your current contributions to GNOME ?

I anticipate that spending time on the GNOME Foundation would augment
the current work that I am involved with, and help me to find new and
more exciting ways to be involved with the community.  I do not think
it would detract from my current involvements in any significant way.

Now that I am sharing GDM maintainership duties with William Jon McCann,
I am expecting to have more free time to invest with the GNOME community
in general.

 > [2] Online Desktop and Services are being talked about as the next
 > large step in GNOME - what is your vision for Online Desktop and
 > Services and how would you measure them ?

I think the GNOME Online Desktop is an important initiative, but
one of many.  I think it needs to be balanced against other important
projects.  But I do think that it adds value to the GNOME desktop
experience to have an easy interface for using online tools.

I agree with Jeff Waugh that it is a good goal for the GNOME Foundation
to provide online services which can be used with the client
applications that the GNOME community is intending to provide.

I also think it would be valuable to outreach to other popular
online desktop tools and develop partnerships, if possible, to
make the GNOME Online Desktop a premier and supported interface for
accessing their tools from the GNOME desktop.

 > [3] What are the SMART goals that you desire to set for yourself
 > should you be elected to the Board ?

I think the most important goal is to make myself available to get
the tasks presented to the board completed in a timely fashion, and
to take responsibility for enough tasks that my contributions adds
value to the process.

Other goals include

- My goal would be to foster a stronger community of volunteers to
   help with making GNOME the best desktop for users with accessibility
   needs and to better encourage new people to get involved with the
   community via gnome-love.
- Ensure that the Foundation provides the services needed for the
   GNOME Online Desktop project to add value to the community.
- I have been involved with the roadmap project, and plan to take on
   more roadmap responsibilities and work over the next year.
- I plan to be involved with making next year's GUADEC successful.  I
   was previously involved with helping to make the Dublin GUADEC happen,
   so I have some experience with this.
- I would like to get more involved with legal topics surrounding GNOME,
   especially in the media arena.
- Getting the Foundation more focused on process improvement so that we
   deliver the highest quality desktop with minimal effort.

 > [4] If you are a candidate for the first time, what are the areas that
 > you think you can do better ?

I have a great deal of experience with interface stability,
accessibility, with multimedia legal issues, and with the GNOME
community in general, which I bring to the table.

 > [5] Do you think it is important to mentor and coach potential leaders
 > in the GNOME community ? If yes, what do you think the role of the
 > Board be in this task ? If no, what are your thoughts on this ?

I agree that delegation is important for organizations to work
effectively, and mentorship is a part of delegation.

I think it is an important part of the Foundation to encourage new
people to get involved with volunteer aspects of the community.  I
would like to encourage more participation from communities that
are not so well represented today.  For example, users with 
accessibility needs.  I think having someone on the board with
accessibility experience is important to foster these sorts of

I mentioned as a part of my goals an interest to invest time making
gnome-love a more successful avenue for getting people involved with
the GNOME project.  I believe that the Google Summer of Code also
offers opportunities for the Foundation to get involved with encouraging
mentorship within the community.

 > [6] Some of the tasks of a Board Member are mundane administrative
 > tasks, are you comfortable taking on such tasks as opposed to being
 > always involved in strategic and visionary thinking ?

I am effective at getting mundane, but necessary, tasks completed.
Within Sun, I have been effective working with processes like
providing documentation for the Sun Architectural Review Committee
(ARC).  I am picky about good documentation and have done much of
the documentation efforts for GDM and Solaris GNOME manpages.  I'd
like to be more involved with doing such tasks that benefit
the GNOME community in general.

 > [7] What or which according to you, is the one "tipping point" move
 > for GNOME in the coming year ?

Section 508 A

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Baris Cicek

On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 08:30 -0300, Bruno Boaventura wrote:
> On Nov 19, 2007 8:22 AM, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Don't the members get the opportunity to propose questions this year, as
> > > in past years? Usually there is a gnomedesktop story & comments.
> I've been posted to gnomedesktop too, but it's not appearing yet... is
> there some type of moderation?
> > I ask only because if members do have questions, it becomes extremely
> > time-consuming for candidates to answer 10 or 15 different emails, and
> > difficult for members to follow. The idea of a call for questions was to
> > reduce the amount of mail people have to reply to & read.
> I think the members can propose questions and send them to the
> Membership Committee select the best questions. Can the others members
> of MC say something about this?
That's possible, however it doesn't look like necessary. Membership can
direct their questions if they really look for answer, that's why it's a
debate at all. Candidates are free to ignore questions, though they
should consider that would affect membership votes. 

Current set of questions cover general BoD responsibilities and they are
mostly aggregated questions over years with some popular topics. Voting
will begin in a week so getting questions through or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list can be time consuming. I
think this should be noted for next elections and preparing question set
should be started earlier than this year so that necessary channels of
communication could be used. 

Either way, we're in a period of knowing prospective board members more,
and it's best to use this time with more productive manner. That means
polemics and things that do not relate with Foundation or Board of
Directors should be avoided during the debate. If you have some
questions you can just wait some days, and/or elaborate on topics in the
middle of this week. 

> Cheers!
> Bruno
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Jeff Waugh

> [1] How much impact would being a member of the GNOME Foundation Board
> have on your current contributions to GNOME ?

Not a huge amount -- most of what I do these days is either related in some
way to the Board, or keeping things ticking as maintenance. While I've been
on the Board, I've still had the time to do large projects such as creating and massive repair work on our mail server.

> [2] Online Desktop and Services are being talked about as the next large
> step in GNOME - what is your vision for Online Desktop and Services and
> how would you measure them ?

GOD is only one of the many interesting opportunities we have right now, so
I think there's a broader conversation to have here -- but it's also mostly
outside the scope of what the Foundation does.

GOD raises some interesting questions for the Foundation though, which I've
commented on at GUADEC and on this list in the past: Should the Foundation
start hosting services? What can we provide that supports our community and
commercial ecosystem, without creating unnecessary competition?

I want the Foundation to play a role here, but we have to figure out just
what that is going to be -- where the GOD developers have an idea that is
unrealistic without some kind of central support, I want them to know they
can lean on the Foundation. I don't want our software to suffer because we
don't have the organisational cajones to support great ideas. :-)

> [3] What are the SMART goals that you desire to set for yourself should
> you be elected to the Board ?

Is 'SMART' a management acronym of some kind, or capitalised for emphasis? I
wasn't expecting candidates to suggest DUMB goals... ;-) I think I'll answer
this in question [8].

> [4] If you were part of the GNOME Board last year and a candidate again,
> what would you like to put as your achievements as a Board member ?

They may seem small, but I'm very glad to have fixed two outstanding issues
with the operation of the GNOME Foundation: The position of 'President' has
been held by someone who has not had an active role in the Foundation for a
long time -- we've now established the convention that the President of the
GNOME Foundation will be an elected director playing substantially the same
role we've referred to as 'Chairman' for years. I also pursued a change to
our bylaws that results in the next Board term starting with a face-to-face
meeting at GUADEC. Towards the end of the year I've done quite a bit of
outreach to companies considering participation in GNOME and the Foundation
(which hopefully makes up for the start of the year when I was pretty burnt
out after 2007 -- I keep forgetting about that black hole).

> [5] Do you think it is important to mentor and coach potential leaders in
> the GNOME community ? If yes, what do you think the role of the Board be
> in this task ? If no, what are your thoughts on this ?

Yes, in both technology and community roles. I have some thoughts about how
we can do better with technology mentorship, but they are not relevant to my
candidacy (because the Foundation does not play a role in the technical side
of the project other than handling emergencies and resolving disputes).

Next year, I want to involve more contributors in Foundation activities as
"delegates" of the Board, responsible for particular tasks or projects for
the community. We've dabbled in this a bit in the past, but always in a very
casual kind of way. I want to pursue it in a more robust fashion, ensuring
that contributors are involved in things like the Board conference calls, to
report on their activities and be a part of the team.

If we make a real effort to do this well, we can grow the number of people
who are contributing in community roles, and who might want to run for the
Board in the future. I do see it as essentially a mentoring opportunity.

> [6] Some of the tasks of a Board Member are mundane administrative tasks,
> are you comfortable taking on such tasks as opposed to being always
> involved in strategic and visionary thinking ?

Yeah. Half my GNOME time is spent doing the relatively mundane anyway. :-)

> [7] What or which according to you, is the one "tipping point" move for
> GNOME in the coming year ?

For GNOME in general I think the dovetailing of so much work in disparate
little related projects is going to make one of 2.22-2.26 *really* shine.
More needs to be done to encourage this dovetailing -- we need to be more
proactive about it.

For the GNOME Foundation (which is what is important here), I think that
making a artful hire within the next 12-18 months may have a huge impact on
the resources we have to hand, and our commercial ecosystem (whether that
means the traditional big players or the recent influx of smaller companies
involved in GNOME). I say "artful" because I strongly believe we can't rush
in and hire "just anyone" so we can claim to have a warm body -- we need
someone who can bring a very different skill set to

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Luis Villa
On Nov 19, 2007 5:39 AM, Bruno Boaventura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Note: I have a very unusual/atypical candidacy statement.

I've sent one clarification in response to questions in IRC. If anyone
has more questions, please *please* send them- don't sit on them. I'm
eager to answer them, since what I'm doing is so unusual.

> [1] How much impact would being a member of the GNOME Foundation Board
> have on your current contributions to GNOME ?

It would be purely positive. Currently I am able to do very little for
GNOME; with more time (as I move into the second half of my course at
school) and with better communication (as I work very closely with the
board) I hope to be able to do much more.

[Some of you may remember that I predicted at GUADEC '06 that I
wouldn't be back until 2010; that changed in part because I decided
not to take a fourth year at school; in part because my second year
has proved less time-consuming than I thought it would; and in part
because I see a unique opportunity to apply my skills right now. On
the down side, as I'm now more aware of what I'll be doing after
graduation, I expect that I'll disappear again for a while after
graduation- they don't make it easy for first years at large law firms

> [2] Online Desktop and Services are being talked about as the next
> large step in GNOME - what is your vision for Online Desktop and
> Services and how would you measure them ?

Two things:

(1) I think the board's role in technical/strategic issues like OD and
Services should be fairly minimal, generally. The vision needs to come
from the people designing and implementing the code; the board then
needs to understand that vision and help grease the way for it- for
example, by getting corporate partners on board.

(2) I think it is inevitable that GNOME, or GNOME partners, will be
offering web-backed services to GNOME users. My personal vision for
that is to dot the i's and cross the t's on the legal parts- to make
sure that as we sail into uncharted waters, the rights of GNOME users
and contributors are being protected.

> [3] What are the SMART goals that you desire to set for yourself
> should you be elected to the Board ?

I assume by SMART you mean:

I prefer the related GTD, myself. ;) [Goal: beg someone to write a
kick-ass GNOME-based GTD app. :)

I'll repeat what I said in my candidacy statement: my goal is to be
the legal facilitator for the board for 18 months, and create bridges
between our legal partners (Wilson Sonsini and Software Freedom Law
Center) and ourselves. These issues are basically 'unmaintained' in
hacker-speak. Since they are unmaintained, there is a lot of
low-hanging fruit that I can pick once I'm elected. (If someone really
wants to see them all listed, I can do that, but I'd prefer you just
trust me on this one- I only have so many hours in the day ;)

> [4] If you were part of the GNOME Board last year and a candidate
> again, what would you like to put as your achievements as a Board
> member ?

This seems like the better question for me to answer, since I've been
on the board before. Some of my primary goals in my last term were:

* marketing: I put together a liveCD, and wrote some of the press
releases. Could have done better on creating an infrastructure around
this, though once I left the board I helped encourage the current
liveCD work (thanks, rpath/foresight!)

* employee/fund management: I pushed hard to make Tim's role more
transparent, I think successfully, and some of our first published
financial data came out during that time.

* road map: with Dave Camp's help, I put together the first draft of
the road map, and maintained it for a while.

* GUADEC: I promised to get more involved in this, but did not, for a
variety of reasons.

> [5] Do you think it is important to mentor and coach potential leaders
> in the GNOME community ? If yes, what do you think the role of the
> Board be in this task ? If no, what are your thoughts on this ?

Actually pushing the work to non-board members is the best way to
bring new leaders into the fold, so I think the best thing the board
can do is aggressively delegate outside the board and work with those
folks to get them the skills, resources and contacts they need to
complete the tasks.

> [6] Some of the tasks of a Board Member are mundane administrative
> tasks, are you comfortable taking on such tasks as opposed to being
> always involved in strategic and visionary thinking ?

I've already volunteered to do the most mundane task of all-
secretary. So I think 'yes' :)

> [7] What or which according to you, is the one "tipping point" move
> for GNOME in the coming year ?

For better or for worse, much of the world's most interesting software
development is now being done on the web. This is a trend which shows
no signs of slowing or reversing. This tipping point has already
happened; the

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Murray Cumming

On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 08:30 -0300, Bruno Boaventura wrote:
> On Nov 19, 2007 8:22 AM, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Don't the members get the opportunity to propose questions this year, as
> > > in past years? Usually there is a gnomedesktop story & comments.
> I've been posted to gnomedesktop too, but it's not appearing yet... is
> there some type of moderation?

Yes. I acquired moderation rights at some time, so I can approve it.

But you just re-posted your email text there, as if you are asking the
candidates to answer on If you want to put a
call-for-questions on then you'll need to write
appropriate text.

> > I ask only because if members do have questions, it becomes extremely
> > time-consuming for candidates to answer 10 or 15 different emails, and
> > difficult for members to follow. The idea of a call for questions was to
> > reduce the amount of mail people have to reply to & read.
> I think the members can propose questions and send them to the
> Membership Committee select the best questions. Can the others members
> of MC say something about this?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Bruno Boaventura
On Nov 19, 2007 8:22 AM, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Don't the members get the opportunity to propose questions this year, as
> > in past years? Usually there is a gnomedesktop story & comments.

I've been posted to gnomedesktop too, but it's not appearing yet... is
there some type of moderation?

> I ask only because if members do have questions, it becomes extremely
> time-consuming for candidates to answer 10 or 15 different emails, and
> difficult for members to follow. The idea of a call for questions was to
> reduce the amount of mail people have to reply to & read.

I think the members can propose questions and send them to the
Membership Committee select the best questions. Can the others members
of MC say something about this?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Dave Neary
Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> Bruno Boaventura wrote:
>> With the final list of candidates announced, it's time to submit
>> questions about the GNOME Foundation and GNOME Project to this years
>> prospective Board of Directors.
> Don't the members get the opportunity to propose questions this year, as
> in past years? Usually there is a gnomedesktop story & comments.

I ask only because if members do have questions, it becomes extremely
time-consuming for candidates to answer 10 or 15 different emails, and
difficult for members to follow. The idea of a call for questions was to
reduce the amount of mail people have to reply to & read.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Dave Neary


Bruno Boaventura wrote:
> With the final list of candidates announced, it's time to submit
> questions about the GNOME Foundation and GNOME Project to this years
> prospective Board of Directors.

Don't the members get the opportunity to propose questions this year, as
in past years? Usually there is a gnomedesktop story & comments.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
foundation-list mailing list

GNOME Foundation Elections 2007. Let's start the debate!

2007-11-19 Thread Bruno Boaventura
With the final list of candidates announced, it's time to submit
questions about the GNOME Foundation and GNOME Project to this years
prospective Board of Directors.

The list, a summary of each candidate's statement and a link to each
candidate's candidacy can be found at:

Here we'll go:

[1] How much impact would being a member of the GNOME Foundation Board
have on your current contributions to GNOME ?

[2] Online Desktop and Services are being talked about as the next
large step in GNOME - what is your vision for Online Desktop and
Services and how would you measure them ?

[3] What are the SMART goals that you desire to set for yourself
should you be elected to the Board ?

[4] If you were part of the GNOME Board last year and a candidate
again, what would you like to put as your achievements as a Board
member ?


[4] If you are a candidate for the first time, what are the areas that
you think you can do better ?

[5] Do you think it is important to mentor and coach potential leaders
in the GNOME community ? If yes, what do you think the role of the
Board be in this task ? If no, what are your thoughts on this ?

[6] Some of the tasks of a Board Member are mundane administrative
tasks, are you comfortable taking on such tasks as opposed to being
always involved in strategic and visionary thinking ?

[7] What or which according to you, is the one "tipping point" move
for GNOME in the coming year ?

[8] What do you think is the most important item on the Board's agenda
right now ? What will you do more or better than the previous boards
in that aspect ?

[9] What is your positioning with respect to the issue of OOXML?

[10] Why do you think we need a GNOME Foundation ?

We hope a very good debate!

GNOME Foundation Membership Committee
foundation-list mailing list