Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 26th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
Hi Germán and all,

On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 4:53 PM, Germán Poo-Caamaño  wrote:

> In the past, there was an Etherpad instance running during the meeting,
> where every board edited the text during the meeting. Sometimes, some
> members did the heavy writing, while other edited the text, tagged
> properly, added references, and so on.
> Thus, the heavy work was done during the meeting, sharing the workload.
> Once the meeting was over, the content of the Etherpad instance was
> copied to the private section of wiki.
> After a week, if no objections were raised, they were considered
> approved. That meant, moving the content from private to public.
> That way, there was a time when the minutes were available promptly.
> Timing matters.
> When did this method stop being useful?

That's still how we take minutes; indeed, the heavy lifting is done during
the meeting and board members generally share that duty, with the Secretary
being the main contributor.
We admittedly have not done a great job with the publishing part that comes
after that so far this year.

As the Vice-Secretary, I take my share of responsibility for that, and want
to take this opportunity to extend my apologies to the community for the
delay, and thank you all for your patience.
We'll work to make sure that such a long delay does not happen again.

I just went ahead and published all the remaining minutes of our 2017
meetings. They're already available on the wiki [1], and should also reach
the list soon.


foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting of December, 19th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, December 19th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, January 9th 2018, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * LAS update and budget request
 * Committee check-ins - we were supposed to have done this in November
 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
 * Conference spending policy updates
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * LAS update and budget request
  * A bid for Denver has been put together
  * They want to book the venue as soon as possible
  * We didn’t get any information before the meeting and we would like some
time to get through it
  * Vote will happen on the list.

 * Committee check-ins - we were supposed to have done this in November
  * Travel call should happen in January, currently being scheduled
  * Membership call should also happen soon
  * Cosimo is not on the call and won’t be back from travel until the end
of January

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * We got a cost estimate and they are willing to give us a discount, we
need to tell them how much we’d be able to pay
  * They are willing to extend the free coupon temporarily
  * We need to explore options
   * Client-side rendering + our own vector server should be the preferred
  * ACTION: Meg to discuss with the Maps team

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time it
was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out, and
we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between the
Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't involved
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need to
calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the coupon
and calculating the long-term cost

 * Events code of conduct arrangements
  * Draft in progress
  * Once ready, we can start a community consultation phase
  * Current draft mentions a committee that would help resolving incidents
   * Is the board ok with forming a committee for that purpose?
   * No objections, the responsabilities and attributions will be explored
further down the line
  * When a local organisation handles the event in Europe for us, we need a
contract with them
   * This contract should cover handling of personal data that they collect
for us
   * See
for the standard contracts
  * The board needs to consider letting the community vote eventually

 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
  * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the
board liaison
  * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: 

Minutes of the Board meeting of December, 5th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, December 5th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, December 12th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * AdBoard meeting time and response to Frederic
 * Alexandre’s travel to FOSDEM
 * Events code of conduct arrangements
 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * AdBoard meeting time and response to Frederic
  * Venue still needs to be confirmed
  * Tentatively Friday afternoon
  * ACTION: Neil to follow up

 * Alexandre’s travel to FOSDEM
  * Do we use the new travel policy or go through the travel committee?
  * This travel can be handled by the TC, no need to use the policy
  * ACTION: Neil to update the wiki for travel policy to make it clearer
what its purpose is - Done 20171205

 * Events code of conduct arrangements
  * Draft in progress
  * Once ready, we can start a community consultation phase
  * Current draft mentions a committee that would help resolving incidents
   * Is the board OK with forming a committee for that purpose?
   * No objections, the responsibilities and attributions will be explored
further down the line
  * When a local organisation handles the event in Europe for us, we need a
contract with them
   * This contract should cover handling of personal data that they collect
for us
   * See
for the standard contracts
  * The board needs to consider letting the community vote eventually

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * GUADEC & GNOME.Asia dates
  * Proposed dates: either July 6-11th or 13-18th, the former being
  * This is Spain and the later we get in Summer, the hottest it’ll get and
the least bearable it’ll be.
  * It will also cost more to sponsor people to come because of the school
  * Neil is not available for the first two weeks of July, he’ll be
available from July 16th on
   * We think it’s important for the ED to attend
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to write up an email to the board with a summary of the
discussion and gather input from everyone before we vote
* Completed on 29 November

 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
  * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the
board liaison
  * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too

 * Flathub update
  * We need a process for people to be able to take stuff down if needed
  * No reason to revisit our decision to let Karen draft it

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
  * Blocking on a couple action items from Neil, hopefully sorted out today
  * Neil will then announce it, as well as TransferWise being an option
  * 2017-11-14:
   * Waiting for Nuritzi to come back from her trip so she can review
drafts before they are sent out
   * (draft at
   * Completed on Nov 28th. Waiting for Neil to send email to

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see 

Minutes of the Board meeting of December, 12th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, December 12th 2017, 18:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, December 19th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Meg Ford
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Agenda ==

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
 * Foundation Year-end vacation shutdown
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * GNOME Maps and Amisha's email
  * The Mapbox service is going to run out at the end of the year
  * Meg spoke to some of the Maps developers about this the last time it
was an issue. Available options back then:
   1. Get another coupon for free access
   2. Pay, but with a discounted rate
   3. Run our own tile server
  * We probably need a short-term solution before the coupon runs out, and
we don't have long
  * We think that the current coupon was organised directly between the
Maps developers and Mapbox - the Foundation Board probably wasn't involved
  * Neil backs a short-term solution by renewing the coupon; then need to
calculate how much capacity we're using and what it would cost
  * ACTION: Meg to speak to the Maps developers about renewing the coupon
and calculating the long-term cost

 * Foundation Year-end vacation shutdown
  * Last meeting of the year on December 19th
  * First meeting of 2018 on January 9th, unless there’s an emergency

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Events code of conduct arrangements
  * Draft in progress
  * Once ready, we can start a community consultation phase
  * Current draft mentions a committee that would help resolving incidents
   * Is the board ok with forming a committee for that purpose?
   * No objections, the responsabilities and attributions will be explored
further down the line
  * When a local organisation handles the event in Europe for us, we need a
contract with them
   * This contract should cover handling of personal data that they collect
for us
   * See
for the standard contracts
  * The board needs to consider letting the community vote eventually

 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
  * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the
board liaison
  * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at 

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 28th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 28th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, December 5th 2017, 18:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Meg Ford
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Carlos Soriano
 * Allan Day

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * GUADEC & GNOME.Asia dates
 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
 * Flathub update
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * GUADEC & GNOME.Asia dates
  * Proposed dates: either July 6-11th or 13-18th, the former being
  * This is Spain and the later we get in Summer, the hottest it’ll get and
the least bearable it’ll be.
  * It will also cost more to sponsor people to come because of the school
  * Neil is not available for the first two weeks of July, he’ll be
available from July 16th on
   * We think it’s important for the ED to attend
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to write up an email to the board with a summary of the
discussion and gather input from everyone before we vote

 * GNOME.Asia committee & Board membership
  * Nuritzi is considering joining the organizing committee, to be the
board liaison
  * Other directors can think about it and eventually join too

 * Flathub update
  * We need a process for people to be able to take stuff down if needed
  * No reason to revisit our decision to let Karen draft it

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
  * Blocking on a couple action items from Neil, hopefully sorted out today
  * Neil will then announce it, as well as TransferWise being an option
  * 2017-11-14:
   * Waiting for Nuritzi to come back from her trip so she can review
drafts before they are sent out
   * (draft at

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list
  * 2017-10-24
   * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
* The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
   * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a
* Same kind of relationship
   * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
   * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 14th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 14th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, November 21th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Meg Ford
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Neil McGovern

== Regrets ==

 * Allan Day
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Nuritzi Sanchez

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
  * Blocking on a couple action items from Neil, hopefully sorted out today
  * Neil will then announce it, as well as TransferWise being an option
  * 2017-11-14:
   * Waiting for Nuritzi to come back from her trip so she can review
drafts before they are sent out

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list
  * 2017-10-24
   * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
* The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
   * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a
* Same kind of relationship
   * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
   * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract
* Done
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Karen
* 20171031 - Done, karen says steal away.
   * ACTION: Carlos to prepare a version for us

 * Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Alexandre, Zeeshan - VOTE
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
   * 2017-10-08 - page has been made public but Allan isn't certain what to
do about the ACL
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ensure that this is announced to the Foundation

 * Intention to create marketing committee
  * To dispense money for small events and marketing line items
  * In the meantime, we would have an individual budget holder
  * VOTE: appoint Nuritzi as the temporary budget holder
   * +1 Nem con. VOTE PASSES
  * There are concerns about the correct course of action.

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 21st, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 21st 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, November 28th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Meg Ford
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Carlos Soriano

== Regrets ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Time and day for the board meetings starting December 5th
 * Events code of conduct arrangements
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Time and day for the board meetings starting December 5th
  * The only day and time that seems to work for everybody is Tuesdays at
  * ACTION: Alexandre to send confirmation to the list

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Follow-up on "Reviving Free Software Macedonia"
  * Monthly rental fee for the place where they meet (€300)
  * They seem to have a lead for sponsors, but would like us to help
  * Not clear what their ask is.
  * We recommend they come up with a clear plan and specific outcomes for
GNOME, then take it to the engagement budget holder

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
  * Blocking on a couple action items from Neil, hopefully sorted out today
  * Neil will then announce it, as well as TransferWise being an option
  * 2017-11-14:
   * Waiting for Nuritzi to come back from her trip so she can review
drafts before they are sent out
   * (draft at

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list
  * 2017-10-24
   * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
* The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
   * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a
* Same kind of relationship
   * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
   * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract
* Done
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Karen
* 20171031 - Done, karen says steal away.
   * ACTION: Carlos to prepare a version for us
* You can check at

 * Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Alexandre, Zeeshan - VOTE
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
   * 2017-10-08 - page has been made 

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 24th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, October 24th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, October 31st 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Meg Ford
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Allan Day
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Neil McGovern
 * Alexandre Franke

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Agenda for 2017-10-24 ==

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
 * Review ongoing actions

== Minutes ==

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
   * The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
  * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a contract
   * Same kind of relationship
  * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
  * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract
  * ACTION: Neil to ask Karen

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED

 * Travel support for UX hackfest
  * Allan has emailed the board asking for help - didn’t get a response to
his last email and timing is becoming an issue
  * All of the Travel Committee is at GNOME.Asia
  * Main requirement at the moment is to book accommodation
  * ACTION: Carlos to send an email to board list to have the full board
make a decision; will ask the board to approve budget for the cost of the
accommodation; hackfest attendees to apply to the travel committee for
travel costs in the usual manner
   * 18-10-2017 Carlos sent an email to board-list for a vote. VOTE was:
Approve required budget for the cost of the accommodation for the UI & UX
hackfest based on the estimate as written in
* + Carlos, Alexandre, Cosimo, Meg, Zeeshan, Abstained: Allan, Didn't
vote: Nuritzi. VOTE PASSES.

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list

 *  Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Alexandre, Zeeshan - VOTE
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
   * 2017-10-08 - page has been made public but Allan isn't certain what to
do about the ACL
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ensure that this is announced to the Foundation

 * Employee travel policy updates
are changes that have been made by Conservancy to update their travel
  * VOTE: incorporate changes into the Staff Travel Policy
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to put this on a public wiki page
  * ACTION: Neil to make the changes
  * 2017-10-16 - the policy is now public at and Neil has made the
changes (

 * Conference spending policy
  * VOTE: approve the policy as specified on the wiki page:
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: 

Minutes of the Board meeting of November, 7th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, November 7th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, November 14th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Meg Ford
 * Neil McGovern

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
 * Nextcloud shared calendar for the board
 * Julita’s new programme
 * Reviving Free Software Macedonia
 * Review outgoing items

== Minutes ==

 * Check in about budget and policies roll out
  * Blocking on a couple action items from Neil, hopefully sorted out today
  * Neil will then announce it, as well as TransferWise being an option

 * Nextcloud shared calendar for the board (From ongoing items)
  * It's up and running and we should use it.
  * Add things like time that you'll be away, recurring events like
renewals and trademark filings, AdBoard meetings, etc.
  * There is a list of reoccuring events that we might want to include in
the calendar on the wiki -

 * Julita’s new programme
  * Programme to get students ready for outreach programme applications
  * Budget request for $? for 3 events
   * We should probably approve a budget for the whole programme, 6 events
   * To be taken out of the GNOME events budget, held by Nuritzi
  * Questions collected on the list
  * Budget holders to keep records under , or perhaps in a spreadsheet on

 * Reviving Free Software Macedonia
  * Zeeshan met with Jovanka Gulicoska
  * The activity has come to a halt for lack of funding
  * Seems to fall under our GNOME events budget, deferred to budget holder

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list
  * 2017-10-24
   * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
* The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
   * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a
* Same kind of relationship
   * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
   * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract
* Done
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Karen
* 20171031 - Done, karen says steal away.
   * ACTION: Carlos to prepare a version for us

 * Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as 

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 17th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, October 17th 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, October 24th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Meg Ford
 * Carlos Soriano

== Regrets ==

 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Neil McGovern

== Missing ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez

== Agenda for 2017-10-17 ==

 * Conference spending policy updates
 * Travel support for UX hackfest
 * Name for internships for privacy funds
 * Review ongoing actions

== Minutes ==

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED

 * Travel support for UX hackfest
  * Allan has emailed the board asking for help - didn’t get a response to
his last email and timing is becoming an issue
  * All of the Travel Committee is at GNOME.Asia
  * Main requirement at the moment is to book accommodation
  * ACTION: Carlos to send an email to board list to have the full board
make a decision; will ask the board to approve budget for the cost of the
accommodation; hackfest attendees to apply to the travel committee for
travel costs in the usual manner

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 *  Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Alexandre, Zeeshan - VOTE
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
   * 2017-10-08 - page has been made public but Allan isn't certain what to
do about the ACL
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ensure that this is announced to the Foundation

 * Employee travel policy updates
discuss/2017-August/000104.html and https://lists.sfconservancy.
org/pipermail/policies-discuss/2017-August/000103.html are changes that
have been made by Conservancy to update their travel policy.
  * VOTE: incorporate changes into the Staff Travel Policy
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to put this on a public wiki page
  * ACTION: Neil to make the changes
  * 2017-10-16 - the policy is now public at
Foundation/TravelPolicy and Neil has made the changes (
action=diff=8=6 ) - COMPLETE

 * Conference spending policy
  * VOTE: approve the policy as specified on the wiki page:
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to review budget page and move relevant sections to the
public area
  * ACTION: Allan to create conference requirements page, should include a
requirement that they follow the brand guidelines
  * 2017-10-16 - both actions are done -
Foundation/Conferences - COMPLETE

 * Budget for FY2018
  * VOTE: approve the budget as presented by Neil
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Neil to communicate with Shaun
  * ACTION: Neil to put the budget spreadsheet into and
link to it from appropriate places, including a written version of the
reserves policy

 * Intention to create marketing committee
  * To dispense money for small events and marketing line items
  * In the 

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 31st, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Tue, October 31st 2017, 17:00 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, November 07th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Alexandre Franke
 * Allan Day
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Meg Ford
 * Neil McGovern
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Zeeshan Ali

== Missing ==

== Agenda ==

 * Review ongoing actions

== Minutes ==

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Conference spending policy updates
  * The current policy would allow organizers to spend money they haven’t
raised yet, which could lead to a loss
  * Carlos suggested to approve two complementary budgets
   * a part that can only be spent if raised
   * a part that can be spent even if not raised, to make sure the
conference happens
  * Organizers are expected to make a profit, but a small loss would not be
a problem
  * The main goal should be to make a good conference
  * How does the organizers forecast the amount they’ll raise?
  * How does the newly appointed sponsorship committee tie in with that?
   * Coordination between the two is expected
  * VOTE: approve new policy with 2 budgets for conferences (minimal +
extras depending on money raised)
   +1 Carlos, -1 Allan, Meg. Abstained: Alexandre. VOTE DOESN’T PASS
  * VOTE: conference organizers should be required to have a new budget
approved by the board if they raised less than 70% of their budgeted income
   +1 Allan, Meg, Abstained: Carlos, Alexandre. VOTE PASSED
  * 70% by what time? The problem is that conferences often don't know what
their income is going to be until very late - sponsors are often confirmed
at the last minute.
  * VOTE: invalidate the previously passed vote (let's give this more time
to see if we can find a good solution)
   +1 Alexandre, Allan, Carlos, Abstained: Meg. VOTE PASSED
  * 20171031 - Neil suggests new rule that allows to limit the loss and
gives organizers a bit of leeway, taking into account the evolving nature
of account balance
   * ACTION: Allan to prepare a new proposal to revisit this at a later

 * Privacy campaign funds
  * 2016-09-27
   * Draft is out for the Board to review and give feedback
   * ACTION: Cosimo to try and form a committee to review internship
  * 2016-10-26
   * We are aiming for an internship round in spring 2017
  * 2017-07-26
   * Carlos and Zeeshan are taking this over -- the plan is still to do
* 2017-10-14
 * Carlos created wiki page at

 * Name for internships for privacy funds
  * If there is no contract it is not technically an internship
  * Discussion needs to continue on list
  * 2017-10-24
   * GSoC are not called internships and there is no contract with the
* The organising entity also does not have authority over the
participants, the project entity does
   * Outreachy on the other hand is called internship and there is a
* Same kind of relationship
   * We could try and reuse the contracts from Outreachy
   * ACTION: Zana to get a copy of the contract
* Done
   * ACTION: Neil to ask Karen
* 20171031 - Done, karen says steal away.
   * ACTION: Carlos to prepare a version for us

 * Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Allan, Nuritzi, Carlos, Cosimo, Meg, Alexandre, Zeeshan - VOTE
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
   * 2017-10-08 - page has been made public but Allan isn't certain what to
do about the ACL
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ensure that this is announced to the Foundation

 * Budget for FY2018
  * VOTE: approve the budget as presented by Neil
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Neil to communicate with Shaun
  * ACTION: Neil to put the budget spreadsheet into and
link to it from appropriate places, including a written version of the
reserves policy

 * Intention to create marketing committee
  * To dispense money for small events and marketing line items
  * In the meantime, we would have an individual budget holder
  * VOTE: appoint Nuritzi as the temporary budget holder
   * +1 Nem con. VOTE PASSES
  * There are concerns about the correct course of action.
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to come up with a charter for the proposed committee

 * Zazzle store
  * We have a link on the page where we list vendors
  * Andreas confirmed that Stormy is the one with access
  * ACTION: Allan to try to reach out to Stormy
   * 2017-10-08 - Allan got in touch with Stormy and got some login
information, but he still can't access the account. More followup is
  * ACTION: Nuritzi 

Minutes of the Board meeting of October, 7th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Cosimo Cecchi
= Foundation Board Minutes for Sat, October 7th 2017, 15:40 UTC =

Next meeting date Tue, October 17th 2017, 17:00 UTC


== Attending ==

 * Allan Day
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Zeeshan Ali
 * Meg Ford
 * Alexandre Franke
 * Nuritzi Sanchez
 * Carlos Soriano
 * Neil McGovern
 * Rosanna Yuen

== Regrets ==

== Missing ==

== Agenda for 2017-10-07 ==

 * Payment authorization policy
 * Employee travel policy updates
 * Conference spending policy
 * Budget for FY2018
 * Intention to create marketing committee
 * Freenode Live trip

== Minutes ==

 *  Payment authorization policy
  * VOTE: approve the new Payment authorization policy as specified on the
private budget wiki page
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to make the page public (with ACL to prevent
modifications from anyone else than the board)
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to ensure that this is announced to the Foundation

 * Employee travel policy updates
discuss/2017-August/000104.html and https://lists.sfconservancy.
org/pipermail/policies-discuss/2017-August/000103.html are changes that
have been made by Conservancy to update their travel policy.
  * VOTE: incorporate changes into the Staff Travel Policy
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to put this on a public wiki page
  * ACTION: Neil to make the changes

 * Conference spending policy
  * VOTE: approve the policy as specified on the wiki page:
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Allan to review budget page and move relevant sections to the
public area
  * ACTION: Allan to create conference requirements page

 * Budget for FY2018
  * VOTE: approve the budget as presented by Neil
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES
  * ACTION: Neil to communicate with Shaun
  * ACTION: Neil to put the budget spreadsheet into and
link to it from appropriate places

 * Intention to create marketing committee
  * To dispense money for small events and marketing line items
  * In the meantime, we would have an individual budget holder
  * VOTE: appoint Nuritzi as the temporary budget holder
   * +1 Nem con. VOTE PASSES
  * There are concerns about the correct course of action.
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to come up with a charter for the proposed committee

 * Freenode Live trip
  * Neil is set to keynote the event
  * VOTE: approve travel for Neil
   * +1 Unanimous. VOTE PASSES

== Ongoing ==

'''This section includes items which have seen an update in the last 30
days. Format is "-MM-DD, action|discussion|abstract" for this and
subsequent minutes sections'''

 * Zazzle store
  * We have a link on the page where we list vendors
  * Andreas confirmed that Stormy is the one with access
  * ACTION: Allan to try to reach out to Stormy
  * ACTION: Nuritzi to assess the quality and check whether we want to
continue using them

 * Using TransferWise or some other payment system
  * This has been recommended to us as a good alternative to Paypal that is
cheaper and works in certain countries where Paypal does not work
  * 2017-09-19
   * Since Rosanna and Neil would be the main users of this, a good next
step would be for them to review options and report to the Board
   * ACTION: Neil will look into this and coordinate with Rosanna when
she's back

 * Looking for sponsorship for GitLab runners
  * To increase our Continuous Integration capacity on the GNOME GitLab
server, we'll need to provision some more servers, as we migrate more
projects there
  * We could ask for help to our Advisory Board, or use our network to ask
for support from other companies
   * It would make more sense to ask for hardware/cycles directly, rather
than fundraising, since server bandwidth is a recurring cost
  * 2017-09-19
   * ACTION: Meg and Neil to look into connecting to hosting companies
using Meg's connections
* 2017-09-26
 * Meg sent an email about applications to Neil
   * ACTION: Meg to get back to Javier
* 2017-09-26

 * CoC Workshop sponsorship
  * A group of people (Sarah Sharp, others) in SF are putting together a
workshop about enforcement of CoC in communities or events
  * The CoC working group would like to attend to e.g. help them with the
enforcing guidelines
  * The organizers of the workshop asked us to consider donating resources
to this event, including sponsoring Sarah's travel for the event
  * Total request: up to $3600 for training materials, flight and
accommodation for Sarah, but whatever we can afford
   * The request comes from Rosanna and Nuritzi; Rosanna has been contacted
privately by the organizers
  * 2017-09-19
   * Would like to see a cost breakdown
   * General feeling we should not cover all the cost ourselves, and we
should make sure it's geared towards our needs too

Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 26th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Germán Poo-Caamaño
On Wed, 2018-01-24 at 00:37 +, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 10:32 AM Allan Day  wrote:
> > Hi Benjamin,
> > 
> > Benjamin Berg  wrote:
> > ...
> > > I have noticed that the lack of board minutes has not been
> > > resolved so
> > > far and I am hoping that the community can get a quick action
> > > from the
> > > board with regard to this matter. Can every board member please
> > > work on
> > >  publishing the minutes at their respective earliest convenience?
> > 
> > ...
> > 
> > Thanks for raising this issue again. I agree that it needs to be
> > resolved and we discussed it during a board call this week. We'll
> > do
> > our best to get the minutes published and update the list once it's
> > happened.
> > 
> Why not just ask an ex-director or board member to join the call and
> take
> notes for everyone. :-)
> They can always drop out if there are sensitive topics.

In the past, there was an Etherpad instance running during the meeting,
where every board edited the text during the meeting. Sometimes, some
members did the heavy writing, while other edited the text, tagged
properly, added references, and so on.

Thus, the heavy work was done during the meeting, sharing the workload.

Once the meeting was over, the content of the Etherpad instance was
copied to the private section of wiki.

After a week, if no objections were raised, they were considered
approved. That meant, moving the content from private to public.
That way, there was a time when the minutes were available promptly.
Timing matters.

When did this method stop being useful?

Germán Poo-Caamaño

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of the Board meeting of September, 26th, 2017

2018-01-23 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 10:32 AM Allan Day  wrote:

> Hi Benjamin,
> Benjamin Berg  wrote:
> ...
> > I have noticed that the lack of board minutes has not been resolved so
> > far and I am hoping that the community can get a quick action from the
> > board with regard to this matter. Can every board member please work on
> >  publishing the minutes at their respective earliest convenience?
> ...
> Thanks for raising this issue again. I agree that it needs to be
> resolved and we discussed it during a board call this week. We'll do
> our best to get the minutes published and update the list once it's
> happened.

Why not just ask an ex-director or board member to join the call and take
notes for everyone. :-)

They can always drop out if there are sensitive topics.


> Allan
> --
> Vice-President, GNOME Foundation Board of Directors
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list