Re: Running for the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors.

2022-06-06 Thread Federico Mena Quintero via foundation-list
On Wed, 2022-06-01 at 14:05 -0700, Jeremy Allison via foundation-
announce wrote:
> I would respectfully like to submit my candidacy for the GNOME
> Foundation Board of Directors.  

I wholeheartedly endorse this candidacy.  Jeremy is a great person to
work with!

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Open Letter to the IT community, the GNOME Foundation, and Niel McGovern

2019-10-02 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
To the Foundation membership:  please don't dignify this rant with a
response.  The poster is not even a Foundation member.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: New GNOME online code of conduct

2019-09-25 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Wed, 2019-09-25 at 10:59 +0100, Robert McQueen wrote:
> The GNOME Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to announce our
> new code of conduct for online behavior.

Thanks for the announcement, Rob!

For the record, the link in this announcement goes to my personal web
page's scratch space.  The new CoC is not uploaded to
yet - I'm putting it up now.  In the scratch space you'll see broken
links and not the final formatting.


foundation-list mailing list

Pants of Thanks nominations are open

2019-08-12 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
Dear everyone,

The Foundation Board invites you to nominate people for the
Pants of Thanks that is traditionally awarded during GUADEC.  We give
this award to someone who has done outstanding work for the community.

Please mail with your nominations!


  Federico on behalf of the Board

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Question to candidates: eco-friendliness

2019-06-13 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Mon, 2019-06-03 at 18:10 +0100, Philip Withnall wrote:
> What steps do you think the Foundation could take to reduce its
> environmental impact, and the environmental impact of the project as
> a whole?

All the previous replies have good ideas.  We should definitely enable
remote hackfests.  Is this "just" about hosting a WebRTC
service which we can already use through practically any web browser? 
I don't know!

In terms of engagement, we need conferences on the scale of GUADEC or
Gnome Asia, but in the Americas, and outside the United States, where
travel+visas are problematic.  But in terms of environmental impact, I
am not sure whether this would enable fewer people to fly across the
ocean for their yearly "big GNOME conference", or if it would encourage
*more* people to fly cross-continent to the new conference.

I wonder if it is possible to get reports on power consumption from
things like our CI runners.  Maybe even power profiles for individual
runs?  Or does the way things run in datacenters, where *our* CI runs
are not the only thing running on a server, make this not entirely
trivial to do?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Events Code of Conduct: CoC Working Group status

2018-08-07 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Mon, 2018-07-30 at 13:52 +0200, Benjamin Berg wrote:

> Could the Board please clarify what the status of the working group
> is?

Hi, Benjamin,

The work of the Code of Conduct Working Group is finished now; all
matters around the Code of Conduct are delegated to the Committee now. 
We have no further expectation or requirement from the Working Group.

The board thanks the Code of Conduct Working Group, and confirms
that future work on the Code of Conduct will be performed by the Code
of Conduct Committee and approved by the Board.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Events Code of Conduct and New Committee Ratification

2018-07-07 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Fri, 2018-07-06 at 16:58 +0200, Benjamin Berg wrote:
> I have a number of questions about the events Code of Conduct. Is
> there
> another way to submit questions rather than only during the AGM?

You can ask here or to :)

foundation-list mailing list

Re: User Data Manifesto

2015-08-26 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Mon, 2015-08-17 at 11:31 +0100, Allan Day wrote:

 Our friends at ownCloud have been in touch to see if we want to
 endorse the next version of the User Data Manifesto [1]. This is due
 to be launched at the ownCloud contributor conference at the end of
 August. A number of other prominent FOSS projects are lined up to also
 endorse it.
 Any thoughts?

Let's do it!


foundation-list mailing list

Re: preparing for the use of the Privacy campaign funds

2014-10-05 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Wed, 2014-09-17 at 14:00 -0400, Jeff Fortin wrote:

 Therefore, to anyone reading this, in light of the formation of the
 Safety Team and the safety/privacy BoF session that occurred at GUADEC,
 it would help tremendously if you (as individuals and as a team) would
 start coming up with a specific action plan and make a proposal to the
 board. You are probably better positioned than us to focus on this
 particular task.

Thanks for bringing this up.  We don't have a concrete plan yet,
unfortunately.  There is some movement in individual bugs as per the
wiki [1], but there is no concerted effort yet to achieve anything in

Part of the problem is that we have many scattered ideas (sandboxing!
TLS!  UI research!  Tor!  Service APIs!), but nothing to connect them
yet.  Also I think we need to get familiar with how other platforms
attack these problems (iOS, Android, Ubuntu phone).

As such, we don't have any particular ideas for how to use the funds
from the privacy campaign.  Bounties are one possibility, but we would
need to find very self-contained items that can be solved cheaply.
The allocated funds are not substantial enough for a big development
project.  I'm not sure if it would be better to dilute the funds into
bounties, or to bring several people together into some sort of hackfest
- even bringing in people outside of GNOME, but who are more familiar
with how privacy/sandboxing/etc. are implemented in other platforms.

I'll ask people from the safety/privacy meeting to post what they've
been doing.  I know Elad has been chasing the SSL/TLS bug around the
apps we ship.  I've been playing with cgroups and namespaces and getting
nowhere :)


Sorry not to have a concrete answer for now - this is how we stand.


GPG fingerprint - RSA 4096:
263F 590F 7E0F E1CB 3EA2  74B0 1676 37EB 6FB8 DCCE

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Announcing GNOME's official GitHub mirror

2013-08-19 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Thu, 2013-08-15 at 11:03 +0200, Alberto Ruiz wrote:

 I've been working with the GitHub guys and Andrea Veri on setting up a
 mirror for all GNOME repos in GitHub.

This is great news!  It should make it easier for people to keep
independent/experimental branches of Gnome modules and have a place to

 There's no intention to support pull requests or to depend in any way
 in this service, this is just a nice-to-have to serve the GitHub's
 community and user base.

There is an API to probe pull requests, and it is described at

I don't know if there's an RSS feed or something for pull requests.  But
either with that or with the API, someone could do a weekend hack to
notify module maintainers of pull requests, maybe.

In any case, having the mirror is great news.  Thanks for all the work
to make it happen :)


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Announcing GNOME's official GitHub mirror

2013-08-19 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Fri, 2013-08-16 at 19:09 -0400, Richard Stallman wrote:

 Hosting services in general are not SaaSS.  Maybe some specific thing
 about GitHub is SaaSS; if so, can you explain the details?

Please take discussions of GitHub off-list.  The Foundation Board will
discuss the GNOME mirror during its next meeting, and this thread is
just feeding noise into the mailing list.



foundation-list mailing list

Re: for developers

2013-06-24 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Thu, 2013-06-20 at 17:46 -0007, Jim Nelson wrote:
 I'd like to toss in my two cents in support of a Stack Exchange-style
 GNOME developer site.  I think Stack Exchange is a proven winner for
 developers helping each other with technical problems.  Ask Ubuntu has
 gone over very well, and it strikes me that an Ask GNOME would be
 popular and useful.

Check this out if you haven't seen it before:

It looks and feels like Stack Exchange, and it works extremely well (...
as far as I've used it to ask questions about editing OpenStreetMap).

The software that runs it is


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Services is now MeetBot capable

2013-05-09 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Fri, 2013-04-26 at 12:01 +0200, Andrea Veri wrote:

 from today the Services bot will be able to manage / log meetings by
 using the MeetBot plugin.

This is pretty awesome.  Thanks for setting up nice services like these!


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Bugzilla upgrade work

2012-12-16 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Fri, 2012-12-14 at 13:42 +0100, Olav Vitters wrote:
 If anyone wants to join, I'll work on Bugzilla during Dec 22 - Dec 30
 together with Andrea.

Thanks for doing this really valuable work :)


foundation-list mailing list

Re: A few observations about GIMPNET

2012-10-30 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Mon, 2012-10-15 at 08:03 -0400, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:

 * determine who owns this network
 * verify if it is really unmaintained
 * if it really is unmaintained, offer to become a maintainer
 * improve it with the specified features

Gimpnet is very old.  It predates Freenode!

As far as I remember, Manish Singh (yosh on IRC) and Zach Beane (xach)
used to admin the network.  I don't know if they still do that, and I
don't know their current emails.

Anders Carlsson may know something - wasn't Gimpnet basically a server
in Berkeley's XCF facility and another one in Sweden?

Apologies if some or all of the above is incorrect - this is really,
really old infrastructure (think 1995, pre-GIMP 1.0).


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Brian Cameron - Stepping down from the board

2012-05-23 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Mon, 2012-05-14 at 20:15 -0500, Brian Cameron wrote:

 After serving 4 terms on The GNOME Foundation board of directors, I will
 be stepping down at the end of this term.

Thanks for all the work you put into your position, Brian :)


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Meeting Minutes Published - January 7, 2010

2010-01-20 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Tue, 2010-01-19 at 13:09 -0600, Brian Cameron wrote:

  * Co-locating in 2011. Vincent talked to Cornelius Schumacher, and
the KDE community is very interested in co-locating. The GNOME
board would like to first discuss with the advisory board before
making any decisions, so this is a topic for the next advisory
board meeting.

Co-location would be awesome.

Dave Neary and I had a brief chat during GCDS about how we could
co-locate better.  Behold our observations on the spacetime implications
of co-located conferences:

The schedules for the KDE and the GNOME tracks need to coincide.  During
GCDS, the schedules of Akademy and GUADEC didn't coincide, that is, the
talks were not scheduled at the same times and they did not have the
same duration.  So, one almost never had a chance to see people from
the other project - when you were in a break they were in the talks, and

There needs to be a physical central common area where people can
mingle, get some networking, and communicate.  The GCDS auditorium, a
postmodern fantasy where structure does *not* follow social spaces [1],
had no default central meeting area.  People scattered around to find a
place to sit in small groups and converse.  Coupled with the lack of
synchronized schedules, this made it really hard to see people from the
other project.  If the chosen venue doesn't have a physical common area,
we sould delimit a place so that psychologically you *want* to be there
when you are not attending a talk.

Were the lightning talks combined, or were they separated between
GNOME/KDE?  I can't remember.  They need to be combined so that both
projects get to see each other's cool stuff :)

[2] Hot damn, the entire A pattern language online!


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Can we improve things?

2007-12-18 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Sat, 2007-12-15 at 15:06 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
 quote who=Federico Mena Quintero
  Who's on the potential maintainership team for PGO, so that we may
  inquire them about the progress?
 Sorry, but I'm not going to get caught up in pointless crap like this. Some
 folks may think it's okay to treat me differently as a result of attempted
 character assassination, but you should know better Federico.

For the record, I'm *not* taking part in said coup.

I'm just going through my to-do list, and in there is something to
figure out the state of Planet.

 I've already said -- before your emails and after them -- that I'm writing
 down the guidelines and will have a maintainership team in order to resolve
 the minor maintenance issues with Planet GNOME. The potential co-maintainers
 have already had experience doing so, and were asked months ago.

I just find it funny that this has been going on since September.
That's three months to write a few guidelines and give the OK to some

So either the list of guidelines is horribly long, or the co-maintainers
are not doing their job.  I'd like to know who they are, if you please,
so that I can help :)


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Can we improve things?

2007-12-14 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Fri, 2007-12-14 at 08:24 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:

 The module's maintainership isn't sucking in general, but there have been a
 number of periods in which it hasn't been great. Please don't make this out
 to be worse than it is, that kind of approach doesn't help resolve anything.

What I want to resolve is this:

* There are regular complaints about lack of responsiveness in the
maintainership of Planet Gnome.

* The process is not transparent.  When someone mails you, add my
blog, or update my hackergotchi, no one but that person will know if
he got a reply, or what the reasons were for his request getting

* There's no way to know what makes a hackergotchi that will be
accepted, or a whole blog for that matter.

Planet Gnome has trascended a personal project into being a community
resource; congrats on that!  PGO is the only thing I read *outside* my
normal aggregator because it is *so nice* to look at.  Your
maintainership on that front has clearly been very good; now what I want
to do is to make it all smoother for everyone.

 I've spoken to potential maintainership team members who already have direct
 experience with pgo maintenance, and have been working on sucking guidelines
 out of my head and into publishable form. What you're asking for is already
 on the way.

Ah, that's good to know.  Who's on the team, so that we may inquire them
about the progress?

Sucking guidelines out of my head --- that's exactly the kind of
problem we need to solve.  If this is not documented, every rejection
seems arbitrary.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Can we improve things?

2007-12-14 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Sat, 2007-12-15 at 09:51 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
 quote who=Federico Mena Quintero
  What I want to resolve is this:
 So do I, as already noted.
  Sucking guidelines out of my head --- that's exactly the kind of
  we need to solve.
 That's why I mentioned it.

But please don't ignore the question I asked:

Who's on the potential maintainership team for PGO, so that we may
inquire them about the progress?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Can we improve things?

2007-09-11 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 10:30 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:

 planet-web already exists, but making it a free-for-all isn't a useful

I re-read and it
mentions the possibility of making the SVN module essentially a

.. And I quite like that possibility :)  We can certainly have some
guidelines as to what a suitable blog is (though if we want to keep all
the current feeds, simply is vaguely a contributor to GNOME and tends
to post in English is about appropriate).  For p.g.o I think it has
worked really well to *not* have strictly GNOME content; I'm sure many
people appreciate ocassional cool pictures from a music festival or sexy

If you are feeling super-paranoid, we can have a Planet module on
bugzilla, and we can point people to a page with instructions:

1. Get a bugzilla account.

2. File a bug under the Planet module.

3. A number of Trusted People(tm) get automatically CCed on the bug;
this can be yourself and other old fogeys.

4. We debate to death on the bug itself, so that the requester can be
aware of why his blog is / is not appropriate.

5. The blog gets added to the SVN module.

Though I prefer the first option:  simply have some guidelines, and let
people figure things out by common sense / meritocracy / whatever.

[I have a git-svn mirror of the planet-web module now, and my trigger
finger is getting twitchy ;) ]


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Can we improve things?

2007-09-11 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 14:05 -0400, Claudio Saavedra wrote:

 Put another way, I would find it uncomfortable to say someone sorry,
 you don't belong here, so these situations should be avoided.
 I think that adding a requirement for the applicant to have someone from
 the community to sponsor her/his request (similar to the approach used
 in the Foundation membership) would contribute to avoid these situations
 most of the times.

Sure.  So we say,

Create a bug under the Planet module.  CC your sponsor, and in the
initial comment write, sponsorname, I want to be added to planet.
Can you please vouch for me?

The sponsor then goes and adds a comment, this human has been working
on $cool_project and has been blogging about it (or other GNOME-related
activities); his blog should definitely be syndicated on Planet.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Can we improve things?

2007-09-11 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Tue, 2007-09-11 at 17:19 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:

 Some editorial control for planet is essential - there are already so
 many feeds that the planet's become less useful - we're up to 50 or 60
 posts a day.
 The question is how to marry reactivity to requests and accountability
 with that editorial control.

We have no editorial control.  Get over it :)

There are people who seldom post about GNOME-related things, and their
feeds nevertheless remain in Planet.  I only know of once instance when
someone was removed (voluntarily?) in the past.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Can we improve things?

2007-09-10 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Fri, 2007-09-07 at 21:56 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:

 I know Planet GNOME maintenance has been patchy -- I've been thinking about
 ways to alleviate that while keeping strong editorship in place. The Board
 has prompted me about this too, so I have plenty of incentive to resolve it
 without any of the poop flinging we've seen in this thread.

Does this need to be any more complicated than having a planet-gnome
module on SVN, and a README that says to add someone to the feed, put
him in people.xml?  Then anyone who has a SVN account can add someone
else to Planet.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Git vs SVN (was: Can we improve things?)

2007-09-10 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Sat, 2007-09-08 at 10:17 +0200, Olav Vitters wrote:

Hi, Olav,

 You are ignoring the central place. You need somewhere all GNOME devs
 are able to commit. This is what is so wrong about

The interesting question is, why are people doing ~foo/git/blah in the
first place?

Because it is no longer possible to create new SVN modules easily, as it
was when we used CVS.  By easily I mean that it you want to create a
module, you don't need to ask anyone to do it for you.

Think of a developer who has just written a new and exciting
program, and wants to make it available.  You are in that beautiful
moment when the program works well enough that you want to show it
around, and you are pumped up!  The only thing that goes through your
mind is publish, publish, publish!

So you start writing an exciting blog post full of nice screenshots and
plans, and you write you can get MyProg at

Oh, shit.  Giant brick wall.  You cannot create the module by yourself.
You google for gnome creating new svn modules and you get pointed to - which leads you to if you want to
import your code, but THAT WON'T WORK because it still talks about cvs

Okay... so you know that the developer's site is pretty bad and
outdated, so you go to check the wiki.  Go to and type
svn in the search box.  Great, the first search hit is - which tells you mail an admin with
this list of requirements.  Download page?  Project homepage?  Come on,
this is my first it barely works release - I don't have all that set
up yet!

So you are stuck.  Ask an admin to create a new module?  That will take
days.  Your energy and happiness go to hell.

It is very sad that even if you already have an SVN account, you cannot
create a module by yourself.

Back when we used CVS, anyone with an account could do cvs import,
just as described in the developer's site.  People botched it up and
imported generated files, etc., but that could be easily fixed.

People are using ~foo/git/bar because *it works* without having to ask
someone else to import your code for you.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Can we improve things?

2007-09-10 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Mon, 2007-09-10 at 16:21 -0400, Claudio Saavedra wrote:

 That's the way things are handled ATM. With the exception that only Jeff
 is supposed to commit to the appropriate file (there's a README or
 HACKING somewhere there).

Well, we can certainly stea^H^H^H^Hfree Jeff from the drudgery of having
to do that :)

What's the module on SVN?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Special GNOME event in California next week

2007-04-13 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
El sáb, 14-04-2007 a las 04:12 +1000, Jeff Waugh escribió:

 I am particularly sensitive to the issues you've raised here, and they've
 been at the top of my mind working on this over the last 9 or so months. I
 am satisfied that it has been consultative (with a particular subset of the
 community), in line with GNOME's mission, acceptable to the Board (I am 100%
 responsible to the Board for doing this right), and not a subversion of the
 desired natural order of GNOME decision making [2].

What if there had been no continuity in the membership of the Board from
the previous year to this one?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Minutes of SoC meeting

2007-03-06 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
El mié, 28-02-2007 a las 19:46 +0100, Vincent Untz escribió:

  SoC/WSOP mentors from previous years: Behdad Esfahbod, Shaun McCance,
Danilo Segan, Joe Shaw, Vincent Untz

Bleh.  Sorry that I couldn't attend, but Oralia and I were jet-setting
around Belgium ;)

  + performance analysis projects are interesting but might not produce
concrete results in the end

Interesting.  How did you come to this conclusion?


foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting, 2007/jan/04

2007-01-10 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
  Minutes of the Board meeting, 2007/Jan/04

   Board transition meeting


Anne Østergaard
Behdad Esfahbod
Dave Neary
Federico Mena
Jeff Waugh
Quim Gil
Rosanna Yuen
Vincent Untz

No attendance:

Glynn Foster (regrets)


* Overview:

- We are still in the process of hiring a director of business
  development for the Foundation (executive director):

- Someone who will make a revenue model for the

- Work with companies around GNOME to figure out GNOME
  and the Foudation can grow in terms of revenue and
  partnerships.  In general, things that are not
  fulfilled by the community.

- We interviewed people, including Quim himself;
  didn't hire anyone.  Lots of discussion on the
  board-only mailing list.

- Board's wiki:

- Mailing lists:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - General list for the Board, not
visible to the public.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Really only the Board, not
employees of the Fundation (i.e. Zana as our
administrator).  We used this list to discuss the
hiring process for the bizdev director, since Quim was
interested in the position - Quim was removed from the
board-only list for that time.

- Dave sent a draft of a GNOME Annual Report for 2006 to
  board-list.  It will be printed in glossy paper (~300
  copies), and will be sent to Advisory Board members and
  donors who have given over USD 50 to the Foundation.

* Financial situation:

  (September to September)

- Last year we got USD 109,773 in corporate sponsorship
  (Advisory Board fees, etc.).

- We got USD 13,973 from paypal + cheques.

- How much money are we guaranteed to have this year?
We invoiced people for USD 110,000 this year.
Doesn't include PayPal, and what else?
Total money in this year: USD 241,223 - includes SIGGRAPH, GIMP
About USD 200,000 solely for GNOME.
This didn't include about $60,000 which came into GUADEC but 
straight to GNOME Hispano.

- How much is GUADEC going to cost?
European sponsorship for GUADEC: 50-60,000 euros for GUADEC.
GUADEC cost around EUR 120,000, but that's closely
related to the amount of sponsorship we get.

- How much outgoing money can we expect?

- We are paying USD 50 for each wire transfer (!).

- We pay Zana USD 22,500 a year (part-time job).

- There's a one-time cost for having employees, about USD 500
  per month.

- WSOP cost USD 20,000.

- GNOME Event Box cost ???

- We used about USD 6,000 to sponsor travel.

- We have a bit more than USD 80,000 in the bank (we are also
  holding the GIMP's funds).

- We'll have about USD 100,000 guaranteed income from the
  Advisory Board this year.

- We can probably raise about USD 200,000 up-front for GUADEC.

- We need to change banks soon, but need to ask the lawyers
  first.  We need to know if we need a US citizen/resident on
  the board who signs cheques and authorises transfers.

- Miguel resigned from being president of the Foundation.
  this was never written down by the lawyers --- the by-laws
  say that the Foundation needs a president.

- Summary of the financial situation: 
The budget discussion was mostly brainstorming.
Zana gave an overview of our financial situation:  we
have about $80,000 in the bank, and we're aiming for a
budget of $300,000 this year, including GUADEC.

* Boston Summit:

- People said that it was not as well organized as in the
  previous years.

- Jeff says it was very productive anyway.

- Jeff says we shouldn't do a talk-fest, but rather a

- Need better facilities; the Media center was a bit too
  spread out, in contrast with the Stata center previously.

- Dave: This year, do what we do for GUADEC.  Find 2-3
  volunteers in Boston who are willing to do 

Minutes of the Board meeting, 2007/jan/04

2007-01-10 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
Oops, I forgot this bit:

* OSGeo:
  We agreed an administration fee of 6% with OSGeo. We authorised a
  payment of $18,800 to them, based on their grant request.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Free call board meetings (was Re: Board Member Application Mini-HOWTO)

2007-01-06 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
El sáb, 06-01-2007 a las 07:06 +0100, Quim Gil escribió:

 We had our first 2007 meeting last Thursday. Every board member was able
 to call to a free phone number in her country and the conference
 happened somewhere in telecom space. This will be the system for the
 rest of meetings this year.
 Thanks Glynn  Sun for the service. Also thanks to RedHat for the
 conferencing infrastructure provided in previous years.

Yes, indeed!  This is a very nice gift from Sun.

[See, Glynn?  You *are* a rock star.]


foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Oct/25

2006-12-06 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
Clearing out the drawer of old minutes...

GNOME Foundation Board Meeting, 2006/Oct/25


No attendance:
Jeff Waugh (regrets)


* Intel server:

Powered like a server machine.  Big upright form factor.
Cannot put it in the Red Hat colo because it takes up too much
space even with the rackmount adapter.

Tried to send it back to Intel when it arrived, to exchange it
for a different form factor, but this failed.

We need to ask OSL to see if they can host it in their colo.
It's not a very good desktop machine; it's really loud.

What to use it for?  We were using it for backups, but we have
a better solution now.  We don't really know what to use it
for right now.

GNOME Hispano was promised a server (or access to one) at
GUADEC.  Sun has not been able to provide one.

DECISION: ship the machine to Portland until we figure out
what to do with it. [update 2006/dec - the machine is in
Portland now; thanks to Red Hat!]

Shipping costs: to be figured out.  Maybe Red Hat can pay for

ACTION: JRB to figure out how to send the machine.

ACTION: Dave to contact Portland to see who should receive the

* Killermundi is now public and in marketing-list.

* Code of conduct:

* Need to be able to just point people to the CoC eventually.

* Do we think that the Board should come out to the membership
  and say that the CoC is a good idea?

* We need someone to write a sample mail to board-list on how
  we would present the CoC to the Foundation's membership.

* ACTION: Anne to write the sample mail on the Code of Conduct.

* To announce in foundation-list:  Izabel Cerqueira Valverde (Brazil)
  and Clytie Siddall (Australia) has joined the membership committee.

* Latinoware:  1500 dollars for marketing material is too much.
  DECISION:  We'll give them USD 750, and Dave will fly down there.
  The Foundation will pay for his travel.

ACTION: Dave to mail OSU OSL about Sun machine
ACTION: Dave to ask about racking a 5U Intel machine at OSU OSL
ACTION: Dave to put JRB in contact with Corey Shields for delivery of
ACTION: Dave to get drunk on caipirinhas
ACTION: Budget 2007 - Dave to do a first draft

* We need to let the incoming Board know how much money we expect to
  get next year, and what the expected expenses are.  We have such and
  such funding requests outstanding, etc.  ACTION: Jonathan to prepare
  financial information for the next Board.

* Quim: we should announce to foundation-list that we are starting to
  prepare the budget for next year.  Also, we should query the
  membership: what should we spend our money on?  Which events, etc.?

* Elections:

* Vincent asked the elections committe, but no news yet.

* Outstanding question: how many people on next year's Board?
  DECISION: Seven people for the next Board, just as it is

* Process for replacement of members of the Board?

* It's too late this year to propose that people run for
  specific roles in the Board (chairman, secretary, treasurer,

* It would be interesting to know how many new Foundation members we
  got this year.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Candidacy :: Glynn Foster

2006-11-15 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Wed, 2006-11-15 at 11:26 +1300, Glynn Foster wrote:

 I don't want to be a rock star, I just want to help. If more suitable 
 are running, I'm happy to cheer them from the sidelines.

Too late, Glynn, you *are* already a rock star :)


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board Member Application Mini-HOWTO

2006-11-14 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Wed, 2006-11-15 at 00:19 +0100, Quim Gil wrote:
 This sounds as a strong argument. I wonder if we could get a general
 agreement on the fact that board members could request refund of these

I don't see why not.  The Foundation can definitely do this; it's
peanuts compared to what we spend on meerkat slippers for board members.

 PS: The solution might be as simple as calling the board member(s)
 needing funded calls.

Joking aside, this may be harder.  It depends on who's hosting the
conference calls; some companies don't allow outgoing calls.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Board Member Application Mini-HOWTO

2006-11-13 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Fri, 2006-11-10 at 13:29 -0600, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
Board Member Application Mini-HOWTO

I will not be running as a candidate for this election, by the way :)


foundation-list mailing list

Board Member Application Mini-HOWTO

2006-11-10 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
 Board Member Application Mini-HOWTO

Federico Mena-Quintero
November 2006


In pretty much all the elections for the Board of Directors of the
GNOME Foundation, it has been inevitable that the rock stars who
nominate themselves are eventually elected.  The rock stars are the
most prominent hackers who contribute to GNOME.  They know that their
contributions are valuable, and they wish to give even more of their
valuable time to further GNOME's goals:  this is why they nominate
themselves for the Foundation's Board of Directors.  And since
everyone in the Foundation knows who they are, they get elected.

I have been a Board member of the GNOME Foundation for three or four
non-consecutive years.  I am also a pretty visible member of the GNOME 
project, and a busy hacker at Novell.  My personal experience in being 
a Board member is that I never have time to do all the little 
administrative things that are part of being a Board member, and I 
end up feeling terrible about myself.

This is not a problem only for myself.  Other Board members, if they
happen to be busy hackers, also suffer from this problem.  They never
have time to do all the little things that one must do for the Board,
and the Board is seen as a nebulous entity that accomplishes nothing.

Would you be a good member of the Board?

* If you are a rock star hacker (or a busy non-rock star hacker at
  work), you will not be a good Board member.  Don't think that you
  can squeeze in a couple hours each week; you won't be able to.  In
  the Board you have to do little tasks like answer mails, take
  minutes, send minutes to the public, be in contact with the
  companies in the Advisory Board, make plans, etc.  If you wouldn't
  normally have time to participate in a volunteer organization where
  you do paperwork, the Board is not fit for you.

* If you are a hacker, your GUADEC experience will be destroyed.
  GUADEC is about meeting fellow contributors and talking to them in
  person.  It is about having lunch with them, discussing the
  technology or your favorite brand of beer.  If you are a Board
  member, during GUADEC you will be in meetings literally all day
  and you will not be able to talk to fellow hackers.  Forget about
  the parties; you will be too tired to go to them if the meetings 
  are even over by then.

* You need 1 hour every two weeks for the regular meetings.  You need
  about 1-2 hours each week to deal with minutiae:  your assigned
  actions, writing mails to people, figuring things out.  But this is
  not 1-2 hours of well-defined work.  It's a big context switch from
  your regular activities, and if you don't like interruptions for
  paperwork, you'll dread having to do it.  If you are the kind of
  person that forgets what you talked about two weeks ago, you won't
  be a good Board member.

* The Foundation will not reimburse you for the conference calls.  The
  calls are invariable hosted in the USA, so you may have to do
  long-distance calls every two weeks.  We haven't done any work to
  make the calls through VOIP or anything.

So who would be a good member of the Board?

* People who have had experience in running other volunteer

* People who have had experience in administering other people's money.
  I.e. you could be the Treasurer for the Foundation.

* People whose daily jobs don't extend beyond normal work hours:
  hackers tend to keep working on the stuff from their job even after
  they go home.

* People who are good at paperwork, following up in communications,
  and who don't mind frequent meetings.

But don't let me discourage you

I am not trying to discourage all hackers from nominating themselves
for the Board elections.  I am just pointing out why being a Board
member is not the best idea for everyone.

foundation-list mailing list

GNOME nominated for the Mellon Awards for Technology Collaboration

2006-08-04 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
Dear Foundation members,

I'm pleased to inform you that the Board has nominated GNOME for the
Mellon Awards for Technology Collaboration:

The submission looks as follows:

The GNOME Foundation would like to nominate the GNOME Project for
participation in the 2006 Mellon Awards for Technology Collaboration.
GNOME is a project to create a desktop environment for personal
computers based entirely on free software.  All of the software
produced by the GNOME Project is released under free software

GNOME was the first such project to make a concerted effort in the
areas of usability, accessibility, and internationalization.
Usability means that we keep people in mind when designing our
software.  Accessibility means that physically disabled people can use
our software.  Internationalization means that people of different
languages, cultures, and writing systems can use our software.

The GNOME Project's software is widely used in the public and private
sectors in many countries, including schools and universities.  Spain
uses GNOME in the regions of Andalucía and Extremadura, where an
estimated 400,000 students and teachers are able to use GNOME every
day.  The South Tyrol region in Italy uses GNOME for 16,000 students.
Macedonia uses GNOME in almost 500 computer labs in primary and
secondary schools.  India uses GNOME in about 2,800 schools, thus
serving 500,000 students.

GNOME's focus on usability has been a deciding factor for these
deployments:  GNOME understands that people should not need to be
computer experts in order to use computers.  Also, GNOME was the first
major free software project to support most of the world's written
languages, including those like Thai and Arabic which require
sophisticated text-handling functions.

Along with usability, GNOME has a commitment to accessibility, so that
physically disabled people can use their computers adequately.  GNOME
has built-in support for accessibility technologies such as Braille
readers and eye trackers.  No other software platform provides this
level of support for disabled people.

More recently, GNOME was chosen as the building platform for the 
One Laptop Per Child project, which intends to bring low-cost laptops
to primary students across the world.  GNOME is especially proud to be
part of OLPC.

In summary, we can say that the GNOME software is widely appreciated
as being useful for education, and it is actually used by hundreds of
thousands of students and teachers across the world!

Now, everyone keep their fingers crossed :)


foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Aug/02

2006-08-04 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
Hot minutes straight out of the oven!

GNOME Foundation Board Meeting, 2006/Aug/02


Dave (chairing)
Federico (minutes)

No attendance:

Jonathan (regrets)
Quim (regrets)
Vincent (regrets)


* Trademark application

* Canonical coming into the Advisory Board

* Budget

* Election reform

* Other business


* Jeff to write a proposal for the technical project meeting. NOT DONE

* JRB to send an update on what hardware has been bought for the event
  box.  DONE - we are missing a small-form-factor machine.

* Vincent to work with the membership committee on problems and
  governance.  DONE - the membership committee had a meeting, and they
  are moving forward.

* Vincent to change the template for the notifications that happen upon
  getting a CVS account:  By the way, now that you have CVS account you
  may want to become a Foundation member!.  DONE

* Jeff to write a press release for the GTK+ / Foundation
  announcement.  IN PROGRESS

* Quim to finish the financials from GUADEC (should be ready
  by the end of July or August).  IN PROGRESS

* Quim to finish his GUADEC-HOWTO (ETA: end of August).  NOT DONE

* Federico to send question to foundation-list: who should get the two
  Ultra 20 machines?  DONE

* Dave to contact Miguel Ángel López and Izabel Cerqueira about the
  Latin American conferences.  NOT DONE

* Anne to send the trademark licensing agreement to Software Freedom
  Law Center for approval.  NOT DONE.  We have the old agreement lying
  around; we need to update the new one to send it.

  New action:  Anne to contact our pro-bono law firm instead of SFLC.

* Quim to talk with Killermundi about the GNOME Store.  IN PROGRESS,
  Quim is in contact with them and they are defining the details.

* Dave to mail Zana about rewording the sample contract.  DONE -
  contract is finished and signed by Jonathan.

* JRB to mail the draft criteria for an interview for the executive
  director to board-list.  NOT DONE

* Federico to ask JP Rosevear about Novell's people going to demo
  GNOME at SIGGRAPH (Aug 1-3, Boston). DONE - Dave Reveman and other
  people will go.

* Federico to contact Dave Richards about going to GOSCON - ASAP,
  because we need an abstract to be submitted. DONE - Dave got
  contacted; is talking to our own Dave Neary about this.

* Federico to send GNOME's nomination for the Mellon Awards for
  Technology Collaboration.  DONE

* Zana to mail Federico with her ISV integration guide (articles in
  Red Hat Magazine), so that Federico can integrate it with the
  current GNOME Integration Guide.  DONE - sent to Federico; not
  integrated yet.

* Dave to ask O'Reilly about comissioning a GNOME book for ISVs under
  a free documentation license.  NOT DONE


* Trademark application:

- Costs about USD 1,000 to 2,000 to register the foot trademark.

- Anne thinks we need to have the mark (foot logo) registered,
  not just the GNOME name.

- Anne will get in contact with Luis and our lawyer.

- Luis is in close contact with our lawyers and knows the
  issues well.

- We should keep using Wilson Sonsini Goodrich  Rosati, our
  pro-bono lawyers, for legal matters not related to free
  software.  The Software Freedom Law Center is appropriate
  for free software concerns.

- DECISION: we will register the foot logo.

- ACTION: Luis and Anne to talk to our lawyers to restart the
  trademark process.

* Canonical coming into the Advisory Board:

- This is great news!

- Starting on 2007 with the fee for big companies (USD 10,000)

- We need a press release.  ACTION: Jeff to draft a press
  release about Canonical joining the Advisory Board.

- Dave suggests that we have another Advisory Board meeting at
  the beginning of September.  ACITON: Federico to announce
  the meeting to the advisory-board mailing list on Wednesday
  September 6th.

* Budget:

- We'll make the final numbers public once the GUADEC budget
  is done at the end of August.

- We are rather poor in the bank right now, but we have many
  upcoming fees to collect.

* Election reform:

- Dave contacted the election committee after GUADEC to let
  them know that we are thinking of changing the format of the
  Board elections.  They said they had no problem updating
  their software to support the new scheme.

- We want a model where people run specifically for certain
  roles in the Board (president, vice-president, secretary,
  and treasurer):

- They would know the responsibilities, so that they
  won't apply for things they can't perform.

- Foundation members may get a better idea of whom to

Re: Ask for schedule board's meetings

2006-07-12 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Tue, 2006-06-27 at 13:51 -0400, Germán Poó Caamaño wrote:

 As a member is our obligation to ask for information, for instance, ask
 for the minutes of the board's meetings.  But, how to ask if we don't
 know when the meetings happen.  We only know it happen every two week,
 but not exactly or if they didn't take place.
 So, I ask to the board to publish the schedule of the meetings for this
 year.  I think it is a easy task for the board that can help us to
 control and ask for information and try to give to them a hand in any
 task they need.

The meetings are scheduled roughly every two weeks, on Wednesdays.  If
we don't have much to discuss, we may cancel a meeting.  We have had
trouble with the conference number or the password not working, and thus
we had to have the meeting on IRC --- fortunately this only happened
about two times.

If the minutes don't go out on time, it is entirely my fault.  I almost
always send the draft minutes to board-list for revision on the same day
as the meeting, and almost always I forget to send the minutes a few
days later to the public foundation-list.  If you don't see the minutes
on foundation-list by the Friday of the week on which a meeting is
scheduled, feel free to kick my ass via mail :)


foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Apr/05

2006-06-14 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
Dusting out the drawer of old minutes...

GNOME Foundation Board Meeting, 2006/04/05


 Dave (Chairing, minutes)
 Jeff (0:10)




Luis to mail to look for volunteers to
represent us at Boston Usenix and Boston LWE
 - DONE!

Dave to be our liaison with marketing-list to set up the basic structure
of the new
 - ongoing

Dave to request a contract from Quim for GUADEC
 - ongoing.  We expect something by Easter.

Federico to mail advisory-board-list about what members would like to
obtain from the Foundation.
 - We'll pick it up at the meeting.

Jeff to write a proposal for the technical project meeting.
 - ongoing.

Jeff describes Ghosts of past Conferences.  Something we should do for

Luis to send mail RE LWE/Usenix:

GUADEC meetings - Deciding dates  times for advisory board and board
Board meeting before and Advisory after is a good idea.
-Dave: We should split up the all-day board meeting so we don't wear
-Advisory board is on Thursday, June 29th

Advisory board - Preparing the meeting
- Need an agenda
- luis: Should we keep it to a single agenda?
- bolsh: Want to turn it into something where they go to them frequently
- jeff: turn it into a long term agenda

Action: Get Advisory board rep for RH
-Done: Gerry Riveros is representing

Advisory Board fees -
-We're going to go to a January billing period.  Prorate people.  No one
has been billed yet.

Axis Informática wanting to sell products with the GNOME logo (see
Rodrigo's mail)
-Reuse the german contract for this group (initially)
-Turn it into a generic TM agreemark that people can use
-Action: Contact lawyers to make sure our generic contract can work.


foundation-list mailing list

Questions for deployments of GNOME

2006-06-09 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
Are you a deployment of GNOME? Are you like the City of Largo, Florida,
or like the districts of Extremadura and Andalucía in Spain, who have
big installations of machines running GNOME? 

At the GNOME Foundation we are conducting a little, informal study of
how we can make your lives easier. If you are in charge of the technical
part of a GNOME deployment, we would greatly appreciate it if you could
answer the questions here:

Please mail your replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A summary of the replies
will be published during GUADEC this year.

Thank you!


foundation-list mailing list

Required: Administrator for the Foundation

2006-06-08 Thread Federico Mena Quintero

The GNOME Foundation is in need of a part-time administrator based in
the USA.  Our administrator will:

 1. Collect, sort and summarise mail for the Board.
 2. Handle bills in a timely manner.
 3. Prepare checks for the Board to sign.
 4. Track donations and fees.
 5. Maintain a list of Board contacts.
 6. Send out Friends of GNOME gifts to donors.
 7. Keep the boards files in order, and sending expenses (when 
appropriate) to the accountant.
 8. Handle the purchase and preparation of materials for tradeshows.
 9. Attend board meetings bi-weekly as appropriate, and prepare 
status updates.
10. Be computer literate. Preferably Linux literate.
11. There is no number 11.

Proximity to Boston, MA is very desirable, though not mandatory.

Please send your CV/resume in plain text to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Event Box for North America

2006-05-22 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 16:44 -0400, Fernando San Martín Woerner wrote:

 Could be this be able for Latin America too?

I'd *strongly* advise against sending machines from the USA to Latin
America.  At least not to Mexico.

It is a truly tremendous pain in the ass to get hardware out of customs.
It took me 8 months of constant phone-calling, chasing a customs agent
around, and letter-writing to get two *new* machines out of customs.  If
you send *used* hardware around, you'll never get it out of customs (the
law, for incredibly stupid reasons, makes it practically impossible to
import used computers).

So, go with caution.  Customs laws and corruption within customs offices
can really, really kill a nice project like the event box.  I'd suggest
constraining an event box to reside within an area where it is
guaranteed that it will get to its destination in a few days.


foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Mar/01

2006-04-17 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
Late minutes, sorry.

GNOME Foundation Board Meeting, 2006/03/01


Dave (+30 mins)
Federico (minutes)

No attendance:

Jonathan (regrets)


* Jeff to organize and contact people in various countries and regions
  to act as local press contacts. (ongoing; he contacted various
  people and is following up)

* JRB to finish job description for administrative needs. (ongoing,
  sort of done)

* Anne to start process for GUADEC 2007 selection (DONE)

* Federico to organize next call at Novell (NOT DONE; to be done for
  the next call)

* Luis to mail to look for volunteers to
  represent us at Boston Usenix and Boston LWE (ongoing)

* Anne to send her draft program to foundation-list and put it up in
  the web page (need to try again because of moderation issues)

* Dave to be our liaison with marketing-list to set up the basic
  structure of the new (ongoing as Dave was not in the

* Federico to ask Rodrigo what we got Killermundi to sign (DONE)

* Luis to help marketing-list prepare a press release for the
  GNOME/W3C SVG anouncement (NOT DONE)

* Dave to formally invite the Software Freedom Law Center to be a
  member of the Advisory Board (DONE)

* JRB to send out mugs and mouse pads to outstanding donors, and
  thank-you notes as well (ongoing, as JRB was not in the call)

* Luis to find business card template and send it to board-list (DONE)


* Dave to request a contract from Quim.

* Quim to write a formal letter of invitation for the people who need
  to get visas.  Quim to find someone in Spain to contact the ministry
  of foreign affairs.

* Jeff to start writing an agenda for the Advisory Board meeting
  (DEADLINE: March 08).

* Federico to write his paper for the Advisory Board (DEADLINE: March

* Federico to mail advisory-board-list about what members would like
  to get out of the Foundation. (DEADLINE: March 08)

* Jeff to ask the Advisory Board about funding GNOME through OSDL, or
  funding it directly.

* Jeff to write a proposal for the technical project meeting.

* Dave to resurrect German contract from last year so that we can use
  it for Axis Informática.


Hiring an administrator:

- JRB was not in the call, so we'll postpone this.


- Travel budget: 20K euro is set aside for sending people to
  the conference.

- Credit card / handling cash advances: postponed until we
  have Quim on a call, or on the mailing list.

- Sponsorship: we have Nokia on board as cornerstone sponsor;
  further progress to be confirmed with Quim.

- Visa requests: we need someone from Spain to contact the
  ministry of foreign affairs.  We need a formal letter of

- Travel requests: need update from Quim.

- In general, we request that Quim send a status report one
  day before each Board meeting.

Advisory board call:

- We don't have a date yet.

- We don't have an agenda.

- Federico to get off his lazy ass and finish writing up the

- Jeff to start writing an agenda for the Advisory Board

- Federico to mail advisory-board-list about what members
  would like to get out of the Foundation.

- Idea is to have the adv. board call in two or four weeks
  from now; we obviously need the agenda first.

OSDL participation:

- Companies are starting to perceive funding GNOME vs. funding
  OSDL as an either/or proposition, but OSDL could act as a
  pipeline to fund projects or conferences related to free

- We need to ask the OSDL steering committee for funding.

- This should be raised with the advisory board.

- Jeff to ask the Advisory Board about funding GNOME through
  OSDL, or funding it directly.

Technical project meeting idea:

- Jeff to write a proposal for the technical project meeting.

Exhibition materials:

- Anne is working on printing out materials for Linux Forum in
  Copenhagen.  Anne needs links to extra materials.  Dave

Axis Informática wanting to sell products with the GNOME logo:

- Dave to resurrect German contract from last year so that we
  can use it for Axis Informática.

Trade shows:

- Dave contacted Aaron Seigo about participating in Open
  Source Development Workshops; he's okay with that.

- We should ask the Advisory Board for funding so that we can
  send the right people.

- Novell is interesting because we can position GNOME + Mono
  as a good platform.

Getting back in touch with our legal representation:


Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Mar/15

2006-04-17 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
More late minutes.

GNOME Foundation Board Meeting, 2006/03/15


Quim (guest starring)

No attendance:

Luis (regrets)


* Jeff to organize and contact people in various countries and regions
  to act as local press contacts. (ongoing; he contacted various
  people and is following up)

* JRB to finish job description for administrative needs. (ongoing,
  sort of done)

* Federico to organize next call at Novell (NOT DONE; to be done for
  the next call)

* Luis to mail to look for volunteers to
  represent us at Boston Usenix and Boston LWE (ongoing)

* Anne to send her draft program to foundation-list and put it up in
  the web page (need to try again because of moderation issues)

* Dave to be our liaison with marketing-list to set up the basic
  structure of the new (ongoing as Dave was not in the

* Luis to help marketing-list prepare a press release for the
  GNOME/W3C SVG anouncement (NOT DONE)

* JRB to send out mugs and mouse pads to outstanding donors, and
  thank-you notes as well (ongoing, as JRB was not in the call)

* Dave to request Quim for a copy of a contract with the Generalidat
  describing what they are paying for this GUADEC.

* Quim to write a formal letter of invitation for the people who need
  to get visas.  Quim to find someone in Spain to contact the ministry
  of foreign affairs.

* Jeff to start writing an agenda for the Advisory Board meeting
  (DEADLINE: March 08).  DONE

* Federico to write his paper for the Advisory Board (DEADLINE: March

* Federico to mail advisory-board-list about what members would like
  to get out of the Foundation. (DEADLINE: March 08)

* Jeff to ask the Advisory Board about funding GNOME through OSDL, or
  funding it directly.

* Jeff to write a proposal for the technical project meeting.

* Dave to resurrect German contract from last year so that we can use
  it for Axis Informática. DONE


* Federico to remind people to submit abstracts, and announce the
  confirmation date.

* Vincent to update to mention the call for papers

* Jonathan to ask Quim about invoicing, and to finish the budget ASAP.

* Federico to mail Dave today (Mar. 15) with the agenda for the
  Advisory Board meeting.

* Anne to take care of GNOME joining ODF-Alliance:
  All present board members in agreement.


* We have hired Rosanna Yuen for a period of one month.

* We are still looking for an administrator!  Zana is working for us
  as a stopgap measure.   Tentative date for hiring a full-time
  administrator:  end of April.  Needs to be USA-based for
  administrative and legal reasons.

* GUADEC report by Quim:


No figures yet, but Quim feels safe given that we are
not paying for the venue, and we already have good


Bungalow-based camping in Villanova; there is public
transportation between camp site and conference site.

The bungalows are actually nicer than the youth
hostel; the price is about the same.  At 5 people per
bungalow (with air conditioning and microwave oven for
kittens), it's around EUR 17 per night.

Quim is putting all his effort right now into the web

Suggested fees: student - EUR 30, normal - EUR 50,
professional - EUR 150.  Suggested that we have
discounts for Advisory Board members, Foundation
members, and Sponsors.


Reimburse people or pay for their tickets?  By default
people pay for their own travel, and then we give them
cash or a check when they are in Villanova.

Call for papers:

Only about 10 submissions so far.

Need to announce call-for-papers in the main page.

Need to make it clear that we don't require full
papers right now; just abstracts are fine.

Suggest Apr. 20 as the date in which we tell people
whether we accept their submissions.

ACTION: Federico to remind people to submit abstracts,
and announce the confirmation date.

ACTION: Vincent to update to mention the
call for papers deadline.


Suggest that we have a speed-talks session at the end
of GUADEC, so that people can show what they did
during the conference.


We'll pay for the expenses of keynote speakers.

Minutes of the Board meeting, 2006/Mar/22

2006-04-17 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
More late minutes.

GNOME Foundation Board Meeting, 2006/03/22


Federico (+10 mins, minutes)
Rosanna (new admin)

No attendance:

Dave (regrets)
Vincent (regrets)


Jeff: ongoing

JRB to finish job description: Sort of done.  Need to announce that we
are hiring.

Federico to organize next call: ongoing.

Luis to mail boston-social to look for representation at boston
usenix: done.

Luis to help marketing-list to prepare a press release about the W3C
SVG announcement: ongoing.

JRB to send mouse pads and mugs to outstanding donors: delegated to
Zana; ongoing.

Dave to request Quim for a copy of a contract with the Generalidat
describing what they are paying for this GUADEC.

Quim to write a formal letter of invitation for the people who need
visas: DONE.

Federico to write agenda for Advisory Board meeting: ongoing.

Federico to write a paper for the Advisory Board: DONE.

Federico to mail advisory-board-list about what members would like to
get from the Foundation: not done.

Jeff to ask Advisory Board about funding of GNOME versus funding OSDL:

Jeff to ask about technical project lead: ongoing.

Dave to resurrect German contract from last year so that we can use it
for Axis Informática: DONE.

Federico to remind people to send submissions for GUADEC papers: not

Vincent to update to mention call-for-papers deadline: DONE.

JRB to ask Quim about invoicing and finish the GUADEC budget: not
done.  High priority.

Federico to mail Dave with the agenda for the AB meeting: not done.

Zana's status report

Zana sent a status report to board-list with what she has done.


Need to look for more keynote speakers.

High priority

Announce Mar. 29 meeting of the Advisory Board.

Jeff's embedded working group

Pleased about the positive response.

We want to announce this during GUADEC, and hold a press conference.

The meeting of the embedded participants will happen during GUADEC.

Need a mailing list to get people talking before the announcement, so
that we can have something technical and concrete to show by then.

Expanding the board

We have a problem of lack of resources --- board members don't have
time to do their tasks.

Decided to wait until GUADEC to request volunteers for helping out.

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting 2006/Feb/08

2006-02-21 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
Since I suck, I didn't send these minutes until today.  Apologies for
the tardiness.

GNOME Foundation Board Meeting, 2006/02/08


Quim (guest starring)

Dave (chairing; see below)
Federico (minutes)

No attendance:

Luis (regrets)

Quim's status report on GUADEC

Slower than we thought, but going the right way.

Change of location was a good decision; people very helpful.

Infrastructure is on its way.

We need sponsorship.

Quim is confident that he can get sponsorship in Spain.  Needs help
from the Foundation to get sponsorship from companies.

Call for papers is open and announced.

Dave asks - is there a way for people to make submissions
without first registering in the web page?  Answer: page says
they can email Quim.

Logo contest is ongoing.

The sponsorship money would be for travel and accomodation, printed
materials.  Venue and basic costs are already covered.

Quim is concerned about how we will manage the money, accounting,

Idea from Anne: could the University pay for some of the
printing in exchange for having their logo on that material?

Positions with the Board

Federico doesn't have time to chair the Board all the time.

Dave will chair; he has been keeping track of a lot of stuff anyway.
Anne will vice-chair; that's the position for when the chairman is not 

Federico will be secretary.

Federico will be the point of contact / technical liaison for the
members of the Advisory Board.  JRB, as treasurer, will keep track of
Advisory Board fees from the various members.

Jeff will be our press spokeperson.  Anne can talk to the Scandinavian
press; in general we try to find the closest person that can respond
to each press inquiry.

For reference:

  - Prepares an agenda and sends it 2 days before the board meeting
  - Makes sure that meeting details are available (phone number, 
asterisk server, etc.)
  - Leads the meeting, following the agenda, makes sure we don't get
tied in knots.

  - Takes minutes of board and advisory board meetings
  - Sends them out in final version within a week of the meeting
[*cough cough gasp*]
  - Takes note of actions since the preceeding meeting, which weren't on 
any agenda, and includes them in the following minutes

  - Monthly report on financial situation (cash, receivables, 
outstanding bills, expenditures, income)
  - Interact with accountant

Advisory Board

We will recommend that member companies have two people representing
them:  a technical contact and a decision-making contact.

Logo guidelines

Dom says he's interested in taking over this.

Foundation hire

Administrative person.  JRB to finish the job description.


Anne agreed to polish the call we sent out last year; sent it to
board-list.  This is a list of technical requirements for the

Let's lose the requirement for a hall for 1000 people; that's what
kept many universities from applying.

Last proposal from Spain which can be used as a sample:

Boston Usenix June 2006

Miniconf or just a stand?  Decided to take this on the mailing list.

Anne's draft program

People to read it; send comments.  This is about information which
newcomers to GNOME need to know about us.

Foundations meeting at FOSDEM

To be discussed in the mailing list.


- Jeff to organize and contact people in various countries and regions
  to act as local press contacts.

- JRB to finish the job description for our administrative person by
  Wednesday Feb. 15.  Federico to poke him to see that it is done.

Next meeting

Next week, to pick up the things for which we didn't have time this


Thanks to Red Hat and Novell for hosting the Board's conference calls
for several years.

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting 2006/Feb/15

2006-02-21 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
GNOME Foundation Board Meeting, 2006/02/15


Luis (+15 min)

No attendance:

Vincent (regrets)


* Jeff to organize and contact people in various countries and regions
  to act as local press contacts. (ongoing)

* JRB to finish job description for administrative needs. (ongoing)

* Anne to start process for GUADEC 2007 selection (ongoing)


* Federico to organize next call at Novell.

* JRB to finish the job description for our admin person by the next
  board meeting (March 01)

* Luis to mail to look for volunteers to
  represent us at Boston Usenix and Boston LWE.

* Anne to send her draft program to foundation-list and put it up in
  the web page.

* Dave to be our liaison with marketing-list to set up the basic
  structure of the new

* Federico to ask Rodrigo what we got Killermundi to sign.

* Luis to help marketing-list prepare a press release for the
  GNOME/W3C SVG anouncement.

* Dave to formally invite the Software Freedom Law Center to be a
  member of the Advisory Board.

* JRB to send out mugs and mouse pads to outstanding donors, and
  thank-you notes as well.

* Luis to find business card template and send it to board-list.


Advisory Board:

* welcome to new members.
* Inform about the new board members: names and functions
* advice in connection to the 2.14 release.
* return on investment for advisory board members

Hire of staff:
* Status of job decription
* Hire or outsource?

Boston USENIX in June 2006 - GNOME representation

Exhibition materials incl. info about GUADEC for FOSDEM in Brux. and Linux 
Forum in CPH.

Anne's draft for a program.

Appoint a team for the website update?
* VincentUntz: see the Request to the board (proposal)
  thread on gnome-web-list (archives are offline right now)

Axis Informática wanting to sell products with the GNOME logo

Gnome  The W3 SVG Working Group: PR to be prepared soon

Whither the technical project meeting idea?
* Jeff Waugh would like to propose a strategy/delegation for
  making this happen

Outstanding issues:

* Tradeshows - in particular LinuxWorld, FOSE, Open Source
  Business Conference, LinuxWorld Mexico, WebTech

* Getting back in touch with our legal representation or
  switching to elsewhere

* Write a mail explaining the paypal mess in the past
  two/three months (Done by Vincent)

Advisory Board

* Sun: John Rice is their technical representative; we'll try to get
  Simon Phipps as a rep. as well.

* IBM: Greg Kelleher is a potential candidate.

* Novell: Robert Love will be the technical rep; also JP Rosevear as
  our decision-making rep.

* We'll invite the Software Freedom Law Center to the Avisory Board.

Hire of staff

* Job description:  not done (JRB)

* Outsourcing:  need to find out candidates and fees.

* JRB to finish job description by next meeting.

Boston Usenix representation this year

* We are content with sending a few people.  Luis to to look for volunteers (also volunteers for
  Boston LWE).

* Materials: Anne to look for materials; we have some in the wiki and

Anne's draft for a foundation program

* We are fine with her draft; she'll send it to foundation-list and
  put it up in the Foundation web site.

Web site

* Dave to contact marketing-list to set up the basic structure of

* Once we get the new machines in the colo in a few weeks, we'll set
  up the tech infrastructure.

Axis Informática

* We are fine with giving them permission to sell products with the
  GNOME Logo.

* Need to find the contract that we got Killermundi to sign, so that
  we can use the same contract for Axis Informática.

* Let's give the cut to GNOME Hispano; this is a good way to fund
  local groups.

W3C SVG Working Group

* Luis to help marketing-list prepare a press release for the
  GNOME/W3C SVG anouncement.

Technical project meeting idea

Postponed since Jeff was not in the call.

Outstanding issues

* Getting back in touch with our legal/accounting representatives -
  JRB to contact them.

Next meeting

March 01 2006
Same bat-time
Same bat-channel

foundation-list mailing list

Re: [Off Topic] Words to Avoid Vendor [was Re: Questions to answer]

2005-12-02 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Sun, 2005-11-27 at 17:34 -0500, Richard M. Stallman wrote:
 Nearly - though any new acronym can obfuscate.  For that reason, I'd 
 suggest going with ISD, because of its similarity to the familiar 
 ISV, at least the reader may clue in by association and context.  
 ISD would solve the problem equally well.

I like ISD.  Thanks for the suggestion :)


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Additional questions for the board candidates

2005-11-29 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 18:56 +0100, Philip Van Hoof wrote:

 How important are desktop standards for you. How will you attempt to let
 the GNOME developers cooperate even more with the
 movement? Or do you dislike that movement? In in general: What should
 GNOME do with

Destkop standards are interesting when they let external developers make
assumptions.  Can I drop a file in a well-known location, and be assured
that a launcher for my app will appear in the panel/kicker/whatever?
Can I, using $foo_toolkit, cut an image to the clipboard and be assured
that $bar_toolkit will be able to paste it in an application?

Desktop standards would be *REALLY* interesting if each platform (GNOME,
KDE, Mozilla,, etc.) provided a conformance test suite.
Any of the GUI test suites based on the accessibility interfaces would
be *great* for this.  Write an LDTP/Dogtail script to cut an image in
the GIMP, paste it in OpenOffice, and ensure that it works.

Desktop standards are not interesting if they are not really implemented
by the major players, or if they are implemented with too many
idiosyncrasies or platform-specific extensions.  The MIME spec is a very
sad example of this.

Thankfully, is not about de-jure standards.  What we
need is more people, in any of the platforms, to identify the issues
that would benefit from standardization, *and to go ahead and write and
implement the standards*.

GNOME should take the responsibility of figuring out what would benefit
from standardization.  It should do this by establishing close contact
with other big projects and finding common factors.  And it should help
the implementation wherever possible.  See my rant on superheroes

In particular, the second link has a tidbit from Microsoft's infamous
Halloween Memos, which I'll quote again:

Integrative work across modules is the biggest cost encountered
by OSS teams.

This is still true, and it is why standardizing things is so hard - no
one wants to change their code to make use of a standard library.
Someone has to go and do it for them.  This is why Fontconfig worked.

 Second question:
 What will you do to further enhance cooperation with the KDE developers?
 Will you invite them to our conferences? Will you pay their travel
 expenses? Will you let them talk on GUADEC? Will you visit their
 conferences and will you do a talk about cooperation at their
 conferences? Or will you simply disregard them and think GNOME is
 superior yadiyada (in which case I wont vote for you, by the way)?

We enhance cooperation by participating in the standards process.

And there's cross-pollination among conferences already, isn't there?

I cannot disregard them because my employer has a policy of supporting
both desktops.

 And D-BUS is moving forward rapidly. This will introduce a lot new such
 standards. Even D-BUS itself is such a standard of which it hasn't been
 said that it's the IPC for a typical modern GNOME application. Or is
 it ORBit-2? D-COP? I guess nobody knows.

D-bus will succeed or fail, just as ORBit/Bonobo did, depending on
whether people write actually interesting public interfaces that any
interested application can use.

Neither D-bus not ORBit are interesting by themselves.  They become
interesting when I can know that I can search my addressbook with them,
or when I can tell applications that the network went offline.

D-bus seems to be well accepted across more than the GNOME platform.  We
need to publicize the useful interfaces which applications expose
through D-bus, and see if they would benefit from standardization.

 I can imagine companies that would like to target the GNOME desktop,
 while developing solutions for their customers, would like this type of
 leadership to happen. Yet I can imagine a lot Free Software GNOME
 developers dislike any form of leadership. It's not a simple problem
 to solve. Will the GNOME Foundation fill this gap? Or will the GNOME
 Foundation create a solution? How will you, provided you become board
 member, address this. Or isn't this important enough for the Board to
 discuss? Or isn't it the focus of the Board?

You mentioned Linus as being the leader for the Linux kernel.  Having a
leader works for Linux because it is constrained in function:  in
oversimplified terms, and from the viewpoint of applications, Linux only
has to provide a Unixish API that works.  Linus can then oversee whether
proposed modifications to the kernel are in line with this goal.

Would GNOME benefit from a central leader?

GNOME has become too big a platform for anyone to grasp the whole thing
in his head.  It has no bounding technical goal.

We need to keep GNOME from growing simply by accretion.

The way to grow a large system is to ensure that the different pieces
are in line with some basic principles.  That 

Re: Distribution branding of GNOME

2005-03-11 Thread Federico Mena Quintero
On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 08:52 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:

  Of course, we have no way to make it mandatory, but GNOME as a brand has
  suffered greatly by the whitewashing practiced by distributions, most
  notably the Java Desktop Environment (I mean, honestly, what the hell is
  that?), but Red Hat's desktop is also a major offender.  Perhaps if we
  asked nicely.
 What would we ask? Please genericise your desktop so it is unrecognisable?
 I don't think that would get us very far. Now, the powered by logos idea
 has come up numerous times, but thus far, no one's done it.

One of the things we discussed during the Summit last year is whether we
actually want to promote the Gnome brand:

There are at least two strategies:

1. Be aggressive in promoting the brand.  This implies that the Board
get its act together and solve the trademark issue.  This would get us
to ask distros to keep foot logos, or generally say Powered by Gnome
in some conspicuous fashion.

2. Make Gnome so compelling by itself that no one would think of using
anything else, even if they re-brand it.  The suggestion in the wiki
page above is to make branding as easy as possible, hopefully with a
gnome-brand-o-matic program into which you can drag icons and images,
click a button, and out comes a tarball/package/schema file that will
brand GNOME as you specified.  This would be a killer feature for
regional distros:  unlike large distributors, these have few resouces to
re-invent the branding wheel themselves.

While it would be very pretty to see Powered by [Gnome foot] in every
boxed distribution (oh god, does anyone sell boxed software anymore?),
or in login splash screens, do we really want to see

  [Powered by the Linux kernel]
  [Powered by GNU]
  [Powered by the X Window System]
  [Powered by Gnome]
  [Powered by Mozilla]
  [Powered by OpenOffice]
  [Powered by your mother's knickers]


In either of the cases above, we have to make Gnome so good, so
compelling, that people wouldn't want to use anything else.  In the
first case they would say, not powered by Gnome?  I'm not using it,
then.  In the second case they would say, doesn't feel like Gnome?
I'm not using it, then.  We are not at that point yet.


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