At Mon, 25 Jan 2010 15:27:57 +0100,
Andy Wingo wrote:
> So inspired by Vincent's recent mail, let this be a mini-proposal for
> GHM co-location with the 2011 GUADEC. The ideal needs would be one
> smallish (40-50 people) room for three days. GHM events have had some
> funding attached to them in the past, enough to support them; while of
> course I can't predict the future, GNU probably could help support costs
> of the venue, when the time comes to discuss that.

>From the GNU side, it is definitely useful to colocate with another
event.  So if it is possible to do that at GUADEC in the future I
think it would be a good thing.


Brian Gough
(former GHM organiser)
foundation-list mailing list

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