Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Jonas Maebe

On 29/06/18 22:02, Stefan Glienke wrote:
If I am not mistaken (this is from my observarion and might not be 100% 
accurate) usually the rule in Delphi (possibly similar in FPC) when it 
allows to directly pass the LHS as hidden result parameter is when it is 
a local variable.

FPC does it when it knows for certain the target cannot be read or 
modified by the called function. Even for local variables, this is not 
always the case, e.g. if the local variable's address may have been 
taken at some point: by the address parameter, or simply because it was 
passed as var- or out-parameter (the called function could then take the 
address of that parameter and store it elsewhere). I.e., it is based on 
alias analysis.

With whole-program analysis, it could also be done with global 
variables, or in cases the compiler could prove that the function that 
received a (local) variable as var/out-parameter did not take its 
address and store it in a location that survived the lifetime of the 
called function.

That's what I meant when I said this proposal defines language behaviour 
based on the limitations of a compiler's implementation of alias 
analysis. Nobody can be 100% accurate about this because this can change 
from one compiler version to another, unless you limit yourself to the 
very first implementation your original compiler had. Any improvement 
could break working code.

Now with the dynamic array we have the case that since 
the content of the temp variable was being copied it then when being 
reused has a ref count of 1 causing SetLength to just realloc the memory 
and possibly keep any existing content of the array copying it then on 
to the LHS of a second statement as shown in the code example earlier.

I fully agree it is counter-intuitive. But I disagree that only solving 
the issue in specific cases (which aren't even documented anywhere) is a 
solution. Either you go all the way, or you don't do it.

Having the programmer keep manual track of when a managed type might 
need extra initialisation does not make sense. After all, when you 
change your code, behaviour could change because suddenly a local 
variable might have a value at a point where previously it didn't. 
Having to follow all code paths to see whether somewhere you call a 
function that does not initialise its function result so you can add an 
extra nil-initialisation of that managed local variable is the opposite 
of robust code.

IMO there is a potential cause for a code defect that is not obvious - 
you might go the way of the principle of least surprises and try to 
address it

The principle of least surprises would be to always use temps and to 
always initialise them before passing them as function result. I think 
many more people would expect this rather than "it is usually 
initialised to nil". It would of course result in complaints that FPC 
performs extra initialisations of managed variables compared to Delphi.

or argue it away for whatever reasons.

That is no way to discuss.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Thorsten Engler
> -Original Message-
> From: fpc-devel  On Behalf Of
> Mattias Gaertner
> > [...] COM interface methods can't logically not be virtual,
> I think you are confusing things here. They can be virtual or not
> virtual in COM and CORBA.

I think a lot of people simply don't understand how interfaces are implemented.

A decade ago, I wrote some articles about interfaces:

Looking through these now, I see that there are details missing about how 
Delphi (and I assume FPC) actually implements interfaces. (The following 
assumes that the read has some understanding about interfaces that can be 
gained from the articles above.)

An interface being "a pointer to a pointer to an array of method pointers" 
raises the question, "where is the memory that the 2nd pointer in that chain is 
stored in?"

When you define a class like:

  ISomeInterfaceA = interface(IInterface)
procedure SomeMethod;

  TSomeObjectA = class(TInterfacedObject, ISomeInterfaceA)
{--- ISomeInterfaceA ---}
procedure SomeMethod;

The in-memory layout of that class is something like:

VMT  : Pointer { to array of method pointer};
InheritedFields  : Array[x] of Byte; // fields inherited from 
TSomeObjectA_ISomeInterfaceA_VMT : Pointer { to array of method pointer};

So if you have a TSomeObjectA instance and get an ISomeInterfaceA from that, 
what you get is a pointer to that TSomeObjectA_ISomeInterfaceA_VMT field of 
that particular instance of TSomeObjectA.

Which raise the next question, what's the value of that 
TSomeObjectA_ISomeInterfaceA_VMT and where does it come from?

The compiler, at the time it compiles TSomeObjectA will create a static array 
of method pointers (for all the methods in the interface, including ancestors) 
and store a pointer to that in the RTTI of the class.

When the an instance of TSomeObjectA is created, as part of the work done 
before the constructor is run, the RTL will go through the RTTI of the class, 
find out about all the "hidden interface VMT pointer fields" and initialize 
them to point at the array of method pointers the compiler generated. So all 
instances of TSomeObjectA will always have exactly the same value in the hidden 
TSomeObjectA_ISomeInterfaceA_VMT field.

Which raise the next question, what code exactly are the method pointers in 
that compiler generated TSomeObjectA_ISomeInterfaceA_VMT array pointing to?

A valid ISomeInterfaceA VMT is expected to contain a pointer in the SomeMethod 
slot to something like:

procedure(Self: ISomeInterfaceA);

But the code for TSomeObjectA.SomeMethod is:

procedure(Self: TSomeObjectA);

So the compiler clearly can't just put a pointer to TSomeObjectA.SomeMethod 
into the SomeMethod slot of the TSomeObjectA_ISomeInterfaceA_VMT. Instead, the 
compiler needs to create code for a hidden trampoline that looks like this:

procedure TSomeObjectA_ISomeInterfaceA_SomeMethod(Self: ISomeInterfaceA);

So the code can reconstruct the TSomeObjectA pointer because the position of 
the TSomeObjectA_ISomeInterfaceA_VMT field (which is what Self: ISomeInterfaceA 
points to) is always at a fixed offset from the class VMT (which is what a 
TSomeObjectA variable points to).

And now we can get to the "COM interface methods can't logically not be 
virtual" statement.

A call against ISomeInterfaceA.SomeMethod is always "virtual". Yes. It always 
involved looking up the appropriate method pointer in the interface VMT and 
then calling that. So you can have different ISomeInterfaceA that will have 
different code pointers in the SomeMethod slot of their VMT.

But that virtual call only gets you to the compiler generated trampoline. Which 
then reconstructs the object pointer, and makes the actual call against the 
object method. And THAT call can be static or virtual, depending if the method 
in the class is virtual or not.

Let's continue with the code example from above:

  ISomeInterfaceB = interface(ISomeInterfaceA)
procedure SomeOtherMethod;

  TSomeObjectB = class(TSomeObjectA, ISomeInterfaceB)
{--- ISomeInterfaceA ---}
procedure SomeMethod; //not virtual!

{--- ISomeInterfaceB ---}
procedure SomeOtherMethod;  

The resulting memory layout of TSomeObjectB will be:

VMT  : Pointer { to array of method pointer};
InheritedFields  : Array[x] of Byte; // fields inherited from 
TSomeObjectA_ISomeInterfaceA_VMT : Pointer { to array of method pointer};

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Jonas Maebe

On 29/06/18 19:03, Stefan Glienke wrote:
Delphi does not reuse them, every call to a function generates a temp 
variable. Sure, if you call it in a loop it of course uses the same one. 

That does not make any sense to me from a language design point of view. 
Either the language guarantees that managed function results are 
initialised to empty, or it does not. The fact that these are the same 
or different temps, or if there are no temps at all, should not matter 
in the least. Otherwise you are defining the behaviour of the language 
in terms of the quality of the compiler's alias analysis (since if it 
can prove that it does not need a temp, the function result may not be 
empty on entry).

But if you have 2 calls after each other the compiler generates two 
variables. Even if they are in seperate code branches. I have often 
enough optimized some code that caused huge prologue/epilogue just for 
temp variables of different calls where only one could have happened 
(like in a case statement).

I'm sorry, but supporting the exploitation of properties of the Delphi 
code generator is not in the scope of the FPC project.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Thorsten Engler
> -Original Message-
> From: fpc-devel  On Behalf Of
> Martok
> Sent: Saturday, 30 June 2018 03:15
> To:
> Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour
> Okay, then why does the calling convention change matters so much?
> Maybe a COM/CORBA thing? COM interface methods can't logically not be
> virtual, and the kind of code from my example has always worked (for
> me!) in FPC.
> I am confused. Which sorta ties in to the whole "surprises" thing
> from before we hijacked this thread...

The compiler, when building the interface VMT for a specific interface as 
implemented by a specific class requires that the signature of the method in 
the class matches the signature of the method in the interface definition. 

So if the _AddRef and _Release methods in IInterface/IUnknown are using cdecl 
and the methods in the class are stdcall, it will ignore them. (Technically the 
compiler shouldn't need to do that, because it has to create trampolins for all 
interface methods anyway to fix up the self pointer, at which point any 
difference in calling convention could be accounted for).

What I am surprised about is that the code with mismatched calling conventions 
compiles at all, and decides to use TInterfacedObject._AddRef (which has the 
correct calling convention) when building the Interface VMT, instead of 
producing a compiler error saying that TChainer._AddRef has a mismatching 
calling convention.

I would not have expected that and it feels like a bug to me.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 29 Jun 2018 19:15:00 +0200
Martok  wrote:

> Am 29.06.2018 um 16:37 schrieb Thorsten Engler:
> > The specific functions that implement an interface get baked into the class 
> > at the moment when the interface is defined as part of the class. This 
> > results in important differences in behaviour, depending if methods (in the 
> > class) are defined as virtual or not, and if a derived class redeclares an 
> > interface already declared on an ancestor or not.  
> Okay, then why does the calling convention change matters so much?

The compiler searches interface methods in the class via the method
signature, which includes the calling convention.
Same as Delphi.

And same as Delphi, FPC does not give a hint if there is an overload
with a different calling convention. I wish there would be.

> [...] COM interface methods can't logically not be virtual,

I think you are confusing things here. They can be virtual or not
virtual in COM and CORBA.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Thorsten Engler
> -Original Message-
> From: fpc-devel  On Behalf Of
> Michael Van Canneyt
> Sent: Saturday, 30 June 2018 03:11
> To: FPC developers' list 
> Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour
> Please explain. Exactly how does it demonstrate this ?
> What is the expected output ?
> And how does current output differ from expected output ?

The same code results in more calls to AddRef/Release under FPC than it does 
under Delphi. 

The executed code in FPC is still "correct", in that the reference count 
reaches 0 (and the object is freed) late enough. So there is no issue with 

But the additional redundant calls to AddRef/Release will execute lock inc/dec 
or add/sub instructions. Which are very expensive.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 29 Jun 2018 19:11:14 +0200 (CEST)
Michael Van Canneyt  wrote:

> On Sat, 30 Jun 2018, Thorsten Engler wrote:
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: fpc-devel  On Behalf Of
> >> Michael Van Canneyt
> >> Sent: Saturday, 30 June 2018 01:07
> >> To: FPC developers' list 
> >> Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour
> >> 
> >> what does this demo actually demonstrate other than that the compiler
> >> functions ?  
> >
> > That there is a difference between "functions correctly" and "performs 
> > well"?  
> Please explain. Exactly how does it demonstrate this ?

Functions correctly: _AddRef is called for each interface reference and
_AddRef and _Release are balanced.

Performs well: need only 3 _AddRef instead of 6

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Martok
Am 29.06.2018 um 16:37 schrieb Thorsten Engler:
> The specific functions that implement an interface get baked into the class 
> at the moment when the interface is defined as part of the class. This 
> results in important differences in behaviour, depending if methods (in the 
> class) are defined as virtual or not, and if a derived class redeclares an 
> interface already declared on an ancestor or not.
Okay, then why does the calling convention change matters so much?

Maybe a COM/CORBA thing? COM interface methods can't logically not be virtual,
and the kind of code from my example has always worked (for me!) in FPC.

I am confused. Which sorta ties in to the whole "surprises" thing from before we
hijacked this thread...


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Sat, 30 Jun 2018, Thorsten Engler wrote:

-Original Message-
From: fpc-devel  On Behalf Of
Michael Van Canneyt
Sent: Saturday, 30 June 2018 01:07
To: FPC developers' list 
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

what does this demo actually demonstrate other than that the compiler
functions ?

That there is a difference between "functions correctly" and "performs well"?

Please explain. Exactly how does it demonstrate this ?

What is the expected output ? 
And how does current output differ from expected output ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Stefan Glienke
Delphi does not reuse them, every call to a function generates a temp 
variable. Sure, if you call it in a loop it of course uses the same one. 
But if you have 2 calls after each other the compiler generates two 
variables. Even if they are in seperate code branches. I have often 
enough optimized some code that caused huge prologue/epilogue just for 
temp variables of different calls where only one could have happened 
(like in a case statement). You can see exactly that in the answer by 
David Heffernan you linked to. The loop keeps adding X while the other 
two calls get an empty string passed.

Am 29.06.2018 um 18:27 schrieb Jonas Maebe:

On 29/06/18 17:57, Stefan Glienke wrote:
Now we are back to using temp variables (both Delphi and FPC do) but 
FPC again reuses its temp variable for A and B while Delphi uses 
different ones. Now for some integer this might not be a big issue 
but imagine you have something else in these arrays (for example any 
managed type like an interface).
Not having properly cleared B because it still uses the temporary 
content from A might cause some issues.

My point was that Delphi sometimes also reuses temp variables. See the 
StackOverflow posts linked from the previous message. It does not do 
it in the same cases as FPC, but it does do it. So while you may be 
lucky more often in Delphi, relying on this behaviour is unsafe even 
there afaik.

fpc-devel maillist  -

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fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Jonas Maebe

On 29/06/18 17:57, Stefan Glienke wrote:

Now we are back to using temp variables (both Delphi and FPC do) but FPC again 
reuses its temp variable for A and B while Delphi uses different ones. Now for 
some integer this might not be a big issue but imagine you have something else 
in these arrays (for example any managed type like an interface).
Not having properly cleared B because it still uses the temporary content from 
A might cause some issues.

My point was that Delphi sometimes also reuses temp variables. See the 
StackOverflow posts linked from the previous message. It does not do it 
in the same cases as FPC, but it does do it. So while you may be lucky 
more often in Delphi, relying on this behaviour is unsafe even there afaik.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Bugfixes merge request

2018-06-29 Thread Ondrej Pokorny

On 21.06.2018 22:34, Ondrej Pokorny wrote:
Because there have been rumours about merging 3.2, I'd like to request 
to review 2 bug fixes that I'd like to have in 3.2 and therefore 
before merging:

Why I request to review the issue reports:

1.) They are bug fixes targeting real issues in the Lazarus IDE 
component streaming. (Some properties are not correctly written to the 
LFM - see
2.) They achieve Delphi compatibility (the current state is both buggy 
and Delphi incompatible).

3.) I posted patches so you only need to review them.
4.) I posted test case projects as well.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Stefan Glienke
Let me add some information to this issue - as I think this is one - before 
this drifted into the interface chaining thing:

When you execute this code in Delphi it will print 0 while on FPC it prints 42:

  Vector = array of integer;

function DoSomething (len: Integer): Vector;
  SetLength(Result, len);

  A, B: Vector;
  A := DoSomething(3);
  A[0] := 42;
  B := DoSomething(4);

This is the case as FPC reuses the same temp variable for both calls and thus 
still points to an allocated array from the first call which it just enlarges 
by one. Delphi in this case does not directly pass A and B but does temp 
variables for both (it does that because A and B are global variables).

When you move this code to a routine like this:

procedure Main;
  A, B: Vector;
  A := DoSomething(3);
  A[0] := 42;
  B := DoSomething(4);


both Delphi and FPC behave the same - both directly pass A and B do DoSomething 
because they are local variables that can not be affected by any other code 
running at the same time.

While this might look as something that does not have any serious implication 
it actually might have.

Change the code to following:

  TFoo = class
A, B: Vector;

procedure Main;
  foo: TFoo;
  foo := TFoo.Create;
  foo.A := DoSomething(3);
  foo.A[0] := 42;
  foo.B := DoSomething(4);

Now we are back to using temp variables (both Delphi and FPC do) but FPC again 
reuses its temp variable for A and B while Delphi uses different ones. Now for 
some integer this might not be a big issue but imagine you have something else 
in these arrays (for example any managed type like an interface).
Not having properly cleared B because it still uses the temporary content from 
A might cause some issues.

> On 28 June 2018 at 20:06 Jonas Maebe  wrote:
> On 28/06/18 18:45, Willibald Krenn wrote:
> > 
> > type  Vector = array of integer;
> > function DoSomething (len: longint): Vector; begin
> >SetLength (result,len); // whatever
> > end;
> > 
> > var  A,B: Vector;
> > begin
> >A := DoSomething(3);
> >// changing A here will influence B below,
> >// which seems ok to some as
> >// "managed types are not initialized when
> >// calling DoSomething and this is documented
> >// - so anything goes and stop whining".
> >B := DoSomething(3);
> > end.
> > 
> > I strongly believe that the behaviour as currently implemented is wrong 
> > and here is why.
> > (1) When assigning "result" to A, refcount of result needs to go down 
> > and, hence, the local var needs to be freed/invalidated. (Result goes 
> > out of scope.)
> For performance reasons, managed function results are implemented as 
> call-by-reference parameters. This is also the case in Delphi: 
> Therefore the function result's scope is the caller of the function, not 
> the function itself.
> > (3) The behaviour is incompatible to Delphi (tested 10.2.3 vs. Lazarus 
> > 1.8.0).
> It is compatible with Delphi. See e.g. 
> > Delphi shows the expected behaviour of treating A and B as distinct.
> That's because your example gets optimized better by Delphi than by FPC: 
> Delphi directly passes A resp. B as the function result "var" parameter 
> to the function calls in your example, while FPC passes a/the same 
> temporary variable to them and then assigns this temprary variable to A/B.
> If you have more complex code where the Delphi compiler cannot be 
> certain that the variable to which you assign the function result isn't 
> used inside the function as well, it will behave in a similar way (as 
> discussed in the StackOverflow posts linked from the message above).
> Jonas
> ___
> fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Thorsten Engler
> -Original Message-
> From: fpc-devel  On Behalf Of
> Michael Van Canneyt
> Sent: Saturday, 30 June 2018 01:07
> To: FPC developers' list 
> Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour
> what does this demo actually demonstrate other than that the compiler
> functions ?

That there is a difference between "functions correctly" and "performs well"?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

Pressed send too quickly.

home:~> ./tirc 
Chain: 7FA5948CF040

Chain: 7FA5948CF040
Done: 7FA5948CF040

"stdcall" is wrong for Linux. It must be
{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};

Then you get under Linux:
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 1 at 0041331A
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 2 at 004121F2
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 2 at 00412196
Chain: 7F0B935BF040
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 2 at 0041331A
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 3 at 004121F2
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 3 at 00412196
Chain: 7F0B935BF040
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 3 at 0041331A
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 4 at 004121F2
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 4 at 00412196
Done: 7F0B935BF040
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 3 at 00412196
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 2 at 00412196
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 1 at 00412196

ahahahahahaha... Good point. Changed it and now I get this too.

Explains a lot. Strange the compiler does not warn about this. 
("hides method of parent class" or somesuch)

With that out of the way, the original question still remains:

what does this demo actually demonstrate other than that the compiler functions 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Fri, 29 Jun 2018 16:18:04 +0200 (CEST)
Michael Van Canneyt  wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Martok wrote:
> >  
> >> Am 29.06.2018 um 14:41 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:  
> >>> As far as I can see, you get 2 chain and 1 done call. Which is what I'd   
> > expect.  
> >>> The overrides of the _* calls are useless, since they are not virtual in
> >>> TInterfacedObject and hence never called. So that's OK too.  
> >> Interface functions are always virtual and implemented by the actually
> >> instantiated class.  
> > The "override" keyword is neither allowed nor needed, this  
> >> code does what it looks like.
> >>
> >> The expected output would be 3 Addrefs and 3 Releases.  
> >
> > I don't get that.  
> Pressed send too quickly.
> home:~> ./tirc   
> Chain: 7FA5948CF040
> Chain: 7FA5948CF040
> Done: 7FA5948CF040

"stdcall" is wrong for Linux. It must be
{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};

Then you get under Linux:
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 1 at 0041331A
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 2 at 004121F2
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 2 at 00412196
Chain: 7F0B935BF040
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 2 at 0041331A
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 3 at 004121F2
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 3 at 00412196
Chain: 7F0B935BF040
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 3 at 0041331A
Addref: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 4 at 004121F2
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 4 at 00412196
Done: 7F0B935BF040
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 3 at 00412196
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 2 at 00412196
Release: 7F0B935BF040 Refcount: 1 at 00412196

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Thorsten Engler
> -Original Message-
> From: fpc-devel  On Behalf Of
> Martok
> Sent: Friday, 29 June 2018 23:55
> To:

> Interface functions are always virtual and implemented by the
> actually instantiated class. The "override" keyword is neither
> allowed nor needed,

Without having looked the particular code this thread is about, that statement, 
at least how I interpret it, is wrong.

The specific functions that implement an interface get baked into the class at 
the moment when the interface is defined as part of the class. This results in 
important differences in behaviour, depending if methods (in the class) are 
defined as virtual or not, and if a derived class redeclares an interface 
already declared on an ancestor or not.

I've only tried the following code (which demonstrates this) in Delphi, but 
would assume FPC to produce the same result (otherwise there is bound to be a 
lot of Delphi code which produces subtly different outcomes when compiled with 

program IntfImplDetails;



  IFoo = interface(IInterface)
procedure Foo;

  IBar = interface(IFoo)
procedure Bar;

  TFoo = class(TInterfacedObject, IFoo)
procedure Foo;

  TFooBar = class(TFoo, IBar)
procedure Bar;
procedure Foo;

  TFooBarToo = class(TFooBar, IFoo)
procedure Bar;
procedure Foo;

  TVirtFoo = class(TInterfacedObject, IFoo)
procedure Foo; virtual;

  TVirtFooBar = class(TVirtFoo, IBar)
procedure Bar;
procedure Foo; override;

{ TFoo }

procedure TFoo.Foo;

procedure TFooBar.Bar;

procedure TFooBar.Foo;

procedure TFooBarToo.Bar;

procedure TFooBarToo.Foo;

procedure TVirtFoo.Foo;

procedure TVirtFooBar.Bar;

procedure TVirtFooBar.Foo;

  Intf : IInterface;

  IntfFoo : IFoo;
  IntfBar : IBar;

{=== TFooBar ===}
WriteLn('=== TFooBar ===');
Intf := TFooBar.Create;

Supports(Intf, IFoo, IntfFoo);
IntfFoo.Foo; // TFoo.Foo

Supports(Intf, IBar, IntfBar);

IntfBar.Foo; // TFooBar.Foo
IntfBar.Bar; // TFooBar.Bar

IntfFoo := IntfBar;
IntfFoo.Foo; // TFooBar.Foo

{=== TFooBarToo ===}

WriteLn('=== TFooBarToo ===');
Intf := TFooBarToo.Create;

Supports(Intf, IFoo, IntfFoo);
IntfFoo.Foo; // TFooBarToo.Foo

Supports(Intf, IBar, IntfBar);

IntfBar.Foo; // TFooBar.Foo
IntfBar.Bar; // TFooBar.Bar

IntfFoo := IntfBar;
IntfFoo.Foo; // TFooBar.Foo

{=== TVirtFooBar ===}

WriteLn('=== TVirtFooBar ===');
Intf := TVirtFooBar.Create;

Supports(Intf, IFoo, IntfFoo);
IntfFoo.Foo; // TVirtFooBar.Foo

Supports(Intf, IBar, IntfBar);

IntfBar.Foo; // TVirtFooBar.Foo
IntfBar.Bar; // TVirtFooBar.Bar

IntfFoo := IntfBar;
IntfFoo.Foo; // TVirtFooBar.Foo
on E: Exception do
  Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
  if DebugHook <> 0 then

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Martok wrote:

Am 29.06.2018 um 14:41 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
As far as I can see, you get 2 chain and 1 done call. Which is what I'd 


The overrides of the _* calls are useless, since they are not virtual in
TInterfacedObject and hence never called. So that's OK too.

Interface functions are always virtual and implemented by the actually
instantiated class.

The "override" keyword is neither allowed nor needed, this

code does what it looks like.

The expected output would be 3 Addrefs and 3 Releases.

I don't get that.

Pressed send too quickly.

home:~> ./tirc 
Chain: 7FA5948CF040

Chain: 7FA5948CF040
Done: 7FA5948CF040

is the complete output. So either your explanation is wrong, or the compiler
completely faulty.

Compiling with memleak detection:

home:~> fpc -glh tirc.pp
home:~> ./tirc
Chain: 7F6FA90280C0
Chain: 7F6FA90280C0
Done: 7F6FA90280C0

Heap dump by heaptrc unit of /home/michael/tirc
1 memory blocks allocated : 32/32
1 memory blocks freed : 32/32
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 32768
True free heap : 32768

Tested on Delphi.

Seems FPC is completely faulty. Delphi calls the versions in TChainer, FPC does 

Well, You can guess how often this feature is used then... :)

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Martok
Am 29.06.2018 um 16:05 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
>> The expected output would be 3 Addrefs and 3 Releases.
> I don't get that.

Somewhat current FPC trunk output, annotations added manually:
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 1 at 00404961
   (by fpc_class_as_intf in GetChainer)
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 2 at 00404223
   (by fpc_intf_assign of GetChainer Result)
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 2 at 004041F4
   (by fpc_intf_decr_ref of GetChainer Result)
Chain: 0022FAA8
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 2 at 00404961
   (by fpc_class_as_intf in Chain)
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 3 at 00404223
   (by fpc_intf_assign of Chain Result)
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 3 at 004041F4
   (by fpc_intf_decr_ref of Chain Result)
Chain: 0022FAA8
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 3 at 00404961
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 4 at 00404223
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 4 at 004041F4
Done: 0022FAA8
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 3 at 004041F4
   (by fpc_intf_decr_ref at scope end of Test)
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 2 at 004041F4
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 1 at 004041F4

Delphi output (without the stack trace part, because they don't have it):
Addref: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 1
Chain: 0205DBE8
Addref: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 2
Chain: 0205DBE8
Addref: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 3
Done: 0205DBE8
Release: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 3
Release: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 2
Release: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 1

Delphi uses a shortcut for "as", and because of their different handling of
putting Result in a tempvar, they get away with less internal assignments.

6 LOCK instructions (and associated calls) less. Not a lot by itself, but since
we're counting single-digit cycles in other places...


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Martok wrote:

Am 29.06.2018 um 14:41 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
As far as I can see, you get 2 chain and 1 done call. Which is what I'd 


The overrides of the _* calls are useless, since they are not virtual in
TInterfacedObject and hence never called. So that's OK too.

Interface functions are always virtual and implemented by the actually
instantiated class.

The "override" keyword is neither allowed nor needed, this

code does what it looks like.

The expected output would be 3 Addrefs and 3 Releases.

I don't get that.

Pressed send too quickly.

home:~> ./tirc 
Chain: 7FA5948CF040

Chain: 7FA5948CF040
Done: 7FA5948CF040

is the complete output. So either your explanation is wrong, or the compiler
completely faulty.

Compiling with memleak detection:

home:~> fpc -glh tirc.pp
home:~> ./tirc
Chain: 7F6FA90280C0
Chain: 7F6FA90280C0
Done: 7F6FA90280C0

Heap dump by heaptrc unit of /home/michael/tirc
1 memory blocks allocated : 32/32
1 memory blocks freed : 32/32
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 32768
True free heap : 32768

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Martok wrote:

Am 29.06.2018 um 14:41 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

As far as I can see, you get 2 chain and 1 done call. Which is what I'd expect.
The overrides of the _* calls are useless, since they are not virtual in
TInterfacedObject and hence never called. So that's OK too.

Interface functions are always virtual and implemented by the actually
instantiated class. The "override" keyword is neither allowed nor needed, this
code does what it looks like.

The expected output would be 3 Addrefs and 3 Releases.

I don't get that.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Martok
Am 29.06.2018 um 14:41 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
> As far as I can see, you get 2 chain and 1 done call. Which is what I'd 
> expect.
> The overrides of the _* calls are useless, since they are not virtual in
> TInterfacedObject and hence never called. So that's OK too.
Interface functions are always virtual and implemented by the actually
instantiated class. The "override" keyword is neither allowed nor needed, this
code does what it looks like.

The expected output would be 3 Addrefs and 3 Releases.
A bit better would be doing the last release after "Done" and before "fin" (but
this is difficult because of the implied exception frame - there are cases where
Delphi does it anyway, depending on method length).
The "ideal" output would get away with even less (but I don't think this is
possible without translating to SSA form first and doing some strict counting).

The observed output is 6 Addrefs and 6 Releases. At some point in the past (this
may have to do with variable and register allocation), a Release could happen
too soon. It doesn't now, so that's good.

There is nothing technically wrong with the generated code, but it is not nearly
as efficient as it could be. See also Ryan's comments about slow
Interlocked*-calls a few weeks ago. Delphi's output for the same example is
better, giving the expected output.
Because of the tempvars, it is also not exactly what one might expect at first,
which is why I mentioned it in this context.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Martok wrote:

Am 29.06.2018 um 12:43 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:

Out of curiosity, can you give a simple example of such a funny behaviour
in such a chaining pattern ?

We've had this topic about 2 years ago with regard to automatic file close on
interface release. Interestingly, something must have changed in the mean time,
because the trivial testcase is now *different* , which is somewhat the point of
being weird-undefined ;-)

Take this example:

The tempvar used to get reused, causing lifetime issues with the "chain object".
This isn't the case anymore, now three independent tempvars are used, all of
which live until the end of the function, potentially keeping the object alive
for a long time.
There is also one fpc_intf_assign with associated addref/release per as
operator, which isn't technically necessary.

One could probably avoid the interfaces here with ARC records, but either I'm
missing something or the scope lifetime of tempvars there is even worse.

What is the expected output of this program ?

As far as I can see, you get 2 chain and 1 done call. Which is what I'd expect.
The overrides of the _* calls are useless, since they are not virtual in
TInterfacedObject and hence never called. So that's OK too.

There is no memory leak, output is the same with 2.6.4 and 3.0.4 and trunk,
so what does this demo actually demonstrate other than that the code just
works ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Martok
Am 29.06.2018 um 12:43 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
> Out of curiosity, can you give a simple example of such a funny behaviour
> in such a chaining pattern ?
We've had this topic about 2 years ago with regard to automatic file close on
interface release. Interestingly, something must have changed in the mean time,
because the trivial testcase is now *different* , which is somewhat the point of
being weird-undefined ;-)

Take this example:

The tempvar used to get reused, causing lifetime issues with the "chain object".
This isn't the case anymore, now three independent tempvars are used, all of
which live until the end of the function, potentially keeping the object alive
for a long time.
There is also one fpc_intf_assign with associated addref/release per as
operator, which isn't technically necessary.

One could probably avoid the interfaces here with ARC records, but either I'm
missing something or the scope lifetime of tempvars there is even worse.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Possible internal corruption

2018-06-29 Thread J. Gareth Moreton
 So I've made a breakthrough. The memory corruption is due to both parts of
the CMOV optimization under OptPass2Jcc, not my Jcc addition (although it
might have unintentionally accentuated it). The first part sets p to a
dangling pointer, while the 2nd part is a little more complicated, but I'll
try to spell everything out once I finish testing my new patch and see if
I've eliminated all of my crashes


 On Fri 29/06/18 10:05 , "J. Gareth Moreton"
  It turns out that it's invalid memory.  Trying to call "ClassName"
raises an access violation (other aligns work fine).  There's a dangling
pointer somewhere.  I found one in the CMOV optimisation code, but that
hasn't fixed the crash.


 On Fri 29/06/18 10:27 , Martok sent:
 > A clue that leads me to believe there's internal corruption is that a
 > .s file yields an alignment field of ".balign 119,0x90", which should
 > happen. 
 Could you set a breakpoint on aggas.pas:721 (the call to doalign) with a 
 conditional on "tai_align_abstract(hp).aligntype=119" and check what the
 type of hp is? It could be that at some point a node gets its typ changed
in an 
 invalid way? 
 aligntype should be either one of 2^[0..5], never something else... 

 This is where AddressSanitizer support would be *nice*. 


 Ceterum censeo b32079 esse sanandam. 

 fpc-devel maillist - [1]

 fpc-devel maillist - [3]


[2] http:=
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Michael Van Canneyt

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Martok wrote:

I hope this issue gets addressed, as I deem the current behaviour completely
broken and also going totally against the spirit of Pascal, feeling much more
like some very obscure behaviour I'd expect from some C compiler.
Discovering the handling of this issue, however, makes me wonder
whether fpc aims to be a great Pascal compiler that does without bad surprises
and very very hard to debug "documented" behaviour or not.

There is less undefined behaviour than in C, but the one we have will bite you
in the most awful ways, sometimes after years of working just fine. And we don't
even have a nice formal standards document that one could grep for "undefined".

But yeah, as Jonas wrote, this _isn't_ one of these occasions. FPC uses (and
reuses!) tempvars a lot more than Delphi, which causes all sorts of funny
behaviours with managed types. Try returning a string or use the
JavaScript-style "Foo().Bar().Baz()" method chaining pattern and you'll see what
I mean.

Out of curiosity, can you give a simple example of such a funny behaviour
in such a chaining pattern ?

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Possible internal corruption

2018-06-29 Thread J. Gareth Moreton
 It turns out that it's invalid memory.  Trying to call "ClassName" raises
an access violation (other aligns work fine).  There's a dangling pointer
somewhere.  I found one in the CMOV optimisation code, but that hasn't
fixed the crash.


 On Fri 29/06/18 10:27 , Martok sent:
 > A clue that leads me to believe there's internal corruption is that a
 > .s file yields an alignment field of ".balign 119,0x90", which should
 > happen. 
 Could you set a breakpoint on aggas.pas:721 (the call to doalign) with a 
 conditional on "tai_align_abstract(hp).aligntype=119" and check what the
 type of hp is? It could be that at some point a node gets its typ changed
in an 
 invalid way? 
 aligntype should be either one of 2^[0..5], never something else... 

 This is where AddressSanitizer support would be *nice*. 


 Ceterum censeo b32079 esse sanandam. 

 fpc-devel maillist - [1]


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

2018-06-29 Thread Martok
> I hope this issue gets addressed, as I deem the current behaviour completely
> broken and also going totally against the spirit of Pascal, feeling much more
> like some very obscure behaviour I'd expect from some C compiler.
> Discovering the handling of this issue, however, makes me wonder
> whether fpc aims to be a great Pascal compiler that does without bad surprises
> and very very hard to debug "documented" behaviour or not.
There is less undefined behaviour than in C, but the one we have will bite you
in the most awful ways, sometimes after years of working just fine. And we don't
even have a nice formal standards document that one could grep for "undefined".

But yeah, as Jonas wrote, this _isn't_ one of these occasions. FPC uses (and
reuses!) tempvars a lot more than Delphi, which causes all sorts of funny
behaviours with managed types. Try returning a string or use the
JavaScript-style "Foo().Bar().Baz()" method chaining pattern and you'll see what
I mean.

Change your function to the following, and it will do what one would expect:
function DoSomething (len: longint): Vector;
  Result:= nil;
  SetLength (result,len); // whatever

For managed types, as far as I can tell:
 - locals are initialized (even if there is a warning telling you they are not)
 - tempvars are initialized *once*
 - Result is never initialized (there is no warning telling you it is not).


Ceterum censeo b32079 esse sanandam.

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Possible internal corruption

2018-06-29 Thread Martok
> A clue that leads me to believe there's internal corruption is that a produced
> .s file yields an alignment field of ".balign 119,0x90", which should never
> happen.
Could you set a breakpoint on aggas.pas:721 (the call to doalign) with a
conditional on "tai_align_abstract(hp).aligntype=119" and check what the actual
type of hp is? It could be that at some point a node gets its typ changed in an
invalid way?
aligntype should be either one of 2^[0..5], never something else...

This is where AddressSanitizer support would be *nice*.


Ceterum censeo b32079 esse sanandam.

fpc-devel maillist  -