Re: [fpc-devel] interface vs optimizer

2006-01-20 Thread Alexey Barkovoy

This is by design.

- Original Message - 
From: mariano podesta

Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:56 AM
Subject: [fpc-devel] interface vs optimizer

hi people,
there is a problem with functions returning interfaces:
if nobody stores the result, the object decrements one reference despite turn 
off optimizations.


function getobj: IUnknown;
 Result := TInterfacedObject.Create;

procedure test;
 // here result of getobj has died :(

es there a solution or workaround?


fpc-devel maillist  - 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Templates / Generics

2005-11-03 Thread Alexey Barkovoy

Delphi 11 .Net 2.0 will support  Generics. Maybe Delphi 11 Win32.

This page looks only like the start of a proposal. Neither complete nor
Why do you think, that D2006 will have generics?

Not Delphi 2006, but Delphi 2007
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Passing consts to const

2005-06-07 Thread Alexey Barkovoy

procedure TestBuf(const Buf; Size: Integer);

It should work. AFAIR, typed constants are treated exactly as variables with 
an initial value.

Actually untyped parameters accept anything except numeral or untyped numeric 
constant in Delphi. The meaning of const in this example is contract that 
function will not change passed value. 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] webserver

2005-03-29 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
Try as a workaround (works nice here), or the
google cache.
But I still will not be able to fill / browse bug reports!
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] fpc_ShortStr_To_WideStr

2005-03-21 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
Use the bug database to report bugs. Bugs reported on the mailing list
will be forgotten.
I know, but are down (?) altrow pings 
show they are active... 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] TShiftState as enum

2005-02-20 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
Delphi dowsn't allow sets with ordinal values larger than 255 too:
That's incorrect.
Sets are restricted to a maximum of 256 members, but the ordinal values
of the members can be higher.
As I've already posted: sample code below not compile in any Delphi version. You 
can try it yourself.

type aenum=510..517;
aset = set of aenum;
Delphi 2005 emits:
Borland Delphi for Win32 compiler version 17.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2004 Borland Software Corporation
1.pas(2) Error: E2028 Sets may have at most 256 elements

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Bug in PWidechar and refcounting

2005-02-16 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
- Original Message - 
From: DrDiettrich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] Bug in PWidechar and refcounting

Alexey Barkovoy wrote:
PAnsiChar, PChar are just pointers and not garbage collected by compiler. But
AnsiString and WideString are compiler managed types. So, as Peter mentioned,
behaviour you are seeing is by design.
In Delphi WideString is not reference counted at all. The layout of the
string prefix is dictated by the Windows API (BSTR type), and AFAIK
Windows also doesn't use reference counting with this type, or with
OLEVariants containing wide strings.
In e-mail above I've not said anywhere about reference-counting, I've said 
WideString are managed by compiler. For example if you declare WideString local 
variable in procedure it will be automatically freed at the end of procedure in 
compiler generated try ... finally block. And if you declare PWideChar, 
allocate memory for it, when it's up to you to free this memory after you no 
longer need it. 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Abbrevia and Delphi compatibility

2005-02-16 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
2) Sets with minimal size, at least with 1 and 2 bytes for replacement
of Byte and Word types.
This is already correctly working (at least in FPC 1.9.x). For example:
   DMUS_VARIATIONT_SEQUENTIAL   {= 0}, (* Play sequential starting with 
variation 1. *)
   DMUS_VARIATIONT_RANDOM   {= 1}, (* Play randomly. *)
   DMUS_VARIATIONT_RANDOM_START {= 2}, (* Play sequential starting with a 
random variation. *)
   DMUS_VARIATIONT_NO_REPEAT{= 3}, (* Play randomly, but don't play the 
same variation twice. *)
   DMUS_VARIATIONT_RANDOM_ROW   {= 4}  (* Play randomly as a row: don't 
repeat any variation until all have played. *)

will write 2 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Bug in PWidechar and refcounting

2005-02-13 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
Normally I would aggree with you, but as far as I can see, PWideChar is
also an automated type. (If not then large parts of the variant-code in
the RTL has to be rewritten, and probably alsoe the file)
 WideString is defined as a 'silent' pwidechar :
 a pwidechar that points to :
 @-8  : SizeInt for reference count;
 @-4  : SizeInt for size;
 @: String + Terminating #0;
 Pwidechar(Widestring) is a valid typecast.
 So WS[i] is converted to the address @WS+i-1.
So there is a bug somewhere. But if they should not be refcounted, that's
ok. But then I have some fixs for the variant-code
Above is just an internal description of WideString layout in memory, so this 
layout allows easy type conversion of WideString to PWideChar. Note: PWideChar, 
PAnsiChar, PChar are just pointers and not garbage collected by compiler. But 
AnsiString and WideString are compiler managed types. So, as Peter mentioned, 
behaviour you are seeing is by design. 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] VMT compatibility

2005-01-29 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
I where any chance to see FreePascal generating VMT's for classes that is 
more compatible with C++ / TurboPascal / Delphi one?
To explain mine question: recently I've been porting Delphi framework 
interfacing to C++ code to FPC and finded out that althrow Delphi VMT layout 
is compatible to C++ one, FPC is not.
Are you sure Delphi is compatible to C++ or just to Borland C++? The latter 
would be logical, since both Delphi and C++ Builder use the same backend. Or 
are Delphi classes also binary compatible with Visual C++ and g++ classes?
Delphi is compatible at least with Borland C++ and MS VC++. And taking in 
accout how COM intefaces are implemented in C++ (I'm supposing here all C++ 
compilers support the same syntax) - each C++ compiler supporting MS way to 
declare COM interfaces has compatible VMT layout.
PS. I'm not insisting for compatibility on internal fields (with negative 
offset in Delphi case), but hope for layout compatibility of user defined 
virtual methods. 

fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Bug in compiler after fixes applied: 2005/01/10 21:50:05 jonas

2005-01-17 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
Fixes description:

2005/01/10 21:50:05  jonas
   + support for passing records in registers under darwin
   * tcgpara now also has an intsize field, which contains the size in
 bytes of the whole parameter

I've initially filled bug report here:
After looking at problem source I've discovered that changing  ncgcal.pas  
around 330 line back to pre-patch (old) condition fixes mine problems:

{$ifndef cpu64bit}
// Old code ---
//if left.location.size in [OS_64,OS_S64] then
// New code ---
//{ don't call the cg64 stuff for 8-byte sized records etc }
//if is_64bit(left.resulttype.def) then
   if left.location.size in [OS_64,OS_S64] then
{$endif cpu64bit}
Mine problems seems to happen in this function (class method), but I can't 
reproduce it in simpler case:

function CDXUTButton.ContainsPoint(pt: TPoint): LongBool; // this is virtual 
 // this checking of class variable raises an exception
 if (Text = 'aaa') then begin end;
 // if line above is commented this function returns always false.
 Result:= PtInRect(m_rcBoundingBox, pt);

Compilation is done with -Sd -Or parameters.
PS: changing declaration to use CONST doesn't change anything:
function CDXUTButton.ContainsPoint(const pt: TPoint): LongBool;
PPS: How this can be related to this bug report?
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] ansistrings and widestrings

2005-01-10 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
- Original Message - 
From: peter green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2005 11:45 PM
Subject: RE: [fpc-devel] ansistrings and widestrings

  // Lenght paremeters are number of CHARS not bytes
  TWide2AnsiMove=function(source:pwidechar; srclen:SizeInt;
destlen:SizeInt): SizeInt;
  TAnsi2WideMove=function(source:pansichar; srclen:SizeInt;
destlen:SizeInt): SizeInt;
These functions should return actual number of characters in
output. Returning
ZERO should indicate insufficient destination size.
yes theese would be workabable but they seem to me to be a horrible Cism
whats wrong with
twidestringtoansistring=procedure(const source : widestring;var dest :
tansistringtowidestring=procedure(const source : ansistring;var dest :
Because we need to transform from PChar to WideString or from PWideChar to 
AnsiString or from Array [0..xx] of Char to WideString, etc. 

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] ansistrings and widestrings

2005-01-05 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
Well functions are called ANSI to unicode and vice versa. ANSI is always single 
byte; by unicode people usually refer to utf16, not multibyte encoding and both 
Delphi and FPC define WideString as double byte strings. So semantically 
functions do that is required. IMHO then assigning widestring to ansistring 
noone should expect multibyte encoded result. Then you need utf-8 you should 
call special functions.

- Original Message - 
From: peter green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 8:32 PM
Subject: RE: [fpc-devel] ansistrings and widestrings

ok i see a MAJOR problem with the semantics of those functions.
they assume that one widechar is equivilent to one ansichar (that is the
source count of widechars will equal the destination count of ansichars or
the source count of widechars will equal the destination count of
this is simply not the case for many encodings. (utf-8 sjis euc to name just
a few)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Michael Van
Sent: 05 January 2005 16:11
To: FPC developers' list
Subject: RE: [fpc-devel] ansistrings and widestrings
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, peter green wrote:
 where are theese default versions located in the code?

In the inc directory of the rtl.
procedure Wide2AnsiMove(source:pwidechar;dest:pchar;len:SizeInt);
procedure Ansi2WideMove(source:pchar;dest:pwidechar;len:SizeInt);

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] ansistrings and widestrings

2005-01-05 Thread Alexey Barkovoy
Firstly: I agree that Wide2AnsiMoveProc and Ansi2WideMoveProc should take size 
of resulting string.

Next: I was wrong about ansistrings - on Windows their are (PCHAR's) used (until 
WinNT arrived) in far east localized versions coupled with multibyte encoding. 
So currenltly for legacy applications multibyte encoded character sets are 
supported in any WinNT box.

PS. I hope mine patch (bug 3451) extending Widestring support in compiler will 
finally be applied to CVS and we can proceed with RTL modifications to support 
more extended ansi to wide strings conversions. ;-)

PPS. AFAIK UTF-8 is not used internally in any OS - it's only used for storing 
UNICODE text in more compact form - web site authors really like it.

- Original Message - 
From: peter green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: FPC developers' list
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 12:19 AM
Subject: RE: [fpc-devel] ansistrings and widestrings

in wondows terminology (which i presume is where the name ansistring comes
from) the windows code page which is often refered to in documentation as
the ansi code page CAN be multi byte.
more generally i belive an ansistring is usually intended to represent text
in the platforms local encoding. Whilst a widestring is meant to represent
text in utf-16.
The platforms local encoding may be a single byte encodeing (iso-8859-?
windows-125? etc) it may be a legacy mixed width encoding (EUC-?? SHIFT-JIS
BIG5 etc) or it may be a unicode transformation format which is a superset
of ascii (utf-8).
now for dependency reasons i belive that the default conversion functions
should remain a dumb fallback BUT i also belive that the function
prototypes should be designed in such a way as to allow the conversion
routines to be replaced with ones that can sesiblly handle the local
i've created a page on the wiki for this issue at

fpc-devel maillist  -