Re: [fpc-devel] Implementing TFmtBCDField - ftFmtBCD and SQLite

2011-04-03 Thread LacaK

Yes it is impossible in native way ... but we can help him and do 
necessary conversion in the background ... question is what user 
expect, when defines column like DECIMAL(15,7) ?

He expects to get/put values of that type, i.e. TFmtBCDField if I 
understand the discussion right.

Question: is it assumed that the concrete DB is accessed only by FPC 
No, as long as we can implement it ... so we must do it in way, that 
values are confortable readable also by others

If not, the user is lost. So let's assume that the value can be stored 
in any format.
Yes in general value can be stored in any format, but my goal is provide 
such mechanizm, which will be transparent also to other database 
connectors outside FPC (idea is based on fact, that SQLite is able to do 
internaly automatic conversions between BLOB -> TEXT -> INTEGER , REAL

Now you're free to use either a BLOB


or an fixed-length string with the ASCII representation of the number 
no, because SQLite will try ALWAYS convert such numbers into either 
INTEGER or REAL (if into string will be valid number i.e. integer like 
'123456789123456789' or floating point like '123456789123456789.123456') 
what can lead to lost of precision

I think, that there are 2 ways which are consistent and logical:

1.way is "support only datatypes which directly/natively supports SQLite"
SQLite support this numeric columns types (called type affinities):
1.1 INTEGER 1-8 bytes (corresponds to FPC ftSmallInt, ftInteger, 
ftLargeInt) ... declared as TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, INTEGER, BIGINT
1.2 REAL 8bytes floating point (corresponds to FPC ftFloat) ... declared 

1.3 NUMERIC combination of 1.1 and 1.2 ... declared as NUMERIC, DECIAML

As we see SQLite does not support exact numeric datatypes (with scale>0)
So if we want be strictly consistent with this, then we should map 
NUMERIC, DECIMAL to either ftLargeInt (if scale=0) or ftFloat (if 
scale>0) ... so do the same thing as SQLite is doing (do not use FPC 
exact numeric datatypes ftBCD, ftFmtBCD because we can not save their 
values into SQLite database without lost of precision).

What we do now ? As example lets look at case when scale<=4 then we map 
to ftBCD.
1. When reading value from SQLite database (where is stored as 8byte 
IEEE floating point number) we use sqlite3_column_double ... so value is 
stored as double and we read it as double
2. then we convert them using FloatToCurr to currency (datatype used by 

3. when writting back we write it AsFloat using sqlite3_bind_double

It seems to me strange, why we do all this conversions (we can not 
guarantee that value inserted into ftBCD will be saved without lost of 
precision) ? Why not simply map to ftFloat and be sure, that values are 
stored and read correctly (without conversions).

2. way is "support exact numeric at sqlDB level using some add-on logic 
and use SQLite REAL, INTEGER or BLOB base datatypes"

This way adds some extra logic into SQLiteConnector which can guarantee, 
that all exact numeric values will be written/read without lost of 
precision. Base idea is for DECIMAL(precision,scale)

1. if scale=0 and precision<19 then map to ftLargeInt
2. if scale<=4 and precision<15 then map to ftBCD
3. else map to ftFmtBCD

When writting ftFmtBCD values we must test current precision of value 
and if > 15 then write it as BLOB (sqlite3_bind_blob)
Value written as BLOB is still readable (with possible lost of 
precision) as TEXT (sqlite3_column_text) or INTEGER 
(sqlite3_column_int64) or REAL (sqlite3_column_double) ... so no problem 
for others .

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Implementing TFmtBCDField - ftFmtBCD and SQLite

2011-04-01 Thread Hans-Peter Diettrich

LacaK schrieb:

 So as long as users
can't make tables with numeric fields that support more then 15 numbers,
we don't have to support bcd-fields. So map decimal to BCD (not float,
it will be invalid for values within the supported precision range). If
users want to store numbers with an higher precision, that is simply
impossible in sqlite.
Yes it is impossible in native way ... but we can help him and do 
necessary conversion in the background ... question is what user expect, 
when defines column like DECIMAL(15,7) ?

He expects to get/put values of that type, i.e. TFmtBCDField if I 
understand the discussion right.

Question: is it assumed that the concrete DB is accessed only by FPC apps?

If not, the user is lost. So let's assume that the value can be stored 
in any format. Now you're free to use either a BLOB or an fixed-length 
string with the ASCII representation of the number (ToString).

The string representation has the advantage that the format can be 
determined from the stored data, making the whole thing somewhat 
type-safe. The size overhead of such an encoding should be compared to 
the overhead of an blob, in order to find out whether the verbose 
storage is acceptable. If it wastes too much space, the digits may be 
encoded in some way, that e.g. maps 2 digits into 100 distinct character 
codes. The sign can be encoded in the first character, either as its 
ASCII value, or like a digit with '0' for positive and everything else 
for negative values. Such an encoding can be used for every DB, that 
doesn't support BCD numbers natively.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Implementing TFmtBCDField - ftFmtBCD and SQLite

2011-04-01 Thread LacaK

No, map to ftfmtbcd, as it should. That will work fine as long as the
values are within the sqlite-range.

ok. in reading phase no problem
(ATM we read using sqlite3_column_text (so SQLite converts all storage 
classes (integer,real, blob) to string) and then converting to TBCD ... ok

(Well, show me the bug: as it is now, he won't get an exception? Just

map to ftmbcd)

yes now no exception it is ok as is

 the user will only get an invalid value when he stores a
value outside the sqlite-precision scope. Exactly what he would expect
when he uses sqlite.

I can live with this, but do not forget, that ATM there is not 
implemented writting of ftFmtBCD parameters in Procedure 
TSQLite3Cursor.bindparams(AParams : TParams);

So writting never occurs!

So there we must add at least ftFmtBCD case, (behind ftbcd)

But If we add this code (excuse me, I must offer it) ;-):
//it is only pseudo code
 if P.AsFMTBCD.Precision > 15 then //we are out-of-range
   str1:=BCDTOStr(P.AsFMTBCD, SQLFormatSettings);

// all.
Then all cases will be covered and no additional work around are needed.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Implementing TFmtBCDField - ftFmtBCD and SQLite

2011-04-01 Thread Joost van der Sluis
On Fri, 2011-04-01 at 11:13 +0200, LacaK wrote:
> > Simply said: So Sqlite doesn't support real BCD values.
> Yes, SQLite does not support them native

Then it's up to the 'user' (in our case the user is a programmer) to
implement workarounds. If we add some work-around, nobody will know that
that work-around exist. And other sqlite tools will not be able to
handle it, and the 'user' will be puzzled.

> >  So we can't support it either for Sqlite. 
> >   
> It was my question. We can (if we want) partialy add work-arounds:
> DECIMAL(x,y)
> if y=0 then map to ftLargeInt (64bit integer)
> elseif y<=4 then map to ftBCD (as it is now)
> else map to ftFloat (IMHO better than raising exception)

No, map to ftfmtbcd, as it should. That will work fine as long as the
values are within the sqlite-range.

> > More difficult: Sqlite is not a 'normal' sql-database. It has all kind
> > of strange issues, it's own definitions and options. It is impossible to
> > support all these gimmicks in sqldb.
> I agree, and most horrible is, that in one column you can have any 
> datatype in different rows (in 1st row character data, in 2nd integer 
> and in 3th real numbers and in 4th blob)
> > Sqlite only has very few
> > data-types (the 'affinities') but to be gentle to our users we do
> > support more, only based on the field-type name.
> Yes and this is IMO good. If user defines column datatype as numeric or 
> integer or float it can be expected, that also data in that column will 
> be in that format

What we could do is add a possibility for users to override the
field-type definition. Add an event or something which is called to
determine the field-type. But make this generic, so it works for all
datasets. That could be a very strong feature. 

> >  So as long as users
> > can't make tables with numeric fields that support more then 15 numbers,
> > we don't have to support bcd-fields. So map decimal to BCD (not float,
> > it will be invalid for values within the supported precision range). If
> > users want to store numbers with an higher precision, that is simply
> > impossible in sqlite.
> Yes it is impossible in native way ... but we can help him and do 
> necessary conversion in the background ... question is what user expect, 
> when defines column like DECIMAL(15,7) ?

What other db-tools do when you use sqlite: work as long as you don't
really require the specified precision.

> >  If they want to store their numbers in
> > blob-fields, they can simply define a blob field and do so...
> >   
> Yes but BLOB is mapped to TBlobField and there are no methods like 
> AsFloat, AsBCD, AsFMTBCD ... so user must handle all this in their code 
> ... retrieve value convert them etc. , use TField.OnGetText etc. ... it 
> is doable, but not very confort.

Yes, but it's a sqlite limitation. If users choose to use a tool that is
not suited for their goal, it's not the task of sqldb to mask that,

> > So where's the problem? (I see the problem of Sqlite not supporting
> > bcd-fields,
> Yes it is primary problem
> >  but the sqldb-problem?
> >   
> What to do in case when user defines column  NUMERIC, DECIAML (x,y) 
> where y>4 or x>15 ?
> (I do not like raise exception if there is way how to handle this 
> situation ... and also user IMHO does not expect exception)

(Well, show me the bug: as it is now, he won't get an exception? Just
map to ftmbcd) the user will only get an invalid value when he stores a
value outside the sqlite-precision scope. Exactly what he would expect
when he uses sqlite.

> As I wrote we should at least do:
> DECIMAL(x,y)
> if y=0 ---> ftLargeInt
> elseif y<=4 ---> ftBCD
> else ---> ftFloat (or ftString with Size=x+1 ?)
> But we can go far (this is relative simple to implement and gives 
> maximum transparency and easy to use):
> if x > 15 or y>4 ---> ftFmtBCD (and here write as BLOB into SQLite3 
> database in background)
> elseif y=0 ---> ftLargeInt
> else ---> ftBCD

No, but if you need whit work-around in your own projects, implement a
general event to override this behavior. I think that's best.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Implementing TFmtBCDField - ftFmtBCD and SQLite

2011-04-01 Thread LacaK

Simply said: So Sqlite doesn't support real BCD values.

Yes, SQLite does not support them native

 So we can't support it either for Sqlite. 

It was my question. We can (if we want) partialy add work-arounds:
if y=0 then map to ftLargeInt (64bit integer)
elseif y<=4 then map to ftBCD (as it is now)
else map to ftFloat (IMHO better than raising exception)

More difficult: Sqlite is not a 'normal' sql-database. It has all kind
of strange issues, it's own definitions and options. It is impossible to
support all these gimmicks in sqldb.
I agree, and most horrible is, that in one column you can have any 
datatype in different rows (in 1st row character data, in 2nd integer 
and in 3th real numbers and in 4th blob)

Sqlite only has very few
data-types (the 'affinities') but to be gentle to our users we do
support more, only based on the field-type name.
Yes and this is IMO good. If user defines column datatype as numeric or 
integer or float it can be expected, that also data in that column will 
be in that format

 So as long as users
can't make tables with numeric fields that support more then 15 numbers,
we don't have to support bcd-fields. So map decimal to BCD (not float,
it will be invalid for values within the supported precision range). If
users want to store numbers with an higher precision, that is simply
impossible in sqlite.
Yes it is impossible in native way ... but we can help him and do 
necessary conversion in the background ... question is what user expect, 
when defines column like DECIMAL(15,7) ?

 If they want to store their numbers in
blob-fields, they can simply define a blob field and do so...
Yes but BLOB is mapped to TBlobField and there are no methods like 
AsFloat, AsBCD, AsFMTBCD ... so user must handle all this in their code 
... retrieve value convert them etc. , use TField.OnGetText etc. ... it 
is doable, but not very confort.

So where's the problem? (I see the problem of Sqlite not supporting

Yes it is primary problem

 but the sqldb-problem?
What to do in case when user defines column  NUMERIC, DECIAML (x,y) 
where y>4 or x>15 ?
(I do not like raise exception if there is way how to handle this 
situation ... and also user IMHO does not expect exception)

As I wrote we should at least do:
if y=0 ---> ftLargeInt
elseif y<=4 ---> ftBCD
else ---> ftFloat (or ftString with Size=x+1 ?)

But we can go far (this is relative simple to implement and gives 
maximum transparency and easy to use):
if x > 15 or y>4 ---> ftFmtBCD (and here write as BLOB into SQLite3 
database in background)

elseif y=0 ---> ftLargeInt
else ---> ftBCD


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Implementing TFmtBCDField - ftFmtBCD and SQLite

2011-03-31 Thread Joost van der Sluis
On Thu, 2011-03-24 at 09:43 +0100, LacaK wrote:
> after doing some test with new implementation of TFmtBCDField for 
> TSQLite3Connection connector I encounter this problem:
> When you declare in SQLite some column as NUMERIC or DECIMAL then this 
> column will have NUMERIC affinity.
> If you insert in such column any numeric value (quoted or unquoted):
> INSERT INTO t VALUES('123456789123456789.123456');
> SQLite converts such numeric value to 8-byte floating point 
> representation (REAL) or 8-byte integer (INTEGER), so:
> (lost of precision occurs)
> returns 123456789123456784

Simply said: So Sqlite doesn't support real BCD values. So we can't
support it either for Sqlite. 

More difficult: Sqlite is not a 'normal' sql-database. It has all kind
of strange issues, it's own definitions and options. It is impossible to
support all these gimmicks in sqldb. This holds also in a lesser degree
for the other databse-engines, btw. 

Practical: (the only important answer) Show me the problem, a bug, or
some code that doesn't work. I think we don't have a problem. Sqldb is
used to read data from existing tables. Sqlite only has very few
data-types (the 'affinities') but to be gentle to our users we do
support more, only based on the field-type name. So as long as users
can't make tables with numeric fields that support more then 15 numbers,
we don't have to support bcd-fields. So map decimal to BCD (not float,
it will be invalid for values within the supported precision range). If
users want to store numbers with an higher precision, that is simply
impossible in sqlite. If they want to store their numbers in
blob-fields, they can simply define a blob field and do so...

So where's the problem? (I see the problem of Sqlite not supporting
bcd-fields, but the sqldb-problem?)


fpc-devel maillist  -