Re: [fpc-pascal] Using Cairo lib on Linux without X

2015-04-09 Thread Juha Manninen
FYI, I got ssh access to a Linux server and tested a program made with
Lazarus CairoCancas with NoGui widgetset.
The machine had Mint Linux and libcairo was installed. X11 was
installed, too, but not running. ldd shows libcairo depends on X11.

The program amazingly works! It builds a PDF file with Unicode text in
different languages.
The program can be found in lazarus/components/cairocanvas/examples in
case somebody wants to try it.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] fpGUI Toolkit v1.4 release

2015-04-09 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys
fpGUI v1.4 is available

I'm glad to announce the 1.4 release of fpGUI. This has been 8 months in
development. There are lots of new features, stability updates and bug
fixes. For a complete list of changes you can run the following:

For more details, run any of the following commands:

  git log --oneline v1.2..v1.4   (console viewer)
  gitk v1.2..v1.4(gui viewer)

An archived source download of fpGUI, and pre-built binaries for
DocView (fpGUI's Documentation Viewer) can be found at the following

or clone the source code repository by using any of the following

from SourceForge:
  git clone git:// fpgui

from GitHub:
  git clone git://

The 'master' branch contains the latest released fpGUI (v1.4), and the
'develop' branch contains the latest development work on fpGUI.

Pre-built documentation in the highly optimized INF file format
(for use with DocView) is available for download. A single archive of
around 2MB in size. The documentation archive contains the following
help files:

 - Class documentation for fpGUI Toolkit
 - The Free Pascal Language Reference
 - FPC Runtime Library (rtl) help
 - FPC Free Component Library (fcl) help

The download URL is:

An HTML archive is also supplied as a separate download, and HTML help
can also be viewed online at the usual URL:

If you want integrated help in your IDE or Programmer Editor of
choice, the following URL describes how to do it:

For more details, please visit the fpGUI home page:

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Using Cairo lib on Linux without X

2015-04-09 Thread Juha Manninen
On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 1:26 AM, fredvs wrote:
 Hum, from previous mail ;) =

 You may download src from =
 = unzip it.
 = $ cd cairo-1.14.2
 = $ ./configure --disable-libX11 (or --disable-X11 ?) (or --enable-X11=no
 = $ make
 = $ sudo make install

Right, sorry, I thought the sources should come from apt-get.
I tested the configuration with the flags you suggested and also
--disable-Xlib but they don't help. There is always :
  Xlib:  yes
  Xlib Xrender:  yes
I think it must be configured in a machine without X.

FreeBSD or Gentoo would be valid choices except that my final target
machine has an Ubuntu server.

I will continue with my experiments. This is not exactly related to
FPC or Pascal any more.

Thanks for help.

fpc-pascal maillist  -