Re: [fpc-pascal] Abstract classes ignored

2021-04-17 Thread Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal

> On Apr 17, 2021, at 3:09 PM, Sven Barth  wrote:
> The compiler will generate a warning in case you instantiate a class that is 
> abstract or has abstract methods. You can escalate these warnings to errors 
> if you need:

It's probably not practical to put that warning into all potential files but a 
warning is still probably good enough as a reminder. It's curious though why 
it's not an error by default, because if the class is abstract and you 
instantiate it and try to use it things are going to fail anyways so why does 
the compiler allow it in the first place?

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Directory Tree

2021-04-17 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via fpc-pascal
In Unicode/UTF8 "char" can be represented by several bytes so my code 
won't work.

It seems you use page code 850 (here in France we are in 1252 which 
doesn't have the box chars).

In unit uFileVirtualTree line 469, I have added   type String850= type 

declared the local variable s of String850 on line 488,

and changed on line 533 the default encoding of the Stringlist to 850 by
sl.DefaultEncoding:= TEncoding.GetEncoding(850);

It seems to be sufficient to get the box characters. I didn't dig 
further but it seems to work either on Windows and Linux and in text 
file generated.

In the ODT file I used a numbered list but  I think it will be difficult 
to get something closer to a tree.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Background info on Generics in FPC

2021-04-17 Thread Sven Barth via fpc-pascal

Am 17.04.2021 um 21:07 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys via fpc-pascal:

I'm looking at the wiki and official FPC language documentation. What was
the reason for the decision to make the FPC syntax so verbose regarding

I don't know what the original reason was, but nowadays it's main 
advantage is that it avoids ambiguity. Take the following code:

=== code begin ===

someint := SomeGeneric + 42;

=== code end ===

The problem is that Delphi allows overloading of generic types with 
non-generic types, variables, constants and routines, thus up until the 
SomeType the code could in fact be the following as well:

=== code begin ===

  SomeGeneric: LongInt;
  someint: Boolean;
  someint := SomeGenericThe compiler's parser has a very limited look ahead and thus especially 
with more complex specializations (especially nested ones) and type 
overloads in scope the compiler might not come to the right decision 
(e.g. it decided to parse it as a specialization, but it should have 
been a non-generic expression instead) and then it would need to do back 

Delphi's parser handles such cases correctly, but FPC's parser is 
currently simply not capable of that. Thus the "specialize" keyword 
definitely helps to differentiate between a non-generic expression and a 
specialization. This also means that the non-Delphi modes currently can 
handle more complex expressions involving generics than mode Delphi can.

And for the "generic" keyword one could say that this way it is clear 
that one can't use the type as is and instead one must specialize them 
(also remember that originaly FPC did not support inline 
specializations; instead you had to do a type declaration for each 
specialization you wanted).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Abstract classes ignored

2021-04-17 Thread Sven Barth via fpc-pascal

Am 17.04.2021 um 20:30 schrieb Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal:

 From the documentation: "An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated 
directly. Instead, a descendent class must always be instantiated. However, for Delphi 
compatibility, the compiler ignores this directive."

Why does this get ignored and what does this have to do with Delphi? I 
personally would like for this to actually work and give a compiler error if 
you instantiate the abstract class.
The compiler will generate a warning in case you instantiate a class 
that is abstract or has abstract methods. You can escalate these 
warnings to errors if you need:

=== code begin ===

program tabstract;


  TAbstract1 = class abstract

  TAbstract2 = class
    procedure Test; virtual; abstract;

  a1: TAbstract1;
  a2: TAbstract2;
  a1 := TAbstract1.Create;
  a2 := TAbstract2.Create;

=== code end ===

This will generate two (different) errors.

With this we're allowing more than Delphi does (which warns in the 
second case, but the warning can not be escalated to error and does not 
warn for the first case at all), but Delphi compatbility is more 
important here, thus the default is a warning and not an error. This 
will not be changed.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Directory Tree

2021-04-17 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
I tried 

which are the appropriate ASCII box characters... 

but it produces:
M: = 32:34
Project1 = 18:30
?   File1 = 8:32
?   File2 = 7:43
?   File3 = 2:15
Project2 = 14:04
Component1 = 14:04
Part1 = 5:32
Part2 = 8:32

I also tried 

then I thought they must be Unicode.. so I tried the Unicode box characters:
but that gave me errors saying my constants were out of range and must be 
between 0 and 255... so if they have to be between 0 and 255, then they should 
be ACSII characters.. .so my original characters should have worked... so maybe 
it's just my text editor that's the problem...

is there a way we can maybe make it rich text format so the font can be 
specified?  Then I could specify Consolas which is a fixed width font and get 
the box characters from that... or maybe there is a way to do this with the ODT 

The ODT file opens in MS Word, but it doesn't draw the tree, it has text Like:
 1.1 M: 32:34
1.1.1   Project1 18:30 File1 8:32 File2 7:43

Any ideas how to get box characters to work?


-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of Jean 
SUZINEAU via fpc-pascal
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Directory Tree

Le 15/04/2021 à 20:16, James Richters via fpc-pascal a écrit :
> It doesn't have to be a PDF, it could be an image file, or even a text 
> file...maybe I can just make a text file of the output and use box 
> characters to draw the tree. It seems like I should be able to get the 
> branches of the treedata somehow and just do a writeln to a file with 
> the right formatting.

I have added a text rendering of the tree, it's saved in a text file Result.txt.

The rendering code is in unit uFileVirtualTree, function 
ThVirtualStringTree.render_as_text. It's called  in ufFileVirtualTree in 
procedure TfFileVirtualTree.bGetCheckedClick:
  m.Lines .Text:= slResult.Text+#13#10+hvstResult.render_as_text;
  m.Lines .SaveToFile('Result.txt');

In function ThVirtualStringTree.render_as_text I used 3 constants for the chars 
used for drawing the tree outline:
You can tune this to your needs.

I have added to a rendering as numbered list in an odt file, the text file 
format for Libre Office and Open Office. The "template" 
FileTree.odt is duplicated with a temp name in the user temp directory, and 
opened in the software register in windows for opening odt files by the 
function OpenDocument() of Lazarus. Depending on your installation it can be 
open in Libre Office/OpenOffice or in MS Word (sometimes the rendering is not 
perfect in Word).

Before recompiling the project, you will need to open first in Lazarus the 
package pascal_o_r_mapping\02_Units\OD_DelphiReportEngine_Units.lpk
in order to make Lazarus know where it is.
If for some reason you can't load this package, you can remove it from the 
dependency  panel of the project inspector, and in unit ufFileVirtualTree, 
comment out in the use clause the unit uFileVirtualTree_odt, and comment out in 
procedure TfFileVirtualTree.bGetCheckedClick the line:
  OpenDocument( FileVirtualTree_odt( 'FileTree.odt', hvstResult));

I've considered making a screenshot of virtual tree component but if the whole 
opened tree doesn't fit in the screen it will not work.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Background info on Generics in FPC

2021-04-17 Thread Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal

> On Apr 17, 2021, at 1:07 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys via fpc-pascal 
>  wrote:
> Hi
> I'm looking at the wiki and official FPC language documentation. What was
> the reason for the decision to make the FPC syntax so verbose regarding
> Generics?

There is a plan to make these optional via a mode switch but it hasn't happened 
yet. Personally I like the "generic" keyword but the specialize keyword is 
annoying if you don't make a type alias (and for function calls of course). 
Implicit function specialization is already ready so at least we won't need to 
use <> at all for function calls.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Background info on Generics in FPC

2021-04-17 Thread Florian Klämpfl via fpc-pascal

> Am 17.04.2021 um 21:07 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys via fpc-pascal 
> :
> Hi
> I'm looking at the wiki and official FPC language documentation. What was
> the reason for the decision to make the FPC syntax so verbose regarding
> Generics?

Same reason why we have 

a : array[0..10] of integer;

instead of

a : integer[0..10];

After all, using the keywords generic and specialize felt more pascalish to us.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Background info on Generics in FPC

2021-04-17 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys via fpc-pascal

I'm looking at the wiki and official FPC language documentation. What was
the reason for the decision to make the FPC syntax so verbose regarding

eg: What we have now

  generic TArray = array of t;

  TMyIntegerArray = specialize TArray;

  generic IList<_T> = Interface
Function GetItem(AIndex : Integer) : _T;
Procedure SetItem(AIndex : Integer; AValue : _T);
Function GetCount : Integer;
Property Items [AIndex : Integer] : _T Read GetItem Write SetItem;
Property Count : Integer Read GetCount;

  generic TList<_T>=class(TObject, specialize IList<_T>)
  public type
TCompareFunc = function(const Item1, Item2: _T): Integer;
Function GetItem(AIndex : Integer) : _T;
Procedure SetItem(AIndex : Integer; AValue : _T);
Function GetCount : Integer;
 data : _T;
 procedure Add(item: _T);
 procedure Sort(compare: TCompareFunc);

Why couldn't it have been made less verbose like this:

  TArray = array of t;

  TMyIntegerArray = TArray;

  IList<_T> = Interface
Function GetItem(AIndex : Integer) : _T;
Procedure SetItem(AIndex : Integer; AValue : _T);
Function GetCount : Integer;
Property Items [AIndex : Integer] : _T Read GetItem Write SetItem;
Property Count : Integer Read GetCount;

  TList<_T>=class(TObject, IList<_T>)
  public type
TCompareFunc = function(const Item1, Item2: _T): Integer;
Function GetItem(AIndex : Integer) : _T;
Procedure SetItem(AIndex : Integer; AValue : _T);
Function GetCount : Integer;
 data : _T;
 procedure Add(item: _T);
 procedure Sort(compare: TCompareFunc);

Out of curiosity I would like to understand the reasoning behind the
verbose usage of the keywords `generic` and `specialize`.


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[fpc-pascal] Abstract classes ignored

2021-04-17 Thread Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal
From the documentation: "An abstract class is a class that cannot be 
instantiated directly. Instead, a descendent class must always be instantiated. 
However, for Delphi compatibility, the compiler ignores this directive."

Why does this get ignored and what does this have to do with Delphi? I 
personally would like for this to actually work and give a compiler error if 
you instantiate the abstract class.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Documentation patch for fcl/netdb

2021-04-17 Thread Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal

Thank you. 
I will check it out ASAP. 
Before publishing, I will need to document all identifiers in the unit.


On Sat, 17 Apr 2021, Noel Duffy via fpc-pascal wrote:

I've added a documentation patch to bug 0037906 in the bug tracker. This 
covers the new code that I added to fcl/netdb for DNS resolution as well 
most of the other functions and procedures in the unit. The patch also 
adds examples that showcase the new functions. I've tested these on 
Fedora 32 only.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Documentation patch for fcl/netdb

2021-04-17 Thread Noel Duffy via fpc-pascal
I've added a documentation patch to bug 0037906 in the bug tracker. This 
covers the new code that I added to fcl/netdb for DNS resolution as well 
most of the other functions and procedures in the unit. The patch also 
adds examples that showcase the new functions. I've tested these on 
Fedora 32 only.

fpc-pascal maillist  -