Re: [fpc-pascal] Be careful of too many features

2022-05-30 Thread Brian via fpc-pascal

On 5/30/22 14:59, Steve Litt via fpc-pascal wrote:

Hi all,

In 1984 I started my programming career with Whitesmith Pascal,

Sorry for the off-topic post, folks, but this just opened a wound from 
my distant past... :(

I was a couple of years ahead of you, Steve, but at least in 1982 on 
the PDP-11, Whitesmith Pascal was a truly *awful* thing - a 
translation engine, not a compiler. It was a front end to Whitesmith 
C, which in turn translated to Macro-11 and then compiled and linked 
that (we watched these steps via RMD). The code produced was horribly 
inefficient (we looked at the Macro-11 listings), and using RSX-11M 
rather than M+, with no library space, code space was at a premium.

We quickly switched to Oregon Pascal (which DEC later bought as the 
foundation of RSX Pascal) and it was a *far* superior compiler. Apart 
from the debugger, that is, which took up so much space that you could 
just about debug 'Hello, world' and that was it.

Hopefully Whitesmiths improved in the couple of years before you 
started with it, or there was a better implementation if you used it 
on a machine other than a PDP-11.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Linux Yad

2021-06-06 Thread Brian via fpc-pascal
Has anyone called Yad (linux file manager) as an external program form a main
program ?

If so can you provide an example of how to do it and retrieve the selected
file name?


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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] 50 years of Pascal, by the the author himself

2021-05-12 Thread Brian via fpc-pascal

On 5/12/21 3:51 PM, Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal wrote:

On May 12, 2021, at 12:30 PM, Ralf Quint via fpc-pascal 

Thought this was kind of interesting, though it leaves short of mentioning the 
later Object Pascal evolution and thus Delphi and FreePascal...

Isn't Free Pascal and Delphi basically the only Pascal compilers left? I used 
THINK Pascal and Metrowerks Pascal in the distant past but those are all long 
dead. You can't really talk about Pascal in 2021 without mentioning those 2 

There are still some OpenVMS sites out there, which would lead you to 
assume that VAX Pascal is still alive and kicking, albeit very much a 
minority compiler.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Sending Hex codes over TCP/IP

2020-09-13 Thread Brian via fpc-pascal
Use Ararat Synapse .

Unit blcksock  Class TTCPBlockSocket

Then send and receive byte arrays using :

Public  function SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
Public  function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer;

 Tx_buffer : array[0..n] of byte;

SentN := SendBuffer(@Tx_Buffer,NumBytes);

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to implement a circular buffer object in pascal?

2020-09-08 Thread Brian via fpc-pascal
>Most of the users on this forum have never interfaced with hardware , as
>can see from the responses. Those who have interfaced with hardware have
>developed circular buffers which they  know work , and they reuse them
>and again.

I did this about 10 years ago when working on a PIC project with
serial data coming in from sensors and such, using Ansi-C.
And the buffer was just an array of char (byte in pascal) and there
was a read and a write index. The read index was only ever changed by
the consumer and the write index by the interrupt routine when adding

The data reception was done in the interrupt and the code stuffed the
data into the array using ++ syntax for the index, with a check for
overflowing the array and then setting the index back to zero.

There was probably also an overrun detection and action if the
consumer is not fast enough, but I do not remember now...

>The following assumes you are receiving data from a sender , and in this
>case the sender and receiver are connected via 1Gbps Ethernet using Synapse
>(works really well).
>A thread receives data into an array of byte. RxBuffer : Array[0..1500] of
>byte  ... and copies the number of bytes received into a circular buffer ,
>which is an array of RxBuffer.

This is where I lose you, are you saying the circular buffer is not
individual bytes but something larger? What is the size of RxBuffer?
Looks like it is an array of byte, can you then make an array of such

 ... The CicBuffer is an array of N RxBuffer , which is an array of byte.
The main loop extracts the byte array and either decodes them or type casts
them into a record structure if it is compatible with the contents of the
byte array,

 RxBufferType = array[0..1500] of byte;

 CirBuffer : array[0..N] of RxBufferType;

>In pseudo code it looks like this ...
>CircularBuffer : Array[0..N] of RxBuffer
>There is a ReadIndex and a WriteIndex , both longword or longint.
>The thread moves the data into the circular buffer continuously  increase
>the WriteIndex each write of RxBuffer data. If the WriteIndex > N then
>WriteIndex := 0 , otherwise it is increased by 1.
>The main loop (below)  moves the byte data using MOVE from CircBuffer to
>whatever structure it represents , increase the ReadIndex by one and
>the data as needed.

Looks like an array of some bigger datatype then. But if so then one
needs to be able to detect in the receiver that enough data has
arrived to make one such object to put onto the next buffer...

... you appear to be thinking of a asynchronous serial (RS-232 / 422) with
no delimiters to indicate when a complete message is received.

... think of the byte array as an Ethernet packet of any length data of
which the data structure is known. This is received using Synapse (UDP in
this case) and copied into RxBuffer byte array by a thread which is always
running until the main program is shut down. Whenever the thread receives a
"complete" packet from Synapse (it signals a complete packket) , the thread
code  then puts it into RxBuffer and then copies RxBuffer into
CircBuffer[WriteIndex] and increments the WriteIndex. If the WriteIndex < N
then WriteIndex := WriteIndex +1 else WriteIndex := 0 // wraps

The ReadIndex is incremented similar to the WriteIndex, if ReadIndex < N
then ReadIndex := ReadIndex +1 else ReadIndex := 0;

The circular buffer can be made as large as you need to "absorb" incoming
data while the main loop is busy doing something else. The "nice" aspect of
a circular buffer is that if the main loop is very slow and the incoming
data stream is very fast , the WriteIndex will eventually overrun the
ReadIndex and data is lost but nothing chokes or crashes , and eventually
the ReadIndex will catch up.

BTW : There are enough things that can go wrong implementing a circular
buffer , and while it should be possible (and very nice) to implement it as
an object , it may not be worth the effort. At least get it working as
non-object code , then decide.

> If ReadIndex <> WriteIndex then
>  .. do the work as described above and increment the ReadIndex
>I use the Free Pascal unit which allows suspending the thread while the
>ReadIndex is being increased. In the old DOS/DPMI days we would disable
>interrupts briefly.

Do you use CriticalSection for this?
No . .. I started to originally but found it wasn't necessary as it uses a
semaphore to prevent a Write occurring when the ReadIndex is being
incremented. The FPC unit syncobjs is used the create a semaphore which is
RESET before incrementing the ReadIndex and SET immediately after. This
prevents a potential race condition where data could be written to
CircBuffer at the exact time the ReadIndex is being incremented.

>If you are innterested I can send you code snippets showing exactly how to
>implement the circular buffer.

BTW : The circular buffer approach can also be used when transmitting data.
For example Synapse maintains its own transmit 

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to implement a circular buffer object in pascal?

2020-09-07 Thread Brian via fpc-pascal

Most of the users on this forum have never interfaced with hardware , as you
can see from the responses. Those who have interfaced with hardware have
developed circular buffers which they  know work , and they reuse them again
and again.

I will describe in general terms the structure a circular buffer implemented
to receive data , as it is usually more difficult to received the data than
to send it due to the asynchronism between the sender and receiver.
It has been used for many years , starting in 16bit-DOS , the 32bit-DPMI
using interrupt handlers , then Linux using threads. The concept is the same
for versions.

The following assumes you are receiving data from a sender , and in this
case the sender and receiver are connected via 1Gbps Ethernet using Synapse
(works really well).

A thread receives data into an array of byte. RxBuffer : Array[0..1500] of
byte  ... and copies the number of bytes received into a circular buffer ,
which is an array of RxBuffer.

In pseudo code it looks like this ...
CircularBuffer : Array[0..N] of RxBuffer
There is a ReadIndex and a WriteIndex , both longword or longint.

The thread moves the data into the circular buffer continuously  increase
the WriteIndex each write of RxBuffer data. If the WriteIndex > N then
WriteIndex := 0 , otherwise it is increased by 1.

The main loop (below)  moves the byte data using MOVE from CircBuffer to
whatever structure it represents , increase the ReadIndex by one and decodes
the data as needed.

 If ReadIndex <> WriteIndex then
  .. do the work as described above and increment the ReadIndex

I use the Free Pascal unit which allows suspending the thread while the
ReadIndex is being increased. In the old DOS/DPMI days we would disable
interrupts briefly.

If you are innterested I can send you code snippets showing exactly how to
implement the circular buffer.


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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Writing to a drive which may be spun down

2019-11-21 Thread Brian
On 11/21/19 2:38 PM, Winfried Bartnick wrote:


> writeln (txt,'I''m so tired ...');
> closeFile(txt);
> io := ioResult;

Thanks Winni, that sounds the sort of idea I'm looking for...

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Writing to a drive which may be spun down

2019-11-21 Thread Brian
On 11/21/19 7:12 AM, wrote:
> On 11/21/19 1:16 AM, Brian wrote:
>> My question: Is there a standard method for handling this situation,
>> i.e. making sure that a drive has not spun down, or is it just a case
>> of writing a wrapper round the write function and handling the 'No
>> such file' error with a wait and a retry?
> why not just turn off or adjust your power management so that drive
> doesn't spin down when it is connected? i do similar here but for my
> monitors which sometimes don't want to wake back up after being put to
> sleep...

Because on the *overwhelming* majority of occasions, I'm happy for the
drives to sleep if not being accessed. Most things that I do don't
need the USB drives. Bo's idea of a program which kept the drives spun
up had occurred to me if I couldn't find a setting somewhere, but I
was hoping for a solution which didn't require me to either disable
the drive's power management or do constant accesses.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Writing to a drive which may be spun down

2019-11-20 Thread Brian
Hi all,

Running Ubuntu 18 LTS, I have a console-mode number-cruncher which
writes occasional output files. It works just fine if the output is
directed to a drive which is permanently spun up, but can fail if the
output is directed to a USB drive (by which I mean a USB-connected 8TB
external drive, not one of the keydrives). I've followed things
through with the debugger, and it seems that the problem occurs when
the drive has powered itself down due to lack of accesses. The assign
and rewrite work OK, but then the first attempt to write to the file
fails with a 'No such file' error. Putting a large (30 second!) delay
before the first write means everything works OK, presumably because
the drive gets time to spin up again.

My question: Is there a standard method for handling this situation,
i.e. making sure that a drive has not spun down, or is it just a case
of writing a wrapper round the write function and handling the 'No
such file' error with a wait and a retry?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] USB Human Interface Devices

2019-08-29 Thread Brian
Yes , and it works well on Linux.

I use it on a circular (ring) buffer where the main program reads data from
the circular buffer and increments the read index while a totally random
thread reads data from an incoming Ethernet UDP , serial port or a custom
hardware port , writes to the circular buffer and increments the write

The functions used are :
procedure ResetEvent;
procedure SetEvent;
function WaitFor();  // one of the events in your program READ or WRITE must
wait until the other event finishes.

The condition for a read of the circular buffer is WriteIndex <> ReadIndex
which is in the main loop (not a thread) which is continuously polled in the
main loop.

Hope this helps. I can send a code clip but not until next week (out of the
office) , showing how it is configured.

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] USB Human Interface Devices

2019-08-29 Thread Brian
A bit of clarification ..

Also rather than using critical sections , use syncobs to ensure that you
are not trying to /SIMULTANEOUSLY/ read and write to the same USB address or
your data memory. 

Try using an Ethernet UDP connection to simulate the USB connection as it
may illuminate an issue in your program.

The Synapse UDP function works well

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] USB Human Interface Devices

2019-08-29 Thread Brian
A few general thoughts. Having been in similar situations when dealing with
hardware interfaces .. the hardware is what it is .. and annoying as it is
you have to work around it , as the hardware isn't going to change.

It seems you have two problems 1) the USB hardware and 2) your program , in
which you are not certain if it is doing something wrong .. been there many

Sometimes it helps to make a simulator program which simulates (how you
think the hardware is supposed to work) , and use that to shake out the bugs
in your software. It is a lot of extra work but sometime there is no
alternative. For example use a 2nd PC and an Ethernet UDP connection to test
your software concept.

Also rather than using critical sections , use syncobs to ensure that you
are not trying to read and write to the same USB address or your data

Most guys/gals when writing interrupt handlers tend to use as simple a
mechanism as possible .. from previous bad experiences.

Try testing on Linux as you can run your program in graphics mode ( if that
is what it does) while viewing events by writing write() messages to a
terminal. This occurs if you launch your program from a terminal , then all
writeln() messages go to the text terminal.

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] USB Human Interface Devices

2019-07-25 Thread Brian
Try the libusb library Free Pascal interface .. but be aware of his license
requirements. It works well.

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Re: [fpc-pascal] USB Human Interface Devices

2019-07-25 Thread Brian
If you can find a controller with an Ethernet input then Synapse is simple
and works well.

I have used it for RS-232 and Ethernet , but it claims to work with USB

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] USB Human Interface Devices

2019-07-25 Thread Brian
If you can find a controller with an Ethernet input , the Synapse is simple
to use and works well.

It also works well for RS-232.

It also claims to work with USB but I haven't tried it on USB.

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Realtime and freepascal???

2018-06-06 Thread Brian
The brief description of your project suggests that it may not need "hard
real-time" , since you are planning to write to flash memory or send the
data over an RF link. Hard real-time usually implies receiving input data
and responding with an output control in a timely and predictable manner. 

Your application seems more like data logging where you don't want to lose
any data , and in that case Linux will suffice if you use a 1Gbps Ethernet
link which I have tested using Synapse and handles data at roughly 800Mbps
using Free Pascal.

If you have access to hardware such as FPGA , or some special hardware ,
then preconditioning the data using buffers removes the need for hard
real-time and Free Pascal running under vanilla Linux will more than


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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Linux getifaddrs

2018-03-01 Thread Brian
Thanks for all the suggestions but , I found and example which I have
modified for my needs. Currently using Synapse but it only returns the
loopback IP address since in my case the ports eth0 and eth1 are both static

It is a bit odd that something like this isn't incorporated into Free Pascal


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Linux getifaddrs

2018-03-01 Thread Brian
Do you know of any kernel functions that would return the current IP address


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[fpc-pascal] Linux getifaddrs

2018-02-28 Thread Brian
Has anyone translated* getifaddrs* function to Free Pascal ?


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Re: [fpc-pascal] FORTRAN from FreePascal

2017-11-13 Thread brian
On 11/13/2017 10:20 AM, Adriaan van Os wrote:
> brian wrote:
>> Anyone with any past experience here? It seems I have two choices, to
>> try to call the FORTRAN subroutines from FreePascal or to port the
>> FORTRAN code to Pascal, I'm looking for advice...
> It is no problem calling FORTRAN from either C or FreePascal (or at
> least not on UNIX-like platforms like Mac OS X, havn't tried for
> Windows). The LAPACK package <> for
> example (also installed in the Mac system software) is written in
> Fortran. Some key points:
> 1. Lapack Fortran arrays are column-major (where column elements are
> contiguous in memory)
> 2. Lapack Fortran arrays are 1-base indexed
> 3. Lapack Fortran parameters are always passed by reference, even if
> they are value parameters
> So, for example, DGETRF
>   =
> *
> *  -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.X) --
> *  -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    --
> *  -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG
> Ltd..--
> * November 2011
> *
> * .. Scalar Arguments ..
> * ..
> * .. Array Arguments ..
>   INTEGER    IPIV( * )
> * ..
>  function dgetrf_
>    ( constref theNumRows  : LapackInt;
>  constref theNumColumns   : LapackInt;
>   theMatrixPtr    : LapackArrayOfDoublePtr;
>  constref theLeadingDimension : LapackInt;
>   thePivotIndicesPtr  : LapackArrayOfIntPtr;
>   var theInfo : LapackInt): LapackResult;
> cdecl; external;
> where (it's just an example)
>     LapackInt = Int32;
>     LapackLongBool    = Int32;
>     LapackResult  = Int32;
>     LapackDouble  = double;
>     LapackArrayOfIntPtr   = ^Int32;
>     LapackArrayOfLongBoolPtr  = ^Int32;
>     LapackArrayOfDoublePtr    = ^double;
> The "constref" for value parameters makes sure they are passed by
> reference, which is what Fortram requires.

Thanks, Adriaan, that's exactly what I needed. :)  I'm going to be
writing for a Debian platform (I should have mentioned that, the
original code is from a Unix minicomputer) so there hopefully
shouldn't be a problem. If I can just chunk up some of the FORTRAN
code and re-use the calculation routines (which I don't understand
anyway, the statistics are at a level that's over my head) then it
will make life a lot easier.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] FORTRAN from FreePascal

2017-11-13 Thread brian
I need to try to put a user-friendly GUI and some graphical output
onto an old command-line FORTRAN number cruncher, and have been
provided with around 130 KB of FORTRAN source code. A quick scan of
documentation seems to suggest that this is possible using gfortran
and the C calling conventions (if someone knows differently, please
say so right now!) :)

My knowledge of FORTRAN-77 is sound, if rather rusty, but I know
almost nothing about C programming, having been brought up as a
chemist before I was dragged across to programming (I learned to
program on Algol-60, BASIC and FORTRAN-IV, yes, that long ago ): ).

Anyone with any past experience here? It seems I have two choices, to
try to call the FORTRAN subroutines from FreePascal or to port the
FORTRAN code to Pascal, I'm looking for advice...



fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] BlockWrite() version 2.6.4

2017-08-14 Thread Brian
Ok. Many thanks guys.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] BlockWrite() version 2.6.4

2017-08-14 Thread Brian
Thanks Charlie.

I notice the Do_Write() uses  repeat .. until where fpWrite() does a direct

What was the reasoning for the repeat..until in Do_Write() ?


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[fpc-pascal] BlockWrite() version 2.6.4

2017-08-05 Thread Brian
Can anyone familiar with FPC 2.6.4 comment on the specifics of how
BlockWrite() functions under Linux. Specifically does BlockWrite() call the
Linux kernel or call fWrite()?

Does BlockWrite() call fFlush or does it rely on the kernel when to flush
and actually write to the disk?

In which file can the source code specific to BlockWrite() version 2.6.4 be
found ?


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[fpc-pascal] Syncobjs Event and BlockWrite() question

2017-08-01 Thread Brian
When using WaitFor() , ResetEvent and SetEvent as a semaphore , if a thread
is using BlockWrite() and the execution of BlockWrite() is conditional on 
WaitFor() , will BlockWrite() continue to function after it is called once
MySemaphore.ResetEvent is called ?

A pseudo code  example below

-main loop-- 

 doing something

 - Thread




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Re: [fpc-pascal] FPC for AVR

2017-06-14 Thread Brian
mikroPascal (not free) supports AVR and many other chips.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] FPC Graphics options?

2017-05-18 Thread Brian
Ryan Joseph wrote
>> On May 18, 2017, at 9:19 PM, Reimar Grabowski <

> reimgrab@

> > wrote:
>> By getting the source of Graemes test, using a profiler on it and having
>> a look at the results?
> I tried (had to change the code to support SDL 2 even) but gave up after
> it crashed on one line. Graeme suggested a staggering difference in
> performance and I was extremely curious to see if those calls to Floor()
> were causing it. Hopefully this was a red herring and FPC isn’t as bad as
> the test suggests.
> Regards,
>   Ryan Joseph
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -  

> fpc-pascal@.freepascal


You must treat SDL2.0 as a single threaded library. You can open a window in
any thread , but whichever thread in which you create the window , all
subsequent function calls to SDL2.0 must be made from within that thread ,
including events otherwise strange behavior or crashes will ensue.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] FPC Graphics options?

2017-05-11 Thread Brian
Forgot to mention.

SDL2.0 is multi platform and uses accelerated graphics.

The best speed is achieved with NVidia graphics cards and proprietary NVidia
drivers rather than the default Linux drivers.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] FPC Graphics options?

2017-05-11 Thread Brian
I have an older project (Virtual Pascal) using DPMI32 and writing to the
graphics card  , and had the same issue as you when deciding which graphics
library to use for Linux. In my case , part of the application is GUI and
part is very fast 2D pixel graphics (points lines , polygons etc.)

The first approach in porting to Linux was to write directly to the Linux
graphics frame buffer and bypassing X11 entirely. This is very fast but that
leaves you without many of the benefits of Linux.

The second approach was to write directly to X11 , but writing a lot of
pixel data to the X11 server will cause the X11 server to bog down and even
crash. X11 is a server so that approach was ruled out.

The chosen approach is to use SDL2.0+. If you are coming from pixel based
BGI graphics where everything is pixel based , SDL takes a bit of getting
used to , as everything (SDL 2.0) is based on textures. You write to a
texture and render it to the graphics card as and when or periodically.

In your case if you have a lot of pixel writing , SDL 2.0 has a very clever
mechanism where you can render to a software (CPU memory) frame buffer at
whatever rate you want and render (copy) that frame buffer to the graphics
card at say 60Hz frame rate which make things appear faster than the eye can

Here is basically how to do it.

There is a nice Image  and TTF library with SDL 2.0


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Threading vs Parallelism ?

2017-05-09 Thread Brian
I should have said "streaming" rather than "serial". True Parallelism is a
long way off in the future , but a form of parallelism can be had using
multiple CPU cores and hard affinity as described in the excellent article.

Consider the case of a special purpose custom design PCIe card and Linux.
The classical way to interface with the card is to write an interrupt
handler and accept the fact that doing so opens all your proprietary code
due to the GPL. It also must wrestle with the black magic mess of BIOS PCI
IRQ assignment and conflicts with other hardware.

Another approach is to memory map the PCIe card in  user space, use hard
affinity and dedicate one CPU core to poll the card memory in user space. In
this case the GPL does not apply and the issue of IRQ assignment is not an

Another approach is to abandon the add-in (PCIe) card approach and use
gigabit Ethernet with a dedicated CPU core as the I/O. This what was done on
the current project.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Threading vs Parallelism ?

2017-05-06 Thread Brian

The information about using affinity with Linux was only posted so anyone
who was interested could use it , and was not intended as an addition to
Free Pascal.

Regrading the previous comment about the hardware buffering the data , one
still must do something with the data in user space. The choice there is to
let the OS / CPU decide which core to use or dedicate a CPU core to the
thread. Your choice.

Here is the code and the Linux library you must link to in order to use the



function sched_getaffinity(pid : Ptruint; cpusetsize : longint; cpuset :
pointer) : longint; cdecl; external;

function sched_setaffinity(pid : Ptruint; cpusetsize : longint; cpuset :
pointer) : longint; cdecl; external;

function pthread_setaffinity_np(pid : Ptruint; cpusetsize : longint; cpuset
: pointer) : longint; cdecl; external;
function pthread_getaffinity_np(pid : Ptruint; cpusetsize : longint; cpuset
: pointer) : longint; cdecl; external;


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Threading vs Parallelism ?

2017-05-05 Thread Brian

If a thread is dedicated to say , polling a serial or Ethernet port which
has a high input data rate , then dedicating one CPU to that task/thread is

 (Hard Affinity) with multi-core CPU's is to dedicate a specific core to a
task (thread) and just poll the input memory mapped source. This works very

These Linux API functions set the affinity for processes :

sched_set_affinity() (for altering the bitmask)
sched_get_affinity() (for viewing the current bitmask)

These functions set the affinity for threads :

 pthread_setaffinity_np (pthread_t thread, size_t cpusetsize,  const
cpu_set_t *cpuset);
 pthread_getaffinity_np (pthread_t thread, size_t cpusetsize,  cpu_set_t

They are very simple to translate into Free Pascal


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Warning for anybody else using Linux Mint Debian ('Betsy')

2017-03-08 Thread brian
On 03/07/2017 07:10 PM, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> brian  hat am 8. März 2017 um 00:16 geschrieben:
>> [...]
>>> /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/x86_64-linux/rtl/cprt0.o: 
>>> unrecognized relocation (0x2a) in section `.text'
>>> /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value
>> [...]
>> Trying to build a simple 'Hello, World' from the 3.0.2 FP IDE also
>> failed with a linker error.
>> There are reports of this error "unrecognized relocation (0x2a) in
>> section `.text'" with the *testing* version of plain Debian, but Betsy
>> is based on Jessie (stable), NOT testing, and the library versions on
>> this system *are* the ones from stable, I checked the versions.
>> Downgrading to FPC 3.0.0 and Lazarus 1.6.2-1 means that everything
>> works again as expected.
>> I don't pretend to understand what has happened to cause this error on
>> a system based on stable rather than testing, but as far as users with
>> my configuration are concerned, there appears to be a barrier to
>> upgrading, at least at the moment.
> You are not alone:

Thank you for the pointer to the confirmation. I'd not thought it
necessary to check whether the FPC .debs which came with Lazarus 1.6.4
were official ones or not. From what is said in the comments to that
bug, that was obviously my mistake. Lesson learned!


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Warning for anybody else using Linux Mint Debian ('Betsy')

2017-03-07 Thread brian
Upgrading to Lazarus 1.6.4 and FPC 3.0.2 as obtained from SourceForge
breaks things irretrievably on Linux Mint Debian 64-bit running on an
AMD Phenom x2 system. I first noticed this when trying to rebuild the
Lazarus IDE generated the following error

> /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/fpc/3.0.2/units/x86_64-linux/rtl/cprt0.o: unrecognized 
> relocation (0x2a) in section `.text'
> /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value
> /usr/share/lazarus/1.6.4/ide/lazarus.pp(154,1) Error: (9013) Error while 
> linking
> /usr/share/lazarus/1.6.4/ide/lazarus.pp(154,1) Fatal: (10026) There were 1 
> errors compiling module, stopping
> Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
> make[2]: *** [lazarus] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [idepkg] Error 2
> make: *** [idepkg] Error 2

Trying to build a simple 'Hello, World' from the 3.0.2 FP IDE also
failed with a linker error.

There are reports of this error "unrecognized relocation (0x2a) in
section `.text'" with the *testing* version of plain Debian, but Betsy
is based on Jessie (stable), NOT testing, and the library versions on
this system *are* the ones from stable, I checked the versions.

Downgrading to FPC 3.0.0 and Lazarus 1.6.2-1 means that everything
works again as expected.

I don't pretend to understand what has happened to cause this error on
a system based on stable rather than testing, but as far as users with
my configuration are concerned, there appears to be a barrier to
upgrading, at least at the moment.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] changes to include file do not trigger recompilation of unit

2016-09-11 Thread Brian
Yes. Version 2.6.4 which I have been using has this problem.

Two work arounds :

1) Attempt to compile the include file which will fail , but the compiler
appears to then recognize the file has changed when the main program / unit
is later compiled.

2) save the file after the change , the recompile whatever you are working


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Delphi 10.1 Berlin Starter Edition

2016-08-24 Thread brian
On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 05:12:54 -0700, you wrote:

>On 8/24/2016 1:04 AM, brian wrote:
>> On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 23:40:06 +0800, you wrote:
>> It should maybe be noted that this download apparently requires that
>> you have Windows 10?
>Negative. I downloaded and installed it just fine on Windows 8.1/64...
Interesting. When you enter your details and get the download link, it
very clearly says that it needs the .NET from Windows 10 to run. You
downloaded and installed it, have you actually done anything with it? 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Delphi 10.1 Berlin Starter Edition

2016-08-24 Thread brian
On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 23:40:06 +0800, you wrote:

It should maybe be noted that this download apparently requires that
you have Windows 10? 


>Maciej Izak wrote:
>> Hi,
>> finally we have simple way to test new syntax to improve FPC quality / 
>> $MODE DELPHI without spending $ on Delphi :)
>> Probably limited time offer:
>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>> Maciej Izak
>Thanks a lot.
>I wonder if there is any catch.
>Anyway, I gave up Delphi after Delphi 5 and stick to FPC since then.  
>However, from time to time, I miss its lightning fast compiler and good 
>fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Ararat Synapse UDP Rx Speed (Mbps)

2016-02-04 Thread Brian
A test with two Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) PC's each with a 1Gbps NIC , with one PC
sending 300byte packets directly to the other PC (no switch involved) .

Each PC had a simple test program using Synapse : one PC sends UDP packets ,
the other PC receives UDP packets .

The throughput rate was 880Mbps  with no errors or lost data.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Ararat Synapse UDP Rx Speed (Mbps)

2016-02-03 Thread Brian
Forgot to mention : Running on Linux / Ubuntu

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[fpc-pascal] Ararat Synapse UDP Rx Speed (Mbps)

2016-02-03 Thread Brian
Does anyone have any benchmark speed tests using Synapse to receive UDP data
? (ie Mbps transfer).


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[fpc-pascal] Question C to Pascal translation ....Re: Wraper for libpciaccess ?

2015-02-05 Thread Brian
Ref  libpciaccess.h
Any suggestions on the conversions below ? Thanks in advance. Brian

C Union

00043 struct pci_device_iterator {
unsigned next_index;

enum {
} mode;

union {
  struct pci_slot_match   slot;
  struct pci_id_match id;
} match;

... is this conversion correct ?

 pci_device_iterator = packed record
   next_index : longword; // ???
Mode : (match_any, match_slot, match_id);  
  match : packed record
   case integer of // union
0 : (
 slot: pci_slot_match;
1 : (
 id : pci_id_match;


H2PAS converts this to ...
00245 struct pci_mem_region {
 * When the region is mapped, this is the pointer to the memory.
 * This field is \b only set when the deprecated \c
 * interface is used.  Use \c pci_device_map_range instead.
 * \deprecated
00254 void *memory;

 * Base physical address of the region within its bus / domain.
 * \warning
 * This address is really only useful to other devices in the same
 * domain.  It's probably \b not the address applications will ever
 * use.
 * \warning
 * Most (all?) platform back-ends leave this field unset.
00268 pciaddr_t bus_addr;

 * Base physical address of the region from the CPU's point of view.
 * This address is typically passed to \c pci_device_map_range to create
 * a mapping of the region to the CPU's virtual address space.
00277 pciaddr_t base_addr;

 * Size, in bytes, of the region.
00283 pciaddr_t size;

 * Is the region I/O ports or memory?
00289 unsigned is_IO:1;

 * Is the memory region prefetchable?
 * \note
 * This can only be set if \c is_IO is not set.
00297 unsigned is_prefetchable:1;

 * Is the memory at a 64-bit address?
 * \note
 * This can only be set if \c is_IO is not set.
00306 unsigned is_64:1;

Not certain if I believe this .

  pci_mem_region = record
  memory : pointer;
  bus_addr : pciaddr_t;
  base_addr : pciaddr_t;
  size : pciaddr_t;
  flag0 : word;

  bm_pci_mem_region_is_IO = $1;
  bp_pci_mem_region_is_IO = 0;
  bm_pci_mem_region_is_prefetchable = $2;
  bp_pci_mem_region_is_prefetchable = 1;
  bm_pci_mem_region_is_64 = $4;
  bp_pci_mem_region_is_64 = 2;

function is_IO(var a : pci_mem_region) : dword;
procedure set_is_IO(var a : pci_mem_region; __is_IO : dword);
function is_prefetchable(var a : pci_mem_region) : dword;
procedure set_is_prefetchable(var a : pci_mem_region; __is_prefetchable
: dword);
function is_64(var a : pci_mem_region) : dword;
procedure set_is_64(var a : pci_mem_region; __is_64 : dword);

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Re: [fpc-pascal] SDL 2.xx

2015-02-03 Thread Brian
Threading SDL 2.03 is not particularly difficult if you observe the rules
that a texture/renderer  must reside in the same thread that created the
window and (it appears) there is only one event (which as you mentioned
makes sense) , and in my case the event handler is in a thread.

SDL 2.03 has some very nice features which were not available in SDL 1.xx
such as TEXTURE.

I noticed quite a few posts on different forums asking how to do animation ,
and several posts mentioned that an early version of Doom had used SDL 1.xx
to blit multiple surfaces to create the animation effects.

One method of extremely fast animation is to use the example here as the
basis. Although the example is not animation the underlying use of CPU
memory and textures is 100% applicable to animation.

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Re: [fpc-pascal] SDL 2.xx

2015-02-02 Thread Brian
It appears (though I can't find any documentation / forums that actually
states this) that SDL 2.03 only allows one event handler.

When the event handler (only one handler) is put in a thread , the event can
be detected from different windows , those created in the thread and those
created in the main thread (program) , by using SDL_GetWindowID() to get the
identify of a window (WindowID) and later use it to recognize which window
generated the event.


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[fpc-pascal] SDL 2.xx

2015-01-30 Thread Brian
I currently have an application running under Ubuntu 14.04 using SDL 2.03 and
have a few questions .

Currently the window / rendering / event handler  are running in a thread ,
not the main program. This works fine as long as the window is initiated
(created) in the thread , and the rendering / event handling is also done in
the thread , which is what the SDL documentation also states.

My question is if there is one window / rendering / event handler in a
thread , and another window / renderer / event handler is created in the
main program can two event handlers function properly. 

I can easily create another window / renderer / handler  in the main program
for the new window , but the question is can there be two event handlers in
SDL 2.xx ?

Thanks in advance

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Cross-compile vs native

2015-01-30 Thread Brian
Thanks for all the suggestions.

I rather like Fred's method using Linux / Wine , and after getting it
working under Wine ,  I would do an end test native on on a Windows PC.

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[fpc-pascal] Cross-compile vs native

2015-01-27 Thread Brian
A question to those who must maintain a Linux version and a Windows versions

Do you tend to cross-compile from Linux or do you compile native (with
separate projects) on each OS (Linux and Windows)?


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Re: [fpc-pascal] SDL_Net vs Synapse

2015-01-05 Thread Brian
SDL2 Headers also available here ...

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[fpc-pascal] SDL_Net vs Synapse

2015-01-05 Thread Brian
Any opinions/experience pro/con using SDL2 (SDL_Net) vs Synapse
( ?


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Re: [fpc-pascal] FPC Heap Management : sub-allocation ?

2014-10-31 Thread Brian
Frederic Da Vitoria wrote
> I think that Brian is asking if a memory leak could eat the system's
> memory
> irreversibly. IIUC in Windows, when the program is stopped, all it's
> memory
> is freed, even if the program leaked memory. I don't know about Linux, but
> I'd be surprised if it weren't the same.
> -- 
> Frederic Da Vitoria
> (davitof)
> Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -  

> fpc-pascal@.freepascal


Yes that is exactly what I was asking. For a high reliable system running
24/7 my fear using Object Oriented code vs procedural code is exactly what
you mentioned . If there is a serious leak , or even a small one for an
extended period of time , it can take down the OS. I have seen this happen
with Sun OS and a 3rd party driver that leaked and caused the OS to crash
after an extended period of time.

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Re: [fpc-pascal] FPC Heap Management : sub-allocation ?

2014-10-31 Thread Brian
Thanks Sven.

Do you know how it behaves when running under Linux?

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[fpc-pascal] FPC Heap Management : sub-allocation ?

2014-10-31 Thread Brian
Does FPC implement sub-allocation  , in which the user program allocates a
block of memory from the heap , and only "plays" in that sub-allocated block
, such that if the user program has a serious memory leak , the user program
may crash but it cannot exhaust the OS memory and cause the OS to crash?

... sorry for the long winded sentence.

Thanks in advance

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Re: [fpc-pascal] fpGUI Thread-safe

2014-10-15 Thread Brian
Sorry , I meant fpGUI created applications , not the toolkit.


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[fpc-pascal] fpGUI Thread-safe

2014-10-15 Thread Brian
Is fpGUI running under X11 thread-safe?


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Directories

2014-10-02 Thread Brian
Conclusion :

Using {$UNITPATH /home/some/*} in the main program DOES NOT WORK !

When using Geany if the directive is added in Set Build Command , COMPILE
line as -Fu/home/some/* it works properly.

Much better than dumping everything into one pot.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Directories

2014-10-02 Thread Brian
My mistake ...

Using directive -Va I can see that PFC cannot find fpg_base also.

Question : Does the directive $UNITPATH acvtually work ?


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Directories

2014-10-02 Thread Brian
The compiler accepts the directory and loads the first unit fpg_base , but
then fails to load the next unit that is called by fpg_base which is
fpg_impl . Then it fails.


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Directories

2014-10-02 Thread Brian
Marco ,

The fpGUI units were recompiled with directive -Ur

When the helloworld.pas file is compiled using Geany (with -Ur and -Va) for
some reason FPC can't find the unit (fpg_impl.ppu) called by fp_base , even
though it is present in the folder with fpb_base.

[0.058] Load from FPG_BASE (interface) unit FPG_IMPL
[0.058] Loading unit FPG_IMPL
[0.058] Unitsearch: fpg_impl.ppu
[0.058] Searching file fpg_impl.ppu... not found

... FPC then begins searching for the source file fpg_impl.pas which is not
in the directory and eventually fails.

Any suggestions ?


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Directories

2014-10-02 Thread Brian
Thanks Michael.

Jonas tip allows me to see what is happening when using Geany. In the case
of fpGUI , the fpmake creates all the .ppu and .o files and places them in
directory ../i386-linux.

Using either the wildcard * or absolute name of the directory is ok . The
compiler finds (in this example)  fpg_base but then wants to get the next
unit (fpg_impl) called in fpg_base , but seems to expect the .pas file
rather than just using the .ppu and .o files that have already been

It is as if the compiler is trying to build rather than just linking the
existing compiled .ppu and .o  files.

Searching file /usr/lib/fpc/2.6.4/fpg_impl.pas... not found
Fatal: Can't find unit fpg_impl used by fpg_base

Is there any way to tell the compiler to just link existing .ppu and .o
files ?


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Directories

2014-10-02 Thread Brian
Jonas , thanks very much as I now see what is happening. 

FPC only searches the specific directory and not any lower level
directories. In this case the unit called is in a lower level directory.

Is there any way using Geany to add $UNITPATH directives in the main program
or path info in Geany so FPC is able to find the required units?


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Directories

2014-10-02 Thread Brian
Thanks for all the commandline suggestions , but my question is about using
Geany as the IDE , not running the compiler from the commandline. BTW : I
only use fpGUI as an example to illustrate the issue.

Using Geany as the IDE :
The FPC documentation is not correct :
1.3.38 $UNITPATH : Specify unit path.

If the directive is added (below) to the main program FPC will fail to find
the unit directory i386-linux.
{$UNITPATH .../fpgui/fpgui-1.2/src/units/i386-linux} 

To make it work you must include the absolute directory path such as :
{$UNITPATH /home/mydir/fpgui/fpgui-1.2/src/units/i386-linux}  and then it
only finds the first unit in the uses list and cannot find the rest of the
units in i386-linux.

Why doesn't FPC continue to look for units in the directory specified by


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Directories

2014-10-01 Thread Brian
Mattias Gaertner wrote
> On Wed, 1 Oct 2014 13:39:39 -0700 (PDT)
> Brian <

> vmst@

> > wrote:
>> Sorry , I wasn't specific about my problem. Using the example in the
>> fpGUI
>> distribution (but the following comments are not specific to fpGUI).
>> I want to use Geany as the IDE without using .CFG files and compiling
>> from
>> the commandline.
>> If UNITPATH is set in the main program (the fpGUI is a good example) , it
>> will fail to find  fpg_base
>> helloworld.pas(27,3) Fatal: Can't find unit fpg_base used by HelloWorld
>> program HelloWorld;
>> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
>> {$UNITPATH .../fpgui/fpgui-1.2/src/units/i386-linux}
> You can give this directive multiple times to add all needed paths.
> Or you can pass the unit paths via -Fu in Geany.
> Mattias
> Thanks Mattias , I understand how to add the directive multiple times .
> Do you have an example of how you can pass the unit paths via -Fu in Geany
> ?
> Thanks in advance
> Brian
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -  

> fpc-pascal@.freepascal


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Re: [fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Directories

2014-10-01 Thread Brian
Sorry , I wasn't specific about my problem. Using the example in the fpGUI
distribution (but the following comments are not specific to fpGUI).

I want to use Geany as the IDE without using .CFG files and compiling from
the commandline.

If UNITPATH is set in the main program (the fpGUI is a good example) , it
will fail to find  fpg_base
helloworld.pas(27,3) Fatal: Can't find unit fpg_base used by HelloWorld

program HelloWorld;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

{$UNITPATH .../fpgui/fpgui-1.2/src/units/i386-linux}

if the absolute directory location is specified in the UNITPATH directive ,
the complier will find fpg_base but then fail to find the next unit called
by fpg_base ...

Fatal: Can't find unit fpg_impl used by fpg_base

What am I missing?

Thanks in Advance

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[fpc-pascal] Free Pascal Directories

2014-09-30 Thread Brian
Having ported a large real-time graphical application from Virtual Pascal
(DPMI) to Free Pascal Linux , there is one aspect I haven't managed to

For a number of reasons Lazarus was not used , and Geany is used as the IDE
, which works well.

Unlike Virtual Pascal which allowed me to put different code in separate
directories , Free Pascal seems to want ALL unit files in one huge directory
which makes it difficult to keep proper revision control. 

For example if I decide to use fpGUI , I would like to put all the fpGUI
source code into one directory and the actual application (my code) in a
separate directory.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance

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[fpc-pascal] Wraper for libpciaccess ?

2014-09-21 Thread Brian
Does anyone know of an FPC wrapper for the library libpciaccess ?

Thanks in advance

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Xlib Threads

2014-04-27 Thread Brian
An interesting discussion at this link on the subject.

 *Effectively, the beginning of the main() function is the only really safe
place to call XInitThreads(). *

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Xlib Threads

2014-04-27 Thread Brian
Yes , Xlib has many impressive features , but it is lacking in a simple (and
fast) way to independently write to specific bit planes without altering the
other bit planes for 2D animation. OpenGL can be used (I think) for 2D
automation using the z-buffer , but it really is and end around to a
deficiency in Xlib.

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Xlib Threads

2014-04-26 Thread Brian

XInitThreads() must be called prior to initailizing X , then it works using
XLockDisplay() and XUnlockDisplay()


NewEvent := Xpending(TheDisplay) > 0 ;

   if NewEvent then
  XNextEvent(TheDisplay, @myevent);
   KeypressedX :=  myevent._type = keypress ;

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[fpc-pascal] Xlib Threads

2014-04-25 Thread Brian
All the Xlib documentation seems to imply that threads can be used , however
if I attempt to put XNextEvent() or XPending() in a thread , the rsult is a
GP fault . The error message suggests using XInitThreads() but it still
generates a GP fault.

Tried using XlockDisplay() and XUnlockDisplay() in the thread but still get
a GP fault.

X Error of failed request:  BadLength (poly request too large or internal
Xlib length error)
  Major opcode of failed request:  100 (X_ChangeKeyboardMapping)
  Serial number of failed request:  20
  Current serial number in output stream:  35

X11 code which causes the problem in the thread :

   NewEvent := Xpending(TheDisplay) > 0 ;

   if NewEvent then 
  XNextEvent(TheDisplay, @myevent);
   KeypressedX :=  myevent._type = keypress ;

Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance.

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[fpc-pascal] SOLVED : Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-25 Thread Brian
Problem solved ... ironically the solution was from a Windows guy.

Faulty Code
  Core2Thread_ID := BeginThread(@Core2_Thread_Test);
   writeln('Core2 ok');
   Core22Thread_ID := BeginThread(@Core22_Thread_Test);

Corrected Code : InitCriticalSection() BEFORE BeginThread()

  Core2Thread_ID := BeginThread(@Core2_Thread_Test);
   writeln('Core2 ok');
   Core22Thread_ID := BeginThread(@Core22_Thread_Test);

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[fpc-pascal] Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-22 Thread Brian
Mark ... many thanks.

Your last comment prompted me to avoid using Write/Writeln to monitor what
was happening. By removing Write/Writeln from the threads , ... everything
works correctly with two threads , one running on core1 and the other thread
running on core2.

I think this boils down to the original issue that I found writing directly
to the graphics card frame buffer , which is the same as Write/Writeln , in
that there is only one physical display device which is not easily shared.


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[fpc-pascal] Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-22 Thread Brian
"... The critical sections you are using only protect each thread against
itself, meaning they basically do nothing. Being inside a critical
section is not a guarantee that you won't get preempted, but just that
no other threads can enter the same section. ..."

The two threads do not share and variables and do not interact with one
another. The question is ... as Mark has previously pointed out ... does
Linux x86 allow setting hard affinity with threads where the program
(process) runs on one CPU core and one or more threads run on another core? 

It looks like all the threads must run on the same core as the block diagram
at this link seems to imply.

Mark : I found that sometimes coret_fail would run several times correctly ,
and then when launched on launch N+1 would fail. It may just be luck of the
draw that everything was running on one core when it ran correctly.

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[fpc-pascal] Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-22 Thread Brian
Attached binary executables which run on Ubuntu 12.04lts , but should be

coret_ok sets the process and two threads to core1 

coret_fail sets to process to cores1 and 2 , one thread to core 1 and one
thread to core 2. It soemtimes runs ok , but usually fails with a GP fault.



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[fpc-pascal] Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-22 Thread Brian
Mark ... sorry for the mixup. The program and unit should now be stand alone.
The unit links libc (rev6).




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[fpc-pascal] Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-21 Thread Brian
Mark ,

Thanks for the tips and info.

There are two reasons for running threads on specific cores :

1) The possible need for a tight loop for receiving serial data.

2) The program is serial in nature receiving data, does not use X11 ,
controls the mouse and keyboard using libusb , and writes directly to the
graphics card frame buffer (very fast). I have found that when multicore is
enabled in the BIOS , or if I set the process to use more than one core with
sched_setaffinit() , it appears the Linux scheduler is causing a problem and
somehow mucks up some of the graphics when the data load increases , as the
scheduler then starts to try and spread the load between the two cores. 

If only one core is used everything works fine.


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[fpc-pascal] Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-21 Thread Brian
Attached is a simple test program with two threads. When the threads run ,
one displays '+' and the other displays '2'.

If both threads run on the same core , the threads work , but if the threads
are set to different cores , it generates a GP fault.

If anyone is interested , download the code . It was tested on Ubuntu
12.04lts , but should be portable .

Would be interested hear any results to confirm it is not a hardware issue
on this PC.



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[fpc-pascal] Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-20 Thread Brian

All the documentation seems to indicate that processes and threads are
treated alike in Linux , however , even having established that I can
apparently select a core to run a thread , I haven't yet been able to make
it work.

I explain the findings from a dual core Intel CPU.

Using the sched_setaffinity() I can run a program on either core1 or core2
as long as all threads are set to the same core.

If the main process (program) is set to core2 and all the threads are set to
core2 everything is fine and dandy.

However if the main process (program) is set to Core1 and any thread is set
to Core2 using pthread_setaffinity_np() , when the Core2 thread starts to
run it generates an immediate GP fault.

The intent is to be able to run a thread which polls a serial or Ethernet
port , rather like one would do with an ISR , but using a separate core for
the task , while the main program runs on a different core.

At this point I am not certain if there is something I am missing.

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[fpc-pascal] Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-19 Thread Brian
After a bit of research , the issue of setting the cpu affinity has been
solved , which may be of use to other folks.

A bit of info here concerning the data type cpu_set_t , which as far as I
can determine (no help from the mess that is the c library source) is
essentially an array of DWORD. For my purposes running on an x86 CPU ,
allowance for 32 cores is sufficient , using cpu_set_1 as one unsigned long

Here are some code fragments which may be of help.

The function do_SysCall(0) basically doesn't work for setting the CPU core.

Although the Linux documentation claims sched_setaffinity() amd
sched_getaffinity() work for threads  , it only works for processes. 

pthread_getaffinity_np() and pthread_setaffinity_np() work properly for

FPC has some sloppy code as there is a note not to use PtrInt , instead use
Ptruint , but the function BeginThread() returns PtrInt , but as long as you
are not aritmetically manipulating the pointer it works ok.

With a dual core Intel CPU with all cores enabled in the BIOS ,
sched_getaffinity() returns $03 (0011) and if you set process 0 to use only
1 core , sched_getaffinity returns $01 correctly.

Same for thread_getaffinity_np() and  pthread_setaffinity_np() , although if
you set the CPU process 0 (current process) to one core , all the threads
run on that core.

// --- external functions from c-library libc (not the UNIT libc !
function sched_getaffinity(pid : Ptruint; cpusetsize : longint; cpuset :
pointer) : longint; cdecl; external;

function sched_setaffinity(pid : Ptruint; cpusetsize : longint; cpuset :
pointer) : longint; cdecl; external;

function pthread_setaffinity_np(pid : Ptruint; cpusetsize : longint; cpuset
: pointer) : longint; cdecl; external;
function pthread_getaffinity_np(pid : Ptruint; cpusetsize : longint; cpuset
: pointer) : longint; cdecl; external;


procedure  Set_Thread_CPU_Core(ThreadID : PtrInt; CPU_Core : longword);

 cpu_SetSize = 4; // 32 cores max
 cpu_Mask : longword;
 cpu_set : longword;  //cpu_set_type sufficient for 32 core CPU
 ResultX : longint;

 ResultX := pthread_getaffinity_np(ThreadID,cpu_SetSize,@cpu_set);

 writeln('Result ',ResultX,' ');
 writeln('Mask   ',Hexl(cpu_set));

 cpu_set := $01; // CPU 0
 ResultX := pthread_setaffinity_np(ThreadID,cpu_SetSize,@cpu_set) ;

 cpu_set := 0; // clear it in case pthread_setAffiniti_np() above = -1
 ResultX := pthread_getaffinity_np(ThreadID,cpu_SetSize,@cpu_set) ;

 writeln('Result ',ResultX,' ');
 writeln('Mask   ',Hexl(cpu_set));

procedure  Set_Process_CPU_Core(ProcessID : PtrInt; CPU_Core : longword);

 cpu_SetSize = 4; // 32 cores max
 cpu_Mask : longword;
 cpu_set : longword;  //cpu_set_type sufficient for 32 core CPU
 ResultX : longint;
writeln('-- Process ---');
 ResultX := sched_getaffinity(ProcessID,cpu_SetSize,@cpu_set);

 writeln('Result ',ResultX,' ');
 writeln('Mask   ',Hexl(cpu_set));

 cpu_set := CPU_Core; 
 ResultX := sched_setaffinity(ProcessID,cpu_SetSize,@cpu_set) ;

 cpu_set := 0; // clear it in case sched_setAffinity() above = -1 (fail)
 ResultX := sched_getaffinity(ProcessID,cpu_SetSize,@cpu_set) ;

 writeln('Result ',ResultX,' ');
 writeln('Mask   ',Hexl(cpu_set));

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[fpc-pascal] Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-17 Thread Brian

Request  for additional info :


The function do_SysCall() Arg 4 expects longint not a pointer but even when
typecast do_SysyCall() doesn't appear to work.

... a good description here.
> Take charge of processor affinity
> Why (three reasons) and how to use hard (versus soft) CPU affinity
> Eli Dow, Software Engineer, IBM Linux Test and Integration Center
> Summary:  Knowing a little bit about how the Linux® 2.6 scheduler treats
> CPU affinity can help you design better userspace applications. Soft
> affinity means that processes do not frequently migrate between
> processors, whereas hard affinity means that processes run on processors
> you specify. This article describes current affinity mechanisms, explains
> why and how to use hard affinity, and provides sample code showing you how
> to use the available functionality.

Any suggestions
Thanks in advance

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[fpc-pascal] Re: GetAffinity\SetAffinity

2013-11-15 Thread Brian
Alexey Voytsehovich wrote
> Just a huge thank you:)
> 2011/1/21  <

> michael.vancanneyt@

> >:
>> See
>>  man sched_setaffinity
>> for the call to do this.
>> Free Pascal does not have this call predefined, but you can make this
>> call.
>> Using the do_syscall you should be able to set up the call to the kernel.
>> Something like:
>> do_Syscall(syscall_nr_sched_setaffinity,fpgetpid,setsize,@cpu_set);
>> Michael.
>> On Fri, 21 Jan 2011, Alexey Voychehovich wrote:
>>> Good day.
>>> There is a need to establish some process affinity using free pascal
>>> and ubuntu. Do not tell that on this occasion you can read?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> ___
>>> fpc-pascal maillist  -  

> fpc-pascal@.freepascal

>> ___
>> fpc-pascal maillist  -  

> fpc-pascal@.freepascal

> -- 
> Don`t drink and drive, smoke and fly!
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -  

> fpc-pascal@.freepascal


Request  for additional info :


The above generalized suggestion is very helpful , but can someone provide
or point me to a link which describes the type cpu_set_t which @cpu_set
points to.

sched.h doesn't really explain the type definition or how to use it.

Many thanks in advance.

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Re: [fpc-pascal] Linux - ExecuteProcess versus fpSystem

2011-09-09 Thread brian

On 09/09/2011 04:02 AM, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

The quotes are bash commands, they are not part of command line. I
wrote on this topic not long ago, but for TProcess:

OK, I've read your notes for TProcess, I'll give that a try. Thanks.

I have to say that when you have two overloaded declarations for 
ExecuteProcess, one with an array of parameters and one with a single 
parameter string, it's not clear to me why you then break the single 
string into individual parameters, but I'm sure there's some good 
reason for it. Maybe that single parameter string form of the command 
should be deprecated. I certainly think that the documentation is 
directly misleading :-

In case ComLine is a single string, it will be split out in an array 
of strings, taking into account common whitespace and quote rules.

At least IMHO, having to quote the entire parameter string, not just 
the value, is anything but "common whitespace and quote rules".

However, thanks again for the assistance, folks. You can be sure this 
one has been carefully noted - the idea of needing to wrap parameter 
AND value in quotes wouldn't have occurred to me in a month of Sundays.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Linux - ExecuteProcess versus fpSystem

2011-09-08 Thread brian

On 09/08/2011 01:07 PM, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Anton Shepelev said:

In the case of ExecuteProcess() parameter separation
takes place on FPC side, while with  fpSystem()  the
shell  is  responsible for it.

Executeprocess has two forms. One does parameter separation,
and one not, and directly passes the separated parameters to

This was actually the reason for executeprocess.

  Could a problem with
FPC's  parameter  separation  algorithm  be  causing

Maybe, but only when you use the wrong variant.

Can you post both the commands you are executing?

Yes, that would be the best.

When I was learing processes, I wrote a unit to exe-
cute  a   command   using   fpExecv   --   just   as
ExecuteProcess() does. I'll dig it out and we'll see
how (and whether) it works with your examples.

There should be no need for that.

OK, sorry for the delay in catching up with all the responses. I'll 
roll everything into one message.

Why am I using a subprocess rather than writing a batch file? There's 
a bunch of other processing going on, but none of it involves 
manipulating the files other than a possible rename. It's selection of 
which files to convert according to various criteria, elimination of 
some duplicates, that sort of thing. It just seemed tidier to me to do 
the whole lot in the program rather than doing most of the work then 
write a batch file for the actual conversions.

What are the commands?

mpg321 -q -w "tempfile.wav" "inputfile.mp3"

oggenc -Q --output="outputfile.ogg" "tempfile.wav"

It makes no difference whether or not I use a full pathname for mpg321 
and oggenc, and all the other files are in the current working 
directory. Yes, there really are quotes round the filenames, the vast 
majority of the real names have embedded spaces.

As regards oggenc being faulty and not working unless called from the 
shell, no, that one hadn't occurred to me, not sure how to test it.

Running with strace. Eek! 6.5 MB of trace output. :) I think it's 
found the problem, though. I get a bunch of

"ERROR: Multiple files specified when using stdin"


It's difficult to see why this should be the case. I have the program 
name and the parameters set up as strings within my program. To switch 
between the ExecuteProcess and fpSystem calls, I just commented out 
the one I wasn't trying. The two lines of code are

Status := ExecuteProcess(CommandString, ParamString);


Status := fpSystem(CommandString+' '+ParamString);

CommandString just contains mog321 or oggenc (with or without the full 
path) and ParamString is the rest of the commands I gave above.

Do I need to add a separator to the front of ParamString when using 
ExecuteProcess? It wouldn't seem sensible to require it, since there 
are the two parameters to ExecuteProcess versus the one for fpSystem, 
but maybe that's it.

Thanks for the assistance so far, everyone.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Linux - ExecuteProcess versus fpSystem

2011-09-07 Thread brian

On 09/08/2011 02:20 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

I can't really answer you regarding why ExecuteProcess doesn't work.
But just wanted to ask: Have you thought of trying TProcess instead? I
normally execute any external programs via TProcess with good results
- no matter the platform.

Nope. I'll give TProcess a whirl. Thanks for the suggestion.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Linux - ExecuteProcess versus fpSystem

2011-09-07 Thread brian
Reinforcing the subject, this is using Linux - to be specific, FPC 
2.4.2-0 under 64 bit Mint 9.

I'm trying to convert a large number of MP3 files to Ogg Vorbis.

This is a two step process, first I run mpg321 to switch them to a 
.wav file, then oggenc to convert to a .ogg

What's driving me crazy is that running the two commands via 
ExecuteProcess does the first step OK, but oggenc fails with an exit 
code of 1, operation not permitted.

If I replace the ExecuteProcess with a call to fpSystem, concatenating 
the CommandString and ParamString with a space as separator and 
passing that as the command, both steps work just fine.

I've tried putting a Delay(5000) between the two commands using 
ExecuteProcess, just in case there was some type of problem with data 
still being written from a cache. No difference whatever.

This is reproducible on a whole batch of files, and yes, I've checked 
all the file permissions.

It's got to be something obvious, or some quirk of Linux programming 
that I haven't met up with yet (I'm still a novice with FreePascal and 
Linux, though I've many years experience with Delphi and Windows). 
What am I missing?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Handling recursive symlinks in Linux

2011-02-18 Thread brian
I'm trying to convert a Delphi console-mode program which needs to 
walk directory trees to FP **and Linux** - is there a standard way to 
detect and handle recursive symlinks, if the user has been daft enough 
to create them?



fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Javascript in Desktop Applications

2011-02-07 Thread Brian Winfrey
On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 6:27 AM,   wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Feb 2011, Andrew Brunner wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 7:35 AM,   wrote:
>>> A cross-platform solution is to use one of libsee or BESEN.
>>> The latter is implemented in 100% native Object Pascal.
>>> Michael.
>> BESEN is very, very, very  well written but I can't seem to get any
>> indication how to use it in my project.  I would love FPC to include a
>> JIT system for JS or Pascal.  IMO, FPC absolutely needs a scripting
>> FCL going forward.  BESEN seems like the right guy for the job, but I
>> suspect he's burned out :-(  I think he had memory concerns too.
>> Does anyone have any BESEN examples that integrated actual FPC units?
>> It seems like all the samle js units are self contained with no
>> interface to system or GUI units.
>> Including JS support on my project would enable people to leverage
>> exiting "proven" technologies which would make for easier/allowable
>> for adoption in working groups / houses where selection of language is
>> restricted to language of the day :-)  Taking this statment and
>> applying this across the board, it would be an easier sell for
>> adoption of FPC/Lazarus with JIT support.  Personally, I'm thinking
>> along the lines of Web RAD down the road...
> Well, if you can't get BESEN to work, libsee definitely does.
> I even have an article on how to do it.
> Michael.
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -

I have some interest in exploring javascript implementations for fpc.  -- Is this comparable to what you have noted?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Win32 Application Query.

2011-01-31 Thread Brian Winfrey
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 2:25 AM, Justin Smyth
> Hi guys
> I've been working on a application to application communications protocol
> via named pipes.
> the basic idea would be for Application A to change a Component Property on
> Applications B ( ie the visible property) or a text or caption or width /
> height of a component. ( and also for Application to cause and event to fire
> on application b only , ie a screen refresh or data change event ie reset a
> label to its primary state )
> I'm also going to allow application A to change Applications B event
> handlers ie onClick onEnter OnKeyPress etc so that Application A can
> redirect an event handler so that when an event is triggered on Application
> B
> My Question is does any components out there like fpGUI do this ?
> once i am done and its working i'd be happy to share the code , at present i
> can change component values and read them from the remote end.
> Kind Regards
> Justin Smyth
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -

I think you may find what you're looking for in MSE project's IFI?
components.  Google MSEGUI to find it.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] JSON - RTTI streaming.

2011-01-20 Thread Brian Winfrey
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Michael Van Canneyt
> Hello,
> For those of you that need JSON support:
> I have committed support for streaming published properties (properties for
> which RTTI  is generated) from objects to JSON and vice versa, in a unit
> fpjsonrtti.
> Not the full streaming as implemented in the classes system is supported:
> - No DefineProperties.
> - No methods.
> Although it should not be difficult to add support for this.
> In contrast, it can stream simple collections and stringlists (with ojects
> attached) in various ways.
> There are various events to influence the streaming process.
> This should be more than enough to stream objects to and from a web-browser.
> I have committed an example and a testsuite.
> All this is in packages/fcl-json.
> Despite the fact that the testsuite runs OK , I'd like to ask those for whom
> it might be useful to test the code and report any errors you find to me.
> Suggestions for improvements are also welcome.
> Michael.
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -

Nice, this was on my to do list.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Cannot get TFPTimer to work

2010-12-02 Thread Brian Winfrey
See .../fpcsrc/packages/fcl-base/examples/testtimer.pp for example usage.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Darius Blaszyk
> Whatever I tried, I cannot get TFPTimer to work. Can someone help? For
> some reason the OnTimer even is never fired. Tried on Windows and Linux.
> Here's a snippet I used as test.
> Regards, Darius
> program fptimertest;
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> uses
>  cthreads,
>  {$ENDIF}
>  SysUtils, fpTimer;
> type
>  { TBaseObj }
>  TBaseObj = class(TObject)
>     tmr: TFPTimer;
>  public
>     constructor Create;
>     constructor Destroy;
>     procedure OnTimerExec(Sender: TObject);
>  end;
> { TBaseObj }
> constructor TBaseObj.Create;
> begin
>  tmr := TFPTimer.Create(nil);
>  tmr.Interval := 1;
>  tmr.OnTimer:=...@ontimerexec;
>  tmr.StartTimer;
> end;
> constructor TBaseObj.Destroy;
> begin
>  tmr.StopTimer;
>  tmr.Free;
> end;
> procedure TBaseObj.OnTimerExec(Sender: TObject);
> begin
>  writeln('Timer executed');
> end;
> var
>  test: TBaseObj;
>  i: integer;
> begin
>  test := TBaseObj.Create;
>  for i := 1 to 1000 do
>    sleep(10);
>  writeln('done');
>  readln;
> end.
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] make fpc

2010-11-22 Thread Brian Winfrey
On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 1:48 AM, Jonas Maebe  wrote:
> On 21 Nov 2010, at 19:03, Brian Winfrey wrote:
>> What version should fpc display (Revision: 16393).
>> When I get latest and make /usr/bin/fpc is at version 2.4.2.
>> fpc -vut dummy.pas
>> ...
>> Compiler: /usr/lib/fpc/2.4.2/ppc386
>> Using executable path: /usr/lib/fpc/2.4.2/
>> Using unit path: /usr/lib/fpc/2.4.2/units/i386-linux/rtl/
>> ...
>> The output indicates that 2.4.3 directories are created and 2.4.3
>> compiler is used.
>> I run
>>  make clean build && make install INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr"
> There are two separate things: the installed FPC versions, and the default
> FPC version. The default FPC version is determined by the symbolic links
> /usr/bin/ppc386, /usr/bin/ppcx64 etc (or /usr/local/bin/ppc386 etc on
> non-Linux). A "make install" will add a new FPC version, but it does not
> make it the default. If you want to do that, change the symlinks to point to
> the new compiler version. The "fpc" utility is only a wrapper that calls
> through to ppc386/ppcx64/... and has no version itself.
> Jonas
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -

I thought there was a sym link involved, but I mis-remembered it being
fpc.  That clears it up thanks.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: make fpc

2010-11-21 Thread Brian Winfrey
I also tried "make cycle" as outlined in programmers guide, but
results are the same.

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Brian Winfrey  wrote:
> What version should fpc display (Revision: 16393).
> When I get latest and make /usr/bin/fpc is at version 2.4.2.
> fpc -vut dummy.pas
> ...
> Compiler: /usr/lib/fpc/2.4.2/ppc386
> Using executable path: /usr/lib/fpc/2.4.2/
> Using unit path: /usr/lib/fpc/2.4.2/units/i386-linux/rtl/
> ...
> The output indicates that 2.4.3 directories are created and 2.4.3
> compiler is used.
> I run
>  make clean build && make install INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr"
> I also tried
>  make clean FPC=/usr/lib/fpc/2.4.3/ppc386 build.
> The output of "make install" is attached.
> Is this wrong?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] TReader.ReadProperty

2010-11-04 Thread Brian Winfrey
See post from about two weeks ago. "Building FPC with debug information"

On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 3:39 AM, Roland Turčan - RoTurSoft
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Michael Van Canneyt 
> wrote:
>>> PS: How can I debug TReader class, because debuger steps over my calls
>>> from
>>> TReader.
>> You must recompile the RTL with debug information, and then recompile your
>> project.
> Thanks for answer, but please could you assist me how to build RTL with
> debug infos.
> Thanks.
> --
> Best regards, TRoland
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] MSEide+MSEgui rev.2.4

2010-11-02 Thread Brian Winfrey
> The fixes_2_4 is already at version 2.4.3 and contains everything from
> 2.4.2 and more...
Thank you.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] MSEide+MSEgui rev.2.4

2010-11-01 Thread Brian Winfrey
Which address should I be using?  It looks like the UUID and revision
are the same while Last changed revision and path are different.

svn info
Path: release_2_4_2
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Revision: 16285
Node Kind: directory
Last Changed Author: marco
Last Changed Rev: 16278
Last Changed Date: 2010-10-31 10:08:18 -0700 (Sun, 31 Oct 2010)

svn info
Path: fixes_2_4
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Revision: 16285
Node Kind: directory
Last Changed Author: marco
Last Changed Rev: 16277
Last Changed Date: 2010-10-31 10:01:50 -0700 (Sun, 31 Oct 2010)

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 7:14 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys
> Op 2010-11-01 15:48, Marcos Douglas het geskryf:
>> If you use the FPC from
>> then the version
>> is 2.4.3, right?
> Yes, and that works with MSEide too.
> Regards,
>  - Graeme -
> --
> fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] TPLY

2010-10-29 Thread Brian Winfrey
Thanks, I'll look into this as well.

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 2:19 AM, Thierry Coq  wrote:
> Brian,
> thanks for the diff, I'll take it into account and publish an update.
> On 28/10/2010 18:50, Brian Winfrey wrote:
> ...
>> The changes I made in this diff were simply to get it to compile.
>> Subsequently I renamed all files and folders to lowercase, converted
>> spaces to underscores and added a prefix to eliminate duplicate file
>> names where needed.
> ...
>>> Another approach would be to look at (and reverse engineer) the byte
>>> code.
>>> If it's not obfuscated, it might even be easier to parse and port than
>>> the
>>> native Java.
>> How would you suggest I proceed in that.
> Using the class file format (for example here:
> it would be easy to parse through the tables, identify the class name, its
> super class name, the interfaces it's implementing, and even the public and
> private methods. The java compiler has done all the work into translating
> the java code into nice tables. ;-)
> I remember I did the exercise once. I've destroyed the code, but I could do
> it again. I remember one of the more difficult parts was understanding how
> java coded strings ;-) This was before anonymous classes and methods, so
> this could be another difficulty. I don't know how these are converted to
> byte code.
> Once you have the structure, you can generate the pascal code. I would
> recommend against generating one class per unit as Java does: since pascal
> dependency rules are strict (no cycles), this would most certainly result in
> uncompilable code. What I do when I translate Java is to pre-declare all
> classes and interfaces at the top of the unit(s) and then generate the full
> class interface further down.
> Translating the statements inside the bytecode I haven't tried, since my
> efforts were mostly for analyzing java code and measuring it.
> I hope this helps,
> Thierry
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Re: TPLY

2010-10-29 Thread Brian Winfrey
Well, seems like you all have given some material to get me started.
As nobody suggested sticking with TPLY or plex/bison I will
back-burner that and proceed with crenshaw/oberon.

Thanks to everyone.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: TPLY

2010-10-28 Thread Brian Winfrey
Thank you, What techiniques have you used in the past that you could
share to get me started?

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 8:04 PM, leledumbo  wrote:
> Learn compilation technique, a recursive descent parser should be easy to
> understand and code instead of learning automatic lexer and parser
> generator. Plus, structurally, Java is a very simple language, so AST
> transformation should be easy. With FPC 2.5.1, almost all Java constructs
> can be directly translated to FPC dialect, minus anonymous inner class only
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Free Pascal - General mailing list archive at
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] TPLY

2010-10-27 Thread Brian Winfrey
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Brian Winfrey  wrote:
>> there is a port to Lazarus here:
>> with some examples. I can help you if needed. The documentation is quite
>> complete.
> Thanks it looks interesting, I like the component approach, I will
> take a close look.

I was not able to set paths and compile.  There were file naming
problems with case and duplication.  I have a diff file if you like.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: TPLY

2010-10-26 Thread Brian Winfrey
> I prefer doing this manually, syntax conversion is easy, but library design
> is totally different.

A conversion of the Java code will provide a good starting point I
think.  Additionally, learning TPLY or lex/yacc could prove very
useful I think.

Do you have grammer files for syntax conversion?  I have not found an
up to date grammer file for FPC's current objpas dialect.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] TPLY

2010-10-25 Thread Brian Winfrey
I recently saw a semi working example of a Java to Delphi converter
that was done with javacc.  Unfortunately it would only convert simple
java (v 1.4 maybe).

Can anyone recommend a good place to start reading or offer any advise
to accomplish this with TPLY.

I am looking into porting some Java libraries to FPC 2.5.x, and am
unfamiliar with the TPLY tools.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Building FPC with debug information

2010-10-20 Thread Brian Winfrey
> make OPT="-O-" DEBUG=1 all

When I ran this I see that both -dDEBUG and -dRELEASE are passed on
the fpc command line.  Is that correct?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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