Re: [fpc-pascal] Testing set membership for unicode chars

2013-01-21 Thread Honza
2013/1/20 Paul Ishenin :
> 20.01.13, 23:21, Wimpie Nortje пишет:
>> Hi list
>> I want to test membership of a unicode char in a set / array of unicode
>> chars. Something like
>> var ucCh: unicodechar;
>> if ucCh in [ UnicodeChar('0')..UnicodeChar('9')] then
>>  dosomething;
>> I am using fpc 2.6.0 and the '..' operator converts the data to a pascal
>> set, which is limited to 1 byte data.
>> Is there another way?
> Delphi has CharInSet() function for this:
> I don't remember whether we have it in FPC at the moment.

Don't know if it can be helpful for the OP, but some years ago, I sent
'Unicode category membership checking functions' here:

Please feel free to use that code for whatever you want w/o restrictions.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] State of fcl-stl generics lib

2013-01-19 Thread Honza
2013/1/11 Juha Manninen 
> I remember seeing discussion about fcl-stl saying that it would still
> need improvement but nobody is actively working on it.
> I just couldn't find the thread about it now. So, what is the current state?
> Sorry I have not studied the lib myself yet (long ToDo list).
> For example, if someone is developing a competing generics library,
> could  he be advised to improve fcl-stl instead? Would patches be accepted?
> This is based on a forum discussion:

Oh, generics again!

Shameless plug: ;-)

(gmp package author)
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Reversing bit-order of byte

2012-05-03 Thread Honza
Dne 3.5.2012 9:11 "Koenraad Lelong" 
> Does anyone knows an efficient way to reverse bit-order of a byte for the
arm-processor ?

Lookup from a 256 byte precomputed table?

Or I misunderstood the task.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: Can it map class type as key?

2012-04-26 Thread Honza
2012/4/26 ZHANG Dao-yuan <>:
> Thanks for your makeshift :) . But the problem still confusing me. My code
> is in type-section and it's a declaration not a statement.
>> tFpGMap
> The form of the code is similar to a comparision expression and `<' here
> looks like a less-than operator. But they are not. In my opinion, fpc should
> not take the declaration as a statement then try to search for the nonsense
> operator-overloaded methods.

You might want to have a look at

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Win64 and currency

2012-04-01 Thread Honza
2012/3/30 Marco van de Voort :
> In our previous episode, Pierre Free Pascal said:
>>   if you usee -Aas and -al
>> you will see that
>> is just .quad -10
>> which is wrong of course...
>>   Using -10.0 fixes the bug for now if
>> you really need this correct fast.
>>   It would be nice if you could submit a bug report.
> Note that #21091 is also about win64 and currency.

Hi Marco,

I'm very sorry for this OT message but as I saw you posting here it
reminded me of: I've mailed you off-list some time ago and it seems
the message probably didn't ever made it to your inbox (perhaps
falsely detected as spam or something). May I please ask you to
contact me?

Thank you and once again, I'm really sorry to bring noise into this thread.

Best regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] ANN: heLib/heContnrs stable version for FPC 2.6.0

2012-01-07 Thread Honza
The previously released (RC) version 0.4 was found to be working w/o
known bugs with the latest stable FPC 2.6.0 (svn revison 19845). Now
virtually (re)releasing the previous RC1 as the offical" stable.

Download source tarball here:

Online documentation:

Any feedback will be highly appreciated, thanks.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] IInterface type value and the "as" keyword

2011-12-11 Thread Honza
2011/12/11 Marco van de Voort :
> In our previous episode, Honza said:
>> Now I'm trying to make that code work with
>> current stable (AFAICS that's 2.4.4)
> Correct, but it is relatively short before the 2.6.0 release, with a first
> RC1 already available. Since 2.6.0 might arrive this year still (or in the
> first week of the next), I suggest your focus your attention there, and
> forget about 2.4.4.

Good suggestion, done exactly that.

>> I suppose something has changed with the FPC interfaces and/or using
>> the "as" keyword in the above construct. Of course I searched e.g. the
>> "changes" wiki pages 2.4.0->2.4.2->2.4.4(and even ->2.6.0), but I
>> failed to find anything related, the same result for the mailing lists
>> and general googling attempts. And of course I tried every single
>> change to the code I could imagine may work.
> I assume it is bugfixed in 2.5+, which never made it back to the 2.4 series.

Yes, after switching to 2.6.0 the problem disappeared, thank you very much!

Thanks to your help (and some hours of hacking), I'm now here:

$ ./helib_test -a -p --format=plain
Number of run tests: 701
Number of errors:0
Number of failures:  0

Heap dump by heaptrc unit
5844426 memory blocks allocated : 252487390/286727568
5844426 memory blocks freed : 252487390/286727568
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 294912
True free heap : 294912


Thanks again!

Best regards,


PS: helib/heContnrs release-0.4, RC1 for FPC 2.6.0 (tested with svn
rev 19814), tar download available here:
Feedback/issue reports/volunteers to test on other
platforms/architectures/... welcome. (I can easily run tests only on
64bit Ubuntu 10.10.)
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] IInterface type value and the "as" keyword

2011-12-11 Thread Honza
Hi list,

after a long pause I'm trying to revive some code which I didn't touch
as long as early this year. At that time it compiled OK with trunk FPC
(I believe version 2.5.1). Now I'm trying to make that code work with
current stable (AFAICS that's 2.4.4). Everything went smooth until
compiler stumbled upon:

function TheInterfaceListTest.Value(const It: IInterface): Integer;
  Result := (It as TInterfacedTracedObject).ID; // <-- line 238

with the error: "hecontnrs_list_test.pas(238,17) Error: class type
expected, but got "IUnknown".

FYI: TInterfacedTracedObject interface is:

  TInterfacedTracedObject = class(TInterfacedObject)
FID: Integer;
FTracer: TBits;
constructor Create(const ATracer: TBits; const AID: Integer);
destructor Destroy; override;
property ID: Integer read FID;
property Tracer: TBits read FTracer;

I suppose something has changed with the FPC interfaces and/or using
the "as" keyword in the above construct. Of course I searched e.g. the
"changes" wiki pages 2.4.0->2.4.2->2.4.4(and even ->2.6.0), but I
failed to find anything related, the same result for the mailing lists
and general googling attempts. And of course I tried every single
change to the code I could imagine may work.

That said, I'm sure it's my fault to find the info or it's my fault in
some other way - me being blind to see something obviously wrong with
the code in the snippet, though I'm sure it used to compile w/o
problem before.

Can please someone enlighten me? Thanks in advance, sorry for being dumb ;-)

Best regards,


PS: Actually I found some recent discussions about FPC interfaces, but
if I understood them correctly, no one of them seemed to me like an
explanation for my problem.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] operator overloading and counting references / creating / destoying anonymous instances

2011-07-31 Thread Honza
2011/7/28 Bernd :
> ¹ I depend on OpenSSL already anyways, so I thought why not make use
> of its bignum too when I need it.

I hope you're aware of the FPC GMP bindings:

The section

discuses extended bindings which use the automated memory handling and
overloaded operators. See also the sources:

starting at line 1684.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fgl.TFPGMap

2011-01-20 Thread Honza
2011/1/20 Alex Shishkin :
> As I understand problem is in the compiler. It cant use overloaded operator
> if it was defined after generic.
AFAIK exactly that is the problem and that's why TFPGMap can't cope
with some types.

>> You can take a look on this container lib, which might be helpful for your
>> task:
> Good lib, but Lazarus codetools does not support  nested classes as for now.
That's unfortunately a thing I can't help you with.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fgl.TFPGMap

2011-01-20 Thread Honza
2011/1/20 Alex Shishkin :
> Following code causes error "Operator is not overloaded: "TObject" <
> "TObject""
> How to make it work?
> program generictest2;
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> uses
>  fgl;
> operator < (a: TObject; b: TObject): boolean;
> begin
>  result := PtrInt(a) < PtrInt(b);
> end;
> type
>  TMyMap = specialize TFPGMap ;
> begin
> end.
AFAIK TFPGMap can be specialized only with types which have the
relational operators predefined by the compiler. See also:

You can take a look on this container lib, which might be helpful for your task:
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Moving callbackfunctions to class

2010-12-30 Thread Honza
2010/12/30 Darius Blaszyk :
> Though I understand the error, I do not know if there is a way to circumvent
> this?
I guess: In the callback you have to get the current window id using
glutGetWindow, then dispatch the call to the right object instance
using that id via some kind of mapping from window ids to instances.

cf: "Before the callback, the current window is set to the window
needing to be redisplayed...", src:

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] commutative operators

2010-12-29 Thread Honza
2010/12/29 David Emerson :
> On Wed 29 Dec 2010, Honza wrote:
>> IIRC you don't have to.
> well... I do have to. I get "can't determine which overloaded function to 
> call"
> because I have a lot of similar-looking functions and := operators
You're right, I verified it just now. I didn't remembered it correctly.

FYI, bellow is the verification example used, later modified to
compile successfully with trunk FPC. Introduction of the ':='
operators for T1 and T2 enabled the '+' operator commutativity.

program project1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  T1 = record
Dummy: Boolean;
Value: Integer;

  T2 = record
Dummy: String;
Value: Integer;

operator +(A: T1; B: T2): Integer;
  Result := A.Value + B.Value;

operator :=(X: T1): T2;
  Result.Value := X.Value

operator :=(X: T2): T1;
  Result.Value := X.Value

  V1: T1;
  V2: T2;

  V1.Value := 2;
  V2.Value := 3;
  Writeln(V1 + V2, ' ', V2 + V1);

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] commutative operators

2010-12-29 Thread Honza
2010/12/29 David Emerson :
> suppose I define an operator:
> operator + (a: one_type; b: another_type) : one_type;
> Is there any way to specify that it should be "commutative", so I don't have 
> to
> additionally define the reverse:
> operator + (a: another_type; b: one_type) : one_type;
IIRC you don't have to.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] generics class hierarchy

2010-12-19 Thread Honza
2010/12/19 Sven Barth :
> While I DO agree with you (after some thinking about the consequences) that
> a base class should not be allowed to be specified by a template parameter
> (and this is the way it already is), I don't agree with you that the
> documentation states this as clearly as you propose it.

I admit, that it looks clear to me only now - after/because of several
hours bouncing my head against the keyboard when I struggled to get
generics make what I wanted, so I'm not anymore unbiased when looking
at the docs :-)

> Here the documentation of generics should state more clearly that "class(T)"
> is not allowed, neither in the main class nor in sub classes.

I believe any reasonable improvement patch of the docs would be
welcome by the dev team. You can then get into the chapter text
exactly those words you would like to read there - a nice compensation
for a little effort I think :-)

Best regards,

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] generics class hierarchy

2010-12-19 Thread Honza
2010/12/19 David Emerson :

Please see my just sent  reply to Sven.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] generics class hierarchy

2010-12-19 Thread Honza
2010/12/19 Sven Barth :
>> "There is a single placeholder _T. It will be substituted by a type
>> identifier when the generic class is specialized. The identifier _T
>> *may not be used for anything else than a placehoder*. "
> According to the documentation I'd say that it should succeed, because in
> "class(BaseClass)" "BaseClass" is a type identifier. But of course that has
> its own set of problems... see the second last paragraph of this mail.
The type parameter in the inheritance part clause, i.e. class(T) part
of the generic class declaration has nothing to do with the
placeholder formal parameter. The placeholder formal arg list are
given inside the sharp brackets <> as a kind of macro parameters. And
the docs explicitly states that a placeholder identifier may not be
used elsewhere in the generic declaration except for identifying the
place where the "macro" expansion should substitute the
instantiation/specialization parameter. So using it in the inheritance
clause is invalid. IMO the docs are clear on this and my experiments
seems to confirm this behaviour. I have excersised generics a lot to
get heLib compiled and working. Still the latest changes in the
compiler broke the published code as I realized very recently and not
yet uploaded the remedy which sits on my local disk.

>> The bold part is IMO violated by the declaration. Anyway, it could be
>> perhaps (not tested) written as:
>> type
>>   TBoxProxy = class(_t_point);
>>   generic gt_box<_t_point, _num>  = class(TBoxProxy)
>>     f_width, f_height : _num;
>>   end;
> No, this won't work, because "_t_point" won't be defined when "TBoxProxy" is
> parsed.

Yes it's not defined and that was my 3rd note, you can't base a
generic declaration on a not yet specialized ancestor.

>> Another strange point is, that the declaration of gt_box doesn't use
>> the formal specialization paramater `_t_point` at all (in the posted
>> code), so the same the other way around should also work:

> It IS used, because David wants to influence the class the generic class
> gt_box inherits from when specializing the class.

It is not used *anywhere except* in the invalid place of the ancestor type.

> type
>  TIntPoint = class
>    x, y: Integer;
>  end;
>  TFloatPoint = class
>    x, y: Single;
>  end;
>  generic gt_box<_t_point, _num> = class(_t_point)
>    width, height: _num;
>  end;
>  TFloatBox = specialize gt_box;
>  TIntBox = specialize gt_box;
>> type
>>   generic gt_box<_num>  = class<_t_point>
>>     f_width, f_height : _num;
>>   end;
> This won't compile because of the "<...>" around "_t_point". Also it's not
> what Daniel intends.

Yes, that's just a typo, round parenthesis are what I've meant and
should wrote there.

>> A 3rd note is that your code can't compile as _t_point is not declared
>> when gt_box is declared, but the declaration wants to inherit from
>> _t_point, so IMO also for this the code is rightfully rejected the
>> compiler.
> The question is whether this should be rejected if "_t_point" is a template
> parameter... on the other hand this would violate compile time checks of the
> generic class...
> I'm still thinking how David's idea could be achieved in another way which
> is supported by the compiler...

I've not yet got time to look at his goal at all, so I don't know. I
just spotted the invalid constructs presented.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] generics class hierarchy

2010-12-18 Thread Honza
2010/12/19 David Emerson :
> type
>  generic gt_box<_t_point,_num> = class (_t_point)   // FAILS :-(
>   f_width, f_height : _num;
>   end;

I think it should fail according to the docs, see:

"There is a single placeholder _T. It will be substituted by a type
identifier when the generic class is specialized. The identifier _T
*may not be used for anything else than a placehoder*. "

The bold part is IMO violated by the declaration. Anyway, it could be
perhaps (not tested) written as:

  TBoxProxy = class(_t_point);
  generic gt_box<_t_point, _num> = class(TBoxProxy)
f_width, f_height : _num;

Another strange point is, that the declaration of gt_box doesn't use
the formal specialization paramater `_t_point` at all (in the posted
code), so the same the other way around should also work:

  generic gt_box<_num> = class<_t_point>
f_width, f_height : _num;

A 3rd note is that your code can't compile as _t_point is not declared
when gt_box is declared, but the declaration wants to inherit from
_t_point, so IMO also for this the code is rightfully rejected the

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Initialize/Finalize with count, is it possible?

2010-11-20 Thread Honza
2010/11/20 Max Vlasov :
>     FillChar(Section^, Count*ElementSize, 0);
>     Initialize(TNameValueRec(Section^), Count);
> Is possible for such syntax to be supported? Probably I'm one of those rare
> developer using it, and maybe because of this I just have to make some patch
> by myself, suggesting the result to be committed :). Please let me know if
> it's possible.

Why to patch the language when a for loop can do the same as above?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Widestring Questions

2010-10-25 Thread Honza
2010/10/26 Tobias Giesen :
> I think the problem might be that Widestring reference counting is not
> thread safe. But it worked fine in FPC 2.2.

A bug may show anytime anywhere, but the built in ref counted string
types are AFAIK thread safe what concerns the ref count per se. I
suspect a subtle flaw in the client code is more probable.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] IntList

2010-10-21 Thread Honza
2010/10/19 Brian Winfrey :
> Take a look at  I have just perused
> it, but it looks pretty good.

I'm willing to cooperate (as free time permits) on any required
FPRB/heLib review/modification process would any part(s) of the code
be considered/adopted by the dev team, including but not limited to
(re)releasing the code under a FCL compatible license (currently New
BSD). Just let me know if/what is necessary.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Optimized matrix multiplication functions for pascal?

2010-10-09 Thread Honza
2010/10/9 Bo Berglund :
> So I need to get hold of two Delphi functions:
> function matmul(X, Y: array of double): array of double;
> and
> function transpose(X: array of double): array of double;
> Where can I find such functions?
> I am not a matematician myself so I don't know what these
> functions really do...

The machinery is depicted e.g. here:

IMO it's not really tough to implement them in FPC.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] TFileStream and stdin - how to make this work?

2010-10-03 Thread Honza
2010/10/3 Bernd Kreuss :
> TIOStream seems to work the same way on linux and windows (I tested only
> with wine but it worked) ...and it will block.
> It seems I really have to do the receiving of the data in a separate
> thread.
> (I wanted to avoid this because the things that must be done after
> reading the data must be done in the main thread (it's a GUI
> application) and now I have to fiddle around with synchronize & friends
> instead of a simple method call which is not nice because I also have to
> immediately answer the messages on stdout in a synchronous manner with
> information received from the GUI. Polling on idle from the GUI thread
> would have been so much more simple and elegant.)

See also sockets:

and pipes:

The TInputPipeStream has a "property NumBytesAvailable: DWord; [r]
Number of bytes available for reading.", which may enable the polling.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] TFileStream and stdin - how to make this work?

2010-10-03 Thread Honza
2010/10/3 Bernd Kreuss :
> this might be a stupid question but I find myself again struggling with
> file IO and stdin/stdout. I am trying to do the following:
> StdIn := TFileStream.Create('/dev/stdin', fmOpenRead);
> and later on i want to poll whether there is something to read. I want
> to try reading binary data that will be piped to my application and i
> need to poll (non blocking!) and in case of incoming data read the first
> byte to determine the type of message that has arrived and then read the
> rest.
> The Stream seems to be able to read when there is something to read on
> stdin but I cannot find any way to actually test whether the ReadByte()
> will block (nothing to read) or whether there is data available.
> the properties size and position both are always $ and
> the stream has no eof property.
> Can this be done at all? And is my way of opening the stream correct?
> What would be a more platform independent way of opening the stdin as a
> stream to read binary data or is there a different and better way to do
> this, maybe a stream is not the correct thing for this at all? How do I
> poll and read binary data from stdin?

I don't think it's possible to succeed in this using TFileStream.
Additionally, the stdin thing on *nix is IMO designed to be normally
used in a blocking manner.

OTOH, it's likely, that on *nix you can find some syscall/libc
functionality, which will provide the "file descriptor is ready for
reading" information. But you asked for platform independence and I
don't know much about Windows. Neither if there is or is not something
like that being cross platform somewhere in the RTL/FCL already.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Build scripts for Freepascal and Lazarus compilation from source

2010-10-03 Thread Honza
2010/10/3 Frank Church :
> I have posted an article and some code on some bash scripts I have developed
> to install FPC and Lazarus from source at
> Any comments and tips are well come.


Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to get to Range Check Error location

2010-10-02 Thread Honza
2010/10/2 Juha Manninen (gmail) :

Hi Juha,

I just tried and can confirm that a LCL app running inside Lazarus
(r27491), having turned on range checks is able to perfectly catch and
show the place of an range check error (Ubuntu 10.04/AMD64). What I've
not tried, but suggest to try, is to open the Lazarus project in
Lazarus and run it as the tes app I'm talking above. Maybe then it
will show nicely also the range check error sources in Lazarus itself.


PS: The test app main form unit source

unit Unit1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs,


  { TForm1 }

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
F: Byte;
{ public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.lfm}

{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  F := F + 1;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  F := High(F);


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Initializing records and other complicated structures

2010-09-27 Thread Honza
2010/9/27 Jim :
> Fpc sometimes complains (hints) about local variables not being initialized.
> My question: how do I initialize more complicated structures like
> records? And should I need to (I'm guessing no in the example below, but
> the contents of the record will be undefined - no problem as there are
> no pointers/strings in there)?
> Example:
> Type
>  TIfdTag = packed Record
>    ID: word;
>    //Tag number
>    Typ: word;
>    //Type tag
>    Count: cardinal;
>    //tag length
>    Offset: cardinal;
>    //Offset / Value
>  End;
> Var
>  tag: TIfdTag;
> in code somewhere
>               ReadTag(tag);
> As TIfdTag seems to contain non-pointer records only, I thought I could
> use Sizeof and tried this:
> FillByte(tag, SizeOf(tag), 0); //initialize var.
> The compiler warning doesn't go away though.
> Is this the recommended way of doing things?

There is not enough code shown to say much. If the ReadTag procedure
is declared with a presumably var paramater of type TIfdTag then the
compiler warning is OK if the passed record has not been initialized
in any way. In such case it may/should help to change the 'var'
paramater to an 'out' parameter to explicitly tell the compiler that
there is nothing going into ReadTag but only the other way.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is Delphi7 on Windows to FPC on embedded Linux possible?

2010-09-25 Thread Honza
2010/9/25 Bo Berglund :
> So then I found FPC and now I am looking for advice concerning if it would be 
> possible to use FPC/Lazarus to program for an embedded Linux board with a 
> graphics LCD screen. I want to be able to do the following:
> 1) Communicate via RS232 to the equipment core to control it and retrieve 
> data. We already have a serial interface protocol for sending and retrieving 
> data and commands, which would be the gateway into the core. So the first 
> question is if there exists some class/component in FPC that can be used to 
> communicate.
> 2) Display control screens in a GUI way with standard controls (buttons, text 
> boxes, radio buttons etc). This would be the new user interface for the 
> instrument.
> 3) Display data graphically (curves, pie charts etc). We need to improve on 
> the on-board datat display a lot
> 4) Store data on a file system, either SSD or flash memory.
> Can this be done?

1) I'm not aware of a ready made solution, but it quite probable
exists and if not it would be probable pretty easy to write one. It's
supposedly mostly a matter of getting access to/opening the right
(text) device.

2) Depends. Has the embeded Linux only a frame buffer device or a X
server? On X you can choose from more than one widgetset supported by
FPC/Lazarus. GTK+ can AFAIK also run on bare fbdev but I don't know if
the LCL/GTK does support that.

3) see 2)

4) Linux suports a broader range of filesystems than Windows, no
problem expected here.

> Is it possible to program on a standard Linux distribution but compile for 
> the embedded linux?

Yes, that's what cross compiling is for. In any case, the embeded
Linux CPU has to be a FPC supported one, e.g. x86, AMD64, ARM, ... and
many more.

> Can I even re-use my Delphi7 classes from the windows environment?

Those dependent purely only on RTL/VCL and not on direct WinAPI calls
have a good chance to being ported to FPC. Sometimes they will just
work w/o modifications in Delphi mode.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Questions regarding arrays

2010-09-23 Thread Honza
2010/9/23 Graeme Geldenhuys :
> Out of interest. Do you know if dynamic array elements are in sequence
> (storage area in memory) too - like static arrays? So could I do the
> same as above, but instead of using a static array, use a dynamic
> array, and pass the address of the first element to the C API?

AFAIK yes as long as you don't break (it's possible using some wild
casting) the ref counting mechanism and handle the zero length case.

  V1: array [L..H] of T;
  V2: array of T;

if Length(V2) <> 0 then

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Questions regarding arrays

2010-09-22 Thread Honza
2010/9/22 Graeme Geldenhuys :
> type
>  TAtomArray = array[0..0] of TAtom;
>  PAtomArray = ^TAtomArray;
> Now if I change TAtomArray to the follow, then my code doesn't work. :-)
>  TAtomArray = array of TAtom;   // a dynamic array
> So what exactly is the difference between these two?
>    TAtomArray = array[0..0] of TAtom;
>  vs
>    TAtomArray = array of TAtom;
> Is array[0..0] not actually a dynamic array, but just a static array
> with a single item? If so, then why does the returned value from the C
> API call, which returns a pointer to an array of culong's (normally
> more that one item) work? Somewhere I'm getting confused with all
> this, but would love to understand it correctly, and why it works. :)

In brief AFAIK:

  T1 = array[l..h] of T3;
  T2 = array of T3;

says that T1 is a value type and T2 is a pointer type (ptr casted
deref of a T2 typed variable may(? depends on implementation) safely
alias a T1 typed entity, but a pointer to a first element of a T1
value can't be safely aliased to a T2 typed entity). Additionally
dynamic arrays are a compiler handled structures, the differences are
similar to those between shortstrings and AnsiStrings types.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Re: What is wrong with this enum and array related code

2010-09-12 Thread Honza
2010/9/12 Frank Church :
> Does that mean that although an enum is an ordinal type, an integer cannot
> be coerced into using it to index an array?

IMO just cast it to the correct type (of the array index) giving the
compiler a chance to accept it.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Generic B+Trees, Lists and Vectors

2010-09-10 Thread Honza
With tests and documentation. Requires trunk FPC.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Generic enumerators

2010-05-10 Thread Honza
Sample code for someone in need of generic containers with generic
enumerators (no biz/ads there):
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] String buffer

2010-02-10 Thread Honza
On Tue, 9 Feb 2010 10:45:55 -0300, Fl?vio Etrusco wrote:

> Some (hopefully constructive) commentaries (and then I would suggest
> to add to LCL or FCL):
> 1) It could be called really TStringBuffer;
> 2) The 'W' methods could be called 'Append';
> 3) The GetS method could truncate the string to avoid the copy, as I
> think the common use will not be Append+Read+Append+Read, but
> Append+Append+...+Read...

I agree in all points, even while having some more ideas on the
naming. If it will be considered for FCL, then let the dev team pick
identifiers of their choice and any other changes/improvements - I'll
be happy to implement them if needed.

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 09:49:30 +0200 Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> Could you explain what the advantages are of
> that string buffer object compared to a standard string types like
> AnsiString or TStringList?

I guess some memory and/or time could be saved in certain usage
patterns compared to TSTringList and String. There is now a dumb
benchmark on the blog, but nobody should trust other's benchmarks :)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] String buffer

2010-02-09 Thread Honza
Probably just reinventing the wheel - I was not able to quickly find a
String builder/buffer elsewhere.

Source code for anyone possible interested is published on a blog (no
ads there, so I hope it's OK to post the link):

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Generics problem/question

2010-01-14 Thread Honza
Hi all.

At Mantis Florian already explained, why it is not possible to provide
more information in the error message. Still he meanwhile managed to
make it better. I got some time to return to this and now I'm here:

17:11 myn...@tux64:~/fpc/bugreports/20100105$ cat project1.pas
program project1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  TPar = record
I: Integer;

operator = (A, B: TPar): Boolean;
Result := A.I = B.I;

  TSpec = specialize TFPGList;


17:22 myn...@tux64:~/fpc/bugreports/20100105$ fpc project1.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.5.1 [2010/01/14] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2009 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling project1.pas
Error: Operator is not overloaded: "" = ""
project1.pas(24) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /home/myname/lib/fpc/2.5.1/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode
(normal if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)
17:22 myn...@tux64:~/fpc/bugreports/20100105$ svn info ~/svn/fpc/trunk
Path: /home/myname/svn/fpc/trunk
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Revision: 14633
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: paul
Last Changed Rev: 14633
Last Changed Date: 2010-01-14 09:41:27 +0100 (Čt, 14 led 2010)

17:23 myn...@tux64:~/fpc/bugreports/20100105$

I'm now able to track the source of the error message to line 715:50
of rtl/objpas/fgl.pp:

711  function TFPGList.IndexOf(const Item: T): Integer;
712  begin
713Result := 0;
714{$info TODO: fix inlining to work! InternalItems[Result]^}
715while (Result < FCount) and (PT(FList)[Result] <> Item) do
716  Inc(Result);
717if Result = FCount then
718  Result := -1;
719  end;

Still I'm stuck and don't know how to use items like TPar in the
specialization of TFPGList - or if it is a compiler bug.

Thanks in advance for anyone's help/explanation/hint.


Topic/previous messages context:

Mantis issue:
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Generics problem/question

2010-01-08 Thread Honza
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Generics problem/question

2010-01-05 Thread Honza
Hi all,

I tried to specialize fgl.TFPGList with some record type and got a
compiler error.
Am I doing something completely wrong (sorry in that case) or is this
a bug? (Ubuntu 9.10, 64 bit)

22:35 myn...@tux64:~/fpc/bugreports/20100105$ cat project1.pas
program project1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  TPar = record
I: Integer;

  TSpec = specialize TFPGList;


22:35 myn...@tux64:~/fpc/bugreports/20100105$ fpc project1.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.5.1 [2010/01/05] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2009 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling project1.pas
Error: Operator is not overloaded
project1.pas(18) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /home/myname/lib/fpc/2.5.1/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode
(normal if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)
22:35 myn...@tux64:~/fpc/bugreports/20100105$ svn info ~/svn/fpc/trunk/
Path: /home/myname/svn/fpc/trunk
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Revision: 14549
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: jonas
Last Changed Rev: 14549
Last Changed Date: 2010-01-05 20:53:43 +0100 (Út, 05 led 2010)

22:35 myn...@tux64:~/fpc/bugreports/20100105$

Thanks in advance for any info.

fpc-pascal maillist  -