Re: [fpc-pascal] Recursion optimization by compiler

2010-09-04 Thread Roger Bailey
On Sep 2010, at 20:32, José Mejuto wrote:

[ some stuff about recursion - at the bottom if you want to read it ]

This a misunderstanding of way recursion can be flattened into a loop. It's 
especially not useful because the transformed version still uses a stack, so it 
doesn't execute in constant space.

Consider the classic factorial function:

function fact ( i : integer ) : integer ;
if i := 0 then
  fact := 1
  fact := i * fact ( i - 1 )
end ;

with initial call fact ( some-value )

For an actual parameter value i this requires O (i) space, because you need 
to create stack frame to hold the current value of i for use after 
calculating the value factorial ( i - 1 ) and the return address of the 
calling routine, (which is actually the same in every stack frame except in the 
one created by the top-level call).

You can see this by writing a top-level-call and plugging in the definition 
until you hit the base-case:

fact ( 4 ) 
- 4 * fact ( 3 ) 
- 4 * ( 3 * fact ( 2 ) ) 
- 4 * ( 3 * ( 2 * fact ( 1 ) ) ) 
- 4 * ( 3 * ( 2 * ( 1 * fact ( 0 ) ) ) )
- 4 * ( 3 * ( 2 * ( 1 * 1 ) ) )

None of the multiplications can be done until the final call of fact, so all 
the values must be preserved until then.

Now consider this version:

function accfact ( f , i : integer ) ; 
if i = 0 then
  accfact := f
  accfact := accfact ( f * i , i - 1 )
end ;

with an initial call of accfact ( 1 , some-value )

This is the standard accumulating parameter technique. All the calculation is 
performed on the descent, no local variables need to be kept, and the return 
address can simply be the point following the top-level call. The new 
stackframe can overwrite the old one (or rather the new values for the actual 
parameters f and i can simply overwrite the old ones).

If you the previous trick of plugging the definition into a top-level call you 
immediately get:

accfact ( 1 , 4 )
- accfact ( 1 * 4 , 3 )

and we can do the multiplication before making the recursive call. This is 
tail recursion.

For trees it's a lot trickier to write the processing routines in this kind of 
tail-recursive form.

Suppose we have a data type tree that can be empty or hold a value (say an 
integer) plus two subtrees, either of which may of course be empty at any 
level. Without getting into the minutiae of data representation and 
pointer-twiddling, assume functions value, left and right to return the 
value and the two subtrees respectively, and isempty to check if a tree is 

The obvious way to process all the integers in such a tree (perhaps by forming 
their sum) is:

function sum ( t : tree ) : integer ;
if isempty ( t ) then
  sum := 0
  sum := value ( t ) + sum ( left ( t ) ) + sum ( right ( t ) )
end ;

For a tree with n nodes this executes in O (n) space.

The accumulating parameter version is a bit less intuitive than accfact:

function accsum ( s : integer ; t : tree ) : integer ;
if isempty ( t ) then
  accsum : = s
  accsum := accsum ( accsum ( s + value ( t ) , left ( t ) ) , right ( t ) )
end ;

with top-level call accsum ( 0 , some-tree )

Here we have double recursion, which for a tree of maximum depth d it can be 
executed in O (d) space. For a balanced tree of n nodes, this means O(log(n)) 
space, which is still a huge improvement on the original version. 

The key to making this work invisibly is provide higher-order functions to hide 
the recursion. If necessary they can be hand-coded in assembler and the 
compiler need never do any optimisation.

i.e given a type munge = function (  a , b : some-type ) : some-type

we define:

function mungetree ( b : some-type ; m : munge ; t : 
tree-containing-some-type-values ) : some-type ;
if isempty ( t ) then
  mungetree : = b
  mungetree := mungetree ( mungetree ( munge ( s , value ( t ) ) , left ( t ) ) 
, right ( t ) )
end ;

and depending on what some-type is, and the actual function we supply for m 
(with of course an appropriate base-case value for b) we can traverse any 
tree in O(log(n)) space, irrespective of the type of values in the tree or the 
type of operation performed on them.

Or we could if Pascal had a proper polymorphic type system. But it ain't, it's 
too old-fashioned.

On 3 Sep 2010, at 20:32, wrote:

 From: Jos? Mejuto
 Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Recursion optimization by compiler
 To: FPC-Pascal users discussions
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15
 Hello FPC-Pascal,
 Friday, September 3, 2010, 1:12:31 PM, you wrote:
 BA After my previous post, TreeView and Nonrecursion, I'd tried to ask the 
 BA topics in 
 BA and I got something new.
 BA It is possible to recurse without using up the stack space.  Optimizing
 BA compilers are able to 

[fpc-pascal] What do these errors mean?

2010-06-26 Thread Roger Bailey
Following a clean compile (Under XCode) I get:

  _main, referenced from:
  start in crt1.10.6.o

  [ several dozen similar messages relating to user-defined routines snipped ]

  fpc_shortstr_to_shortstr, referenced from:

  [ snip ]

ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Presumably these are linker messages. Where do I go from here?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: fpc-pascal Digest, Vol 72, Issue 35

2010-06-14 Thread Roger Bailey
On 12 Jun 2010, at 11:00, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

  TestFunction := ActualParameter ( ) ; { compiles and runs o.k. }

 [MVC:] The addition of () actually calls the function.
  TestFunction := ActualParameter ; { gives incompatible type error, 
 but ... }
 [MVC:] Here you try to assign the ActualParameter (a function pointer) to the
 result (an integer). This of course gives a type error.
  TestFunction := NamedFunction ;   { ... compiles and runs o.k. }

 [MVC:] This is simply a regular function call.

Sorry, but this simply wrong. The LRG (page 95) does not require an actual 
parameter list for a syntactically correct function call.

The call should be excecuted except in one case (LRG page 96) ... the compiler 
will not execute the function call ... when assigning a value to a procedural 
type variable. This is clearly not such a case.

Roger Bailey

P.S. The LRG has a minor error on page 121: out parameter appears twice as an 
alternative for parameter declararion

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: Bug?

2010-06-14 Thread Roger Bailey
Sorry, I committed the cardinal sin of getting the subject line wrong. 
Corrected now :-)

On 14 Jun 2010, at 18:07, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

 On Mon, 14 Jun 2010, Roger Bailey wrote:
 On 12 Jun 2010, at 11:00, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
 TestFunction := ActualParameter ( ) ; { compiles and runs o.k. }
 [MVC:] The addition of () actually calls the function.
 TestFunction := ActualParameter ; { gives incompatible type error, 
 but ... }
 [MVC:] Here you try to assign the ActualParameter (a function pointer) to 
 result (an integer). This of course gives a type error.
 TestFunction := NamedFunction ;   { ... compiles and runs o.k. }
 [MVC:] This is simply a regular function call.
 Sorry, but this simply wrong. The LRG (page 95) does not require an actual 
 parameter list for a syntactically correct function call.
 [MVC:] What is simply wrong ? My explanation or the behaviour of the compiler 

Sorry. I guess your explanation states what the compiler is doing, so in that 
sense your reply isn't simply wrong. However, the program fragment 
TestFunction := ActualParameter is a syntactically correct function call as 
as defined by the LRG, so the statement Here you try to assign the 
ActualParameter (a function pointer) to the result (an integer) is wrong. In 
fact I now notice you you give an almost identical example in the LRG (page 96)

 FuncType = Function: Integer;
 Var A : Integer;
 Function AddOne : Integer;
 A := A+1;
 AddOne := A;
 Var F : FuncType;
 N : Integer;
 A := 0;
 F := AddOne; { Assign AddOne to F, Don’t call AddOne}
 N := AddOne; { N := 1 !!}

It's clear from this that the meaning of Addone depends on the context, here 
the type of the variable on LHS of the assigment. On this basis I think that 
the error message I received is either a compiler bug, or FPC implements a 
slightly perverse dialect of Pascal (so the LRG is wrong).

Hope this helps,
Roger Bailey___
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Bug?

2010-06-11 Thread Roger Bailey
Can someone explain this?

 program WhatsGoingOnHere ; 
   FunctionType = function : INTEGER ;
 function NamedFunction : INTEGER ;
 NamedFunction := 12345 ;
 end ;
 function TestFunction ( ActualParameter : FunctionType ) : INTEGER ;
   TestFunction := ActualParameter ( ) ; { compiles and runs o.k. }
   TestFunction := ActualParameter ; { gives incompatible type error, 
 but ... }
   TestFunction := NamedFunction ;   { ... compiles and runs o.k. }
 end ;
 WRITELN ( TestFunction ( NamedFunction ) ) ;
 end .
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: fpc-pascal Digest, Vol 71, Issue 69

2010-05-28 Thread Roger Bailey
OK, I give up. How do you handle standard input and output files in FPC? When I 
write something like:

nextcharacter := input^

I get error: 1: Illegal qualifier. Does FPC not support this standard Pascal 

The documentation is extremely unhelpful in this area. The LRG just says The 
default Input, Output and StdErr file types are defined in the system unit, 
and the system unit describes a record structure that doesn't seem to contain a 
field that might be a file buffer. 
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Re: ISO Standard Pascal I/O

2010-05-28 Thread Roger Bailey

 ... nextcharacter := input^ ... Does FPC not support this standard Pascal 


 No, it does not. FPC mainly supports Borland-style Pascal dialects, and they 
 are not ISO Standard/Extended Pascal compliant.

I can live with that, but it would save newcomers a lot of trouble if the 
documentation were a bit more upfront about what FPC is not. Just saying it 
implements some, or most of the features of dialect X is a recipe for 

 PS: please use a descriptive mail subject in the future.

Sorry, netiquette got obscured by red mist :-)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] One small step for Pascalkind ...

2010-04-19 Thread Roger Bailey
... one big step for me.

Dear FP Seers --

I'm struggling to port a heap of software written in Think Pascal to Mac OS X, 
and I'm finding the learning curve for Unix and Xcode extremely steep, with 
huge quantities of impenetrable documentation for both. I'm sorry to say that 
some of the FPC documentation errs in this direction too.

Is this an appropriate forum for stupid beginners' questions? My immediate 
problems relate to Xcode, which doesn't really seem know about FPC. Perhaps 
there's someone on the list I could ask privately so as not to drive you all 
crazy with elementary questions (I'm on other technical lists, so I know how 
irritating this can be)?


Roger Bailey___
fpc-pascal maillist  -