Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?

2017-12-14 Thread Bo Berglund
On Thu, 14 Dec 2017 19:54:49 +0100, Bo Berglund

>   if AProcess.RunCommand(Command, Parameters.Strings, sTmp) then
>   begin
> SvnData.Text := sTmp);
> Result := true;
>   end;

It works when this is changed to:
  Params: array of string;

SetLength(Params, Parameters.Count);
for i := 0 to Parameters.Count-1 do
  Params[i] := Parameters[i];
if RunCommand(Command, Params, sTmp) then
  SvnData.Text := sTmp;
  Result := true;
  writeln(SvnData.Text); <= Just for testing

But first I had to fix the real bug:

In the caller:

if GetSvnData(svncmd, Parms, DataBuf) then

The last two Parms.Add's are stupidly wrong. The quotes are leftovers
from when I had literals there as a first test. REV and REPOS_PATH are
*variables*! Removing the quotes is what it took to make it work

But a good thing came out of this anyway because I was steered towards
the use of RunCommand(), which works just fine and simplifies the code
Thanks for that!

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?

2017-12-14 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 14/12/2017 18:02, Bo Berglund ha scritto:

But*sending email*  is not the problem, I have done this in many
applications using Indy TIdSMTP. Instead it is getting data out oof
svn and formatting these in a friendly looking email to be sent

You might find useful guidelines in the fpcup and fpcupdeluxe programs 
which extensively use svn to automatically update the fpc and lazarus 
versions from svn:

(btw they provide also a comfortable way to keep different fpc and 
lazarus versions on the same platform, to set them up for 
crosscompiling, etc.)


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?

2017-12-14 Thread Bo Berglund
On Thu, 14 Dec 2017 19:37:55 +0100 (CET), (Marco van de Voort) wrote:

>In our previous episode, Bo Berglund said:
>> But *sending email* is not the problem, I have done this in many
>> applications using Indy TIdSMTP. Instead it is getting data out oof
>> svn and formatting these in a friendly looking email to be sent
>Actually process.runcommand was developed to get the output of SVN commands.
>It is used to create the mergelogs

Thanks for your suggestion!

Do you mean replace the current code:

AProcess.Executable := Command;
AProcess.Options := [poUsePipes];
for i := 0 to Parameters.Count -1 do

  BytesRead := AProcess.Output.Read(Buffer, BUF_SIZE);
  OutputStream.Write(Buffer, BytesRead);
until BytesRead = 0;  // Stop if no more data is available

OutputStream.Position := 0;

With something like this:

   if AProcess.RunCommand(Command, Parameters.Strings, sTmp) then
 SvnData.Text := sTmp);
 Result := true;

Are all of those preliminaries unnecessary and could be discarded

How can I view what is actually happening in the command window when
debugging the code?
When I started this (in Lazarus 1.6) I selected a new "Program" rather
than a "Console application".

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?

2017-12-14 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Bo Berglund said:
> But *sending email* is not the problem, I have done this in many
> applications using Indy TIdSMTP. Instead it is getting data out oof
> svn and formatting these in a friendly looking email to be sent

Actually process.runcommand was developed to get the output of SVN commands.

It is used to create the mergelogs
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?

2017-12-14 Thread Paul Breneman

On 12/14/2017 12:02 PM, Bo Berglund wrote:

On Thu, 14 Dec 2017 10:26:22 +, Mark Morgan Lloyd

On 14/12/17 10:00, Adriaan van Os wrote:

Bo Berglund wrote:

Now I am looking at the same problem for svn and this time I need it>
to be cross-platform, hence using FPC.> Before I start on it myself I
wonder if someone here has already> written such a program for svn and
if so, if it is available as open> source?

I use sendmail  from FPC, using
AssignStream, fpgeterrno and PClose. Haven't tried that on Windows though.

With the caveat that while Sendmail is a well-respected MTA, many unix
systems also provide a sendmail command as a generic mailer. On Windows
Blat is an alternative.

But *sending email* is not the problem, I have done this in many
applications using Indy TIdSMTP. Instead it is getting data out oof
svn and formatting these in a friendly looking email to be sent

Anyway I started on my own svn data collector and got stuck in a very
basic function...

I used the information in the wiki page below on how to execute a
command line program and retrieving its output data for processing.
Look at the section towards the bottom with subject "Reading large

To get the subversion commit data one has to use svnlook, which is a
command line program so I need to do this.

But when I use this approach I get no data at all, what could have
gone wrong here?

When I reach the end of the repeat loop there is no data at all to
process, i = 0!
But when I run the command on the command line manually I do get svn
data back.
So what did I do wrong when I used the wiki solution?

I recently used the same code, so I tried to execute your code (below). 
I'd suggest adding the two lines (shown below) to troubleshoot. I didn't 
execute svnlook but ppcx64 with parameter -h and that works okay with 
your code.

   //Command line parameters are:
   REPOS_PATH, //Full path to repository
   REV,//Revision number
   TXN_NAME:  string;  //Transaction name
   Parms:   TStringList;
   svncmd: string;
   SCD: TSvnCommitData;

function GetSvnData(Command: string; Parameters: TStringList; var
SvnData: TStringList): boolean;
{Command is the full path to the executable to run (\svnlook.exe
or /svnlook
Parameters contain the command line parameters. A typical parameter
set could be

  The result from the command will be stored into the SvnData
   BUF_SIZE = 2048; // Buffer size for reading the output in chunks
   AProcess : TProcess;
   OutputStream : TStream;
   BytesRead: longint;
   i: integer;
   Buffer   : array[1..BUF_SIZE] of byte;
   Result := false;
   // Set up the process
   AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);
   // Create a stream object to store the generated output in.
   OutputStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
   //Create the data buffer
 AProcess.Executable := Command;

 // Process option poUsePipes has to be used so the output can be
 AProcess.Options := [poUsePipes];

 for i := 0 to Parameters.Count -1 do

 i := 0;
 // Start the process (run the command)

 // All generated output from AProcess is read in a loop until no
more data is available
   // Get the new data from the process to a maximum of the buffer
size that was allocated.
   // Note that all read(...) calls will block except for the last
one, which returns 0 (zero).
   BytesRead := AProcess.Output.Read(Buffer, BUF_SIZE);

   // Add the bytes that were read to the stream for later usage
   OutputStream.Write(Buffer, BytesRead);
   Inc(i, BytesRead);
 until BytesRead = 0;  // Stop if no more data is available

 OutputStream.Position := 0; // Required to make sure all data is
copied from the start
 Result := (i > 0); //(SvnData.Count > 0);

// I'd suggest adding these two lines to troubleshoot:
writeln('Number of bytes = ', i);



   //Check for the call parameters:
   if ParamCount() < 3 then
 Writeln('Call parameters missing!');
   REPOS_PATH := ParamStr(1);
   REV := ParamStr(2);
   TXN_NAME := ParamStr(3);
   Parms := TStringList.Create;
   DataBuf := TStringList.Create;
   SCD := TSvnCommitData.Create;
 // The commands for Windows and *nix are different hence the
 {$IFDEF Windows}
   svncmd := 'C:\Programs\Subversion\svnlook.exe';
 {$ENDIF Windows}
 {$IFDEF Unix}
   svncmd := '/usr/bin/svnlook';
 {$ENDIF Unix}
 //Build the call for svnlook
 {1. Get the starting information on the operation
 svnlook info -r  

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?

2017-12-14 Thread Bo Berglund
On Thu, 14 Dec 2017 10:26:22 +, Mark Morgan Lloyd

>On 14/12/17 10:00, Adriaan van Os wrote:
>> Bo Berglund wrote:
>>> Now I am looking at the same problem for svn and this time I need it> 
>>> to be cross-platform, hence using FPC.> Before I start on it myself I 
>>> wonder if someone here has already> written such a program for svn and 
>>> if so, if it is available as open> source?
>> I use sendmail  from FPC, using 
>> AssignStream, fpgeterrno and PClose. Haven't tried that on Windows though.
>With the caveat that while Sendmail is a well-respected MTA, many unix 
>systems also provide a sendmail command as a generic mailer. On Windows 
>Blat is an alternative.
But *sending email* is not the problem, I have done this in many
applications using Indy TIdSMTP. Instead it is getting data out oof
svn and formatting these in a friendly looking email to be sent

Anyway I started on my own svn data collector and got stuck in a very
basic function...

I used the information in the wiki page below on how to execute a
command line program and retrieving its output data for processing.
Look at the section towards the bottom with subject "Reading large

To get the subversion commit data one has to use svnlook, which is a
command line program so I need to do this.

But when I use this approach I get no data at all, what could have
gone wrong here?

When I reach the end of the repeat loop there is no data at all to
process, i = 0!
But when I run the command on the command line manually I do get svn
data back.
So what did I do wrong when I used the wiki solution?

  //Command line parameters are:
  REPOS_PATH, //Full path to repository
  REV,//Revision number
  TXN_NAME:  string;  //Transaction name
  Parms:   TStringList;
  svncmd: string;
  SCD: TSvnCommitData;

function GetSvnData(Command: string; Parameters: TStringList; var
SvnData: TStringList): boolean;
{Command is the full path to the executable to run (\svnlook.exe
or /svnlook
Parameters contain the command line parameters. A typical parameter
set could be

 The result from the command will be stored into the SvnData
  BUF_SIZE = 2048; // Buffer size for reading the output in chunks
  AProcess : TProcess;
  OutputStream : TStream;
  BytesRead: longint;
  i: integer;
  Buffer   : array[1..BUF_SIZE] of byte;
  Result := false;
  // Set up the process
  AProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);
  // Create a stream object to store the generated output in.
  OutputStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
  //Create the data buffer
AProcess.Executable := Command;

// Process option poUsePipes has to be used so the output can be
AProcess.Options := [poUsePipes];

for i := 0 to Parameters.Count -1 do

i := 0;
// Start the process (run the command)

// All generated output from AProcess is read in a loop until no
more data is available
  // Get the new data from the process to a maximum of the buffer
size that was allocated.
  // Note that all read(...) calls will block except for the last
one, which returns 0 (zero).
  BytesRead := AProcess.Output.Read(Buffer, BUF_SIZE);

  // Add the bytes that were read to the stream for later usage
  OutputStream.Write(Buffer, BytesRead);
  Inc(i, BytesRead);
until BytesRead = 0;  // Stop if no more data is available

OutputStream.Position := 0; // Required to make sure all data is
copied from the start
Result := (i > 0); //(SvnData.Count > 0);


  //Check for the call parameters:
  if ParamCount() < 3 then
Writeln('Call parameters missing!');
  REPOS_PATH := ParamStr(1);
  REV := ParamStr(2);
  TXN_NAME := ParamStr(3);
  Parms := TStringList.Create;
  DataBuf := TStringList.Create;
  SCD := TSvnCommitData.Create;
// The commands for Windows and *nix are different hence the
{$IFDEF Windows}
  svncmd := 'C:\Programs\Subversion\svnlook.exe';
{$ENDIF Windows}
{$IFDEF Unix}
  svncmd := '/usr/bin/svnlook';
{$ENDIF Unix}
//Build the call for svnlook
{1. Get the starting information on the operation
svnlook info -r  
if GetSvnData(svncmd, Parms, DataBuf) then
  SCD.UserName := DataBuf[0];
  SCD.CommitTime := DataBuf[1];
  SCD.Logmessage := DataBuf[3];

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?

2017-12-14 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

On 14/12/17 10:00, Adriaan van Os wrote:

Bo Berglund wrote:
Now I am looking at the same problem for svn and this time I need it> 
to be cross-platform, hence using FPC.> Before I start on it myself I 
wonder if someone here has already> written such a program for svn and 
if so, if it is available as open> source?
I use sendmail  from FPC, using 
AssignStream, fpgeterrno and PClose. Haven't tried that on Windows though.

With the caveat that while Sendmail is a well-respected MTA, many unix 
systems also provide a sendmail command as a generic mailer. On Windows 
Blat is an alternative.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?

2017-12-14 Thread Bo Berglund
On Thu, 14 Dec 2017 10:49:32 +0100, Adriaan van Os

>Bo Berglund wrote:
>> Now I am looking at the same problem for svn and this time I need it
>> to be cross-platform, hence using FPC.
>> Before I start on it myself I wonder if someone here has already
>> written such a program for svn and if so, if it is available as open
>> source?
>I use sendmail  from FPC, using 
>AssignStream, fpgeterrno 
>and PClose. Haven't tried that on Windows though.

OK, I am looking for a program which will make a nice looking report
email to send. In CVSMailer I am parsing a lot of data from the
scripts in CVS and then build a html email showing the relevant info
like who made the commit, when and on which project as well as the
involved files with revisions and links to view them via VieVC.
But since subversion is so different I wanted to check for an already
existing solution before I start creating a program by myself.

BTW CVSMailer uses Indy for the network related stuff.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?

2017-12-14 Thread Adriaan van Os

Bo Berglund wrote:

Now I am looking at the same problem for svn and this time I need it
to be cross-platform, hence using FPC.
Before I start on it myself I wonder if someone here has already
written such a program for svn and if so, if it is available as open

I use sendmail  from FPC, using AssignStream, fpgeterrno 
and PClose. Haven't tried that on Windows though.


Adriaan van Os

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Is there some example of an FPC program for use in svn hook calls (email)?

2017-12-14 Thread Bo Berglund
I am looking at switching from CVS to SVN as version control at my
company. We have used CVS(nt) since 16 years back, but it is no longer
working properly on new Windows versions (server side) so I am
planning to go to subversion instead.
For CVS I wrote a Delphi mailer program (CVSMailer) a long time ago,
which has been used to send commit, tag and import emails to the
developers from the script hooks in CVS.

Now I am looking at the same problem for svn and this time I need it
to be cross-platform, hence using FPC.
Before I start on it myself I wonder if someone here has already
written such a program for svn and if so, if it is available as open
It should work from the post-commit hook in subversion.


Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -