
Sample with WebWorks Reverb and Context-sensitive with DITA* source:

Syntax: URL =
BOOKNAME = Finalyser_Online-Hilfe
TOPICALIAS = finalyser

There is to set a TopicAlias Marker in DITA only, WebWorks convert it as
a URL call.

Note: Finalyser Help is in English available, too, but in this moment
not yet with TopicAlias.
We are finishing the new Finalyser 2013 for Fm11 - available to tcworld:

- Georg

Subject: Re: Getting started with Context-Sensitive Help

I've never used RH to process DITA files, so I can't imagine what the
process is. Do you have to regenerate your FM files each time you update
your content? That sounds very slow and tedious.

>You could go through a similar process using WebWorks ePublisher, as
well as other Help publishing tools. Typically, you'd embed the marker
into the topics, and publish through the standard process for that tool.

Scott mentioned WebWorks ePublisher, which processes your DITA files
directly. This is the HAT that I use to create output from DITA.

If your developers have given you a header file with topic aliases, you
specify each topic alias using the othermeta element to define the
marker (in ePublisher) with the value of the topic ID for that topic.

Robert mentioned two ways to handle CSH:

>There are two basic approaches: (1) the developers maintain the map
file and give it to you to import into RoboHelp, or (2) you generate the
map file with RoboHelp and give it to them. I've always done (1).

There is another way, which is the developer embeds the HTML file name
in the code. In WebWorks ePublisher, if you want to keep the file name
constant (in case the actual file name of the DITA file changes or
becomes obsolete), you specify file names in the othermeta element to
define the marker (in ePublisher) with the name for the file. For

<prolog><metadata><othermeta @name=filename

I'm not sure if any of that translates well to what you must do for


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