Re: Master pages' Room for Side Heads not being honoured

2013-05-28 Thread Theresa de Valence


I'm not sure I follow exactly what's going on, but I have learned this 
about Master Pages.
-ALL of the pages should exist in one master file, i.e. have the same 
list of Master Pages.
-You can control which page uses which master file by use of a single 
paragraph tag (IIRC) at the top of the page. (Make it really small)
-On the references page, build a table which tells which paragraph tag 
calls which master page

Hope this helps,
Theresa de Valence

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RE: Master pages' Room for Side Heads not being honoured

2013-05-28 Thread Harro de Jong
Mark Lehmann wrote:

> I have a book file containing all the usual suspects: a front matter file, 
> and LOT files, assorted chapter and appendix files, an IX
> (index) file and an end file. [FM10, Win7 SP3] I've created two master pages,
> Right_Index and Left_Index, and applied them to the appropriate pages in the 
> IX file.
> The two IX master pages differ from the main Left and Right master pages in 
> that
> they have Room for Side Heads un-ticked and Columns = 2, so that the IX pages
> are all 2-column with no room for sideheads (duh).
> I've propagated these two master pages to all other files in the book, and 
> the IX
> pages look correct.
> So far, so good.
> But . . .
> After I import Page Layouts into the IX file from another file in the book, 
> the IX pages
> all have Room for Side Heads ticked!
> Checking the IX file shows that Right_Index and Left_Index master pages are
> correctly applied, and they correctly show Room for Side Heads = off . . . 
> but the
> document pages now all have Room for Side Heads = on. (And if I open master
> pages then go back to document pages, I'm NOT warned about overrides.) But
> behold, there's more: if I manually set Room for Side Heads = off for the 
> main text
> frame on the first page of the IX file, ALL pages in the file come good.

I've seen this behavior as well. The 'Room for sideheads' property is not 
recognized as an override of the master page. 
I think the reason is that 'Room for sideheads' is considered a property of the 
text flow, and not of the individual master page. 
Try setting the flow tag of your index pages to be different from the flow tag 
of the chapters. 

Harro de Jong

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