[Framework-Team] Re: [Plone-website] Death to the roadmap page?

2009-09-25 Thread JoAnna Springsteen
> Unfortunately, the situation is *much worse* than Marie indicates, as the
> roadmap page is completely obsolete and outdated since we switched to trac.
> It's more than a bit embarrassing that we link to it from the home page.

You're right Steve, the situation is much worse. Unfortunately we have
a tendency to provide the information that we think people need
instead of addressing what people are saying the need. Marie is a
great example of someone crying out for improvements and specifically
pointing out things we could do better.  I think it would be a good
idea to involve Mark and the marketing team on this. Mark will have a
good idea on how we can better present ourselves and our critical
information to all ranges of users and potential users.


Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: [Evangelism] Re: Re: Plone Messaging

2009-05-09 Thread JoAnna Springsteen
> Documentation is still an issue and I think the board needs to consider
> hiring someone to manage that area (like we do our release manager).  The
> documenation team is great and hard working but everyone has to work
> full-time and can only dedicate xx amount of time (I keep trying to
> contribute but time and life get in the way, which I know is true for
> everyone).

Paying a manager for the documentation section isn't going to solve
the root of the problem: we don't have enough people contributing
correct documentation that is broad enough to apply to most use cases
of Plone. If you want to pay someone to do documentation, pay them to
write it, not to manage the section. ( and no, that is not a viable
solution either)
The majority of our doc Editors are doing a better job than anyone
could have expected. I'm not inclined to change how we're operating
until we've completed our current work. Plus, paying someone doesn't
change the fact that we are busy with work and have lives outside of
work and Plone. Doesn't really solve any of the issues we have with
documentation, in my not so humble opinion.

Framework-Team mailing list

[Framework-Team] Re: [Evangelism] Plone Messaging (was: How would you position Plone?)

2009-05-05 Thread JoAnna Springsteen
> So could a team be formed or delegated with the responsibility of
> reviewing Plone messaging?  Would such an institution be a slippery
> slope to too much dogma or other stifling restriction?  What might be
> some other ways to improve messaging in Plone communities?  Is this an
> issue we're already addressing sufficiently and we just need to give it
> time?  Is there a value to enshrining this process even if it's already
> happening?  Is this not an issue?  :)

I believe that this is already being addressed with the work
Gabrielle, Mark, et. al. have been doing. It's slowly becoming more
and more visible (15 Questions, organized representation at events
like NTEN & World Internet Expo, etc). While I'm not sure exactly who
all is involved on the team, from what I've heard, there is a plan
taking shape. I'm sure, like most of our teams, they probably need
more help.

Personally, I think one of the things that would help is a formal
PR/Marketing/Evangelism contact so that any journalists looking to
write about Plone or any press releases put out always have a
representative to go to. Establishing a relationship with the such
people can be very valuable when it comes to promoting events like
World Plone Day or the Conference. Telling people to contact a mailing
list just isn't enough (tho I think it should still be done so we have
a record of such messages/inquiries).
Establishing a leadership team for the doc team has helped us get
organized and we operate much like the framework team. Having a
recognized leadership for all of Plone's working groups might benefit
from a guiding team?

Framework-Team mailing list

[Plone-docs] [Framework-Team] Plone 3.5

2009-05-05 Thread JoAnna Springsteen
(sorry if you get this twice)

> The idea is also to catch up with our platforms (Zope 2, Zope 3, CMF) as
> we're starting to look a bit out of date on Zope 2.10 + Zope 3.3 + CMF 2.1.

What's the significance of 3.5? Why can't this catch up be done in
increments? 3.4 then 3.5 then 3.6?

My worry here is that catching up will mean a repeat of 2.5. Not to
mention if we are changing this much stuff on a platform level that it
won't get documented. The framework team would have to be responsible
for documenting these changes as the documentation team just does not
have the man power. Sure, we made the 3.3 release w/ documentation and
that was relatively small stuff. If you go for a bigger release under
the 3.x series we're going to end up back where we startedNew
technologies and no documentation. This will further the idea that
being a Plone developer is only for elite code jockeys. That's not
really something we want to reinforce, is it?

I gotta tell ya, this idea makes me really really nervous. I thought
the whole point of 3.x was to be stable and not repeat past mistakes?
I'm all for getting closer to 4.x but we need to do it in bite sized
steps, not all at once.


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