Re: [Framework-Team] Re: Review for PLIP 179 - commenting

2006-09-23 Thread Martin Aspeli

Kai Diefenbach wrote:

Hi Martin, hi all

Martin Aspeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes. nested comments are on the top of my todo list.

You may be able to re-use the Ploneboard interfaces directly, or model
something closely on them. A lot of thought have gone into them. :)

As you mentioned this, I wonder what is the reason for storage all
comments flatey inside a conversation and associate comments of comments
with the extra inReplyTo attribute. 

Or different asked: why aren't comments folderish types and stores
replies inside itself. Wouldn't it makes it easier to delete and
traverse comments of comments?

This was tesdal's (?) design, but the rasons I can think of are:

 - it's simpler (less nesting, less recursive algorithms)
 - it's easier to get the flat comment display (which is the default in 

 - it's easier to re-parent if something gets deleted

But - this is an implementation detail, I believe. The *interfaces* 
should allow you to ask a comment what its replies are. I wouldn't 
advocate that you use Ploneboard's AT-based data structures at all. I'd 
advocate that you have interfaces that are similar/isomorphic or 
possibly the same, so that we can write adapters to let Ploneboard's UI 
talk to easycommenting. As I said, I believe lightweight Z3 objects 
(basically, an object + an interface, and functionality in separate 
adapters) will be a better solution for commenting.


Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Re: Review for PLIP 179 - commenting

2006-09-22 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Kai Diefenbach wrote:
> Or different asked: why aren't comments folderish types and stores
> replies inside itself. Wouldn't it makes it easier to delete and
> traverse comments of comments?

Because we need to support a flat view of comments and having to iterate
through a hierarchy is very impractical for that, and we need to support
storing comments in external systems like SQL which do not have a
concept of (folderish) types.


Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>It is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

Framework-Team mailing list

Re: [Framework-Team] Re: Review for PLIP 179 - commenting

2006-09-18 Thread Martin Aspeli

Hi Kai,

>   - user informationis duplicated in all comments

Yes, that's true. A possible solution could be just to save the
member id for a authenticated member, but then we should think about
the case a member will be deleted.

This is true, but storing member id is probably sufficient. I'd
suggest that you store the user name, and look up full name etc
(mtool.getMemberInfo) - if possible. If that returns nothing, then
just display the user id as a fallback.

>   - searching for comments by site member is not possible

Yes. See above.

This would be quite good.

There ought to be some thought about how the easy commenting
interfaces coudl be adapted to the Ploneboard interfaces. One of the
goals of Ploneboard is to let you create some kind of "forum" space
where you can see threads based on the comments created around the
portal. If EC comments were searchable (i.e. you could find them using
a catalog search), we should be able to write adapters to
IConversation and IComment in Ploneboard (look at

>   IComment should probably be modified so
>   it can deal with something that refers to actual users.
> - the interface does not allow for nested comments. Reusing the
> Ploneboard
>   interfaces would add the ability to support nested comments, as
> well as fix
>   the former issue.

Yes. nested comments are on the top of my todo list.

You may be able to re-use the Ploneboard interfaces directly, or model
something closely on them. A lot of thought have gone into them. :)

Generally, we should decide, whether a comment should be a AT or just
a simpler datatype like a dict or somethink like that. I think former
would bring a lot of advantages:

- easy realisation of nested comments
- easy using of workflows, hence easy realisation of moderation
- easier to search (?)
- using of default CRUD mechanism

My first approach was realised with an AT, but then optilude remarks,
that this could be a little bit overloaded (
fckj5), so I tried an approach with dicts. But as I write these lines
I would prefer to go back to AT. What do you think?

Neither. :)

They should be plain Python objects, or rather, Zope 3 content types.

class IComment(Interface):

class Comment(Persistent):

I would suggest that you look at Ploneboard, where we have a
conversation that is a container for comments. In Ploneboard these are
AT objects, but you don't really need that. For example, you could:

- Let a conversation be an ordered Zope 3 container
- Store this container in the annotations of an object

So long as you use a Persistent object, you can manage it however you
like. You don't need a Plone UI or AT's base_edit or anything of the
sort for managing comments, so AT is overkill. With proper interfaces,
though, yuo have the option of using formlib for generating forms,
which again makes things so much easier.

You may be interested in looking at plone.contentrules and to see how I used annotations and containers
there. They are in

> - there is a lot of HTML-specific information in
> ICommentingOptions; it
>   may be better to implement these using configurable filters.
> Ploneboard
>   already has a few implementations for these which can be reused.

Okay, I will check this, too. But this could lead to a problem if one
want to use different options on different objects or products which
uses all plone.commenting. Or do I miss a point? With
ICommentingOptions approach one could write own adapters, which would
then use side wide options or own ones for every product or even object.

> - the ICommentingOptions interface produced a number of user message;
>   should not these be in the user interface itself? A status
> message or
>   text in the template are possible options.

The initial idea was to provide a generic, easy to use component
which could be easily reused in different contextes. So my thought
was, that a user of the commenting framework is able to change
message for a special "comment" type. For example:

- Comment
- Blog Entry
- Guestbook Entry
- Note
- ...

And I don't know how this could be solved for example with the i18n-
framework, if the component is used more the one times in different
contextes in one Plone site. But there might be other, better ways,
of course.

> - the viewThreadsAtBottom template assumes that the user interface for
>   all implementation is the same. This is not necessarily true and
>   warrants a more flexible approach. Perhaps viewlets can be used
> here?

Yes, I see, as I have heard a talk about viewlets from Phillipp, just
today :-).

We need a viewlet manager in that space, definitely, also for things
like ratings, imho.

> Commenting implementation
> =
> - there is a basic test suite; it should be expand