
Some week ago I shared a video essay titled "All the Dark Screens"
here it is with english subtitles:

I think it can be quite attractive for the people of Frameworks because it
deals with *darkness* as a concept through dozens of filmic and
videographic fragments that, surely, you will recognize.

"In a society dominated by the power of screens and images, audiovisual
darkness can be a strategy of resistance. We tend to associate screens with
light, but darkness has been consubstantial with audiovisual creation since
the dawn of the cinema. *All the dark screen**s* presents a fragmentary
genealogy of the use and presence of opacity and the absence of image in
cinematographic and video creation, and reflects on the poetic and
political power of these forms of audiovisual iconoclasm, and on their
relation with our ways of seeing and not seeing."

Screenplay, direction and editing: Albert Alcoz and Alexandra Laudo
Voiceover: Alexandra Laudo
Languages: Spanish, English
Subtitles: Spanish, English
Duration: 25 min.

Hope you enjoy it.

http://visionaryfilm.net/ <http://www.visionaryfilm.net/>
http://albertalcoz.com/ <http://www.albertalcoz.com/>
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