HISTORY and PRESENCE Cinema Séance #4 December 1 7pm FREE!

*Court Tree Collective*

*2nd Floor, 371 Court St, New York, NY 11231 (718) 422-7806*

These films weave their way from optical journeys through the past to the
doors of the church of what’s happening right now. All on 16mm.  1 hour TRT.

*Fever* , Paula Froehle, sound, 1998 6m

A child’s fever rips the world asunder .

*Heterodyne *Hollis Frampton ,silent, 1967,  7 m

“Geometric animation made entirely by sculptural methods: cutting,
punching, welding colored leader.”

*Information* Hollis Frampton, silent, 1966, 4m

“Hypothetical 'first film' for a synthetic tradition constructed from
scratch on reasonable principles, given: 1) camera; 2) rawstock; 3) a
single bare lightbulb.”

*Optic Nerve*  Barbara Hammer, sound, 1985 16.5 m

“The sense of sight becomes a constantly evolving process of reseeing
images retrieved from the past and fused into the eternal present of the
projected image.”

*Farmer’s Almanac *Mark Street, silent, 1999 2m

3 shots (starting with a snowstorm on Court Street) arranged in a helium

*3part Remix:  composition in RGB* #2 Amanda Christie, sound 2015, 6m

Images from an experimental dance film manipulated  and reinvented.

*v=d/t* Amanda Christie, sound, 2008, 7m.

A handmade film using contact and optical printing  as well as chemical
manipulations that explore the possibility of measuring distances between
loved ones through time zones.

*Fallen Flags* ,Amanda Christie, sound, 2007, 8m.
Images of trains and underwater footage explore the realms of fear, death
and transience.

*Knowledge of Good and Evil*, Amanda Christie, silent, 2005, 1m

An abstract exploration of the tension surrounding women and stereotypical
representations of their knowledge.

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