[free-software-melb] Excluding free software from patentability

2012-02-13 Thread Brian May
Hello All,

On the subject in the subject line - Excluding free software from
patentability - it concerns me that there is a emphasis on software.
As demonstrated at LCA2012 there seems to be increasing interest in
open hardware, and I think hardware has exactly the same issues as
software does regarding patents.
Brian May 

Free-software-melb mailing list

Re: [free-software-melb] Excluding free software from patentability

2012-02-13 Thread Matt Giuca
> The goal of free software is freedom for people who *use* software. To
> claim that the ability to restrict other people with proprietary software
> is a "freedom" is twisted logic indeed.

But that is a freedom. This comes to the double-edged idea that freedom
cannot be absolute: if I have absolute freedom, then that includes the
freedom to restrict your freedom. So all freedoms are a compromise. This is
why there is no "most free" software license. The GPL restricts the
freedoms of the recipient of the software by forcing them to grant certain
freedoms to their recipients. The BSD grants more freedoms to the recipient
of the software, including the freedom to restrict other people. Neither is
"more free" than the other; they simply grant different freedoms.

The freedom to write proprietary software is absolutely a freedom I think
everybody should have. There should be no "law" or contract that forces
software developers to release their program source code. I would prefer it
if they did, but I don't believe they should be forced to. And merely
distributing proprietary software is not restricting other people -- they
are free not to use it. As we have discussed elsewhere in this group, there
are other things that *do* force proprietary software (such as when
governments mandate it, or when files are distributed that require
proprietary tools to open, or when hardware is hostile to installation of
custom software) -- and I agree that those are bad, but merely creating
proprietary software does not restrict anybody's freedom.

The freedom to write proprietary software should also extend to the patent
system. If I am free to implement a certain technology, but only under the
condition that I release my source code, then that is not really freedom,
because it means that some company is dictating the manner in which I must
release my software.

Secondly, you're welcome to "reverse engineer" GPL software any time
> without infringing copyright (assuming this means looking at the task the
> program performs and writing a new program that does a similar task). You
> may have infringed patent law though. This is another example why copyright
> and patent should be discussed separately.

I was discussing it separately -- that's why I put it in a clearly-marked
"off topic" section. I was specifically referring to Richard Stallman's
proposal for shorter copyright terms, nothing to do with patents.

I was referring to incorporating the exact code into a new program. That
is, compare:
1. Taking the binary of a 5 year old proprietary program, reverse
engineering the code, and then using the exact same code in a new
proprietary program. Versus,
2. Taking the source to a 5 year old GPL program, and using the exact same
code in a new proprietary program.

Under current laws, both of these are violations of copyright law. Under
his proposed "shorter copyrights but not for free software" law, #1 would
be legal (because the proprietary software would be in the public domain),
whereas #2 would be illegal (because the GPL software would still be
protected by long copyright, and using it in a proprietary program is a
violation of the GPL). My point was that this proposal would make certain
uses of proprietary programs more permissive than uses of free programs.
Free-software-melb mailing list

Re: [free-software-melb] Excluding free software from patentability

2012-02-13 Thread Ben Sturmfels

On 13/02/12 12:45, Matt Giuca wrote:

Having a shorter copyright term, but keeping the long term for free
software would mean that the above clause is no longer true. In this world,
I would have certain freedoms with proprietary software that I would not
have with GPL software. For example, I would be allowed to reverse engineer
a 5-year-old proprietary program and incorporate it into my proprietary
software, while the GPL software would still be under copyright and I could
not do that. So the GPL would no longer be merely granting additional
rights to the user; it would also be taking away some rights (the lapse
into the public domain after a short period).

The goal of free software is freedom for people who *use* software. To 
claim that the ability to restrict other people with proprietary 
software is a "freedom" is twisted logic indeed.

Secondly, you're welcome to "reverse engineer" GPL software any time 
without infringing copyright (assuming this means looking at the task 
the program performs and writing a new program that does a similar 
task). You may have infringed patent law though. This is another example 
why copyright and patent should be discussed separately.


Free-software-melb mailing list

Re: [free-software-melb] Excluding free software from patentability (was: Video/audio from patents talk and committee hearing)

2012-02-11 Thread Ben Sturmfels

On 12/02/12 12:05, Matt Giuca wrote:

I thought that there was a really great idea from a commenter at the end
of your talk whereby free software would be considered by law 'in the
public interest' and becomes except from applying to patent lawsuits at all.

Not only would this meet our goals of being able to write and use free
software without consequence, but it would also encourage businesses to
publish free software to protect their efforts. I like it.

I share CiarĂ¡n's objections to this idea, but I thought I'd add some
points of my own.

Not wanting to open the "GPL vs BSD" debate -- I find the GPL more to
my liking, but I still think it's important that people be able to
license things as they wish, and this idea would seem incompatible
with the ideals of the BSD license. Saying "free software is exempt
from patents" would mean that any BSD-licensed software that infringes
on others patents would not be a fully open product. You could use it
in other free software projects, but you would be unable to use it in
a proprietary product without patent issues. So effectively, it would
transform the BSD into the GPL.

Also, would this law be applied to free-as-in-speech software, or
free-as-in-beer software, or both? If I write a proprietary program
but give it away for free (freeware), am I exempt? If I write a GPL
program but sell it, am I exempt? It seems a tad unfair to say that
commercial open source software is exempt from patent lawsuits, as it
would mean that a company could gain exemption merely by providing the
source code to their software. That would further our interests, but
I'm not sure it would really be in the interest of the industry.

While I like free software, I respect the right for people and
companies to keep secrets, if they wish. I prefer to let the market
decide: if you want to lock up your software, then I won't buy it, but
that doesn't mean I should be able to stop you from doing so. I find
it troubling when people suggest special rules for free software. For
example, at a recent talk, someone asked Richard Stallman: "if you
want shorter (5 year) copyright terms, wouldn't that mean that all
GPL'd software would go into the public domain after 5 years and it
could then legally be used in proprietary software." And his answer
was that there would have to be a special exception for free software
so that the copyright term lasted longer. Sorry, Richard. I like the
GPL and what you've done, but it seems hypocritical to ask for
everybody else's copyright to expire but let us keep ours because it
suits our interests.

Patents are a plague on the entire software industry. They are bad for
free software. They are bad for proprietary software. Patent reform
therefore needs to be industry-wide. We can't make this a free vs
proprietary issue, because it's bigger than that. It's bigger than the
issue of whether source code is available and whether you are free to
modify it -- this is a fundamental issue of being allowed to write any
software you can imagine, and I want the right to be able to do that
whether I am releasing my source code or not.

Matt's last paragraph is excellent and I agree heartily that patent 
reform is needed for the entire software industry.

The first three paragraphs are quite flawed though. I realise I'm going 
well off topic, but I'd like to address Matt's points about free software:

Endowing a benefit to free software by excluding it from patentability 
in no way "transforms the BSD into the GPL". Sure if you use 
BSD-licensed code in a proprietary program you wouldn't receive the 
proposed patent exclusion benefit. That's no different to today's 
situation though. This suggestion really is just inciting GPL/BSD flaming.

Free software makes no distinction between software distributed at zero 
price and software sold for a fee. This means the questions posed about 
cost aren't relevant.

Discussions of copyright are irrelevant to discussion on patents. 
Besides that, endowing a copyright benefit to free software would be 
endowing a benefit to society as a whole. There's no hypocrisy there.


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