On Mon, 20 May 2002, Mark Gillespie wrote:

> I seem to remember in the dim and distant past, when I looked at freeamp,
> there was a plugin that drove a LCD display, or outputted the display info
> via a serial port.
> Anyone know where I can get this? Is it still compatible with freeamp?  I'll
> also be looking for some kind of method to control FreeAmp remotly also (
> not sure on this one yet, as there is only 1 serial port on the board).

You may want to look at:

AFAIK the freeamp plugin uses lcdproc to control a display. Some of the
displays that lcdproc can talk to include buttons. I've never used either
the freeamp plugin or a display with buttons, so I can't comment beyond



     \\  - -  //
      (  @ @  )
| Robert Hart                |
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| http://www.nott.ac.uk/     |
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