Back in June EMusic had to make the tough decision to stop supporting
FreeAmp, and the FreeAmp team lost two paid developers Isaac Richards
and Keith Steinbeck.

In the meantime, has stepped up to the plate and hired
Isaac Richards as a full time FreeAmp developer. Isaac has been working
for Relatable for the last few weeks and as a result the FreeAmp team is
back in action. Thanks much to all the folks over at!

Unfortunately our team is still somewhat crippled -- our main windows
developer has not been picked up by another sponsor yet. Our list of
windows specific bugs is growing and we're still not back to full speed
as a result of this.

If you are interested in hiring on Keith Steinbeck to work on FreeAmp,
please contact me. What do you get out of it? Well, the sponsoring
company will obviously have access to get features that benefit them
into the FreeAmp and well as creating a completely co-branded player.
For a relatively low price you will get a complete player that can
greatly extend the business model of your company. This sure beats
having to hire 3 developers to start one from scratch!

If you are interested in this proposal, please contact me:

--ruaok         Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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