Spam mail being sent via the FreeBSD mailing lists

2021-05-25 Thread jake h
Hi everyone,
I have recently received several pieces of spam mail, apparently sent via
this mailing list. These pieces of mail are the usual spam formula; Your
phone has a virus, Ads, Fake blackmail, so on and so forth.
Has anyone else noticed these spam emails, or is it just me?

Re: HEADSUP: i2c(8) has been washed and ironed

2021-05-13 Thread jake h
> What about adding a new flag to enable strtoul behavior?
I  have had a look at the available flag options for a potential strtoul
flag, and a flag that makes sense to me is [-s] / [--strtoul]. [-s] is not
currently being used in i2c, if we wanted to use it.

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 5:13 AM Rodney W. Grimes <> wrote:

> > I have renovated the i2c(8) program and while I belive all argument
> > processing is 100% compatible, various undocumented aspects of the
> > program may have changed, amongst these precisely what goes to
> > stdout and stderr.
> >
> > Apologies if this breaks any of your scripts.
> >
> > 
> > There is one aspect of this program which I have not changed, but
> > which bugs me utterly:  All arguments are in hex, except [-c count]
> > which is decimal.
> >
> > My personal preference would be if all the arguments called strtoul(3)
> > with zero third argument, so that users can use decimal, octal or
> > hex as they prefer, but I fear that would break pretty much every
> > single script.
> >
> > Alternatively [-c count] could be changed to be hex like the rest.
> What about adding a new flag to enable strtoul behavior?
> Or invoked by another name i2cX and install a hard link?
> > 
> > | TCP/IP since RFC 956
> --
> Rod Grimes
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