On 26/03/2021 20:36, Graham Perrin wrote:
On 26/03/2021 20:01, Graham Perrin wrote:
If I'm not mistaken:

* 13.0-RC3 seems to be troublesome, as a guest machine, with emulators/virtualbox-ose 6.1.18 as the host

On closer inspection: the problem is not limited 13.0-RC3.

If I save the state of a guest whilst 12.2-RELEASE-p3 runs:

* no problem after starting from the saved state.

If I upgrade to 12.2-RELEASE-p4, restart the guest then save the state, I can start from the saved state, however:

* no response to keyboard input

* ACPI shutdown does not begin a shutdown routine.

A screen recording of 13.0-RC3 not responding to keyboard input:


At 01:40 on the timeline, keyboard input (visible with x11/screenkey in the host) has no effect on the FreeBSD guest.

For me, this seems to be easily reproducible; the screen recording above was made soon after beginning to work with <https://download.freebsd.org/ftp/releases/VM-IMAGES/13.0-RC3/amd64/Latest/FreeBSD-13.0-RC3-amd64.vhd.xz> attached to a new virtual machine.

I'd like to report the bug (and maybe have a fix before 13.0-RELEASE) but not before someone else can confirm it. To anyone who's interested: find me in Matrix or IRC for #freebsd and I'll let you have a copy of the file below, which can be used with FreeBSD-13.0-RC3-amd64.vhd.xz



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