Hello all,

before leaving for vacation next week, i thought i'd put up the result
of my work of the last couple of weeks for a review for those who are

The patch itself is available at


The following README file (see below) is also available at


Suggestions are welcome, but keep in mind that i won't have the
opportunity to reply within ca. the next three weeks.

Many changes and improvements to the floppy driver.

First of all, something i've meant to implement for years now, but
never came around: automatic format (density) selection for the major
medium formats.  That is, you can stuff your 720 KB medium into your
1.44 MB drive, and simply access /dev/fd0.  No questions asked, it
will just handle it. :)  (If you ever wondered why this didn't happen
before, the answer is very simple: i needed the infrastructure to read
a sector ID field before.  That was one of the recent additions to the

The driver can now handle FM floppies as well as MFM floppies.  The
NE765 commands in ne765.h have been redefined to no longer make
implicit assumptions about MFM, SK, and MT; the driver adds those bits
as required.

The entire density handling subsystem with its bloated list of
different possible media density and its twisted decisions about which
drive can handle what has been completely moved out of the kernel,
into fdcontrol(8) where it should have been all the time.  It's very
simple, the basic device (four low order bits equal 0) is the
subdevice with automagic density selection, and subdevices 1 through
15 are available for fixed density assignments.  By default, all of
the latter are being initialized to the drive's maximum possible
density.  It's up to fdcontrol(8) to customize those subdevices.
Subdevice naming has been liberalized; subdevices `a' through `h' are
still implemented as pseudo-partitions which just cause a symlink to
be created to the master device.  Subdevices of the form .NNNN can be
arbitrarily created, where .NNNN means between 1 and 4 digits.  So you
can now either create your subdevices like fd0.1 through fd0.15, or
you can still name them by density (as it used to be now, but with a
fixed set of allowable names), as in fd1.800 etc.

Automagic density selection honors the unit attention bit
(aka. changeline signal).  It is checked in Fdopen(), and if it is
set, the autoselection is started.  If you re-open the same device
without changing media, no new autoselection is initiated.

Some old hacks have been made right, now that the infrastructure seems
to be in place.  There's no longer a configuration flag to fdc(4) that
tells there should be a single 1.44 MB drive assumed without probing.
On non-i386 architectures, there's no longer an assumption that all
the world is an 1.44 MB drive; on i386 architectures there's no longer
the assumption that you could only have two drives that need to be
mentioned in the RTC (although you need more than one controller for
more drives, and i haven't tested that yet).  Drive configuration is
now handled through device hints and a `flags' value per drive: the
lower 4 bits define the drive type (like in i386 RTC, but shifted
right by 4), bit 0x10 disables changeline support, bit 0x20 forces the
device to probe successfully without making a seek test first.  On
i386 architectures, if the device type hasn't been set by the flags,
and the fd unit number is 0 or 1, the CMOS RTS is still queried as it
used to be (but you could now override this).  (Detection of the i386
architecture has been changed to test for _MACHINE_ARCH instead of
testing whether we are compiling on __i386__.)

O_NONBLOCK handling has been added to support formatting on a device
that is normally using density autoselection.  Obviously, you cannot
autoselect the density of an unformatted medium :), so O_NONBLOCK
seemed to be the best way out.  Only a limited subset of ioctls is
possible in nonblocking mode, then you need to clear the flags with
fcntl in order to perform actual IO.

Some things in the density structure have been changed: there
certainly won't be more than two steps between cylinder, so we can
singly fold this feature into a flag bit, where the remaining bits can
be used otherwise (currently for MFM vs. FM, and for perpendicular
recording which is needed for 2.88 media).  There's now a field that
allows to specify an offset for the sector numbers on side 2; some
very old media used to be formatted that way (and Bruce Evans still
has some :).

A number of further ioctls have been added to obtain driver and device
information.  Used in fdcontrol and fdformat.

fdcontrol(8) has been heavily rewritten.  Densities can be specified
in kilobytes, and will then be selected from per-drive type tables, or
they can be specified as a feature string (currently only explained in
fdsupport.c).  A feature string is a comma-separated list of numbers
and flag values, where any omitted value defaults to the setting that
is currently present (or has been assigned by -f <format in kilobytes>
before).  The same consistent handling (using the same functions) has
been integrated into fdformat(1), replacing all the options there that
used up almost all the letters of the abc... ;-)  Both utilites now
use sysexits(3) for their exit values.

TODOs and known Bugs:

Some rc script needs to be written to auto-assign twisted density
definitions (as we used to have by now) to the various devices.  The
infrastructure is there, if you just call "fdcontrol /dev/fd0" you get
a short description of the drive type (1.44M, 360K etc.), so the rc
script can poll all /dev/fd? devices, and call fdcontrol with an
appropriate list of possible densities for that drive type.  (It
should also optionally chmod g+w all those devices, since floppy disk
usage is quite more comparable to tape usage than to disk device

The attempt to obtain drive flags from the hints currently fails, and
always returns 0.  I'm doing something seriously wrong there, but by
now could not find /what/.  Thus, all the nitty-gritty details about
drive flags currently Just Don't Work[tm].

2.88 MB floppies need to be handled.  Should i ever get my 2.88 drive
to work, i'll do that.  By now, they are ifdef'ed out to 1.44

All documentation updates still need to be written.

fdwrite(1) needs to be checked whether some of the fdformat(1) changes
apply there as well.

KLD loading of fdc.ko by now only works for the Y-E data PCMCIA
floppy, or for ISA FDCs if you load the KLD first time from within the
FORTH loader.  Unloading and re-loading it later works then.  This
seems to be some bug with the bus resource handling, and/or hints

Something is totally fishy with formatting on 1.2 MB drives.  Maybe
it's just the drive i'm using for testing, i don't know.  Neither DD
or HD media formatted correctly for me, although a 1.44 MB drive on
the same controller worked.

Formatting weird formats sometimes seems to produce surprises.  An
attempt to format a 26*128 FM floppy (on a 3.5" DD medium) yielded
only head 1 sector IDs recorded, and only wrong cylinder numbers.
Needs a bit more investigation.  Could be related to the 1.2 MB drive
formatting problem.

Device hints need to be changed (in particular on !i386
architectures).  Of course, this requires that we properly detect the
drive flags from the hints first. ;-)

cheers, J"org               .-.-.   --... ...--   -.. .  DL8DTL

http://www.sax.de/~joerg/                        NIC: JW11-RIPE
Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)

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