It looks like this problem is still around. Short problem description: 

all inputs are lagging behind when running Quake 3 Arena with Radeon video 
adapters (hardware accelerated), and the graphics look like they are 
generated in bursts, while framerate is just fine.

I just noticed that I get the same problem with quake2lnx (games/quake2lnx) 
when I start it with 'sdlquake2' or 'quake2 +set vid_ref glx' and play at a 
resolution of 1024x768 or higher. I can play it without many problems at 
800x600. Same as before, the movements themselves look smooth, but they are 
lagging, and occasionally there is a glitch where it seems like the system is 
trying to keep up with what is actually happening.

My system is a Athlon XP 2000+ with a ATi Radeon R100. I doubt that it is too 
slow to run Quake 2.

As this one is not Linux-emulated, I guess it's not in the Linux emulation - 
more likely in X. Does anyone know what causes this, or maybe it is already 
fixed in the XFree86 CVS?

Also, can anyone running -STABLE see if this problem only affects -CURRENT or 

Best regards,


This is the last I've seen on this issue on the lists:

On Thursday 24 April 2003 22:49, Eric Anholt wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 11:21, John Baldwin wrote:
> > On 23-Apr-2003 Arjan van Leeuwen wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Quake 3 is behaving strange when running it from -CURRENT with XFree86
> > > 4.3.0 on my Radeon (R100). Other people are experiencing the same
> > > problems with a Radeon 7500.
> >
> > Does reverting revision 1.42 of sys/compat/linux/linux_signal.c fix
> > things?
> I've been seeing this problem for weeks, so no.  I saw it a few times
> while using 4.2.0 (never figured out what caused it), but now with 4.3.0
> it's all the time.

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