Re: Using any network interface whatsoever (solution?)

2006-04-08 Thread Darren Pilgrim

Mike Meyer wrote:

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Darren Pilgrim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:

If you add something to /etc/rc.d so that a sh-ified version of this script 
runs after all interfaces have attached but before any numbering or cloning 
takes place you can have lines like this in /etc/rc.conf:

ifconfig_PublicLAN="inet a.b.c.d/24"

That's far better than trying to remember what's on em0.

That's certainly true. But is there an advantage to tieing the
PublicLAN name to a MAC address as opposed to em0?

The network interface name the user sees becomes tied directly to the 
physical device by way of a unique, configuration-independent identifier.

The probe order and driver name become transparent to the network configuration.

You could test two different drivers on the same hardware and you wouldn't 
have to duplicate or modify your ifconfig lines in /etc/rc.conf, just run:

/etc/rc.d/netif stop PublicLAN
kldunload olddriver
kldload newdriver
/etc/rc.d/netif start PublicLAN

Within the currently available capabilities, we get the network interface 
equivalent of disk volume labels.

[ Proposed use of PCI addresses instead of MAC addresses. ]

The real problem with what I proposed is that you have to arrange to
search config information for things that may not be tied to a pci
bus. That could get real messy.

Right, it doesn't scale to ISA or USB devices.  The prior probably isn't a 
big deal these days, but I imagine compatibility with USB devices is fairly 

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Re: Net::FTPSSL error

2006-04-08 Thread Dan Nelson
In the last episode (Apr 08), Ashok Shrestha said:
> Adding
> On 4/8/06, Ashok Shrestha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to use Net::FTPSSL to connect to an FTP server via SSL.
> > Here is the script:
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> >
> >   use Net::FTPSSL;
> >
> >   my $ftps = Net::FTPSSL->new('',
> >   'Encryption' => 'E',
> >   'Debug' => 1,
> >   'Timeout' => 20)
> > or die "Can't open";
> >
> >   $ftps->login('username123', 'password123') or die "Can't login: ",
> > $ftps->$last_message();
> >
> >   $ftps->cwd("/working") or die "Can't change directory: ", 
> > $ftps->last_message;
> >
> >   $ftps->get("C13.txt") or die "Can't get file: ", $ftps->last_message;
> >
> >   $ftps->quit();
> >
> > Here is my error:
> > ./
> > Name "main::last_message" used only once: possible typo at
> > ./ line 11.
> > >>> USER username123
> > <<< 331 Please specify the password.
> > >>> PASS password123
> > Use of uninitialized value in length at (eval 7) line 1.
> > Use of uninitialized value in string eq at blib/lib/Net/
> > (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Net/S
> >
> > SLeay/ line 1615.
> > Can't read on socket:  at ./ line 11

I don't know any perl, but why is your test script printing an error
message ("Can't read on socket") that's not in the source you pasted, and
does the warning "Name "main::last_message" used only once: possible typo at
./ line 11" have anything to do with it?

Dan Nelson
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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever (solution?)

2006-04-08 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Darren Pilgrim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Mike Meyer wrote:
> > In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> >> That doesn't quite work, though.  Unless you require everyone wanting
> >> to distinguish between LAN and WAN interfaces uses different types
> >> of hardware for each card, they'll still end up with xl0 and xl1
> >> (or whatever), which is in no way better than eth0 and eth1,
> > 
> > You're right - but at least you have the option of using different
> > types of cards to get different names. I agree that this sucks, but
> > it's better than nothing.
> This is a script to rename interfaces based on the MAC address:

Very nice.

> If you add something to /etc/rc.d so that a sh-ified version of this script 
> runs after all interfaces have attached but before any numbering or cloning 
> takes place you can have lines like this in /etc/rc.conf:
> ifconfig_PublicLAN="inet a.b.c.d/24"
> That's far better than trying to remember what's on em0.

That's certainly true. But is there an advantage to tieing the
PublicLAN name to a MAC address as opposed to em0?

> Comments please!

This is certainly a move in the right direction. However, MAC
addresses are of about the same order of obscurity as device probe
order numbers. It might be more usefull to do something like:

for ifn in $(ifconfig -l link)
ifn_addr=$(pciconf -l | grep "^$ifn" | sed -e 's/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@//' -e 
's/: .*//')
ifn_name=$(grep $ifn_addr $ifn_list | cut -d ' ' -f 2$)
ifconfig $ifn name $ifn_name

This way, the name would be tied to the slot on the backplane that the
device is plugged into. If you changed the card in that slot, it'd
still get the same name, even if it was a different card type. That
seems like desirable behavior to me, but I can also see cases where
the name should follow the card if it moves to a different slot, which
is what your version does.

The real problem with what I proposed is that you have to arrange to
search config information for things that may not be tied to a pci
bus. That could get real messy.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dima Dorfman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What do I want for that? I identify ethernet boards by which slot on
> > the back of the system I plug the cable into. Currently, I have to map
> > that to board types to and which board is plugged into which slot to
> > know which name to use. I want a name that tells me which slot I plug
> > a cable in to plug it into that interface.
> Is information about the slot even available on a PC? For something like this:

The BIOS seems to get that information from somewhere. But I'm not a
hardware guru, so I can't say for sure.

> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:7:0:   class=0x02 card=0x016d1028 chip=0x10768086 
> rev=0x05 hdr=0x00
> : vendor   = 'Intel Corporation'
> : device   = '82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller'
> : class= network
> : subclass = ethernet
> would you consider eth-6-7-0 to be an improvement over em0?

Not really, because the magic numbers aren't tied to anything
real. You want the magic numbers to corrspond to the physical objects
you manipulate.

For disk devices, the numbers were originally tied to bus ids, which
were set on the device. ra's had swappable plugs with the drive number
on them and a light behind the plug, so /dev/ra3 referred to the drive
in the rack of 16 drives with the number "3" in the front panel

> It has the advantage of not changing if another card is added to the
> system, but it's not very informative. For a system that has only
nn> its two on-board NICs, "em0" and "em1" are very obvious--at least
> it's clear which one corresponds to the label "eth 0" on the
> chassis.

I'll have to take your word for that, as I haven't got a box handy
with two onboard NICs.

Is there anything that says we can't have multiple names for an
interface? If we do that, then we could (random brainstorming here):

Have a name like eth-pci-slot-3 (it's an ethernet device on a pci bus
at slot 3), eth-pci-onboard-0 (onboard ethernet port 0) or eth-usb-2
(for the usb-ethernet dongles). The class part - "eth" - is redundant,
as the rest of the name identifies the device exactly, but it helps
prevent errors, as you get "no such device" errors instead of trying
to do something completely inappropriate to a device. This is what
you'd use on systems with multiple identical devices.

All network devices also get a name of the form net0, net1,  This
is for systems with just one network interface - no matter what kind
it is - which can just refer to "net0" and get the one and only
network interface.

All network devices also get a name corresponding to the media, so
you'd have eth0, eth1, or fw0, fw1 (firewire), meaning that if you
specifically want an ethernet - as opposed to an arbitrary network
interface - you'd use eth0 instead of net0. This allows you to use
eth0, fw0 and wifi0 for the ethernet, firewire and wifi network
interfaces on a modern laptop, without having to worry about which
net# device map to which of those devices.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: unable to SSH using Net::SSH::Perl

2006-04-08 Thread Ashok Shrestha

On 4/8/06, Ashok Shrestha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> System Info:
> p5-Net-SSH-Perl-1.30
> perl-5.8.7
> I'm trying to use Net::SSH::Perl to connect to an SSH server.
> Here is the script:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> #
> use Net::SSH::Perl;
> my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new("", 'debug' => '1');
> $ssh->login("username", "password");
> Here is my error:
>  ./
>  Reading configuration data /root/.ssh/config
>  Reading configuration data /etc/ssh_config
>  Allocated local port 1023.
>  Connecting to, port 22.
>  Remote version string: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.8.1p1 FreeBSD-20040419
>  Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_3.8.1p1
> FreeBSD-20040419
>  Net::SSH::Perl Version 1.30, protocol version 2.0.
>  No compat match: OpenSSH_3.8.1p1 FreeBSD-20040419.
>  Connection established.
>  Sent key-exchange init (KEXINIT), wait response.
>  Algorithms, c->s: 3des-cbc hmac-sha1 none
>  Algorithms, s->c: 3des-cbc hmac-sha1 none
>  Entering Diffie-Hellman Group 1 key exchange.
>  Sent DH public key, waiting for reply.
>  Received host key, type 'ssh-dss'.
>  Host '' is known and matches the host key.
>  Computing shared secret key.
>  Verifying server signature.
>  Waiting for NEWKEYS message.
>  Enabling incoming encryption/MAC/compression.
>  Send NEWKEYS, enable outgoing encryption/MAC/compression.
>  Sending request for user-authentication service.
>  Service accepted: ssh-userauth.
>  Trying empty user-authentication request.
>  Authentication methods that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive.
>  Next method to try is publickey.
>  Trying pubkey authentication with key file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
>  Authentication methods that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive.
>  Next method to try is publickey.
>  Permission denied at ./ line 8
> Here is the relevant portion of my /root/.ssh/config
> # Host *
> #   ForwardAgent no
> #   ForwardX11 no
> #   RhostsRSAAuthentication no
> #   RSAAuthentication yes
> #   PasswordAuthentication yes
> #   HostbasedAuthentication no
> #   BatchMode no
> #   CheckHostIP no
> #   AddressFamily any
> #   ConnectTimeout 0
> #   StrictHostKeyChecking ask
> #   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity
> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
> #   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa
> #   Port 22
> #   Protocol 2,1
> #   Cipher 3des
> #   Ciphers 
> aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,arcfour,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc
> #   EscapeChar ~
> #   VersionAddendum FreeBSD-20050903
> Any ideas what I'm doing incorrect?
> --
> Ashok Shrestha

Ashok Shrestha
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Re: Net::FTPSSL error

2006-04-08 Thread Ashok Shrestha

On 4/8/06, Ashok Shrestha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> System Info:
> bsdpan-Net-FTPSSL-0.04
> p5-Net-SSLeay-1.30_1
> perl-5.8.7
> I'm trying to use Net::FTPSSL to connect to an FTP server via SSL.
> Here is the script:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>   use Net::FTPSSL;
>   my $ftps = Net::FTPSSL->new('',
>   'Encryption' => 'E',
>   'Debug' => 1,
>   'Timeout' => 20)
> or die "Can't open";
>   $ftps->login('username123', 'password123') or die "Can't login: ",
> $ftps->$last_message();
>   $ftps->cwd("/working") or die "Can't change directory: ", 
> $ftps->last_message;
>   $ftps->get("C13.txt") or die "Can't get file: ", $ftps->last_message;
>   $ftps->quit();
> Here is my error:
> ./
> Name "main::last_message" used only once: possible typo at
> ./ line 11.
> >>> USER username123
> <<< 331 Please specify the password.
> >>> PASS password123
> Use of uninitialized value in length at (eval 7) line 1.
> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at blib/lib/Net/
> (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Net/S
> SLeay/ line 1615.
> Can't read on socket:  at ./ line 11
> Are there any relevant conf files I should post? Any ideas how to
> resolve this issue?
> -- Ashok Shrestha

Ashok Shrestha
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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Daniel Rock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> So I doubt that the overwriting of an Ingres database really
> happened in Solaris, like some other poster described - unless the
> administrator fiddled with /etc/path_to_inst by hand (you are free
> to shoot in your own foot).

That happened very early in the life of Solaris, in the early 90s.
Persistent numbering was added to Solaris in response to this incident
(there were probably others as well).

This was on a relatively large server, with something like 4 SCSI
buses. A drive was added to a previously unused bus, making it appear
"between" two drives that were already in the system. This gave all
the drives further on in the probe sequence a device number one higher
than they had previously had.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Daniel Rock

Scott Long schrieb:

Ceri Davies wrote:

On Sat, Apr 08, 2006 at 08:34:30AM -0600, Scott Long wrote:

Well, the real question is why we force the details of driver names 
onto users.  Network and storage drivers are especially guilty of 
this, but tty devices also are annoying.

How do you know which manual page to read for driver specifics if they are all 
named eth0, eth1, ...
With the current naming scheme you know when to read the man page for em(4), 
fxp(4), nve(4), ...

I'll say again, how does having em0, em1, em2, and em3 help me know what
is going on with each of those interfaces?

FreeBSD doesn't support persistent instance numbering, unlike Solaris. If you 
unplug device em0 in FreeBSD the remaining interfaces get renamed em0, em1, 
em2 - which is a bad thing. If you unplug e1000g0 in Solaris the remaining 
interfaces will still be named e1000g1, e1000g2, e1000g3. So I doubt that the 
overwriting of an Ingres database really happened in Solaris, like some other 
poster described - unless the administrator fiddled with /etc/path_to_inst by 
hand (you are free to shoot in your own foot).

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Re: FreeBSD Kernel Quality?

2006-04-08 Thread Robert Huff

Scott Long writes:

>  >When you say "user application code", is this an alias for
>  > ports or do you mean non-ported applications?
>  "user application code" == code not in src/sys/...  That means
>  src/lib, src/bin, src/sbin, src/usr.bin, etc.

Got it.

Robert Huff

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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Dima Dorfman
Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What do I want for that? I identify ethernet boards by which slot on
> the back of the system I plug the cable into. Currently, I have to map
> that to board types to and which board is plugged into which slot to
> know which name to use. I want a name that tells me which slot I plug
> a cable in to plug it into that interface.

Is information about the slot even available on a PC? For something like this:

: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:7:0:   class=0x02 card=0x016d1028 chip=0x10768086 
rev=0x05 hdr=0x00
: vendor   = 'Intel Corporation'
: device   = '82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller'
: class= network
: subclass = ethernet

would you consider eth-6-7-0 to be an improvement over em0? It has the
advantage of not changing if another card is added to the system, but
it's not very informative. For a system that has only its two on-board
NICs, "em0" and "em1" are very obvious--at least it's clear which one
corresponds to the label "eth 0" on the chassis.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Using any network interface whatsoever (solution?)

2006-04-08 Thread Darren Pilgrim

Mike Meyer wrote:

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:

That doesn't quite work, though.  Unless you require everyone wanting
to distinguish between LAN and WAN interfaces uses different types
of hardware for each card, they'll still end up with xl0 and xl1
(or whatever), which is in no way better than eth0 and eth1,

You're right - but at least you have the option of using different
types of cards to get different names. I agree that this sucks, but
it's better than nothing.

This is a script to rename interfaces based on the MAC address:


set mac_list = "/etc/MACaddr_list"

foreach ifn ( `ifconfig -l link` )

  set ifn_mac = "`ifconfig $ifn link | grep ether | cut -d ' ' -f 2`"
  set ifn_name = "`grep $ifn_mac $mac_list | cut -d ' ' -f 2`"

  ifconfig $ifn name $ifn_name


Where /etc/MACaddr_list contains entries of the format:

00:00:00:00:00:00 NameLengthMax15

If you add something to /etc/rc.d so that a sh-ified version of this script 
runs after all interfaces have attached but before any numbering or cloning 
takes place you can have lines like this in /etc/rc.conf:

ifconfig_PublicLAN="inet a.b.c.d/24"

That's far better than trying to remember what's on em0.

This is an off-the-top-of-my-head, 2-minute solution, largely untested due 
to present lack of a victim machine.  pf doesn't seem to have any issue, but 
I haven't tested /etc/rc.d/netif, dhclient, wpa_supplicant, interface 
cloning and other things people do to their network interfaces.  An 
rc-friendly version would probably make use of something like:


in /etc/rc.conf rather than a seperate file, but this is just a proof of 

Comments please!

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Re: FreeBSD Kernel Quality?

2006-04-08 Thread Scott Long

Robert Huff wrote:

Sam Leffler writes:

OTOH we've done nothing with user application code and based on
the work I've seen done by netbsd there's plenty of stuff to be
fixed there.

When you say "user application code", is this an alias for
ports or do you mean non-ported applications?

Robert Huff

"user application code" == code not in src/sys/...  That means
src/lib, src/bin, src/sbin, src/usr.bin, etc.


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Re: FreeBSD Kernel Quality?

2006-04-08 Thread Robert Huff

Sam Leffler writes:

>  OTOH we've done nothing with user application code and based on
>  the work I've seen done by netbsd there's plenty of stuff to be
>  fixed there.

When you say "user application code", is this an alias for
ports or do you mean non-ported applications?

Robert Huff

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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Scott Long

Ceri Davies wrote:

On Sat, Apr 08, 2006 at 08:34:30AM -0600, Scott Long wrote:

On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 11:53:42PM +0100, Ceri Davies wrote:

For the filesystem I can use geom_label and /dev/ufs/UnlikelyString, but 

also like to have it try to configure whatever interfaces the machine
happens to have via DHCP.

Other than specifying ifconfig_0="DHCP" once for every possible 
value of

, is there a mechanism to do this already?


Well, the real question is why we force the details of driver names onto 
users.  Network and storage drivers are especially guilty of this, but

tty devices also are annoying.

The current situation on BSD, where I can identify which interface is
meant by its type, is definitely preferable to the Linux situation where
eth0 may mean something different tomorrow depending on what is plugged

Since we can rename devices arbitrarily, I don't really see a problem
with respect to anything else.


I'll say again, how does having em0, em1, em2, and em3 help me know what
is going on with each of those interfaces?

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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Ceri Davies
On Sat, Apr 08, 2006 at 08:34:30AM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
> >>On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 11:53:42PM +0100, Ceri Davies wrote:

> >>>For the filesystem I can use geom_label and /dev/ufs/UnlikelyString, but 
> >>>I'd
> >>>also like to have it try to configure whatever interfaces the machine
> >>>happens to have via DHCP.
> >>>
> >>>Other than specifying ifconfig_0="DHCP" once for every possible 
> >>>value of
> >>>, is there a mechanism to do this already?
> >>
> >>ifconfig_DEFAULT
> Well, the real question is why we force the details of driver names onto 
> users.  Network and storage drivers are especially guilty of this, but
> tty devices also are annoying.

The current situation on BSD, where I can identify which interface is
meant by its type, is definitely preferable to the Linux situation where
eth0 may mean something different tomorrow depending on what is plugged

Since we can rename devices arbitrarily, I don't really see a problem
with respect to anything else.

That must be wonderful!  I don't understand it at all.
  -- Moliere

Description: PGP signature

Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Mike Meyer
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> That doesn't quite work, though.  Unless you require everyone wanting
> to distinguish between LAN and WAN interfaces uses different types
> of hardware for each card, they'll still end up with xl0 and xl1
> (or whatever), which is in no way better than eth0 and eth1,

You're right - but at least you have the option of using different
types of cards to get different names. I agree that this sucks, but
it's better than nothing.

I tried to find out how to tell the difference between ethernet
interfaces on Linux. Seems that the 2.6 kernel can assign different
names to the ethernet devices at each reboot. Um, yeah. Solutions for
this problem all seem to involve assigning an arbitrary name based on
the MAC address.

This has two problems: 1) you have to have a mapping somewhere of mac
addresses to cards so you know where to plug in the wan port vs. the
lan port. 2) if you replace a dead card with an identical card, your
configuration breaks.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Mike Meyer
> Mike Meyer wrote:
> > In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Scott Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > Please trim the text you are repling to.
> Please, I'm tired of arbitrary email etiquette.

If you think etiquette is arbitrary, you're sadly mistaken.

> > But where do you put the label on an ethernet interface?
> It sounds like your message is, "don't be like Linux."

No, the message is "don't use solutions we know have serious
problems". Having devices names that change when you don't make any
changes to the device can cause serious problems. Linux does that for
lots of things. FreeBSD does it for some things.

> Fine, what do you want instead?  How does having 2 em devices in my
> system, named em0 and em1, tell me by name which one is connected to
> which LAN?

It doesn't, any more than having disk0 and disk1 instead of ad0 and
da0 tell you which disk has the root file system on it.  It's not
clear that that particular problem can be solved at the device name
layer. It's not clear it should be.

For disks, the device name should uniquely identify the drive in the
system. Nothing short of changing the drives bus address should change
that. Volume labels identify the data on the drive, which is what the
user cares about. Letting the users work with what they care about
should be the goal.

My question about labels for ethernet devices wasn't meant to be
rhetorical. Ethernet device names on Unix are pretty much
worthless. They tell you basically nothing about which device you've
got. On FreeBSD, different card types have different names, which is
better than nothing - but that's about all it's better than. We need
something akin to labels for ethernet devices. The LAN it's plugged
into is the equivalent of the data on the disk - but there's no
equivalent for the label.

What do I want for that? I identify ethernet boards by which slot on
the back of the system I plug the cable into. Currently, I have to map
that to board types to and which board is plugged into which slot to
know which name to use. I want a name that tells me which slot I plug
a cable in to plug it into that interface.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: Weight of an IRIS 4D/210GTX Box anyone ?

2006-04-08 Thread Greg 'groggy' Lehey
On Saturday,  8 April 2006 at 23:11:59 +0800, Kathy Quinlan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been offered a IRIS 4D/210GTX SGI box, and I need to know the
> rough weight, thought as google did not turn up anything and SGI seem to
> disown all the old stuff these days, anyone got any idea on the weight
> of this ?

There's a photo of my 4D/25 (badged as a Control Data Cyber 910) at
the right on the last photo of .  I'm not sure how they

See complete headers for address and phone numbers.

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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread David Taylor
On Sat, 08 Apr 2006, Mike Meyer wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Scott Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
> > Well, the real question is why we force the details of driver names onto 
> > users.  Network and storage drivers are especially guilty of this, but
> > tty devices also are annoying.
> Because Unix has always made the hardware details available to
> administrators. Times have changed so that users now need to do things
> that used to be restricted to administrators.
> This historical behavior is a *good* thing. If all devices of type
> "foo" are just named "foo" and assigned numbers by the system, then I
> have no control over the names. If I don't care which is which, this
> isn't a problem. If I do care - for instance, I want to distinguish
> between the ethernet interface that's on the internet and the one
> that's on my LAN, or I want root to be on the disk with the root file
> system on it - then this is a PITA, because every time I add hardware
> to the system, or re-arrange the cards in the cage, or similar things,
> I risk breaking the system configuration. If the device names are
> completely determined by the hardware settings, then this doesn't
> happen.

That doesn't quite work, though.  Unless you require everyone wanting
to distinguish between LAN and WAN interfaces uses different types
of hardware for each card, they'll still end up with xl0 and xl1
(or whatever), which is in no way better than eth0 and eth1,
except that it means you have the option of looking up what on earth
"xl" actually means to get a vague description of what type of hardware
it is, rather than checking the dmesg for xlX or ethX.

David Taylor
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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Alain Hebert


   Not all problems can be fixed by somebody else.  Work a little for a 

   If you wish to name your interfaces switch to Windows.

ifconfig -a | awk '/^[a-z0-9^]*:/ {i=$1} /inet / {ip=$2;net=$4;} 
/status/ {print i" "ip" - "net" - "$2}'

em0: - 0xff00 - active
em1: 69.x.x.x - 0xfff8 - active
em2: 64.x.x.x - 0xfff8 - active
em3: - 0xff00 - active
em4: 206.x.x.x - 0xfff0 - active

Scott Long wrote:

Mike Meyer wrote:


Please trim the text you are repling to.

Please, I'm tired of arbitrary email etiquette.

But where do you put the label on an ethernet interface?

It sounds like your message is, "don't be like Linux."  Fine, what do
you want instead?  How does having 2 em devices in my system, named em0
and em1, tell me by name which one is connected to which LAN?

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Alain Hebert[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
PubNIX Inc.
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tel 514-990-5911   http://www.pubnix.netfax 514-990-9443

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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Scott Long

Mike Meyer wrote:


Please trim the text you are repling to.

Please, I'm tired of arbitrary email etiquette.

But where do you put the label on an ethernet interface?

It sounds like your message is, "don't be like Linux."  Fine, what do
you want instead?  How does having 2 em devices in my system, named em0
and em1, tell me by name which one is connected to which LAN?

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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Darren Pilgrim

Mike Meyer wrote:

If I do care - for instance, I want to distinguish
between the ethernet interface that's on the internet and the one
that's on my LAN, or I want root to be on the disk with the root file
system on it - then this is a PITA, because every time I add hardware
to the system, or re-arrange the cards in the cage, or similar things,
I risk breaking the system configuration. If the device names are
completely determined by the hardware settings, then this doesn't

I wrote some add-on bits for /etc/ in 4.x that compares the link 
addresses of attached network interfaces to a list of link addresses, then 
sets ifconfig_ifN* variables accordingly before does anything. 
It provides a means of wiring IP addresses to physical ports in a way that 
gets around the problem of probe order.

If there's interest, I'll get to work on an rcNG version.

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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Mike Meyer

Please trim the text you are repling to.

> You're argument here doesn't really make sense.

Only because you're carrying it to ridiculous extremes and
misinterpreting it.

> Youre' saying that
> instead of /dev/da0, we should have
> /dev/HITACHI-HUS103073FL3800-SA19-B0T1L0

That's a ridiculous extreme. All I advocated was that we be able to
easily identify the devices connected to the system, *not* that we be
able identify every device in the world. Sun solved disk device naming
back in the 80s.

> and instead of em0, it should
> be em0-, right?

This is a misinterpretation, because you're including system
configuration information (the network it's attached to) in the device
description. I'm not aware of a good solution to this problem for
ethernet devices.

> I'm not saying that we should get rid of the device information.  I'm
> fully happy making it available to top layer applications.
> Administrators definitely need the information to make good decisions.
> But the information isn't always needed, and it does make simple
> management tasks harder.

I think I said that.

> It also adds complexity that can lead to
> problems.  Why when I add a RAID driver do I also need to hack up
> sysinstall so that it'll recognise the RAID devices?

Missing features in sysinstall would seem to be irrelevant.

> The computer should be helping us in administration tasks, not
> hiding behind inconsistent and obscure names.

All names are obscure when you don't know what they mean. And once you
know what they mean, they aren't obscure any more. Which doesn't mean
the computer can't help us deal with things. The current BSD device
naming and management schemes date back to at least v6. Updating them
to deal with modern conditions, as opposed to those that were
prevelant in the 70s, is certainly a reasonable thing to suggest. But
the Linux solution of smashing all the devices of the same basic type
into one flat undistinguished namespace is *not* an improvement.

> Now, for your specific case of SCSI, it is possible to wire down device
> assignments by the administrator.  It's been documented how to do this
> in man pages and kernel config files, most recently by me personally,
> for years.

I know. I figured all this out and documented it when it happened to
me years ago (I did say it was a 4.x system). It's still a suprise
when adding new hardware breaks the configuration of old hardware on a
system as reliable as Unix usually is. I expect that from Windows, but
not Unix.

> The flaw is that it still requires specific operator intervention to
> make work.

That's the flaw, all right. The *problem* is that the system was
trying to be user-friendly in ill-considered ways. Again, this is the
kind of problem I expect to run into with Windows, not Unix.

> That's where things like volume labels come
> in.  Does a sysadmin care about the low-level device name for a drive on
> a Windows or Mac system?  Does he even know without taking a deep look
> inside the system?  Does not knowing it make it any less possible to
> easily and reliable manage and control the hardware? 

On the Mac, the answers are "yes", "yes" and "not applicable". On
Windows XP, the answers are "yes", "no", and "yes".

> It's all done through human-readable labels that are easy to work
> with.

No, it isn't. *Most* of it is, and probably everything that the casual
user runs into. But we're talking about sysadmins, who have to deal
with issues like unformatted drives and file systems that don't
necessarily have labels. Oddly enough, on the Mac you tend to get
things that look like your ridiculous disk name when dealing with
these (i.e. "93.2 GB ST9100823A").

> The low level information is still available when needed, but it's
> not the primary means of control.  I think that's fine; it strikes
> the balance between control and ease of use that I'm looking for.

Volume labels would certainly solve a lot of issues - even some of the
ones I brought up. In particular, if they became the standard way of
dealing with devices, then we could unravel some of the more
user-friendly-but-expert-hostile designs already in place.

But where do you put the label on an ethernet interface?
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Scott Long

Mike Meyer wrote:


Well, the real question is why we force the details of driver names onto 
users.  Network and storage drivers are especially guilty of this, but

tty devices also are annoying.

Because Unix has always made the hardware details available to
administrators. Times have changed so that users now need to do things
that used to be restricted to administrators.

This historical behavior is a *good* thing. If all devices of type
"foo" are just named "foo" and assigned numbers by the system, then I
have no control over the names. If I don't care which is which, this
isn't a problem. If I do care - for instance, I want to distinguish
between the ethernet interface that's on the internet and the one
that's on my LAN, or I want root to be on the disk with the root file
system on it - then this is a PITA, because every time I add hardware
to the system, or re-arrange the cards in the cage, or similar things,
I risk breaking the system configuration. If the device names are
completely determined by the hardware settings, then this doesn't

Real world examples of this type of breakage include a FreeBSD 4.x
system with SCSI disks that failed to boot when a USB mass storage
device was plugged into it, and a Solaris system that started swapping
on it's Ingres raw database partition after a disk was added.

If a system is meant for desktop use where you typically have at most
one of anything, then hiding the names from the users is a good
thing. In a server environment, where you may have multiple instances
of several different device types, then being able to easily tell
which is which is a good thing.

You're argument here doesn't really make sense.  Youre' saying that
instead of /dev/da0, we should have
/dev/HITACHI-HUS103073FL3800-SA19-B0T1L0, and instead of em0, it should
be em0-, right?  That
way all the information is present and there is no chance of mixing up

I'm not saying that we should get rid of the device information.  I'm
fully happy making it available to top layer applications.
Administrators definitely need the information to make good decisions.
But the information isn't always needed, and it does make simple
management tasks harder.  It also adds complexity that can lead to
problems.  Why when I add a RAID driver do I also need to hack up
sysinstall so that it'll recognise the RAID devices?  This is 2006, not
1976!  The computer should be helping us in administration tasks, not
hiding behind inconsistent and obscure names.

Now, for your specific case of SCSI, it is possible to wire down device
assignments by the administrator.  It's been documented how to do this
in man pages and kernel config files, most recently by me personally,
for years.  The flaw is that it still requires specific operator
intervention to make work.  That's where things like volume labels come
in.  Does a sysadmin care about the low-level device name for a drive on
a Windows or Mac system?  Does he even know without taking a deep look
inside the system?  Does not knowing it make it any less possible to
easily and reliable manage and control the hardware?  It's all done
through human-readable labels that are easy to work with.  The low level
information is still available when needed, but it's not the primary
means of control.  I think that's fine; it strikes the balance between
control and ease of use that I'm looking for.

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Re: Weight of an IRIS 4D/210GTX Box anyone ?

2006-04-08 Thread Alain Hebert


   I have 7x4D/20 here (and about 12 working Indy, 6 for spare part (12 
R5000), and a bunch of Indigo)

   The 4D/20 are about 70 pounds (~30 kilos) each.  I dont know for the 
210GTX but they looked similar.

   Anybody want a SGI?  Free if you pay the shipping.

   Have fun.

Kathy Quinlan wrote:

Hi all,

I have been offered a IRIS 4D/210GTX SGI box, and I need to know the 
rough weight, thought as google did not turn up anything and SGI seem 
to disown all the old stuff these days, anyone got any idea on the 
weight of this ?



Alain Hebert[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
PubNIX Inc.
P.O. Box 175   Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 5T7	

tel 514-990-5911   http://www.pubnix.netfax 514-990-9443

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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Mike Meyer
> Well, the real question is why we force the details of driver names onto 
> users.  Network and storage drivers are especially guilty of this, but
> tty devices also are annoying.

Because Unix has always made the hardware details available to
administrators. Times have changed so that users now need to do things
that used to be restricted to administrators.

This historical behavior is a *good* thing. If all devices of type
"foo" are just named "foo" and assigned numbers by the system, then I
have no control over the names. If I don't care which is which, this
isn't a problem. If I do care - for instance, I want to distinguish
between the ethernet interface that's on the internet and the one
that's on my LAN, or I want root to be on the disk with the root file
system on it - then this is a PITA, because every time I add hardware
to the system, or re-arrange the cards in the cage, or similar things,
I risk breaking the system configuration. If the device names are
completely determined by the hardware settings, then this doesn't

Real world examples of this type of breakage include a FreeBSD 4.x
system with SCSI disks that failed to boot when a USB mass storage
device was plugged into it, and a Solaris system that started swapping
on it's Ingres raw database partition after a disk was added.

If a system is meant for desktop use where you typically have at most
one of anything, then hiding the names from the users is a good
thing. In a server environment, where you may have multiple instances
of several different device types, then being able to easily tell
which is which is a good thing.
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.
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Weight of an IRIS 4D/210GTX Box anyone ?

2006-04-08 Thread Kathy Quinlan

Hi all,

I have been offered a IRIS 4D/210GTX SGI box, and I need to know the 
rough weight, thought as google did not turn up anything and SGI seem to 
disown all the old stuff these days, anyone got any idea on the weight 
of this ?



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Re: Using any network interface whatsoever

2006-04-08 Thread Scott Long

Ceri Davies wrote:

On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 03:57:42PM -0700, Brooks Davis wrote:

On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 11:53:42PM +0100, Ceri Davies wrote:

I'm trying to configure a bootable image to be used in various situations
and on various (mostly unknown) hardware.

For the filesystem I can use geom_label and /dev/ufs/UnlikelyString, but I'd
also like to have it try to configure whatever interfaces the machine
happens to have via DHCP.

Other than specifying ifconfig_0="DHCP" once for every possible value of
, is there a mechanism to do this already?


Superb, thank you!

If you have non-Ethernet-like interfaces compiled in, you will probably
want create empty "ifconfig_" variables for them since DHCP won't
work very well there. :)

Good point, thanks again :)


Well, the real question is why we force the details of driver names onto 
users.  Network and storage drivers are especially guilty of this, but

tty devices also are annoying.

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Re: automatic checking of source code

2006-04-08 Thread Eric Schuele

Divacky Roman wrote:


I just found which is a project for automatic checking of
source code for bugs (memory leaks, unreleased locks, null pointer
dereferences). I recall there was some SoC project to achieve something
similar but this is complete and ready to run...

it might be of some interest for someone

See thread "FreeBSD Kernel Quality?" posted 04/05/06.


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