Re: increasing dd disk to disk transfer rate

2006-01-12 Thread Gilbert Fernandes
> My notebooks' hard disk, a Hitachi Travelstar 80 GB starts to
> develop read errors.

Since you are using a modern disk, you should check your smart counters. I
know how to do it on NetBSD, and I believe the command is also available on
FreeBSD. First, you have to turn on the smart (S.M.A.R.T.) stuff on the

Then you can poll the hard disk and have counters reported back to you with
precious information about errors :)

Here is what I get from atactl on NetBSD :

[root][1] atactl wd0 smart status
SMART supported, SMART enabled
id value thresh crit collect reliability descriptionraw
  1 100   51 yes online  positiveRaw read error rate0
  3 100   25 yes online  positiveSpin-up time   2944
  4 1000 no  online  positiveStart/stop count   453
  5 253   10 yes online  positiveReallocated sector count   0
  7 2530 no  online  positiveSeek error rate0
  8 2530 no  offline positiveSeek time performance  0
  9 1000 no  online  positivePower-on hours count   7010
 10 2530 no  online  positiveSpin retry count   0
 12 1000 no  online  positiveDevice power cycle count   9
191 1000 no  online  positiveGsense error rate  35
194 1120 no  online  positiveTemperature42
195 1000 no  online  positiveHardware ECC Recovered
196 2530 no  online  positiveReallocated event count0
197 2530 no  online  positiveCurrent pending sector 0
198 2530 no  offline positiveOffline uncorrectable  0
199 2000 no  online  positiveUltra DMA CRC error count  0
200 1000 no  online  positiveWrite error rate   0
201 2530 no  online  positiveSoft read error rate   0
223 2530 no  online  positiveLoad/unload retry count0
225 1000 no  online  positiveLoad/unload cycle count5513
255 1000 no  online  positiveUnknown0

So by checking your own counters, you might get hints from the hardware that
something is wrong there.

Then, there is a web page with tools from Hitachi (IBM) that allow you to
boot and check your disk :

Which such tools, you can have access to some functions that are not
available from our beloved BSD like turning ON the "check the noise you do
and try to be quiet" option :)

The feature tool will let you do that :

Change the drive Automatic Acoustic Management settings to the:

* Lowest acoustic emanation setting (Quiet Seek Mode), or
* Maximum performance level (Normal Seek Mode).

I was using a disk like yours on my Thinkpad X30. I replaced it with a
Samsung which has the same kind of tools available and usually in the form
of bootable floppies.

Hope this will help !

unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; find ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ;
fsck ; umount ; sleep
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Re: Problem about libnet on FreeBSD 6.0

2006-01-03 Thread Gilbert Fernandes
> The problem is that libnet defines ether_addr without regard for the fact
> that it's defined in our system headers.  This is a bug in libnet, not
> FreeBSD.

Very interesting information :)

Thanks for your reply (and happy new year !)

unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ;
fsck ; umount ; sleep
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Re: Deadlock FreeBSD 6 / 7

2006-01-01 Thread Gilbert Fernandes
> >>>Use prime95 (ports/math/mprime) to test your processor and thermal
> >>>stability (36 hours or so), and memtest86 (seperately).

Please use memtest86+ and not memtest86.

unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ;
fsck ; umount ; sleep
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Re: Problem about libnet on FreeBSD 6.0

2005-12-31 Thread Gilbert Fernandes
> - Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
> Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 20:55:38 +0800
> From: prime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: prime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: Re: Problem about libnet on FreeBSD 6.0
>   To: Gilbert Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 12/31/05, Gilbert Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I find that I can't include  when I programming
> > > with libnet,because $(CC) complains that "struct ether_addr
> redefined".
> > > But I need some definitions in ,struct ether_header
> etc.
> > > Currently,I just copy the definitions I need from
> ,but
> > > it seems very ugly.Any one has some good ideas?
> >
> > Could you show us the include line you use ?
> >
> > #include "blabla" and
> > #include 
> >
> > will produce very different results as you know :)
> >
> > You do use #include  ?
> >
> > --
> > unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ;
> > fsck ; umount ; sleep
> >
> Here is my include lines,
> #include ..
> #include 
> #include 
> #include 
> ...
> and this is the error,
> $(CC) said "/usr/local/include/./libnet/libnet-headers.h:393: error:
> redefinition of `struct ether_addr'"
> Thanks.
> --
> Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life:
> the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for
> the suffering of mankind.
>  -Bertrand Russell
> - End message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Redefinition means that you have two declarations of the same

One of the files you are including IS already including net/ethernet

Can you check ? :)

unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ;
fsck ; umount ; sleep
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Re: accessing NetBSD filesystem

2005-12-17 Thread Gilbert Fernandes
> FFS == UFS.

The FreeBSD UFS is the FFS accessed through the VFS layer, but basically
the format is the same. If you want to have access, from FreeBSD, to
NetBSD partitions, make sure the NetBSD partitions have been formated
using FFSv2 which is the port of UFS to NetBSD. There are some
differences though : no ACL support nor snapshots available there.

Please use NetBSD 2.x (I use 2.1 but I got a machine running current)
and format the partition to be shared using FFSv2 on NetBSD.

Should work fine.

FFSv2 (UFS2 in FreeBSD) is not the defautl type in NetBSD 2 for now. I
have not checked in current. So if you want to use newfs from NetBSD,
don't forget to ask for FFSv2 (-O 2).

FFS code in NetBSD's kernel contains the options required for UFS2

There are superblock changes in FFSv2 (UFS2). So don't use old (as in
NetBSD 1.6.x) fsck on such volumes. It is possible to do an upgrade on
fsck_ffs before using FFSv2 and this works fine in 1.6.x

Please read the following doc :

The NetBSD's current newfs man page
( makes
mention of the ACL so perhaps they're supported in NetBSD-current :)

unzip ; strip ; touch ; grep ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ;
fsck ; umount ; sleep
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