Re: Adding a new drive

2001-04-08 Thread Mike Nowlin

On  0, Jon Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wrote FDISK partition information out successfully. 
 After that i quit back to config menu, goes into label and there i just do an
 'auto' to see if it works, there i get the following when i write:
 Unable to add /dev/ad3s1b as a swap device: Device not configured
 and similar errors for the rest of the partitions. 

Out of curiosity, and because I have this annoying itch in my brain that's
telling me I ran into this problem recently:

Are the entries for ad3* actually in /dev?  I recall having to ./MAKEDEV
them for the ad2 and ad3 disks on one of my machines that I added a drive to
not more than a couple of weeks ago...  Depending on how disklabel works, I
could see it returning the "Device not configured" message if the /dev file
isn't there...


 PGP signature

Re: Adding a new drive

2001-04-06 Thread Mike Nowlin

On  0, Jon Molin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Before you just stopp reading with the thought 'duh, this question is for
 freebsd-newbie' please read it becouse i've asked it both at newbie and
 questions and haven't got any sullotion.
 What I'm trying to do is to simply add a new ide drive with only freebsd to
 get some more space and i can't do it. Fdisk doesn't seems to write the info
 to the drive. I've used it before so i know there's no problem with the drive
 itself, tried both fat32 and ext2fs and that works just fine. The kernel finds
 the drive:
 ad3: 6187MB FUJITSU MPB3064ATU [13410/15/63] at ata1-slave UDMA33

Easiest way to do this is to use /stand/sysinstall - be careful about it
(think about what you're doing before you commit anything), but by using the
fdisk  disklabel sections of the prog, it's pretty simple to add an extra
drive...  It warns you that you should "only use this on a RUNNING system!"
in certain places - that's normal.  You're basically editing what the system
uses for mount points, etc.  Just don't muck around with your running


 PGP signature

Re: Fingerprint authentication?

2001-03-24 Thread Mike Nowlin

On  0, David McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 23-Mar-2001, Michael Aronsen wrote:
  Has anyone been working on or know of any work being done on getting any
  fingerprint gadgets working in FreeBSD?
 This is mostly off-topic, but I wanted to take the opportunity to point
 out an excellent treatment of the downsides of biometrics (fingerprint
 gadgets being the most popular such device these days) and concerns that
 you should be aware of if you're considering adopting biometrics for
 authentication in your environment.

Just read the article - he does bring up some good points, but he does (sort
of) miss one point - biometrics are most useful when combined with some
other form of authentication.  (What you have (fingerprint), plus what you
know (password)).

On that note, I'll put this on-topic for -hackers...  (In my opinion...)

Due to the upcoming HIPAA regulations mandated by HCFA (see note 1), I am
extremely interested in writing a driver to read data from one of the
various fingerprint gizmos on the market.  Does anyone have any experience
with these (good/bad), or suggestions as to which ones might lend themselves
toward a FBSD driver?


Note 1 (as promised)

(Non-US residents - this doesn't apply to you...  Be grateful...  :)  )

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a set of
rules scheduled to take effect in (last I checked - they keep changing it)
October 2002 by HCFA (the Health Care Financing Administration), the federal
agency that is responsible for Medicare, Medicaid, etc.  Basically, HIPAA is
designed to make sure that everyone gets a fair shot at medical insurance.
However, there is a section in there that deals with privacy of medical
records, and that's where the geek factor comes into play.

The phrase going around the IT departments of health care providers right
now goes something like "HIPAA will cost health care providers three to four
times more money than Y2K did."  (It's a big deal.)  Essentially, the old
"username and password" method of verification is completely inadequate -
they want Smart Cards, fingerprints, retinal scans, infrared facial
signatures, and the last four digits of your dog's Social Security number
just to keep the guard, armed with an AK-47, to keep from shooting you as
you walk up to the keyboard to type in your username and password.  (OK,
that's stretching it a little bit, but that's really the attitude they're
taking with this.)  

(Political statement starts here - sorry)

Ah, the joys of living in the USA...  Can't let teachers discipline kids
(and the parents get thrown in jail for doing so), but dammit, we'll make
sure that nobody finds out that Joe Schmoe has high cholesterol and needs to
get out and exercise a bit...

(And yes, I do enjoy living here, but the political correctness of it gets
to me at times.)


 PGP signature

can't get iicbus working - ARRGH!

2001-02-14 Thread Mike Nowlin

I messed around with this about a year ago, and now I'm messing around with
it again.  

In a nutshell, I can NOT figure out how to get iic with lpbb working.  I
have tried all sorts of combinations of config file parameters from LINT,
man pages, etc.  

My current config file has something like:
# Parallel port
device  ppc0at isa? port 0x3bc flags 0x28 irq 7 drq 3
#device ppc0at isa? port 0x3bc flags 0x20 irq 7
device  ppbus   # Parallel port bus (required)
device  lpt # Printer
device  ppi # Parallel port interface device
#device vpo # Requires scbus and da
#device plip# TCP/IP over parallel
# I2C stuff
device  iicbus 
device  iic 
#device ic   
#device iicsmb
device  iicbb  
device  lpbb
device  smbus
device  intpm 

The only boot messages I get that are related to this section are:
ppc0: Parallel port at port 0x3bc-0x3bf irq 7 drq 3 flags 0x20 on isa0
ppc0: Generic chipset (ECP/PS2/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode 
ppc0: FIFO with 16/16/16 bytes threshold  
lpt0: Printer on ppbus0
lpt0: Polled port ppi0: Parallel I/O on ppbus0  

When I added the last two lines (smbus, intpm), I did get the following:
intpm0: Intel 82371AB Power management controller port 0x5000-0x500f irq 9
at device 7.3 on pci0
intpm0: I/O mapped 5000
intpm0: intr IRQ 9 enabled revision 0
smbus0: System Management Bus on intsmb0
intpm0: PM I/O mapped 4000 

...which is closer to any I2C or SMB references I've gotten to date.

Does anyone have this working?  If so, could you send me your config
file to look through?

Thanks - Mike

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2001-02-02 Thread Mike Nowlin

 At 1:33 PM -0800 1/29/01, Josef Grosch wrote:
 Does anybody know of an EBCDIC to ASCII converter? I thought
 that at one time FreeBSD had one of these.
 Note there are multiple ideas of what it means to be EBCDIC.
 Alphanumerics stay the same between them, of course, but a
 few of the special characters (braces, brackets, accent-grave)
 move around.

Unfortunately, I have to deal with an application written in EDX (go try
and find info on THAT archaic language!) on an IBM RS/6000 that uses
EBCDIC...  After digging through the sources on that machine, I was able
to come up with a somewhat decent translation table.  It's not complete,
but it handles the alphanum and punctuation characters.

I just stuck it up at

(It's just a test program - you'll need to modify it a little bit to
handle "normal" stuff, but that's fairly simple.)

(Suggestions to improve the translation table are welcome.)


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modems, rp driver, stuck processes...

2001-02-01 Thread Mike Nowlin

I've been trying to figure this out for some time now...

I have several systems that have 8- and 16-port RocketPort boards in them,
connected to banks of modems.  (ISA cards on all of them - I just got a
PCI RP board, but haven't installed it anywhere yet.)  These modems make a
lot of outgoing calls (300+ each per day), and a small (2-3
each/day) amount of incoming calls.  

Every so often, I end up with a mgetty process that refuses to go away:
37021  ??  IE 0:00.04 /usr/local/sbin/mgetty cuaR1
38379  ??  I  0:00.04 /usr/local/sbin/mgetty cuaR3
38642  ??  I  0:00.04 /usr/local/sbin/mgetty cuaR0

(PID 37021 is the one that's stuck.)

Note the "E" in the status field (ps ax).  From the ps man page, "E" means
"The process is trying to exit."  "kill -9" doesn't make it
die...  Sometimes, cycling the modem power will fix the problem, but only
about half of the time.  The rest of the time, a reboot is required.

I have a little prog that shows what the computer thinks the hardware
handshaking lines say - on a "stuck" line, it says that DSR  CTS are low,
where they're normally high on a working modem.

Funny thing is, my little Radio Smack RS-232 tester says that the DSR 
CTS lines are actually high, as do the modem LEDs.  

Any ideas?  (My next step is to grab a voltmeter and measure the juice on
those pins - I'm assuming it's close enough to the +-12V to give a valid
signal, but who knows  Even so, I'd think there should be SOME way to
use a software fix to release the port.  If "kill -9" doesn't kill a
process, I'd almost consider that a bug.)


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Re: FreeBSD vs Linux, Solaris, and NT

2000-12-28 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Again, you miss the point. Spending dollars advertising is arguably a more 
 valuable contribution than altering a few line of code or submitting a 
 driver for some obscure card.

Key word here: "arguably", meaning "can be argued indefinitely", and
loosely translates to "drop this argument - it's pointless."

All I can say here is that I've suggested to my clients that they do NOT
use the "WAN card in a FBSD box from certain companies" solution, due
to my experience on these lists...  Keep in mind that a lot of the 
"few lines of altered code" here and there are what keep your
clients' networks safe.  I couldn't care less about your advertising
budget if some script kiddie got in and tap-danced all over my database
server due to an un-fixed bug in telnetd.

Spending dollars is good, but not pissing off potential clients by
insulting people is better.

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Hardware (Not FBSD) issue

2000-12-24 Thread Mike Nowlin

(If you're looking for FBSD-specific messages, hit "next"...)

I'm looking for a technical answer to this one - I have a good background
in electronics, but never really spent much time on the i386 architecture.

One of my clients has an interface card (StarLAN, ISA) that controls an
embroidery machine (by Melco -  I just replaced his old
Pentium 75 with a Duron 700 machine.  At first try, the card wasn't
seen.  After lots of goofing around with it, I found that turning off the
L1 cache (slowing the machine down to a crawl) made the card start working
again.  However, the system's so slow (think "286 running Win98") that
this solution is unacceptable.

Conclusion: the card is poorly designed, and can't handle the bus speeds
of modern systems.

Comment: the card uses 74LSxxx chips as the interface to the ISA bus, and
some unlabeled CPU with a 256Kb static RAM chip as the brains.  


   WHYIZIT?  On-card CPU?  74LS (that could be replaced w/74F)?  Dumb

Any ideas?  (I'm calling Melco on Tuesday 12/26 to ask them about this.)


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Re: keeping lots of systems all the same...

2000-12-21 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Figure 32MB RAM for FreeBSD  X, 64MB for Netscape, and 64MB for StarOffice.
 If you want to run both Netscape and StarOffice at the same time, 128MB
 isn't enough.  Sigh.

Yup...  I noticed that 64MB might be a little short when I set one of
these up earlier today.  :(  I think I'll do 128 for now, since the price
difference gets absorbed fairly easily into the total cost.

 Good luck, and write an article about it when you're done.  DaemonNews would
 be happy to publish it.  ;^)

I may just do that.  A real-world commercial FreeBSD success story could
be good for PR.  Although I have a soft spot in my heart for Linux, I
prefer to use FBSD for "important" stuff, and it's about time that it gets
some more good press...  Due to the fact that this project is for a
medical lab that's subject to the upcoming HIPAA regulations (check out and Medicare compliance policies, there's a lot to be said
there about how FBSD handles the security aspects of this whole
thing as compared to Redmond products...   :)


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keeping lots of systems all the same...

2000-12-20 Thread Mike Nowlin

I recently made the decision to upgrade all of our net-booted X terminals
to full-blown workstations.  (Basically, adding a hard drive and some
memory.)  Having 19 people running Netscape remotely on our Alpha is
sucking up a gig of RAM and almost two gigs of swap, not to mention the 
"normal" things the Alpha has to do...  

After fighting off (quite violently, I might add) the top-level
management who wanted to "just give everyone a Windows 98 machine - I
never have any problems with mine at home...!", I came up with the

  -- Celeron 700-ish, 100Mb FXP, 20G, 64 or 128M, S3 or ATI Rage video
  -- NIS for uname/passwd auth - any user can use any machine
  -- /home mounted via NFS off a master file server for the users' files
  -- everything else (with whatever exceptions I find) on the local HD.
  -- (suggestions???)

The users will basically need to be able to run X w/Gnome, StarOffice,
Nutscrape, and (the huge, resource-hogging app) telnet.

I'm planning on building a fairly big machine to do world builds on to
keep these machines (30-ish) all synced to the same OS version, probably
with weekly installworlds on them.  


Handling the OS updates is pretty easy...  Is there any equally easy way
to keep a particular set of ports updated automatically?  I'd like to
avoid having to do a "make deinstall; make install" all the time...

For security reasons, is there a good package out there that can reliably
determine when an X session has become idle for a period of time (no
mouse/keyboard activity) and "nicely" log that session out?  (Assuming
programs that "nicely" handle KILLs...)

Is there a program out there that can trigger my holodeck to create a
solid-matter hand that can come out of the cooling vents and beat the
hell out of any user who tries to hit the power switch?  :)


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Re: NOS-TUN / Natd

2000-12-14 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Just a quick question out of interests sake, I was setting up nos-tunnels
 yesterday, and I had the tunnel functioning 100% perfectly, however I
 could not get it to NAT the remote side of the tunnel, until I put an ipfw
 divert 8668 ip from any to any via any statement in my firewall config.

 ipfw add 1 divert 8668 ip from any to any in recv tun0 

My first thought is to do something like:

ipfw add 1 allow ip from any to any in via tun0
ipfw add 2 divert 8668 ip from to any

...where is an IP on the remote end of the tunnel - send a few
packets from, then do an "ipfw s" to see if they're hitting that

That should help figure out if it's a problem with the tunnel code, or a
problem with your ipfw rules.  (ipfw can bring up some interesting
situations, especially with NAT.)


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Re: tarball releases

2000-11-29 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Wouldnt putting up a compressed tarball of the releases reduce bandwidth 
 usage (and download time)?
 I know I've asked this before, but it seems logical enough.

Hmmm..I doubt it.

hawk:/usr2# ls -l 4.1.1-install.iso 
-rw-r--r--  1 root  backup  672761856 Sep 26 06:45 4.1.1-install.iso
hawk:/usr2# gzip -v 4.1.1-install.iso 
4.1.1-install.iso:5.9% -- replaced with 4.1.1-install.iso.gz
hawk:/usr2# ls -l 4.1.1-install.iso.gz 
-rw-r--r--  1 root  backup  632871097 Sep 26 06:45 4.1.1-install.iso.gz

...the extra 40 megs you save probably isn't worth it.  If you have the
bandwidth to download almost 700 megs, 5% isn't going to make much
difference.  Plus, a lot of people don't have an extra 700 megs sitting
around to store the temp file that gzip needs to decompress a file this

(I imagine that most of the 40 megs saved is made up of text files,
rawrite  friends, etc.  Basically, all of the stuff that you wouldn't be
downloading anyway if it was just a tarball of the required distro stuff


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Re: Win4Lin - yet another virtual machine to run Windows

2000-11-27 Thread Mike Nowlin

 It's unlikely that plex86 will make VMware or Trelos' product "moot 
 discussions" anytime soon; Bochs/Freemware/Plex86 is a credible start, 
 but would have a great deal of ground to cover before getting to that 

I got it!  FreeBSD running Bochs running VMware running Linux running
Win4Lin!  On my 40THz 70986 with 200GB of RAM, it works like a champ!



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occasional serial line hangups

2000-11-19 Thread Mike Nowlin

Running mgetty on a bunch of modems on various machines, I will
occasionally run across one that looks like:

rimmer:/usr4/mike$ ps alx|grep cuaR11
0  1371 1   0   4  0   9168 ttywai IE??0:00.02
/usr/local/sbin/mgetty cuaR11

...with "ttywai" as the WCHAN and "E" in the STAT field.  Sometimes this
can be reset by power-cycling the modem  killing the mgetty process, but
sometimes (ick) it requires a reboot to free up the line - "kill -9
pid" won't make the process go away.  I'm using a fairly-stock mgetty
config, and this happens on various brands of modems.  (As a rule that I
can't think of any exceptions to right now, they're connected via
RocketPort and Cyclades cards.)  This is happening on 3.5 and 
4.1.1.  These modems make a LOT of outgoing calls - usually
about 800-1000 a day per modem - UUCP, PPP, and a custom "use 'chat' to 
dial the modem and log in, then kick off an XMODEM transfer" program.

I'd love a "real" fix, but even some way that doesn't force me to reboot
or cycle the modems would be great...  Some of them are 100 miles away...


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udma file system corruption

2000-09-21 Thread Mike Nowlin

Had an interesting one tonight...  I've been using rrestore to duplicate
the filesystems on a bunch of machines that I'm mass-producing.  Things
seemed to be going OK, but one of these machines (Compaq Presario
5340) booted up twice, started throwing up strange warnings about UDMA not
working correctly (and falling back to PIO), then refused to boot - when
it tried to mount /, it would panic every time...  Took the HD out and
popped it into another machine, and half of the files in / and /var were
basically worthless - "ls" would show them, "ls -l" wouldn't, couldn't
remove the entries, etc...

Realizing that there's not enough detail here to get an accurate answer,
is this something that can likely be contributed to iffy UDMA support on
this particular machine?  I'm just gonna turn this box into another
diskless machine, but I'm curious...


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Re: [john: tty behaviour]

2000-09-08 Thread Mike Nowlin

 I sent this to questions a couple of weeks ago, but didn't receive any 
 helpful replies.  Anyone doing this - two machines connected by a null-modem
 cable with the ability to create a serial terminal session from either
 side, with suitable juggling of getty processes?

Used to do this in Linux w/o any problems...  Just make sure that each
side waits for CD to go high before actively "starting" the getty
process, and that DTR is NOT asserted while the lines are idle.  Kick up
kermit (or whatever) on the box 1, and the DTR signal from box 1 goes to 
CD of box 2 - box 2 sends a login prompt, and life is good.

(If memory's working, I had to beat up getty a bit to keep DTR low when it
was idle, but that wasn't too difficult - one ioctl at the appropriate
place...  If I remember, I'll look at this a little more carefully when
I'm not so fried.)


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Re: [Oz-ISP] FreeBSD and the forces of darkness. Real religiouswars! (fwd)

2000-06-16 Thread Mike Nowlin

 This is a message which appeared on the aussie-isp mailing list earlier
 today.  I thought people here might like it :-)  Ross is a reliable source,
 so I doubt we can chalk this one  up to "urban legend".

Maybe I'll have my graphics guy whip up a picture of Tux with horns and
holding a pitchfork

(Actually, I think I've seen something like that before.)


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Re: Anybody working on FreeBSD BIOS?

2000-06-16 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Two words:  "forget it".
  I read an article about Linux BIOS project on Is there
  anybody working on FreeBSD BIOS?
  I really like to see something like 'boot net - install' or serial
  console. It would be cool to have dignostics routine, too.

I haven't looked at the project recently, but it seems that the name
should be changed from "Linux BIOS" to "New BIOS that doesn't make stupid

The main reasons people need to go into the BIOS:
  - change the clock
  - What?  You added memory?  You must now go into setup, do nothing,
and then save  exit!
  - Occasionally, (new systems and when the BBRAM gets glitched), go in
and tweak a few timing/cache/misc. settings
  - Hard drives -- there's absolutely no reason these days to have to set
the parameters for these.  Even the "NONE" setting is pointless -- if 
you don't see a drive within a few seconds, there's not one there.

The moral of this story: Other than the clock and MAYBE some of the timing
parameters, the need for a "BIOS Setup Screen" is pointless.  Get a BIOS
version running that allows for some sort of protected on-the-fly
configuration changes, and the world is a much better place.  Maybe we
should drop a few hints to the group working on this project to get it
right, not create some kludged monster -- then, with the proper support on
the part of the OS, it would be useful for pretty much anything, not just

That's just my opinion, I could be wrong...  But it's unlikely. :)
(Sorry, a sarcastic Dennis Miller rip-off there.)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Understated/funny man-page sentence of the current time period:

From route(4) on FreeBSD-3.4, DESCRIPTION section:
"FreeBSD provides some packet routing facilities."


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Re: kerneld for FreeBSD

2000-06-08 Thread Mike Nowlin

 I personally consider leaving the kernel module loadable intact after
 boot to be a huge, huge security hole.  Loadable modules... fine, but
 once the machine goes multi-user I want to up the securelevel and
 that disables any further kld operations.  If one of the biggest 
 advantages of FreeBSD is its robustness and reliability, then one
 generally does not want to go loading and unloading modules all the
 A 'kerneld' like gizmo for FreeBSD would be a waste of time.  The
 scheme we have now -- having the utility programs load the modules
 on the fly (ifconfig, vnconfig, etc...) works wonderfully.

Not to mention "how much memory do you really gain by unloading modules"?
Considering the price of RAM these days (although not as low as it was,
but I won't be spending $650 US for 16M any time soon again), the few K
that unloading a bunch of modules saves won't EVER really be noticed by
the 83Tb chunk that Nutscrape allocates.

Excuse me, I must now think back to the dumbness achieved by people
re-compiling Linux completely statically in hopes that it'll speed up
their systems by not dynamically loading the libraries  These were the
same guys who wanted to unload modules to save kernel RAM...


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Re: IP tunnel

2000-05-22 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Can anyone tell me the difference between nos-tun(8) and gif(4) (Other
 than IPv6)?  I want to create a tunnel between 2 networks (IPv4), 2
 FreeBSD boxes... will one of these work or is this a different type
 of tunnel.  I am familiar with Cisco tunnelling, I am assuming a similar
 concept.  Anyone doing this already, if so sample configs?  Is it

I'm using nos-tun(8) between Cisco 2610/1720 routers and FBSD machines to
make various subnets show up where they shouldn't...  I have a /24 at one
office and a /25 at another one -- wanted to have a /29 from each of these
appear at my house.  

Works quite well...


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hardware memory question

2000-05-20 Thread Mike Nowlin

This isn't really FBSD-related, but this seems like a good place to ask...

I have a Linux dual P-II 333 that had the following memory config:

  bank 1 - 32M DIMM/100
  bank 2 - 64M DIMM/100
  bank 3 - 64M DIMM/100

Over the last few days, I've started getting tons of sig11's, especially
when X is running.  "Ding ding ding!  Memory's failing!"  Sometimes, the
machine wouldn't even boot completely without being turned off for half an
hour or so to cool down...

Pulled out the 32M from bank 1 and moved the 64M from bank 3-bank 1 - no
SEGV's yet, and it's pretty loaded right now.   (Enlightenment, Gnome,
Gimp, Glade, lots of xterms, several Gnome builtins, and the "watch TV"
program for my video capture card.)

The funny thing is, and my question, is that all of a sudden, things are
running MUCH faster now with 128M than with the 160M before.  (This is an
Intel DK440LX motherboard.)  Is there something about DIMMs that could
cause a major operational slow-down from a progressively-failing DIMM that
doesn't result in any obvious problems like sig11?  

--tnx, mike

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank 
what?'" -- Chris Knight (Val Kilmer), Real Genius


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Re: Funny Network Transit Delays

2000-05-12 Thread Mike Nowlin

 the other end is set to full.  I wouldn't trust any "Auto" settings until
 it can be assured that it doesn't hurt.  

Agreed -- from experience with a couple of HP Procurve 2424M switches and
various 100Mb cards, the "Auto" setting is less than reliable...  My
Netgear FA310TX(?) and Intel EtherExpress 100B cards all get detected
correctly, but most of the other ones can be a little flaky with 
auto-detect...  If you can't control the switch settings (most unmanaged
switches), you'll have to play with the ifconfig flags to get the net card
and the switch to agree on what protocol they're using.


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2000-05-05 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Did you try Mutt? It has a nice GUI :-)

Eeewww  GUIs are for weenies - real geeks telnet to ports 25  110...

(just kidding - been a rough day, and I needed to be sarcastic toward


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Re: 64bit OS?

2000-02-17 Thread Mike Nowlin

 What can one say to that, apart from "I have one right here and it works 
 just fine" - not something you can say about the IA-64. 8)

I'll just reach down and pat my trusty pair of manufactured-in-1993 Alpha
3000's on their heads...  :)

Oh, forgot...  It's not new until Intel does it...  sorry...


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Re: Loadable Code Modules?

2000-02-14 Thread Mike Nowlin

   i was wondering if FreeBSD had a kind of like DLL capability?
   i'd like to be able to do something as follows:
   // ... construct char *fileName
   moduleHandle = loadCodeModule(fileName);
   (char *)(*fn char *) myfn; // ii'm pretty sure i screwed that up
   myfn = getFunctionAddress(moduleHandle, "doSomethignCool");
   // use fn

First, a friendly smack for using a WinDoze term (DLL) "Thwack!"

Second, an answer.

Yes, they are supported...  Take a look at the man page for "dlopen".  I
just had a need to (finally) use dynamically loadable objects in a
program, and they're pretty easy to implement.  (The "dlopen" and related
functions apply to most modern UNIX variants.)


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Re: Bad memory suspected

2000-02-01 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Since FreeBSD systems will start pumping out random signal 11's in the face
 of bad memory, try searching the -hardware and -questions list for that. I
 believe that someone actually wrote a signal 11 FAQ, but I don't have a
 I'll go and see if I can find something like that.

I believe that the Linux mini-HOWTO doc library has one as well -- it
might be worth reading, as the info in it basically applies to FreeBSD as
well, not to mention any other "good" OS.


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Re/Fwd: freebsd specific search

2000-02-01 Thread Mike Nowlin

 As you may or may not be aware, has a linux specific search 
 engine at  I have expressed interest in
 possibly creating a freebsd specific search engine.  I need support from 
 the BSD community for this.  If this is something we might all enjoy and 
 benefit from please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and CC
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] expressing your interest.

As an avid user of both Linux and FreeBSD, I would welcome such an
addition to your web site.  I generally use Linux as a desktop platform,
but heavily rely on FreeBSD's emphasis on stability and functionality when
it comes to mission-critical uses such as networking and database
applications.  As the CIO of a medical laboratory, it is critical that our
systems have the highest availability rate possible.  Over the last few
years, I have replaced almost all of our Linux-based servers with FreeBSD,
due to the quality-control measures that the FreeBSD development team have

Thank you -- Mike Nowlin -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Temperature

1999-12-29 Thread Mike Nowlin

 I had one system with two VERY hot SCSI drives in it, and one of these
 slot fans really made a major difference.  (Both drives are now always
 only just barely warm to the touch, whereas before, they were practically
 on fire.)

Got a couple of those (DEC RZ26  RZ28) with old 486 cooling fans (w/heat
sinks) nylon-wire-wrapped to the top of them...  Works quite well...  :)


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Re: Resolv.conf question

1999-12-16 Thread Mike Nowlin

   Just for the sake of my curiosity, what was modifiying
   resolv.conf? Is this a security feature?

Ran into a similar "what's changing this file?" problem a while ago --
fstat(1) is your friend...


while true
   fstat /etc/resolv.conf  /fstatlogfile

Throw that into your crontab to start at 1:58 AM (right before the
modification takes place), and be there to kill it at 2:00 (after the
modification).  It's ugly, it's far from perfect, and it might not catch
really fast transitions, but it's been known to work...


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fixing a catch-22 with getty

1999-12-15 Thread Mike Nowlin

(this is on 3.4-RC as of Dec. 11)

Here's the situation -- a lot of modems are brain-dead, and don't do a
full reset when you tell them to (by a DTR drop, with (usually) ATD3)...
The DTE baud rate likes to stay where it was, instead of returning to the
115200 that (my) gettys are expecting.  I was hoping to fix this by using
the "ic" init-chat script ability from gettytab -- send it a 115200
"ATS0=1\r" or something, and that's where the problems started... :)

Apparently, the chat scripts like to see a carrier on the line before it
will write to the tty.  Tried setting gettytab to impose CLOCAL on the
line, no luck.  Went into main.c and added the following to main():

(lines marked with "--")
-- struct termios tmpbmode;
if (IC) {
  if (!opentty(ttyn, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK))
--   /* create a copy to work with  */
--   (void)tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, tmpbmode); 
--   /* set CLOCAL in the working copy, and tcsetattr() it */ 
--   tmpbmode.c_cflag |= CLOCAL;
--   (void)tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, tmpbmode);
  if (getty_chat(IC, CT, DC)  0) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "modem init problem on %s", tty);
(void)tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, tmode);
--   /* restore the saved copy of the terminal attrs */
--   setdefttymode(tname);

if (AC) {

(yes, I know it's icky, but it's an experiment.)

This did allow the chat script to work, and the modem did init correctly
at the right baud rate, but now I'm running into the fact that nothing
other than getty can talk to the port (UUCP, kermit, etc.), probably due
to the non-blocking open...  A "ps ax" shows the "TT" column with a value
of "c04" with the init script, where it is normally "--" when I just use
the "wait for carrier before becoming active" (blocking open) method.  

I DO want it to switch back to the wait-for-carrier way of life after the
init script is finished

I'm going to continue working on this until the wee hours of the morning,
but maybe somebody has some ideas?

thanks - mike

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Re: 2 problems with the linksys mx driver

1999-10-28 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Autonegotiation is failing.  That happens in the Fast Ethernet world.
 Buying better quality switches *may* help.  ;^)
 Can you get any better than 3COM's top of the range stacks?

I ran into a similar problem with a couple Linksys cards under both FBSD 
(ugh) Win95 -- telling the HP ProCurve 2424M to force 100BTX half-duplex
(didn't try full) fixed the problem  Still seeing this autoneg problem
with my cheapy Linksys 100-only hub and my wife's Linksys card on '95...

You'd figure that autoneg would work when everything's by the same
manufacturer :)


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Re: natd question

1999-10-19 Thread Mike Nowlin

 ()  +---+  +---+ ()
+  + |   |  |   |+  +
   ( 130.144.120/22 ) -- |FreeBSD|  |FreeBSD| --( 130.144.120/22 )
+(real)+ |   |  |   |+(test)+
 ()  +---+  +---+ () 
  (~~) (~~)

If the whole purpose of this is to (as stated in the original message)
avoid running Sneakernet between the two networks, why not use a protocol
that really doesn't care about IP addresses, network masks, etc. --
possibly UUCP...  It's pretty easy to set up, and if you run it over a
115200 baud serial line, performance is quite adequate for most things,
and you won't have to deal with the fact that the two nets share
addressing.  If you're not planning on using UUCP in common use on the
final production network, the changes you'd have to make in the config
files for it between the two networks wouldn't make a bit of difference
once testing is done -- even if you were, the changes still shouldn't make
any difference unless you intentionally tried to create problems.

(mental reference to a recent thread on -security, I believe:) )


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Re: Class C hack instead of ifconfig aliases

1999-10-19 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Is there anyway to bind a class C to an interface without a lot of
 aliases?  whats the downside of aliases?  I have a 2.2.8 hack that does
 the C, but I'd like to avoid having to port it to 3.3.

What do you mean by "bind a class C"?  Make an interface so it will
respond to incoming requests for 10.1.2.x?  ewww, yuck!

Aliases are (for me, at least) a love/hate relationship.  I have a few
machines floating around on some of my networks that use them to get
around some routing problems, and they generally work quite well for
incoming connections...  I imagine that FBSD probably has the same problem
as Digital UNIX for outgoing connections, though

Picture, if you will, the following:

ed0  netmask  alias
route - ed0
route - gateway

Any packets sent to the gateway get as the source, not -- the gateway will send the packet off to the rest of the
world, where it gets immediately dropped due to the "internal use only"
source IP address.  IMHO, it should notice that it's going to a member of
the aliased network, and change the source IP to the alias address, not
the "normal" address.

This can (usually) be fixed at the gateway with some fancy natd/ipfw
lines, but it gets ugly...

If FreeBSD does NOT have this "problem", I think we should send a copy of
it off to DEC -- I'll dig up my sequence number from the problem call I
placed a couple years ago regarding this :)  I finally fixed it on the
Alpha by purchasing another (really expensive - damn TurboChannel bus)
network card to handle the 2nd IP address..


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Re: SUIDDIR problem

1999-10-16 Thread Mike Nowlin

 SUIDDIR will work for any user EXCEPT ROOT
 I did this because I felt it was a security hole to allow users to create
 files owned by root.
 (from memory it will also refuse to do files that have the execute bit set
 but I can't remember for sure)

In a mildly drunken state, I respond.  :)

Without looking, I'd imagine that if the chmod command of FTP will allow
you to do a "chmod 4755 file-I-just-uploaded" -- if you have the ability
to execute programs on the machine you uploaded to, this could be a major 
problem.  Hence, I'd agree with your decision.


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Re: CFD: bogomips CPU performance metric

1999-10-11 Thread Mike Nowlin

I disagree.  BogoMIPS is a completely meaningless measurement
 and does not belong in our source tree as it will only produce
 repository bloat.

I would agree..  BogoMIPS actually stands for "Bogus, Misleading
Indication of Processor Speed"...  In an old Linux Journal article I have
(will dig it up upon request), it describes how BogoMIPS is calculated --
it's VERY processor-dependant, and only really (sort of) useful for
comparing motherboards with the same processor on them.  Switch from
an Intel 486/66 to an AMD 486/100, and the numbers do NOT match up to what
you'd think And if you change to a Pentium, forget it.

The biggest thing it's good for is as an ego-booster  Of course, my
dual-PII/450 box has a bigger BogoMIPS rating than any machine at work..


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Re: damn ATX power supplies...

1999-09-12 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Yeah, you're supposed to tie PE low when you want power... However, in a
 system I'm working with now, we've discovered that some inexpensive ATX
 power supplies don't expect to have PE come up immediately when they're
 given power. If you see the symptom that all the LED's on your system dim
 about 1-2 seconds after you give the power supply AC for a second or so, you
 need to make a small timer circuit to wait 5 seconds or so before turning
 the PE line on.

Related info: if you have external devices (printer, and especially modem)
attached, try turning them off and then applying pwr to the computer.  In
some of the cheaper systems we have around here, the modem needs to be
turned off, or the computer flashes on for a second and then turns off...
(486 boards, AT power supplies)...  I did a bit of measuring, and on these
cheap ones, some of the +12V from the modem serial lines gets leaked back
into the power supply, causing it to wig out...


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Re: damn ATX power supplies...

1999-09-12 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Yeah, you're supposed to tie PE low when you want power... However, in a
 system I'm working with now, we've discovered that some inexpensive ATX
 power supplies don't expect to have PE come up immediately when they're
 given power. If you see the symptom that all the LED's on your system dim
 about 1-2 seconds after you give the power supply AC for a second or so, you
 need to make a small timer circuit to wait 5 seconds or so before turning
 the PE line on.

Related info: if you have external devices (printer, and especially modem)
attached, try turning them off and then applying pwr to the computer.  In
some of the cheaper systems we have around here, the modem needs to be
turned off, or the computer flashes on for a second and then turns off...
(486 boards, AT power supplies)...  I did a bit of measuring, and on these
cheap ones, some of the +12V from the modem serial lines gets leaked back
into the power supply, causing it to wig out...


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Re: High Availability (Re: MAC takeover )

1999-09-08 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Another issue: I was recently involved in a project which required HA
 solutions (that's why I asked]. I gathered a lot of ideas and materials
 (and perhaps some code if that company agrees to release it). Is ther
 someone else here who is interested in these issues, and using FreeBSD for
 that? We could start some info pages, howto's, and perhaps a mailing

Definitely...  I use FreeBSD for critical medical applications (no life
support equipment, though.. :) )  Although the main DB server is running
on an Alpha under DEC Unix (for legal reasons, not by choice), the rest of
the network is "powered by FreeBSD".  Failures are rare, but when they
happen, my pager goes off immediately, and I get to drop whatever I'm
doing and head off to work.  HA capabilities like this would really help
out -- most of the software running is duplicated between machines so one
box can take over another's workload if necessary, but it's a manual job
doing all the switching... (IP aliasing, NATD/IPFW changes, etc. just to
move DNS and printing to another box, for example.)  Although our
switching equipment has an "understanding" of path redundancy and other HA
techniques, most of the other boxes don't...  

I suppose the first thing I'd make use of would be the ability to drop two
ethernet cards (fxp, probably) into each machine -- if one of them croaks
("network cable yanked -- you mean I can't plug a phone into this
jack???" is the most frequent problem), the other one would be brought
online automatically -- preferrably with the same ethernet address to
avoid confusing the rest of the network.


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Re: High Availability (Re: MAC takeover )

1999-09-08 Thread Mike Nowlin

 Another issue: I was recently involved in a project which required HA
 solutions (that's why I asked]. I gathered a lot of ideas and materials
 (and perhaps some code if that company agrees to release it). Is ther
 someone else here who is interested in these issues, and using FreeBSD for
 that? We could start some info pages, howto's, and perhaps a mailing

Definitely...  I use FreeBSD for critical medical applications (no life
support equipment, though.. :) )  Although the main DB server is running
on an Alpha under DEC Unix (for legal reasons, not by choice), the rest of
the network is powered by FreeBSD.  Failures are rare, but when they
happen, my pager goes off immediately, and I get to drop whatever I'm
doing and head off to work.  HA capabilities like this would really help
out -- most of the software running is duplicated between machines so one
box can take over another's workload if necessary, but it's a manual job
doing all the switching... (IP aliasing, NATD/IPFW changes, etc. just to
move DNS and printing to another box, for example.)  Although our
switching equipment has an understanding of path redundancy and other HA
techniques, most of the other boxes don't...  

I suppose the first thing I'd make use of would be the ability to drop two
ethernet cards (fxp, probably) into each machine -- if one of them croaks
(network cable yanked -- you mean I can't plug a phone into this
jack??? is the most frequent problem), the other one would be brought
online automatically -- preferrably with the same ethernet address to
avoid confusing the rest of the network.


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proxy make installworld

1999-09-04 Thread Mike Nowlin

I have a couple of diskless -CURRENT machines hosted off another 3.x-C box
-- they're full-featured, but very lightly loaded.  I can keep the host
updated fairly easily through the standard CVSUP-buildworld-installworld
methods, but am having a rough time with the diskless machines...  The
server is a PII-400, and the diskless boxes are 486/66  486/100 --
obviously, I'd like the -400 to do the compiles.  :)

I keep running into problems with file flags, missing files, etc. when I
try to do an installworld on the diskless machines (with /usr/src and
/usr/obj NFS-mounted from the server)...

Is there any way that I can tell the server to do an installworld, but
give it a different directory than / to base the install on?  (I want it
to use /tftpboot/holly, for example.)  I probably could do something with
chroot(8), but that introduces other problems with having to duplicate
lots of directories.


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1999-08-21 Thread Mike Nowlin

I had sent this message to -stable about a month ago, never heard anything
-- so am trying it here. 

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 03:24:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mike Nowlin
Subject: I2C/SMBus/LPBB

OK -- I give up  I'm trying to get the LPBB I2C driver working on my
3.2-stable machine, CVSUP'd earlier today...  I have tried about a zillion
and two different config file combinations, and can not get it to work.
The relevant parts of the config file are:

device  ppc0at isa? port? tty irq 7
controller  pcf0at isa? port? irq 5
controller  iicbb0
controller  smbus0
device  smb0at smbus?
controller  ppbus0
#device lpt0at ppbus?
#device ppi0at ppbus?
device  lpbb0   at ppbus?
controller  iicbus0
device  iic0at iicbus?
device  iicsmb0 at iicbus?

(.As you can see, I took out the printer driver and the geek port
during this hair-pulling session -- those two devices vanish, but nothing
else appears.)

The dmesg chunks that show up about this are:

ppc0 at 0x378 irq 7 on isa
ppc0: Generic chipset (NIBBLE-only) in COMPATIBLE mode
pcf0 at irq 5 on isa
pcf0: PCF8584 I2C bus controller
iicbus0: Philips I2C bus on pcf0 addr 0xaa
iicsmb0: I2C to SMB bridge on iicbus0
smbus0: System Management Bus on iicsmb0
smb0: SMBus general purpose I/O on smbus0
iic0: I2C general purpose I/O on iicbus0

It seems to see the PCF8584 just fine, but it refuses to put the parallel
port I2C interface in...  If I remove the controller pcf0 line, all of
the I2C drivers disappear.

Any ideas?


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1999-08-20 Thread Mike Nowlin

I had sent this message to -stable about a month ago, never heard anything
-- so am trying it here. 

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 03:24:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mike Nowlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: I2C/SMBus/LPBB

OK -- I give up  I'm trying to get the LPBB I2C driver working on my
3.2-stable machine, CVSUP'd earlier today...  I have tried about a zillion
and two different config file combinations, and can not get it to work.
The relevant parts of the config file are:

device  ppc0at isa? port? tty irq 7
controller  pcf0at isa? port? irq 5
controller  iicbb0
controller  smbus0
device  smb0at smbus?
controller  ppbus0
#device lpt0at ppbus?
#device ppi0at ppbus?
device  lpbb0   at ppbus?
controller  iicbus0
device  iic0at iicbus?
device  iicsmb0 at iicbus?

(.As you can see, I took out the printer driver and the geek port
during this hair-pulling session -- those two devices vanish, but nothing
else appears.)

The dmesg chunks that show up about this are:

ppc0 at 0x378 irq 7 on isa
ppc0: Generic chipset (NIBBLE-only) in COMPATIBLE mode
pcf0 at irq 5 on isa
pcf0: PCF8584 I2C bus controller
iicbus0: Philips I2C bus on pcf0 addr 0xaa
iicsmb0: I2C to SMB bridge on iicbus0
smbus0: System Management Bus on iicsmb0
smb0: SMBus general purpose I/O on smbus0
iic0: I2C general purpose I/O on iicbus0

It seems to see the PCF8584 just fine, but it refuses to put the parallel
port I2C interface in...  If I remove the "controller pcf0" line, all of
the I2C drivers disappear.

Any ideas?


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Tru64 UNIX -- really strange problem

1999-08-19 Thread Mike Nowlin

Ok, I know this has very little to do with FreeBSD, but the tru64-hackers
list is a little slow :)

Here's the situation:

DEC Alpha 3000/500S box, running Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0F (formerly known
as the operating system Digital Unix, which is the operating system
formerly known as DEC OSF/1) -- plus Intersystems ISM 6.4-F.14

In a nutshell, one of the drives is mounted as /usr2, and there's a
directory in it /usr2/lab/fla.  In /home, there's a sym link pointing from
"/home/b - /usr2"...  So basically, /home/b/lab/fla SHOULD be the same as
/usr2/lab/fla -- file comparisons between these two directories show that
they are.

However -- if you cd into /usr2/lab/fla, then run the ISM application, it
gives different results than if you cd into /home/b/lab/fla.  (ISM is
dealing with files in ".", for all intents and purposes.)

Instead of digging through billions of man pages for a function that might
not even be used in the program, does anybody know of any calls that
(optionally) don't handle files arrived at through sym links correctly?
Intersystems really doesn't have an idea -- got another conference call
with them (and probably Digital) in the morning...  It would be nice to
have some possible solutions.



(the next message will be back to FreeBSD... :) )

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Tru64 UNIX -- really strange problem

1999-08-19 Thread Mike Nowlin

Ok, I know this has very little to do with FreeBSD, but the tru64-hackers
list is a little slow :)

Here's the situation:

DEC Alpha 3000/500S box, running Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0F (formerly known
as the operating system Digital Unix, which is the operating system
formerly known as DEC OSF/1) -- plus Intersystems ISM 6.4-F.14

In a nutshell, one of the drives is mounted as /usr2, and there's a
directory in it /usr2/lab/fla.  In /home, there's a sym link pointing from
/home/b - /usr2...  So basically, /home/b/lab/fla SHOULD be the same as
/usr2/lab/fla -- file comparisons between these two directories show that
they are.

However -- if you cd into /usr2/lab/fla, then run the ISM application, it
gives different results than if you cd into /home/b/lab/fla.  (ISM is
dealing with files in ., for all intents and purposes.)

Instead of digging through billions of man pages for a function that might
not even be used in the program, does anybody know of any calls that
(optionally) don't handle files arrived at through sym links correctly?
Intersystems really doesn't have an idea -- got another conference call
with them (and probably Digital) in the morning...  It would be nice to
have some possible solutions.



(the next message will be back to FreeBSD... :) )

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