Re: ssh + compiled-in SKEY support considered harmful?

2002-04-22 Thread Oscar Bonilla

shouldn't the default be no skey?

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 09:41:20PM -0400, Anthony Schneider wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 08:04:43PM -0500, Mike Meyer wrote:
> > In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jordan Hubbard 
> > > My question:  Who's "wrong" here, FreeBSD or Mac OS X?  If the latter,
> > 
> > Someone decided that FreeBSD should do challengeresponse
> > authentication by default. You can fix it by uncommenting the line
> > "#ChallengeResponseAuthentication no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
> > 
> that's what fixxed it for me, too.
> SkeyAuthentication no also does it. :)
> -Anthony.
> ---
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Re: secure Filesystem

2001-08-21 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Thu, Aug 16, 2001 at 12:48:59PM -0700, Darryl Okahata wrote:
>  A bigger problem is that doing anything with a file uses up 1-2KB
> PER FILE.  If you want to see cfsd grow *really big*, do a "find ." of
> any large cfs-controlled hierarchy with lots of files.  I'd really like
> to put my MH mail messages under cfs, but I've got too many files (I
> can't afford having a 200+MB cfsd).

I don't seem to have that problem...

voyager ~ > du -sk crypt
1342056 crypt
voyager ~ > find /crypt/obonilla >& /dev/null 
voyager ~ > du -sk crypt
1342056 crypt

am i missing something? should i just be happy ;)



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PF_LOCAL in getaddrinfo

2001-07-19 Thread Oscar Bonilla

I was trying to compile OpenLDAP 2 with support for ldapi:///
which uses the PF_LOCAL family. However, I've discovered that
the PF_LOCAL entry in getaddrinfo is ifdef'd out.

This is the relevant code for /usr/src/lib/libc/net/getaddrinfo.c

#if 0
{ PF_LOCAL, 0, ANY, ANY, NULL, 0x01 },

Is this an error in the way OpenLDAP uses getaddrinfo or is there
a reason for not supporting AF_LOCAL in calls to getaddrinfo?



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NSS for FreeBSD

2000-03-20 Thread Oscar Bonilla

[ long email --- there's a specific question at the end ]

I've started work a couple of weeks ago to port the NSS implementation
from NetBSD to FreeBSD. This is needed for things like authenticating
with an LDAP server, etc. If you search for LDAP in Hackers you'll find
a thread that discusses why it's needed in more detail.

I've put up a web page showing the status of the NSS port. It's at

In brief:

nsdispatch() has been incorporated to the FreeBSD libc code.

getpwent(), getpwnam(), and getpwuid() all call nsdispatch() 
and work for both files and nis. I wish I could say that work
in this file is completed, but I still haven't got to the
compat implementation. See below.

There are a bunch of other files that need to be modified 
to make use of the new nsdispatch function. There's a list
at the URL given above.

I need help with the NIS code. In particular I wish someone
could explain to me exactly what the unwind() function in 
getpwent() does.

In detail:

The nsdispatch() function is *exactly* the same as in NetBSD.
Thus, the NSS mechanism currently works on FreeBSD exactly as
it workd in NetBSD.

NetBSD's way:

Basically you have a file named /etc/nsswitch.conf which tells
the C library where to get the info from. So if you have a 
line saying:

hosts   files nis

it means that /etc/hosts is checked first and the yp maps are
checked next. The man page explains this in more detail and
is available in the URL given above for those who don't have

NetBSD provides also a compatibility mode for two of the system's
databases (passwd and group). For example:

passwd compat

means that the system will behave as it did before the nsdispatch
function was added. e.d. lookup files first and if it finds a line
+:: then it will lookup nis.

NetBSD provides an extra parameter, namely:


which tells the system which database to use *after* files and when
it finds the +: token. This makes sense since NetBSD supports
two different databases besides files out of the box: NIS, and
Hesiod (extra DNS records).

I personally don't see this as a big benefit, since if I wanted to
have the system lookup stuff first in files and then in, say, hesiod.
I would just get rid of the + token in /etc/passwd and change
the /etc/nsswitch.conf to be:

passwd files dns

instead of relaying on the compat stuff. I'm sure there's a good
reason they did it like this, I just can't seem to find it.

FreeBSD's proposed way:

Given that FreeBSD doesn't support Hesiod, I think it would make
sense to have nsswitch behave the following way: 

*exactly* like NetBSD for all databases minus compat.

*only* for compat: get rid of the 

foo_compat  blah

to select blah as the source for database foo and simply 
make compat mode behave exactly as it behaves now (pre nss);
which is, lookup files and if it finds the +: token, lookup

Specific Question:

For the FreeBSD implementation of NSS: is it worth to have a way
to tell the compat database which source to use for the +:
token in /etc/passwd or should it just default to NIS?


If someone is interested in helping with this I would appreciate it.

Thanks and Regards,


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Re: LDAP NIS replacement

2000-03-14 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 04:23:32PM -0800, yramin wrote:
> Hi,
> New to the list, but I'm looking into developing a way to
> authenticate and grab user information from an LDAP server compared
> to /etc/passwd and company, or NIS.  I was poking around the library
> code and noticed that FreeBSD does not have NSS (name service
> switch) support (otherwise I would use nss_ldap already out there -
> it doesn't compile under FreeBSD even with IRS use enabled, I've
> tried ).  What would be the best way to write new getpwent(),
> etc. routines for FreeBSD?  I could stick them into a library and
> have programs that want to use them link to it, but that is a pain
> (although quite portable :)).
> I'm working on a PAM system first (yes, pam_ldap is out there, but
> it sucks, lots of linuxisms), but would be interested getting some
> work done on this as well.  Any thoughts, advice, pointers?

PLEASE use the enter key about every 80 characters... your email
looks horrible ;)

I'm working precisely on this. I've integrated the NSS functionality
from NetBSD into the standard C library of FreeBSD. I'm in the
process of rewriting the get* function to use the dispatcher.

Once we have that, the way to go would be to have the C library 
dlopen the required modules as PAM does.

Are you sure that nss_ldap doesn't compile on freebsd? I think I
compiled it once (and of course it was unusable since FreeBSD
lacks NSS).



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Re: inner workings of the C compiler

2000-03-13 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Sat, Mar 11, 2000 at 02:30:19PM +0100, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> P.s. Could you sent me a minimal C program linking to libc, and the
> commandline to compile it with -nostdlib ?
> I could throw all these experiences with non standard linking in a
> little tex doc.  ( --nostdlib with and without libc, pure assembler
> instead of c (no gcc), some small chapter about syscall conventions
> etc)

Here's what I have for a test program:


int main () {

struct passwd *password;

while ( (password = getpwent()) != NULL ) {
printf("login: %s\n", password->pw_name);

password = getpwnam("root");
printf("root has uid: %d\n", password->pw_uid);

password = getpwuid(0);
printf("uid 0 is %s\n", password->pw_name);

return 0;

I copied /usr/src/lib/libc and /usr/src/lib/csu to the parent dir of
this test, and thus my makefile is:

all: get-test

get-test.o: get-test.c
cc -g -Wall -pedantic -ansi -c -I../libc/include get-test.c

get-test: get-test.o
cc -g -nostdlib -static -L../libc -o get-test \
../csu/i386-elf/crt1.o \
../csu/i386-elf/crti.o \
../csu/i386-elf/crtbegin.o \
get-test.o \
../csu/i386-elf/crtend.o \
../csu/i386-elf/crtn.o \

rm -f nss-test get-test *.o *.core *.*~

The ordering above was pointed to me by Chuck Robey who got it using
the -v flag to cc (which shows you what the C compiler is doing to get
good links).

I'm not 100% sure that the -lc should be at the end... more likely it
should be right after (before?) my object file (get-test.o), but it
seems to work both ways.



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Re: inner workings of the C compiler

2000-03-10 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 07:49:32PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:
> Notice here the order it links, and what files it links in.  First, if
> you're using nostdlib, then you have to call out your own libs, all of
> them, and you forgot to do libgcc.  I've been able to move the lib calls

I don't really need libgcc since I'm only calling funtions in libc, but...

> before and after the object files, so I don't think that order matters, as
> long as you get both, but the objects (in order) are:
> crt1.o crti.o crtbegin.o ccn35733.o (your obj, that is) , then
>   crtend.o crtn.o
> It calls out the, but I don't think that's really linked
> in.  I've been doing all my stuff statically linked, so I could be wrong
> on that part of it.  I don't think you need to care about the -L calls,
> because when you use the full path, -L doesn't really matter.
> Always remember that -v, when your messing with tools.

That ordering completly solved it!! thanks... now I can get back to
getting the NSS code into libc.

kind regards and many thanks,


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Re: inner workings of the C compiler

2000-03-10 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Sat, Mar 11, 2000 at 12:58:13AM +0100, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> > to try things out i create a static binary and coerce it to use my
> > C library instead of the system's one.
> > 
> > this is how i compile my program:
> > 
> > cc -g -DYP -DFreeBSD -Wall -pedantic -ansi -c -I../../libc/include nss-test.c 
> > cc -g -nostdlib -static -L../../libc -o nss-test nss-test.o \
> > ../../csu/i386-elf/crt1.o ../../csu/i386-elf/crti.o -lc
> I'm no expert, but I tried something like this a few weeks back(to totally link 
> libc), and I was wondering, aren't you missing crtbegin and crtend ?

YES! that took care of the double calling of the first function of the
first file... 

I still get the bus error at the end of my program in the atexit() call.
this is because _fini is invalid.

do you know the exact order in which I should link the objects? 



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Re: inner workings of the C compiler

2000-03-10 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 04:35:18PM -0800, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> It seems to be working just fine, I suspect that there's something wrong
> with your code and you're referencing a function that somehow is not
> being compiled into libc:
> ~ % nm /usr/lib/libc.a | grep nsdispatch
> ~ % 
> is this a function you've added?  Are you _sure_ it's being
> compiled into the libc you're making?

yes, it *is* being compiled into my C library. If I compile a static
binary it works (aside from the bus error at the end and the double
calling of the first funtion of the first object file listed).



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Re: inner workings of the C compiler

2000-03-10 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 06:51:20PM -0500, Chuck Robey wrote:
> I wasn't reading this too closely, but if you're trying to hand feed in
> the object files, the C startup object file *MUST* come first in the list
> of object files, because it's gotta link at the lowest address ...
> Is that it?

Ok, I'm even more puzzled than before...

If I link them in this order:  nss-test.o crt1.o crti.o

I get the following:

files called
files called
retval = 1
Bus error (core dumped)

Notice the duplicate line that says "files called"? This had me puzzled
before, but now I see that somehow _init point to the first function
in the first object file

(gdb) p _init 
$1 = {} 0x8048074  

Now if I like it in this order: crt1.o crti.o nss-test.o

I get an infinite recursion

(gdb) p _init 
$1 = {} 0x8048074 <_start> 

since _start calls _init() *before* calling main() it just loops
(and starts swapping like hell)

Let me try this order: crti.o crt1.o nss-test.o

(gdb) p _init 
$1 = {} 0x8048074 <_start> 

nope, same as before. infinite recursion and swapping like hell.

maybe this order: crt1.o nss-test.o crti.o

(gdb) print _init 
$1 = {} 0x8048074 <_start> 

same thing.

I created a small C file:

foo() {

and tried this order: foo.o nss-test.o crt1.o crti.o

(gdb) print _init 
$1 = {} 0x8048074  

and if I just run it...

files called
retval = 1
Bus error (core dumped)

If I try gdb with a normal program (i.e. one linked with the standard
C library in /usr/lib and not my own C library)

(gdb) print _init
$1 = {} 0x804838c <_init>

What could be the problem?



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Re: inner workings of the C compiler

2000-03-10 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Fri, Mar 10, 2000 at 03:27:37PM -0800, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> I think you'll want LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be:
> /home/obonilla/freebsd/nss/libc/:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib

I don't see why since the only library I use is libc. Anyway, I tried
just for kicks and still got the same error.

$ echo $LD_PRELOAD 
$ make
cc -g -DYP -DFreeBSD -Wall -pedantic -ansi -o nss-test -I../../libc/include nss-test.c
/tmp/ccE93722.o: In function `main':
/home/obonilla/freebsd/nss/tests/libc/nss-test.c(.text+0xb0): undefined reference to 
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/home/obonilla/freebsd/nss/tests/libc.

> please use the dynamic, it's a hell of a lot easier.

sure, as soon as it works I'll use it ;)

> probably, but without a traceback it's going to be hard to find
> out exactly what.

$ cp Makefile.static Makefile
$ make
cc -g -DYP -DFreeBSD -Wall -pedantic -ansi -c -I../../libc/include nss-test.c
cc -g -nostdlib -static -L../../libc -o nss-test nss-test.o ../../csu/i386-elf/crt1.o 
../../csu/i386-elf/crti.o -lc
$ ./nss-test 
files called
files called
retval = 1
Bus error (core dumped)
$ gdb nss-test nss-test.core 
GNU gdb 4.18
Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-unknown-freebsd"...
Core was generated by `nss-test'.
Program terminated with signal 10, Bus error.
#0  0x80528e4 in ?? ()
(gdb) where
#0  0x80528e4 in ?? ()
#1  0x80481ff in _start () at crt1.c:95

as I said in the first mail, this has to do with crt1.c calling atexit()
with a valid address (0x80528e4) and somehow the argument to atexit()
getting to be NULL once inside atexit()...

I'd really like to use the dynamic stuff but I can't seem to make it

> Of course we are, please file a PR when you think it's pretty much
> completed or email -hackers if you need/want advice. :)

Ok, I'll start firing questions about NIS at -hackers



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Re: inner workings of the C compiler

2000-03-10 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 05:20:31PM -0800, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Mar 2000, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> > I'm pretty sure this can be done a hell of a lot easier by using shared
> > libraries and using the enviornment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH and
> > LD_PRELOAD, see the rtld manpage for more help.
> Yes, I've done this when trying to track down buffer overflows in
> libc..stick them in their own directory and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which
> tells the dynamic linker where to search.

$ echo $LD_PRELOAD 
$ make
cc -g -DYP -DFreeBSD -Wall -pedantic -ansi -o nss-test -I../../libc/include nss-test.c
/tmp/ccy93427.o: In function `main':
/home/obonilla/freebsd/nss/tests/libc/nss-test.c(.text+0xb0): undefined reference to 
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/home/obonilla/freebsd/nss/tests/libc.

at this point I switch makefiles to use static building and...

$ make
cc -g -DYP -DFreeBSD -Wall -pedantic -ansi -c -I../../libc/include nss-test.c
cc -g -nostdlib -static -L../../libc -o nss-test nss-test.o ../../csu/i386-elf/crt1.o 
../../csu/i386-elf/crti.o -lc

but when I run the binary...

$ ./nss-test 
files called
files called
retval = 1
Bus error (core dumped)

am I doing something wrong?

BTW... I've ported the Name Service Switch from NetBSD to FreeBSD and it's
working on my laptop right now. However, I need some help moving all the
get*by* functions in the C library to use the new nsdispatch function,
especially for the NIS code... who should I talk to... anyone interested on
seeing some patches?



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inner workings of the C compiler

2000-03-08 Thread Oscar Bonilla

i'm working on the C library, and to make debuggin easy i've copied
/usr/src/lib/libc to another directory and only build libc.a.

i've also copied /usr/src/lib/csu/i386-elf to another directory and 
have enabled debug symbols on both csu and libc.

to try things out i create a static binary and coerce it to use my
C library instead of the system's one.

this is how i compile my program:

cc -g -DYP -DFreeBSD -Wall -pedantic -ansi -c -I../../libc/include nss-test.c 
cc -g -nostdlib -static -L../../libc -o nss-test nss-test.o \
../../csu/i386-elf/crt1.o ../../csu/i386-elf/crti.o -lc

now, the program runs fine, but at the very end gives me a bus error
and core dumps... i've tracked the bug to the following call in line 90
csu/i386-elf/crt1.c in function _start()


at this point, in gdb

(gdb) print _fini
$1 = {} 0x80528e4
(gdb) step
atexit (fn=0x80528e4)
at /usr/home/obonilla/freebsd/nss/libc/../libc/stdlib/atexit.c:59
1: __progname = 0xbfbffa86 "nss-test"
(gdb) print fn
$2 = (void (*)()) 0

fn is the argument to atexit()

later, in fuction exit() it will try to dereference a null pointer due
to the above...

i'm puzzled by this behavior... am i missing something?
how is it possible that the value i'm seeing before the call to atexit()
(0x80528e4) gets to be null once inside atexit()?

thanks and regards,


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Re: more info Re: how did I manage this?

1999-09-13 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 12:29:55PM -0400, Wayne Cuddy wrote:
> >rm '$DEST_DIR'
> rm: $DEST_DIR: is a directory
> >ls '$DEST_DIR'
> $2

rm doesn't work on directories.. go for 
$ rm -rf '$DEST_DIR'
$ rm '$DEST_DIR'/'$2'
$ rmdir '$DEST_DIR'



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: more info Re: how did I manage this?

1999-09-13 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Sun, Sep 12, 1999 at 12:29:55PM -0400, Wayne Cuddy wrote:
> >rm '$DEST_DIR'
> rm: $DEST_DIR: is a directory
> >ls '$DEST_DIR'
> $2

rm doesn't work on directories.. go for 
$ rm -rf '$DEST_DIR'
$ rm '$DEST_DIR'/'$2'
$ rmdir '$DEST_DIR'



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Re: UCB removes advertising clause

1999-09-03 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 11:32:24AM -0500, Chris Costello wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 03, 1999, Oscar Bonilla wrote:
> > does that mean we can get rid of the copyright of the University at
> > boot time?  do we want to?
>If it were up to me, we would not want to.  I feel we should
> continue to give UCB credit regardless of whether that particular
> clause in the license agreement is enforced.  Without them, where
> would we be?

I totally agree here. Besides it shows a certaing linage to be a 
direct descendant of Berkeley Unix :)


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Re: UCB removes advertising clause

1999-09-03 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 11:32:24AM -0500, Chris Costello wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 03, 1999, Oscar Bonilla wrote:
> > does that mean we can get rid of the copyright of the University at
> > boot time?  do we want to?
>If it were up to me, we would not want to.  I feel we should
> continue to give UCB credit regardless of whether that particular
> clause in the license agreement is enforced.  Without them, where
> would we be?

I totally agree here. Besides it shows a certaing linage to be a 
direct descendant of Berkeley Unix :)


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Re: UCB removes advertising clause

1999-09-03 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 12:23:38PM -0700, Brian W. Buchanan wrote:
> This is apparently old news, but I don't recall seeing anything about it
> on the lists, and didn't hear about it until it hit Slashdot a short while
> ago.
> July 22, 1999

Yeah, McKusick talked about this last usenix, he said he was trying to
convince UCB of how useless this clause was... seems he made it :)

does that mean we can get rid of the copyright of the University at
boot time?  do we want to?



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Re: UCB removes advertising clause

1999-09-03 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 12:23:38PM -0700, Brian W. Buchanan wrote:
> This is apparently old news, but I don't recall seeing anything about it
> on the lists, and didn't hear about it until it hit Slashdot a short while
> ago.
> July 22, 1999

Yeah, McKusick talked about this last usenix, he said he was trying to
convince UCB of how useless this clause was... seems he made it :)

does that mean we can get rid of the copyright of the University at
boot time?  do we want to?



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: NSS Project

1999-08-27 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Fri, Aug 27, 1999 at 01:33:03PM -0500, John Sconiers wrote:
> I was looking for followups to this thread and have searched the archives
> for more information without luck.  I have a few questions.  Has this
> project furthered any and where can one get the diffs / source???  Is
> there a website that goes in depth about the project.

I've been very busy and seem to be the only one doing something 
along this line. As I said earlier, I've ported the nss stuff from
NetBSD and posted some patches to the list a while back that 
had the nsdispatch function implemented. It was not a complete 
implementation since the get*ent functions in libc were not 
modified to use the nsdispatch function. I started to look into 
nsdispatch to make it dynamically load the get*ent functions using
dlload (a la pam) but had a lot of work in the meantime and didn't
finish the stuff. I've started looking into the code agan (yesterday)
and it doesn't seem too difficult to have it dynamically load the

I'll post to the list when I have code that actually does something :)



For PGP Public Key: finger

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Re: NSS Project

1999-08-27 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Fri, Aug 27, 1999 at 01:33:03PM -0500, John Sconiers wrote:
> I was looking for followups to this thread and have searched the archives
> for more information without luck.  I have a few questions.  Has this
> project furthered any and where can one get the diffs / source???  Is
> there a website that goes in depth about the project.

I've been very busy and seem to be the only one doing something 
along this line. As I said earlier, I've ported the nss stuff from
NetBSD and posted some patches to the list a while back that 
had the nsdispatch function implemented. It was not a complete 
implementation since the get*ent functions in libc were not 
modified to use the nsdispatch function. I started to look into 
nsdispatch to make it dynamically load the get*ent functions using
dlload (a la pam) but had a lot of work in the meantime and didn't
finish the stuff. I've started looking into the code agan (yesterday)
and it doesn't seem too difficult to have it dynamically load the

I'll post to the list when I have code that actually does something :)



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: Serial cable

1999-08-20 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 03:12:48PM -0400, Zhihui Zhang wrote:
> Hi, Rich:
> Can you find a serial cable for me?  I need to connect two PCs together
> via RS232 ports.  

Aha! Remote Kernel Debugging aren't we?

Probably you did not intend this mail to go to the mailing list :)



For PGP Public Key: finger

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: Serial cable

1999-08-20 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 03:12:48PM -0400, Zhihui Zhang wrote:
> Hi, Rich:
> Can you find a serial cable for me?  I need to connect two PCs together
> via RS232 ports.  

Aha! Remote Kernel Debugging aren't we?

Probably you did not intend this mail to go to the mailing list :)



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

NSS Project update

1999-08-04 Thread Oscar Bonilla
After collecting a bunch of emails from the list, this is the
approach I'll be taking:

1. use the existing nsdispatch code obtained from NetBSD as a base
   for parsing the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

2. Make the C library nsdispatch aware. The dtab[] array will be
   filled dynamicaly from the contents of /etc/nsswitch.conf.
   I'm still not sure if this has to be done "whithin" the C library
   or if nsdispatch should fill the dtab[] array itself and not relay
   on the caller (i.e. drop the dtab[] parameter). It seems to me at
   this point that the easiest approach is to have nsdispatch fill the
   dtab array itself.
3. Move the current implementation of the get*ent and get*by* from the
   C library to three dynamically loaded modules, namely:,, and
4. Add more nss_*.so modules for things like LDAP, etc.

once again: comments, suggestions.

Someone mentioned that we should still be able to produce statically linked
binaries for things like /stand and /sbin. I suggest making the nsdispatch
(or get* functions) revert to files if everything else fails (not the
modules themselves, but the loading of the modules). How does this sound?



For PGP Public Key: finger

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

NSS Project update

1999-08-04 Thread Oscar Bonilla

After collecting a bunch of emails from the list, this is the
approach I'll be taking:

1. use the existing nsdispatch code obtained from NetBSD as a base
   for parsing the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

2. Make the C library nsdispatch aware. The dtab[] array will be
   filled dynamicaly from the contents of /etc/nsswitch.conf.
   I'm still not sure if this has to be done "whithin" the C library
   or if nsdispatch should fill the dtab[] array itself and not relay
   on the caller (i.e. drop the dtab[] parameter). It seems to me at
   this point that the easiest approach is to have nsdispatch fill the
   dtab array itself.
3. Move the current implementation of the get*ent and get*by* from the
   C library to three dynamically loaded modules, namely:,, and
4. Add more nss_*.so modules for things like LDAP, etc.

once again: comments, suggestions.

Someone mentioned that we should still be able to produce statically linked
binaries for things like /stand and /sbin. I suggest making the nsdispatch
(or get* functions) revert to files if everything else fails (not the
modules themselves, but the loading of the modules). How does this sound?



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Berkeley IRS and NSS

1999-08-03 Thread Oscar Bonilla
Anyone knows about the BSD Information Retrieval Service (IRS)
mentioned in ?
It seems to accomplish the same thing as the NSS stuff we've been
talking about.



For PGP Public Key: finger

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Berkeley IRS and NSS

1999-08-03 Thread Oscar Bonilla

Anyone knows about the BSD Information Retrieval Service (IRS)
mentioned in ?
It seems to accomplish the same thing as the NSS stuff we've been
talking about.



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

NSS Project

1999-08-03 Thread Oscar Bonilla

Following on the NSS (Name Service Switch):

*Step One:  I ported the NetBSD implementation of nsdispatch(3) as implemented 
by Luke Mewburn. See attached patch to libc and new header file. I'm also
attaching the man page for /etc/nsswitch.conf. Right now it compiles,
installs, and works for some simple tests I've run.

*Step Two: make getpwent, getgrent, and friends actually use the nsdispatch
function. I've already started looking at the source, but am having trouble
with the NIS part. Maybe someone more knowledgeable could write the NIS

Basically we have to reduce each of the functions to a simple nsdispatch 
call and then implement the real functions... Here's an example from

/* Basically we reduce getpwent to a simple nsdispatch call */

struct passwd *
int r;
static const ns_dtab dtab[] = {
NS_FILES_CB(_local_getpw, NULL)
NS_DNS_CB(_dns_getpw, NULL)
NS_NIS_CB(_nis_getpw, NULL)
NS_COMPAT_CB(_compat_getpwent, NULL)
{ 0 }

r = nsdispatch(NULL, dtab, NSDB_PASSWD, "getpwent", compatsrc,
if (r != NS_SUCCESS)
return (struct passwd *)NULL;
return &_pw_passwd;

The we have to implement _local_getpw, _dns_getpw, _nis_getpw, 
and _compat_getpwent and make them behave as expected.

NetBSD seems to support having the passwd database on DNS using something
called HESIOD (I hadn't heard about it before). I don't think FreeBSD has
any sort of support for this. 

*Step Three: Implement _ldap_getpw :)

If anyone has any comments, suggestions, etc. I would appreciate it.



For PGP Public Key: finger
.\" $NetBSD: nsswitch.conf.5,v 1.14 1999/03/17 20:19:47 garbled Exp $
.\"  Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
.\"  All rights reserved.
.\"  This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
.\"  by Luke Mewburn.
.\"  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\"  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
.\"  are met:
.\"  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\"  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
.\"  3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
.\" must display the following acknowledgement:
.\" This product includes software developed by Luke Mewburn.
.\"  4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
.\" derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
.Dd January 22, 1998
.Nm nsswitch.conf
.Nd name-service switch configuration file
file specifies how the
.Xr nsdispatch 3
(name-service switch dispatcher) routines in the C library should operate.
The configuration file controls how a process looks up various databases
containing information regarding hosts, users (passwords), groups,
netgroups, etc.
Each database comes from a source (such as local files, DNS, and
.Tn NIS ) ,
and the order to look up the sources is specified in
.Nm nsswitch.conf .
Each entry in 
consists of a database name, and a space separated list of sources.
Each source can have an optional trailing criterion that determines
whether the next listed source is used, or the search terminates at
the current source.
Each criterion consists of one or more status codes, and actions to
take if that status code occurs.
.Ss Sources
The following sources are implemented:
.Bl -column "compat" -offset indent -compact
.Sy Source  Description
.It files   Local files, such as
.Pa /etc/hosts ,
.Pa /etc/passwd .
.It dns Internet Domain Name System.
.Dq hosts
.Sq networks
.Sy IN
class entries, all other databases use
.Sy HS
class (Hesiod) entries.
.It nis NIS (formerly YP)
.It compat  support

NSS Project

1999-08-03 Thread Oscar Bonilla

Following on the NSS (Name Service Switch):

*Step One:  I ported the NetBSD implementation of nsdispatch(3) as implemented 
by Luke Mewburn. See attached patch to libc and new header file. I'm also
attaching the man page for /etc/nsswitch.conf. Right now it compiles,
installs, and works for some simple tests I've run.

*Step Two: make getpwent, getgrent, and friends actually use the nsdispatch
function. I've already started looking at the source, but am having trouble
with the NIS part. Maybe someone more knowledgeable could write the NIS

Basically we have to reduce each of the functions to a simple nsdispatch 
call and then implement the real functions... Here's an example from

/* Basically we reduce getpwent to a simple nsdispatch call */

struct passwd *
int r;
static const ns_dtab dtab[] = {
NS_FILES_CB(_local_getpw, NULL)
NS_DNS_CB(_dns_getpw, NULL)
NS_NIS_CB(_nis_getpw, NULL)
NS_COMPAT_CB(_compat_getpwent, NULL)
{ 0 }

r = nsdispatch(NULL, dtab, NSDB_PASSWD, "getpwent", compatsrc,
if (r != NS_SUCCESS)
return (struct passwd *)NULL;
return &_pw_passwd;

The we have to implement _local_getpw, _dns_getpw, _nis_getpw, 
and _compat_getpwent and make them behave as expected.

NetBSD seems to support having the passwd database on DNS using something
called HESIOD (I hadn't heard about it before). I don't think FreeBSD has
any sort of support for this. 

*Step Three: Implement _ldap_getpw :)

If anyone has any comments, suggestions, etc. I would appreciate it.



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

.\" $NetBSD: nsswitch.conf.5,v 1.14 1999/03/17 20:19:47 garbled Exp $
.\"  Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
.\"  All rights reserved.
.\"  This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
.\"  by Luke Mewburn.
.\"  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\"  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
.\"  are met:
.\"  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\"  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
.\"  3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
.\" must display the following acknowledgement:
.\" This product includes software developed by Luke Mewburn.
.\"  4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
.\" derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
.Dd January 22, 1998
.Nm nsswitch.conf
.Nd name-service switch configuration file
file specifies how the
.Xr nsdispatch 3
(name-service switch dispatcher) routines in the C library should operate.
The configuration file controls how a process looks up various databases
containing information regarding hosts, users (passwords), groups,
netgroups, etc.
Each database comes from a source (such as local files, DNS, and
.Tn NIS ) ,
and the order to look up the sources is specified in
.Nm nsswitch.conf .
Each entry in 
consists of a database name, and a space separated list of sources.
Each source can have an optional trailing criterion that determines
whether the next listed source is used, or the search terminates at
the current source.
Each criterion consists of one or more status codes, and actions to
take if that status code occurs.
.Ss Sources
The following sources are implemented:
.Bl -column "compat" -offset indent -compact
.Sy Source  Description
.It files   Local files, such as
.Pa /etc/hosts ,
.Pa /etc/passwd .
.It dns Internet Domain Name System.
.Dq hosts
.Sq networks
.Sy IN
class entries, all other databases use
.Sy HS
class (Hesiod) entries.
.It nis NIS (formerly YP)
.It compat  support
.Sq +/

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-21 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 06:22:39PM +, Niall Smart wrote:
> [ CC list nuked ]

good! :)

>> Ok, here goes my understanding of how things should be, please correct me
>> if i'm wrong.
>> There are three parts to the problem:
>> 1. Where do we get the databases from? I mean, where do we get passwd, group,
>>hosts, ethers, etc from.
>>This should be handled by a name service switch a la solaris. Basically
>>we want to be able to tell the system for each individual database where
>>to get the stuff from. We can add entries for each database in the system.
> Not so much as "where do we get the databases from" as "which databases
> hold data for this particular service".  For example DNS can store
> information for the hosts service (i.e. nameserver service) but could
> also
> store crytographic keys which could be used for as host keys for ssh for
> example.  The service has a standard API (gethostbyname() for example,
> or
> getpwnam()) which can search through multiple disparate database types.
> (I may be mixing my terminology up here, it may be more conventional
> to say "which services support this database", where the database
> might be a load of struct pw for example, but hopefully its clear I
> mean)
> Each particular database type might have its own configuration file.
> Taking the "hosts" service for example, the configuration file for
> the DNS database is /etc/resolv.conf and there is no configuration
> for the files database (which uses /etc/hosts)

Agreed. How would the sysadmin configure the stuff? I mean, our design
should be flexible enough to allow for the kind of stuff you're talking
about. I personally would like to be able to configure everything in
the system the following way:

 $ cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
 passwd= ldap files  
 hosts=  dns files  
 group=  ldap files
traditional service = where db to get it from
here passwd means stuff that's in struct passwd
hosts meand hostname to IP mapping, and so on.

 $ cat /etc/ldap.conf
 basedn= ou=staff, dc=fisicc-ufm, dc=edu
 username= uid 
 passwd= userPassword 
 uid= userId
 gid= groupId
 home= userHome
 shell= defaultShell

this would be all the ldap configuration stuff, for instance, how to map
the struct passwd entries to the ldap records.

 $ cat /etc/resolv.conf

usual dns configuration stuff

so we would end up having a singe configuration file (nsswitch.conf) telling
the system where to get the info from and then individual configuration
files telling the system how to configure each individual service.
now... would we want to be able to pull this individual configuration files
from a certain service? could I have /etc/resolv.conf pulled from ldap
for example?

>> 2. How to authorize the user? I mean, what sort of authentication should we
>>use to decide if the user should be allowed in.
>>This should be handled by PAM.
> Yes, although login programs would require that a) getpwnam returns
> non-NULL and b) pam_authenticate returns PAM_SUCCESS.

this is what started the thread. I installed a pam_ldap module only to
find out that login wouldn't let the user in because getpwnam returned
NULL (not found on /etc/passwd). I then asked: "what would happen if login
were to succeed, but once the user has logged in he/she doesn't have a
username to uid mapping?"

>> 3. What password hash should we use when we have the username and the
>>password hash?
>>This should be handled by the new modularized crypt.
> This is a function of the pam_unix module, a PAM module can 
> use smartcards, retina scanners, body odour detectors etc etc,
> so it may not use password hashes at all.  Each PAM module may
> have its own configuration file to tell it which serial port the
> smartcard reader is on for example.

I don't see where the modularized crypt would fit in then...
i totally agree that pam has this capability i was just trying to fit
in the crypt stuff people have been working on.

do I make sense?



For PGP Public Key: finger

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-21 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Thu, Jul 22, 1999 at 01:00:57AM +0900, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> Oscar Bonilla wrote:
>> There are three parts to the problem:
>> 1. Where do we get the databases from? I mean, where do we get passwd, group,
>>hosts, ethers, etc from.
>>This should be handled by a name service switch a la solaris. Basically
>>we want to be able to tell the system for each individual database where
>>to get the stuff from. We can add entries for each database in the system.
> I perceive here an unfair biasing toward nss. Someone mentioned
> defining where to get the passwords from based on the login class.
> This is a very interesting option, that doesn't seem to be well
> served by nss.

I was actually talking about the "other" entries. 
where does PAM fit in the schema you talk about?
would we need to make PAM login.conf aware then?
Where do we get login.conf from? from nsswitch.conf?



For PGP Public Key: finger

To Unsubscribe: send mail to
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-21 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 06:22:39PM +, Niall Smart wrote:
> [ CC list nuked ]

good! :)

>> Ok, here goes my understanding of how things should be, please correct me
>> if i'm wrong.
>> There are three parts to the problem:
>> 1. Where do we get the databases from? I mean, where do we get passwd, group,
>>hosts, ethers, etc from.
>>This should be handled by a name service switch a la solaris. Basically
>>we want to be able to tell the system for each individual database where
>>to get the stuff from. We can add entries for each database in the system.
> Not so much as "where do we get the databases from" as "which databases
> hold data for this particular service".  For example DNS can store
> information for the hosts service (i.e. nameserver service) but could
> also
> store crytographic keys which could be used for as host keys for ssh for
> example.  The service has a standard API (gethostbyname() for example,
> or
> getpwnam()) which can search through multiple disparate database types.
> (I may be mixing my terminology up here, it may be more conventional
> to say "which services support this database", where the database
> might be a load of struct pw for example, but hopefully its clear I
> mean)
> Each particular database type might have its own configuration file.
> Taking the "hosts" service for example, the configuration file for
> the DNS database is /etc/resolv.conf and there is no configuration
> for the files database (which uses /etc/hosts)

Agreed. How would the sysadmin configure the stuff? I mean, our design
should be flexible enough to allow for the kind of stuff you're talking
about. I personally would like to be able to configure everything in
the system the following way:

 $ cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
 passwd= ldap files  
 hosts=  dns files  
 group=  ldap files
traditional service = where db to get it from
here passwd means stuff that's in struct passwd
hosts meand hostname to IP mapping, and so on.

 $ cat /etc/ldap.conf
 basedn= ou=staff, dc=fisicc-ufm, dc=edu
 username= uid 
 passwd= userPassword 
 uid= userId
 gid= groupId
 home= userHome
 shell= defaultShell

this would be all the ldap configuration stuff, for instance, how to map
the struct passwd entries to the ldap records.

 $ cat /etc/resolv.conf

usual dns configuration stuff

so we would end up having a singe configuration file (nsswitch.conf) telling
the system where to get the info from and then individual configuration
files telling the system how to configure each individual service.
now... would we want to be able to pull this individual configuration files
from a certain service? could I have /etc/resolv.conf pulled from ldap
for example?

>> 2. How to authorize the user? I mean, what sort of authentication should we
>>use to decide if the user should be allowed in.
>>This should be handled by PAM.
> Yes, although login programs would require that a) getpwnam returns
> non-NULL and b) pam_authenticate returns PAM_SUCCESS.

this is what started the thread. I installed a pam_ldap module only to
find out that login wouldn't let the user in because getpwnam returned
NULL (not found on /etc/passwd). I then asked: "what would happen if login
were to succeed, but once the user has logged in he/she doesn't have a
username to uid mapping?"

>> 3. What password hash should we use when we have the username and the
>>password hash?
>>This should be handled by the new modularized crypt.
> This is a function of the pam_unix module, a PAM module can 
> use smartcards, retina scanners, body odour detectors etc etc,
> so it may not use password hashes at all.  Each PAM module may
> have its own configuration file to tell it which serial port the
> smartcard reader is on for example.

I don't see where the modularized crypt would fit in then...
i totally agree that pam has this capability i was just trying to fit
in the crypt stuff people have been working on.

do I make sense?



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-21 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 01:46:56AM +0930, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> It looks like we've got some good concurrent projects happening at the
> moment - markm and co working on PAM, the nsswitch.conf project you're
> talking about, and the stuff I'm working on with modularizing crypt() and
> supporting per-login class password hashes (I've rewritten the library
> since I last posted about it and expect to have my code cleaned up by
> tomorrow night for another snapshot).
> The thing to make sure is that we don't tread on each other's toes, and
> basically that we look for the big picture and how all these projects fit
> together.

Ok, here goes my understanding of how things should be, please correct me
if i'm wrong.

There are three parts to the problem: 

1. Where do we get the databases from? I mean, where do we get passwd, group,
   hosts, ethers, etc from.

   This should be handled by a name service switch a la solaris. Basically
   we want to be able to tell the system for each individual database where
   to get the stuff from. We can add entries for each database in the system.

2. How to authorize the user? I mean, what sort of authentication should we
   use to decide if the user should be allowed in. 

   This should be handled by PAM.

3. What password hash should we use when we have the username and the
   password hash?

   This should be handled by the new modularized crypt.

Do we want to be able to tell the system where to get its pam.conf and
login.conf from? This would mean having a pam.conf and login.conf entry
in nsswitch.conf.

Can we make a list of stuff that needs to be done to make this possible?
Something like a tasklist would be good.

a) design and implement a name service switch.
b) make libc aware of the name service switch.
c) ???

then we should detail each step...



For PGP Public Key: finger

To Unsubscribe: send mail to
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-21 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Thu, Jul 22, 1999 at 01:00:57AM +0900, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> Oscar Bonilla wrote:
>> There are three parts to the problem:
>> 1. Where do we get the databases from? I mean, where do we get passwd, group,
>>hosts, ethers, etc from.
>>This should be handled by a name service switch a la solaris. Basically
>>we want to be able to tell the system for each individual database where
>>to get the stuff from. We can add entries for each database in the system.
> I perceive here an unfair biasing toward nss. Someone mentioned
> defining where to get the passwords from based on the login class.
> This is a very interesting option, that doesn't seem to be well
> served by nss.

I was actually talking about the "other" entries. 
where does PAM fit in the schema you talk about?
would we need to make PAM login.conf aware then?
Where do we get login.conf from? from nsswitch.conf?



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-21 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Wed, Jul 21, 1999 at 01:46:56AM +0930, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> It looks like we've got some good concurrent projects happening at the
> moment - markm and co working on PAM, the nsswitch.conf project you're
> talking about, and the stuff I'm working on with modularizing crypt() and
> supporting per-login class password hashes (I've rewritten the library
> since I last posted about it and expect to have my code cleaned up by
> tomorrow night for another snapshot).
> The thing to make sure is that we don't tread on each other's toes, and
> basically that we look for the big picture and how all these projects fit
> together.

Ok, here goes my understanding of how things should be, please correct me
if i'm wrong.

There are three parts to the problem: 

1. Where do we get the databases from? I mean, where do we get passwd, group,
   hosts, ethers, etc from.

   This should be handled by a name service switch a la solaris. Basically
   we want to be able to tell the system for each individual database where
   to get the stuff from. We can add entries for each database in the system.

2. How to authorize the user? I mean, what sort of authentication should we
   use to decide if the user should be allowed in. 

   This should be handled by PAM.

3. What password hash should we use when we have the username and the
   password hash?

   This should be handled by the new modularized crypt.

Do we want to be able to tell the system where to get its pam.conf and
login.conf from? This would mean having a pam.conf and login.conf entry
in nsswitch.conf.

Can we make a list of stuff that needs to be done to make this possible?
Something like a tasklist would be good.

a) design and implement a name service switch.
b) make libc aware of the name service switch.
c) ???

then we should detail each step...



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-20 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 11:49:42AM -0700, John Polstra wrote:
> In article <>,
> Oscar Bonilla   wrote:
> > Couldn't we do this with /etc/auth.conf?
> The plan when PAM was brought in was to eliminate auth.conf.  I don't
> think we should be looking for new uses for it.

ok, so this clarifies a lot of things... let's get rid of /etc/auth.conf
and go with /etc/pam.conf for the authentication and /etc/nsswitch.conf
for the info on where to obtain the databases from.



For PGP Public Key: finger

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-20 Thread Oscar Bonilla
> It looks like we've got some good concurrent projects happening at the
> moment - markm and co working on PAM, the nsswitch.conf project you're
> talking about, and the stuff I'm working on with modularizing crypt() and
> supporting per-login class password hashes (I've rewritten the library
> since I last posted about it and expect to have my code cleaned up by
> tomorrow night for another snapshot).
> The thing to make sure is that we don't tread on each other's toes, and
> basically that we look for the big picture and how all these projects fit
> together.

Ok, this is my understanding of the thing:

There are two parts to the problem, first we need a way to tell the
system where to get its information from (call them databases, tables
or whatever). This should be done a la solaris, with
/etc/nsswitch.conf telling if this is to be fetched from "files, ldap,
nis, dns, etc".

We need to recode all the programs that obtain this info directly from
files to get it from a library (this would be nsd). And then code the
library itself to get the info from /etc/nsswitch.conf

Second, we need a way to authenticate the user... this is what PAM does.
What would need to be done is change the pam modules to make them
nsd aware (i.e. where should I get the passwd from?) or make them
/etc/auth.conf aware? this is the confusing part... 

where does crypt fit into this? crypt would get what from /etc/login.conf?



For PGP Public Key: finger

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with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-20 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 11:49:42AM -0700, John Polstra wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Oscar Bonilla  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Couldn't we do this with /etc/auth.conf?
> The plan when PAM was brought in was to eliminate auth.conf.  I don't
> think we should be looking for new uses for it.

ok, so this clarifies a lot of things... let's get rid of /etc/auth.conf
and go with /etc/pam.conf for the authentication and /etc/nsswitch.conf
for the info on where to obtain the databases from.



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-20 Thread Oscar Bonilla

> It looks like we've got some good concurrent projects happening at the
> moment - markm and co working on PAM, the nsswitch.conf project you're
> talking about, and the stuff I'm working on with modularizing crypt() and
> supporting per-login class password hashes (I've rewritten the library
> since I last posted about it and expect to have my code cleaned up by
> tomorrow night for another snapshot).
> The thing to make sure is that we don't tread on each other's toes, and
> basically that we look for the big picture and how all these projects fit
> together.

Ok, this is my understanding of the thing:

There are two parts to the problem, first we need a way to tell the
system where to get its information from (call them databases, tables
or whatever). This should be done a la solaris, with
/etc/nsswitch.conf telling if this is to be fetched from "files, ldap,
nis, dns, etc".

We need to recode all the programs that obtain this info directly from
files to get it from a library (this would be nsd). And then code the
library itself to get the info from /etc/nsswitch.conf

Second, we need a way to authenticate the user... this is what PAM does.
What would need to be done is change the pam modules to make them
nsd aware (i.e. where should I get the passwd from?) or make them
/etc/auth.conf aware? this is the confusing part... 

where does crypt fit into this? crypt would get what from /etc/login.conf?



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-20 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 10:59:30PM +1200, Joe Abley wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 06:00:26PM -0600, Oscar Bonilla wrote:
> > I agree. In solaris (and linux by the way) all you do is set
> > passwd  ldap files
> > in /etc/nsswitch.conf
> > and that's it.
> In Solaris, it's
> passwd: ldap files
>   ^
> nsswitch.conf(4), SunOS 5.5.1:
>  ...
>  There is an entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf for  each  database.
>  Typically  these entries will be simple, such as "protocols:
>  files" or "networks: files nisplus".  However, when multiple
>  sources  are  specified  it is sometimes necessary to define
>  precisely the circumstances under which each source will  be
>  tried.  A source can return one of the following codes:
>   Status  Meaning
>   SUCCESS Requested database entry was found
>   UNAVAIL Source is not responding or corrupted
>   NOTFOUNDSource responded "no such entry"
>   TRYAGAINSource  is  busy,  might   respond   to
>   retries
>  For each status code, two actions are possible:
>   Action  Meaning
>   continueTry the next source in the list
>   return  Return now
>  The complete syntax of an entry is
>   ::=  ":" [ []]*
>::= "[" + "]"
>   ::=  "=" 
>  ::= "success" | "notfound" | "unavail" | "tryagain"
>  ::= "return"  | "continue"
>  ...
> Actually, this message is now bordering on the useful, when all I meant
> to be was pedantic. I'll stop now, before I go too far; suffice to say
> the Solaris implementation has some other elements worthy of consideration
> if compatability is worth aiming for.
> It's maybe worth mentioning that /etc/host.conf might be a candidate for
> the attic if the Solaris implementation was adopted on a wholesale basis
> (i.e. including the "hosts:" key).

Couldn't we do this with /etc/auth.conf? What's the real purpose of this
file? From the man page: "auth.conf contains various attributes important to 
the authentication code, most notably kerberos(5) for the time being."
Isn't this what PAM is about? authentication? or does auth.conf cover the 
"other" part of authentication, basically the getpw* stuff?



For PGP Public Key: finger

To Unsubscribe: send mail to
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-20 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 10:59:30PM +1200, Joe Abley wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 06:00:26PM -0600, Oscar Bonilla wrote:
> > I agree. In solaris (and linux by the way) all you do is set
> > passwd  ldap files
> > in /etc/nsswitch.conf
> > and that's it.
> In Solaris, it's
> passwd: ldap files
>   ^
> nsswitch.conf(4), SunOS 5.5.1:
>  ...
>  There is an entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf for  each  database.
>  Typically  these entries will be simple, such as "protocols:
>  files" or "networks: files nisplus".  However, when multiple
>  sources  are  specified  it is sometimes necessary to define
>  precisely the circumstances under which each source will  be
>  tried.  A source can return one of the following codes:
>   Status  Meaning
>   SUCCESS Requested database entry was found
>   UNAVAIL Source is not responding or corrupted
>   NOTFOUNDSource responded "no such entry"
>   TRYAGAINSource  is  busy,  might   respond   to
>   retries
>  For each status code, two actions are possible:
>   Action  Meaning
>   continueTry the next source in the list
>   return  Return now
>  The complete syntax of an entry is
>   ::=  ":" [ []]*
>::= "[" + "]"
>   ::=  "=" 
>  ::= "success" | "notfound" | "unavail" | "tryagain"
>  ::= "return"  | "continue"
>  ...
> Actually, this message is now bordering on the useful, when all I meant
> to be was pedantic. I'll stop now, before I go too far; suffice to say
> the Solaris implementation has some other elements worthy of consideration
> if compatability is worth aiming for.
> It's maybe worth mentioning that /etc/host.conf might be a candidate for
> the attic if the Solaris implementation was adopted on a wholesale basis
> (i.e. including the "hosts:" key).

Couldn't we do this with /etc/auth.conf? What's the real purpose of this
file? From the man page: "auth.conf contains various attributes important to 
the authentication code, most notably kerberos(5) for the time being."
Isn't this what PAM is about? authentication? or does auth.conf cover the 
"other" part of authentication, basically the getpw* stuff?



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-19 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 04:51:12PM -0600, Wes Peters wrote:
> The implementation details are as unimportant as ever: they have to work
> and be maintainable.  Following prior art remains a good idea; the Solaris
> "name service switch" implementation is a good starting point to consider.

I agree. In solaris (and linux by the way) all you do is set
passwd  ldap files
in /etc/nsswitch.conf
and that's it.

I had started to write the code to mess with libc to "fix" the getpwent stuff,
but a better solution is to "port" the nsswitch stuff from linux (i don't have
source from solaris :)

Anyone more knowledgeable should give me a big hand here and point me to the
right way to start this. I'm willing to do the coding but need help on the
overall design.

Since I need this working asap, I'm gonna hack libc so that if the file
/etc/auth.conf has a line saying auth_list = ldap, it looks in /etc/ldap.conf
to get the rest of the stuff (server, port, base dn, etc).

At the same time, we should work towards a real solution.



For PGP Public Key: finger

To Unsubscribe: send mail to
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-19 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 04:51:12PM -0600, Wes Peters wrote:
> The implementation details are as unimportant as ever: they have to work
> and be maintainable.  Following prior art remains a good idea; the Solaris
> "name service switch" implementation is a good starting point to consider.

I agree. In solaris (and linux by the way) all you do is set
passwd  ldap files
in /etc/nsswitch.conf
and that's it.

I had started to write the code to mess with libc to "fix" the getpwent stuff,
but a better solution is to "port" the nsswitch stuff from linux (i don't have
source from solaris :)

Anyone more knowledgeable should give me a big hand here and point me to the
right way to start this. I'm willing to do the coding but need help on the
overall design.

Since I need this working asap, I'm gonna hack libc so that if the file
/etc/auth.conf has a line saying auth_list = ldap, it looks in /etc/ldap.conf
to get the rest of the stuff (server, port, base dn, etc).

At the same time, we should work towards a real solution.



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-19 Thread Oscar Bonilla
On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 06:13:51PM +0200, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:
> Oscar Bonilla  writes:
> > the idea is to have an entry in the /etc/passwd enabling LDAP lookups.
> > the Entry would be of the form
> > 
> > ldap:*:389:389:o=My Organization,
> Horrible idea.



For PGP Public Key: finger

To Unsubscribe: send mail to
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-19 Thread Oscar Bonilla

On Mon, Jul 19, 1999 at 06:13:51PM +0200, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:
> Oscar Bonilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > the idea is to have an entry in the /etc/passwd enabling LDAP lookups.
> > the Entry would be of the form
> > 
> > ldap:*:389:389:o=My Organization,
> Horrible idea.



For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-19 Thread Oscar Bonilla
Following up on my own post:

For LDAP to be seamlessly integrated into the system some of the libraries
have to be changed. Specifically the ones dealing with /etc/passwd and
user information. 

I've decided the best way to do this is to do what's done with NIS.
Basically handle the case where the user is not available in the local

the idea is to have an entry in the /etc/passwd enabling LDAP lookups.
the Entry would be of the form

ldap:*:389:389:o=My Organization,
   ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^
|  |||   
   portbase dnattr LDAP Server

This comes ftom a pam_ldap module I got from Pedro A M Vazquez 

I'll change all of the function in lib/libc/gen/getpwent.c to handle this
special case.

The only problem is that openldap has to be integrated on the base system
for this to compile... can I safely copy it to /usr/src/contrib?

How do I submit this after it's done? anyone cares about ldap :)?



On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 08:03:36PM -0600, Oscar Bonilla wrote:
> While trying to use the pam_ldap module available from
> I discovered the following problem.
> although the module authenticates just fine (using openldap)
> the login program fails to permit logins. I traced the problem to 
> login.c --- the following code is from login.c 
> my questions are at the bottom.
>   pwd = getpwnam(username);
> - at this point pwd == NULL due to the fact that the user
> - does not exist on the local passwd database... see below
>   /*
>* if we have a valid account name, and it doesn't have a
>* password, or the -f option was specified and the caller
>* is root or the caller isn't changing their uid, don't
>* authenticate.
>   if (pwd != NULL) {
>   if (pwd->pw_uid == 0)
>   rootlogin = 1;
>   if (fflag && (uid == (uid_t)0 ||
> uid == (uid_t)pwd->pw_uid)) {
>   /* already authenticated */
>   break;
>   } else if (pwd->pw_passwd[0] == '\0') {
>   if (!rootlogin || rootok) {
>   /* pretend password okay */
>   rval = 0;
>   goto ttycheck;
>   }
>   }
>   }
>   fflag = 0;
>   (void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -4);
> #ifndef NO_PAM
>   /*
>* Try to authenticate using PAM.  If a PAM system error
>* occurs, perhaps because of a botched configuration,
>* then fall back to using traditional Unix authentication.
>   if ((rval = auth_pam()) == -1)
> - This returns PAM_SUCCESS since the pam_ldap module has
> - successfully identified and authenticated the user.
> #endif /* NO_PAM */
>   rval = auth_traditional();
>   (void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0);
> #ifndef NO_PAM
>   /*
>* PAM authentication may have changed "pwd" to the
>* entry for the template user.  Check again to see if
>* this is a root login after all.
>   if (pwd != NULL && pwd->pw_uid == 0)
>   rootlogin = 1;
> #endif /* NO_PAM */
>   ttycheck:
>   /*
>* If trying to log in as root without Kerberos,
>* but with insecure terminal, refuse the login attempt.
> - This next if is the problem: pwd == NULL from above, 
> - and the user doesn't get in.
>   if (pwd && !rval) {
>   if (rootlogin && !rootok)
>   refused(NULL, "NOROOT", 0);
>   else/* valid password & authenticated */
>   break;
>   }
>   (void)printf("Login incorrect\n");
>   failures++;
> 1. what would be the rig

Re: PAM & LDAP in FreeBSD

1999-07-19 Thread Oscar Bonilla

Following up on my own post:

For LDAP to be seamlessly integrated into the system some of the libraries
have to be changed. Specifically the ones dealing with /etc/passwd and
user information. 

I've decided the best way to do this is to do what's done with NIS.
Basically handle the case where the user is not available in the local

the idea is to have an entry in the /etc/passwd enabling LDAP lookups.
the Entry would be of the form

ldap:*:389:389:o=My Organization,
   ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^
|  |||   
   portbase dnattr LDAP Server

This comes ftom a pam_ldap module I got from Pedro A M Vazquez 

I'll change all of the function in lib/libc/gen/getpwent.c to handle this
special case.

The only problem is that openldap has to be integrated on the base system
for this to compile... can I safely copy it to /usr/src/contrib?

How do I submit this after it's done? anyone cares about ldap :)?



On Thu, Jul 15, 1999 at 08:03:36PM -0600, Oscar Bonilla wrote:
> While trying to use the pam_ldap module available from
> I discovered the following problem.
> although the module authenticates just fine (using openldap)
> the login program fails to permit logins. I traced the problem to 
> login.c --- the following code is from login.c 
> my questions are at the bottom.
>   pwd = getpwnam(username);
> - at this point pwd == NULL due to the fact that the user
> - does not exist on the local passwd database... see below
>   /*
>* if we have a valid account name, and it doesn't have a
>* password, or the -f option was specified and the caller
>* is root or the caller isn't changing their uid, don't
>* authenticate.
>   if (pwd != NULL) {
>   if (pwd->pw_uid == 0)
>   rootlogin = 1;
>   if (fflag && (uid == (uid_t)0 ||
> uid == (uid_t)pwd->pw_uid)) {
>   /* already authenticated */
>   break;
>   } else if (pwd->pw_passwd[0] == '\0') {
>   if (!rootlogin || rootok) {
>   /* pretend password okay */
>   rval = 0;
>   goto ttycheck;
>   }
>   }
>   }
>   fflag = 0;
>   (void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -4);
> #ifndef NO_PAM
>   /*
>* Try to authenticate using PAM.  If a PAM system error
>* occurs, perhaps because of a botched configuration,
>* then fall back to using traditional Unix authentication.
>   if ((rval = auth_pam()) == -1)
> - This returns PAM_SUCCESS since the pam_ldap module has
> - successfully identified and authenticated the user.
> #endif /* NO_PAM */
>   rval = auth_traditional();
>   (void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0);
> #ifndef NO_PAM
>   /*
>* PAM authentication may have changed "pwd" to the
>* entry for the template user.  Check again to see if
>* this is a root login after all.
>   if (pwd != NULL && pwd->pw_uid == 0)
>   rootlogin = 1;
> #endif /* NO_PAM */
>   ttycheck:
>   /*
>* If trying to log in as root without Kerberos,
>* but with insecure terminal, refuse the login attempt.
> - This next if is the problem: pwd == NULL from above, 
> - and the user doesn't get in.
>   if (pwd && !rval) {
>   if (rootlogin && !rootok)
>   refused(NULL, "NOROOT", 0);
>   else/* valid password & authenticated */
>   break;
>   }
>   (void)printf("Login incorrect\n");
>   failures++;


1999-07-16 Thread Oscar Bonilla
While trying to use the pam_ldap module available from
I discovered the following problem.

although the module authenticates just fine (using openldap)
the login program fails to permit logins. I traced the problem to 
login.c --- the following code is from login.c 

my questions are at the bottom.

pwd = getpwnam(username);

- at this point pwd == NULL due to the fact that the user
- does not exist on the local passwd database... see below

 * if we have a valid account name, and it doesn't have a
 * password, or the -f option was specified and the caller
 * is root or the caller isn't changing their uid, don't
 * authenticate.
if (pwd != NULL) {
if (pwd->pw_uid == 0)
rootlogin = 1;

if (fflag && (uid == (uid_t)0 ||
  uid == (uid_t)pwd->pw_uid)) {
/* already authenticated */
} else if (pwd->pw_passwd[0] == '\0') {
if (!rootlogin || rootok) {
/* pretend password okay */
rval = 0;
goto ttycheck;

fflag = 0;

(void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -4);

#ifndef NO_PAM
 * Try to authenticate using PAM.  If a PAM system error
 * occurs, perhaps because of a botched configuration,
 * then fall back to using traditional Unix authentication.
if ((rval = auth_pam()) == -1)

- This returns PAM_SUCCESS since the pam_ldap module has
- successfully identified and authenticated the user.

#endif /* NO_PAM */
rval = auth_traditional();

(void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0);

#ifndef NO_PAM
 * PAM authentication may have changed "pwd" to the
 * entry for the template user.  Check again to see if
 * this is a root login after all.
if (pwd != NULL && pwd->pw_uid == 0)
rootlogin = 1;
#endif /* NO_PAM */

 * If trying to log in as root without Kerberos,
 * but with insecure terminal, refuse the login attempt.

- This next if is the problem: pwd == NULL from above, 
- and the user doesn't get in.

if (pwd && !rval) {
if (rootlogin && !rootok)
refused(NULL, "NOROOT", 0);
else/* valid password & authenticated */

(void)printf("Login incorrect\n");

1. what would be the right way to fix this? 

2. after the user successfully logs in he still won't have an entry
   in the /etc/passwd database, so all syscalls having to do with
   identifying the user will fail... how can I have these funcions get
   their info from LDAP?

I'm willing to patch and submit these programs, but would like some
feedback about the right way to integrate this.

I checked with a friend who uses linux, and it appears linux doesn't have
this problem since they use the /etc/nsswithc.conf to tell the system
where to get info from. The nsswitch (resolver?) thing seems to 
understand ldap.

Thanks folks,


For PGP Public Key: finger

To Unsubscribe: send mail to
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message


1999-07-16 Thread Oscar Bonilla

While trying to use the pam_ldap module available from
I discovered the following problem.

although the module authenticates just fine (using openldap)
the login program fails to permit logins. I traced the problem to 
login.c --- the following code is from login.c 

my questions are at the bottom.

pwd = getpwnam(username);

- at this point pwd == NULL due to the fact that the user
- does not exist on the local passwd database... see below

 * if we have a valid account name, and it doesn't have a
 * password, or the -f option was specified and the caller
 * is root or the caller isn't changing their uid, don't
 * authenticate.
if (pwd != NULL) {
if (pwd->pw_uid == 0)
rootlogin = 1;

if (fflag && (uid == (uid_t)0 ||
  uid == (uid_t)pwd->pw_uid)) {
/* already authenticated */
} else if (pwd->pw_passwd[0] == '\0') {
if (!rootlogin || rootok) {
/* pretend password okay */
rval = 0;
goto ttycheck;

fflag = 0;

(void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, -4);

#ifndef NO_PAM
 * Try to authenticate using PAM.  If a PAM system error
 * occurs, perhaps because of a botched configuration,
 * then fall back to using traditional Unix authentication.
if ((rval = auth_pam()) == -1)

- This returns PAM_SUCCESS since the pam_ldap module has
- successfully identified and authenticated the user.

#endif /* NO_PAM */
rval = auth_traditional();

(void)setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 0);

#ifndef NO_PAM
 * PAM authentication may have changed "pwd" to the
 * entry for the template user.  Check again to see if
 * this is a root login after all.
if (pwd != NULL && pwd->pw_uid == 0)
rootlogin = 1;
#endif /* NO_PAM */

 * If trying to log in as root without Kerberos,
 * but with insecure terminal, refuse the login attempt.

- This next if is the problem: pwd == NULL from above, 
- and the user doesn't get in.

if (pwd && !rval) {
if (rootlogin && !rootok)
refused(NULL, "NOROOT", 0);
else/* valid password & authenticated */

(void)printf("Login incorrect\n");

1. what would be the right way to fix this? 

2. after the user successfully logs in he still won't have an entry
   in the /etc/passwd database, so all syscalls having to do with
   identifying the user will fail... how can I have these funcions get
   their info from LDAP?

I'm willing to patch and submit these programs, but would like some
feedback about the right way to integrate this.

I checked with a friend who uses linux, and it appears linux doesn't have
this problem since they use the /etc/nsswithc.conf to tell the system
where to get info from. The nsswitch (resolver?) thing seems to 
understand ldap.

Thanks folks,


For PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message