Re: iSCSI vs. SMB with ZFS.

2012-12-12 Thread Reko Turja
-Original Message- 
From: Zaphod Beeblebrox 
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 6:57 PM 
To: FreeBSD Hackers 
Subject: iSCSI vs. SMB with ZFS. 

 So... I have two machines.  My Fileserver is a core-2-duo machine with
 FreeBSD-9.1-ish ZFS, istgt and samba 3.6.  My workstation is windows 7
 on an i7.  Both have GigE and are connected directly via a managed
 switch with jumbo packets (specifically 9016) enabled.  Both are using
 tagged vlan packets to the switch (if that matters at all).

My experience on samba has been that it’s slow whatever one does to tweak it 
(probably just too linux-centric code to start with or whatever...) Just as 
another datapoint – do you have tried NFS yet? Win7 has NFS available as OS 
component, although not installed by default?

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Re: Re: Aqcuiring full path to running process from outside the kernel

2006-08-23 Thread Reko Turja
- Original Message - 
From: Sergey Babkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Lutz Boehne [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Aqcuiring full path to running process from outside 

So why not just change the compiler to put the contents of
this file into a DATA section, at some special symbol.
(I presume that now it puts the messages into some
kind of a COMMENT section).
Then instead of reading the file manually you would have
the contents of the file already pre-mapped into the memory
for you when the program starts. Saves you lots of trouble.

The problem is mainly that for some reason for every platform OW 
supports the file path is fetched somehow. I know the existing code 
which fetches the full path first isn't the most elegant one, but what 
I'm trying to do is get OW to compile first with existing code and 
logic, without breaking too much in the process :)

But as said in earlier post of mine, I managed to achieve what I was 
trying with the following code - using the sysctl seems to achieve 
what was needed reliably enough, at least for now.

int mib[4];
size_t len;
mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
mib[1] = KERN_PROC;
mib[3] = -1;
len = PATH_MAX;

/* First we try grabbing the path to executable using the sysctl MIB*/
result = sysctl(mib, 4, name, len, NULL, 0);

I managed to stumble upon this about the same time I got the first 
reply on my question, but for fallback methods I've gotten several 
valuable suggestions and ideas from here, thanks!


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Re: Aqcuiring full path to running process from outside the ?kernel

2006-08-23 Thread Reko Turja
- Original Message - 
From: Oliver Fromme [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: Aqcuiring full path to running process from outside the 

Oliver Fromme wrote:

Another way would be to use /proc/$$/file (where $$ is the
result from getpid()), but it only works when PROCFS is
mounted on /proc, obviously.

Yep, and if I or whoever will get the OW into port collection, I think 
demanding /proc to be
mounted might be not that good idea - if the problem can be handled a 
way that vanilla BSD


Finally, maybe you don't have to know the path at all.
The kernel maintains a file descriptor of the executable.
lsof(8) and fstat(1) display it (as text or txt,
repectively), so I assume there's a way to retrieve it
from userland.  If you can get access to that file
descriptor, you should be able to read data from the
executable without having to know its path name.

I managed to do exactly that - the problem being for the moment is 
that all the other platforms OW
supports at the moment do fetch the path somehow. Linux uses /proc, 
DOS, NT and OS/2 whatever etc.
The logic in the resource fetching goes simplified like this: Ask the 
path for the current process from a
library function and with the path open a handle for the executable 
file and then fast forward into resource
part and fetch the strings needed. IMHO using the already available 
handle would be most elegant solution,
but that would mean major rewriting in the resource handling for the 
other platforms, hence for now I'll settle
just for trying to do this in manner compatible with existing code. 
(And of course something that's very simple
to achieve in FBSD can be a major pain for some other platform 
supported by Watcom toolchain...)

The latter might even be the _only_ way to access the
executable file, because someone might have unliked the
directory entry right after starting it, so you cannot
access it anymore by path name, but only by descriptor.

Or disappearing NFS mounts or other fun things

Still lot to do but at least now I have managed to tackle some of the 
biggest problems for bootstrapping
the toolchain, with lots of stuff copied from Linux build and 
requiring gnu make for the bootstrap...
Might be that I'm trying to climb a tree with my posterior in the 
fore, but the thing I'm trying to achieve
for now is getting the OW to bootstrap and build all the tools, then 
starting to change the makefiles from
gnu to bsd make and then see if anything can be done to clib with my 
skills or whether
that would be a job for more seasoned and BSD knowledgeable folks :) 
(There aren't that many makefiles for
gnu make as the bootstrap changes pretty soon using the wmake supplied 
with toolchain)

But enough of my rambling and thanks!


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Aqcuiring full path to running process from outside the kernel

2006-08-20 Thread Reko Turja
I've been playing with Open Watcom for a bit in FreeBSD and for a 
while there's been one stumblim block for further advancement. Watcom 
uses a method for storing program messages etc. where these messages 
are stored as a resource file inside the executable itself. As the 
commands are usually invoked without the canonical path, the tools 
cannot find the resource portion stored inside.

This far I've been looking for some solutions from which none seem to 
work too well. vn_fullpath (9) is running only inside kernel I think, 
and with the approach using kvm_openfiles and kvm_getprocs I can only 
get the command without the path (there are vnode etc. structures 
inside the kinfo_proc structure, but those seem to be unavailable from 
user space). Of course /proc might help in here, but I rather kept the 
code compilable on very vanilla system.

Any pointers on how to proceed would be welcome.


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Re: Aqcuiring full path to running process from outside the kernel

2006-08-20 Thread Reko Turja
Of course I did find about the CTL_KERN.KERN_PROC.KERN_PROC_PATHNAME 
sysctl method of grabbing the path just about the same time Mike 
replied to my query... Seems that either of the ways suggested by Mike 
could be used as fallback.

Sorry about the noise.


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X86 machine code enter and FreeBSD kernel

2005-06-10 Thread Reko Turja
I received no reply on this question at questions mailing list, so I try 
asking this here. Hope I'm not asking this in completely wrong list.

In recent discussion in OpenWatcom lists it was noticed that at least
certain addressing modes of assembler ENTER instruction causes a crash
when used in Linux. GCC circumnavigates this by not emitting ENTER
instructions in machine code. Linus's comment on the above issue can be
found on:

What's the status of the above feature in FreeBSD, does the kernel 
support the

whole x86 instruction set without similar cut corners?


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