Re: Problems with freebsd nfsd and irix client

2002-02-12 Thread Eric Windisch

I fixed the problem.. as someone suggested, I umounted /home and then checked the file 
permissions.. 744. Changing to 755 fixed it :)

I had made the mistake of checking the permissions on the mounted directory, d'oh :)

Thanks for all the help guys.

Eric Windisch

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Re: Problems with freebsd nfsd and irix client

2002-02-12 Thread Terry Lambert

Are you sure that the user making the request is a legal
user on the server machine?  If not, it's ID will be
translated to -2.  Perhaps this is an "operator has failed
to configure NIS correctly" error?

If so, the workaround is probably to specify both -mapall
and -alldirs in the exports file (man 5 exports).

On the IRIX box, have you applied Patch SG0003771 or one of
the other "libc rollup" patches?

IRIX getcwd() is known to use stat64() instead of lstat64()
prior to this patch; are you sure you are not using symbolic
links, and expecting them to work over NFS?

I expect this is related to "Bug 439774: getcwd() doesn't
give correct path for some autofs mounted files".

There's also a limit on the number of groups that are sent
over the wire with an NFS request.  Don't expect that
putting a user in a group on the NFS server will do anything
at all about the group membership testing for the same user
coming from an NFS client, and don't expect that more than
a small number of group memberships (e.g. the first 6) will
be looked at by the NFS server.

Also, make sure you are using one of the standard shells
that comes with IRIX, and not something like "bash", which
has a bogus assumption about the inode number returned by
getdents matching the inode number returned by "stat"; the
"stat" version should be used, since it is local to the
machine doing the "stat", whereas the "getdents" value is
local to the host machine (POSIX explicitly prohibits using
this value, FWIW).

Actually, there's a well known root exploit that uses a
getcwd() buffer overflow against IRIX, which has been
corrected in more recent versions.  Perhaps it is this
buffer overflow attack against the IRIX client which is
failing?  8-) 8-).

-- Terry

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Re: Problems with freebsd nfsd and irix client

2002-02-12 Thread Miguel Mendez

On Tuesday 12 February 2002 19:46, Eric Windisch wrote:

Hi Eric,

I have an IRIX box running 6.5 with some old patches and a NFS server running 
FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE, but I don't experience your problem:

On the server side

energyhq# uname -srn
energyhq# showmount -e
Exports list on localhost:

Client side

elin 3# uname -a
IRIX elin 6.5 07151432 IP22
elin 7# mount /mnt
elin 8# mount
/dev/root on / type xfs (rw,raw=/dev/rroot)
/dev/dsk/dks0d2s6 on /usr type xfs (rw,raw=dev/dsk/dks0d2s6)
/hw on /hw type hwgfs (rw)
/proc on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/fd on /dev/fd type fd (rw) on /mnt type nfs (vers=3,rw,dev=11)
elin 9# logout
elin flynn-76% whoami
elin flynn-77% cd /mnt
elin flynn-78% which ls
elin flynn-79% ls -la
total 14651
drwxr-xr-x9 root sys  1024 Feb  9 07:05 .
drwxr-xr-x   49 root sys 20480 Feb 12 20:40 ..
-rw-r--r--1 root sys  5980 Jan 13  2001 IDOIA
-rw-r--r--1 root sys  1434 Jan 29 09:16 arena.diff
-rwxr-xr-x1 root sys  8714 Mar 26  2001 asm
-rw-r--r--1 root sys  2256 Jan 19 15:36 decurs.shar

> I guess the question is if it is an irix or freebsd problem and how/if it
> can be fixed. I saw mention of a problem with Linux nfsd and irix and the

The problem with Linux was that their NFS implementation s*cks *ss.

> getcwd() command, a very small mention.. but it said it should be fixed in
> latest versions, furthermore.. it only occured with nfs3, nfs2 worked. I
> have tried nfs2 and 3, neither has worked.

Is that box running 6.5 or 6.2? Recent patches? My bet is that it's your IRIX 
box that it's acting funny. There have been some problems with nfs on  some 
versions of IRIX that they solved later with patches.

Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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EnergyHQ ::
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Problems with freebsd nfsd and irix client

2002-02-12 Thread Eric Windisch

I am having difficulty with an nfsd running on FreeBSD and an irix client.

I am unable to sucessfully call the getcwd() function as a non-root user in the 
mounted directory.

For instance:
raptor@DaVinci:/> which ls

raptor@DaVinci:/> cd /home/raptor
raptor@DaVinci:~> which ls
Cannot determine current working directory

Root can execute getcwd() in /home and its subdirectories, only non-root users are 
having the problem. I tried changing the permissions to 777 on /home and /home/raptor 
on the server's side.. and made the mountpoint /home on the client also 777, the error 
still continued. 

I get an error from make, saying it doesn't have permission to call getcwd().

I guess the question is if it is an irix or freebsd problem and how/if it can be 
fixed. I saw mention of a problem with Linux nfsd and irix and the getcwd() command, a 
very small mention.. but it said it should be fixed in latest versions, furthermore.. 
it only occured with nfs3, nfs2 worked. I have tried nfs2 and 3, neither has worked.

Any ideas ? :)

Eric Windisch

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