Re: poor ethernet performance?

1999-07-16 Thread Louis A. Mamakos
> : Good point but I think it's like how much of 100Mhz a 100BaseTX
> :can push.  If it pushes 100%, then it might be wise to have a little more
> :room for overhead.  Kinda like a car, better to have reserve power when
> :you need it then pushing it to the max.  In regards to 1000BaseT, I
> :thought there was no standards for that yet, atleast all the Gigabit stuff
> :is all fiber and not copper.  Quality of cable does matter, atleast in
> :high-end audio/video it does and I'm sure data would be more picky than
> :human ears.
> :
> :
> :Cheers,
> :Vince - -      __  
> :Unix Networking Operations - FreeBSD-Real Unix for Free / / / / |  / |[__  ]
> The copper gigabit standard isn't out yet, but I was under the impression
> that they were pretty close.
> In regards to audio/video verses ethernet, you have to remember that 
> audio and video are *analog*, not digital.  The cable quality matters
> for analog, but it only needs to be "good enough" for digital.  If you
> don't get any bit errors (and you shouldn't) then a better cable is not
> going to make a difference.

One of the big deals with the different grades of cable is the degree of
crosstalk between the transmit and receive pairs in the cable sheath.  
When you're talking about Category-3 or Category-5 cable systems, this
INCLUDES the connectors, patch panels, cross-connect blocks and cross-connect

For instance, you have to work pretty hard to do better than 10Base-T 
with a Category-3 wiring system if you have type 66 punch blocks
because of the impedence bump and crosstalk issues.  Same sort of things
apply at 100base-T and Category-5 cable systems.  Using gold-plated
"Monster Cable" is just pissing away money of the other components are
also up to the same level of "quality"  (har, har).

And, as Matt said, if you're not getting CRC errors then it's good
enough, and there's no point spending money to get better wire.

(who uses #12 ROMEX cable for speaker wire.)

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Re: gethostbyaddr() and threads.

1999-08-09 Thread Louis A. Mamakos
> ---Steve Tarkalson said:
> > this is solved by one of two methods:
> >1-) require the caller of gethostbyaddr() to supply a pointer to
> >a hostent struct which will be filled.
> > or 2-) the library uses thread specific storage which is re-used in
> >each call.
> > 
> You could malloc() a struct hostent for each call to
> gethostby*(), each time registering the hostent in some list along with the
> thread's PID. If the same thread calls gethostby*, use the same buffer, or
> allocate a new one if another thread calls it. Have a static function be 
> called
> atexit to free all the mallocs.


If you're writing a multithreaded program, a slightly different API for
gethostbyname() is likely to be the least of your worries.

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Re: (2) hey

1999-08-12 Thread Louis A. Mamakos
> > Well, I am the person who has this problem.
> > The RFCs does not explicitly say that we should not use underscore
> > character
> > as far as I understood. But it suggests which characters we should use.
> > 
> RFC 952
>1. A "name" (Net, Host, Gateway, or Domain name) is a text string up
>to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus
>sign (-), and period (.).  Note that periods are only allowed when
>they serve to delimit components of "domain style names".
> RFC 1101
>The current syntax for network names, as defined by [RFC 952] is an
>alphanumeric string of up to 24 characters, which begins with an
>alpha, and may include "." and "-" except as first and last
>characters.  This is the format which was also used for host names
>before the DNS.  Upward compatibility with existing names might be a
>goal of any new scheme.
> The above two documents limit the characters that may be used a a _ is not
> one of them. FreeBSD behaves correctly in this manner.

But the DNS is used to hold all sorts of information.  For example, how do
you reconcile domain names like:

in the DNS?  It violates the "starts with alpha" "requirement" in 952 and 1101
that you quotes, yet we use these things all the time.  In fact, you can
send email to that domain name because it has an A record associated with
it, as well as a PTR record.

I've always thought that the code that barfs on these names in gethostbyname()
really violates the "be conservative in what you send, and liberal in
what you receive" thought that made the Internet work.  Yeah, yeah, BIND
does it, but that's no excuse, either.

What do I know; I was just the first chair of the domain name working group
in the IETF so many years ago before it got fashionable.


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Re: (2) hey

1999-08-12 Thread Louis A. Mamakos
>   That IS a violation of the standard, since A records
> are not valid for hosts in 

And next I suppose you'll tell me that PTR records are not valid
outsize of the IN-ADDR.ARPA portion of the DNS namespace?

What people really miss is that the DNS is a distributed database
with delegation, used for all sorts of purposes.  Some of them are
widely known and almost universal (e.g., "look up and address for
this host").  Some parts of the namespace are used as indicies for
special purposes (e.g., translate a 4 octet IP address into a DNS

The DNS can store names where the values used for each octet of a
label in a DNS name can have any value at all between 0 and 255,
including " ", ".", and other rude things.  The general purpose
mechansim can be (ab)sed for all sorts of purposes not originally
envisioned (like Hesiod - you want to exclude "_" from user names?)

While gethostbyname() and it's ilk are used for one limited, scoped
purpose is no reason to break previously working configurations.  That
the ISC got a hair up their ass to break all those previously working
names is just a shame. 

Depending on my application, I might just want to have some part of
the DNS namespace return object that look like IP addresses for 
domain names which are not "hosts."  The current implemention of
bind makes that impossible unless I want to resort to using
the raw resolver routines, which is just busy-work.  This is just
an example of "smart-ass" software that believes it knows better
than the user does.


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Re: How to prevent motd including os info

1999-09-13 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

[I'm catching up on a bunch of FreeBSD mail since being out on vacation, so
perhaps I've missed the essence of this thread..]

I've also had the desire to capture the output produced when /etc/rc is 
run for all the reasons mentioned.  I always thought that perhaps init
would simply capture stdout on the other end of a pipe, and logically do
the "tee" thing with it.  In fact, couldn't init logically exec a

sh /etc/rc | tee /tmp/rc-output

when invoking /etc/rc?  (Where to put the output would seem to be one
of the more difficult choices since you don't start with a writable file system
mounted anywhere..)

Or perhaps init could capture the output on the end of a pipe and 
subsequently syslog it while it's echoing it to /dev/console.


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Re: c9x (new ANSI C)

1999-05-19 Thread Louis A. Mamakos
> On Wed, 19 May 1999, Chuck Robey wrote:
> > Becoming well versed in C++ has meant that I can now bore you endlessly
> > with well expressed reasons why I dislike C++.  Now you have all the
> > language propeller-heads wanting to change C into a C++ lookalike.
> I've always preferred Objective-C, simply because it's unintrusive (not
> that I speak it that well :).

Truly and example of the "less is more" concept in action.  I've done
some non-trivial development in Objective-C, and I can assure you that
I haven't missed C++'s operator overloading.  


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Re: Serial ports programming

1999-05-27 Thread Louis A. Mamakos
> > Hi!
> > 
> > Some days ago I've faced with the following problem:
> > I need some kind of action (while coding user space
> > program actively handling the serial port) to get
> > sure all the bytes I've wrote to it are _transmitted_.
> > I know about "ioctl(fd, TIOCDRAIN)", but this ioctl
> > is accomplished with tty buffers draining to (probably)
> > FIFO buffer of the serial port. Is there any (portable
> > preferably) way to get an acknolege or to block until
> > FIFO buffer is cleared? The situation is that I can't
> > simply write additional 64 bytes (I did not see any
> > serial ports with FIFO larger than 64 bytes) and
> > drain the tty buffers - I have to catch the exact
> > moment ...
> You could close the device, but that may have an adverse effect on your 
> application, as it will drop DTR.
> There is no other way, no.

Generally speaking, when you have this type of concern regarding 
communications between two devices, you have to rely on the remote device
to acknowledge the data.  Even if you knew all the bits left the
UART in your serial port, the data could have been damaged along the way,
or might simply be queued up inside of an error-corrected modem that's
trying to deliver the data to the remote end.


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Re: Advice on deriving accurate time values from the kernel?

1999-07-15 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

I've done some work on measuring things like interrupt response times
and the interval between two interesting events or steps in processing.
A cheap way to do this is to use the TSC register in the CPU, though you
then need to calibrate the frequency that the CPU really runs at.

If you're willing to spend some money, you can get hardware to plug into
a PCI slot that can return timestamps in 100ns units, as well as generating
interrupt at some time in the future, etc.  

See for one example of such hardware.
I have a device driver for FreeBSD for this board which even allows user
processes to get precise timing by mmap()'ing the device registers into
user space for easy access.

The driver will be contributed to the FreeBSD project "soon."  I was pretty
close to doing so just prior to the newbus conversion and now need to update
the driver for a more recent -current.


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2001-02-01 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> > Warner Losh writes:
>  > Even the name (dd) comes from IBM's control language (JSYS?).
> Huh! I never realized that. 
> ...
> //
> Where are my punch cards? :-)

man 6 bcd

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Re: echo request deny

2001-02-07 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, milunovic wrote:
> > Is there anyway to deny echo request on FreeBSD (except ipfw add deny
> > icmp from any to any) ?
> > On Linux It was simple,just echo 1>/proc/.../icmp_echo_request
>   If you just want to block echo_requests and don't want to
>   block any other ICMP why not use ipfw?
>   ipfw add 1000 deny icmp from any to any in via xl0 icmptypes 8
>   This will still allow other icmp to why not use it?

Yes, indeed.  Just blocking all of ICMP will cause things like Path MTU
discovery to fail.


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Re: call for testers: port aggregation netgraph module

2001-02-09 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

The crock in these trunking schemes is all the trouble and effort expended
to avoid re-ordering frames across the trunk bundle.  This is why you
see things like the hashing techniques so that an individual flow of
traffic doesn't get reordered because it always is serialized over the
a single path.

I'll observe that there's nothing in the IP architecture which (should)
rely on packets not being reordered.  I'll also observe that in a network
with multiple ethernet switching running a spanning-tree protocol, you
probably should't rely on packet reordering never happening when
a link fails and the spanning tree computation is re-run.

So, a clever implementation might choose to drain a single queue rather
than having multiple queues, one per network interface. 

Of course, some network stacks don't deal well with TCP segments arriving
out-of-order, but they are just broken.


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Re: howto access an oddly shaped partition on a floppy ?

2001-03-09 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> > > this would only work after the kernel has control, and the kernel
> > > needs far more than 10 cylinders...
> > 
> > What about /boot/loader?  Does that use the bios also?  Can't we build
> > one with a modified fd0 in it?
> yes it uses the bios, and it is large enough (100+ KB compressed if
> you include forth, ~70KB without) to kill most of the savings coming
> from this trick.

So how about a options flag on the floppy driver which translates
block addresses beyond 1440K into the "extra" sectors?   I don't
know that there's a "clean" way insert that into the driver, just
glancing at the code..


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Re: howto access an oddly shaped partition on a floppy ?

2001-03-09 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> > So how about a options flag on the floppy driver which translates
> > block addresses beyond 1440K into the "extra" sectors?   I don't
> > know that there's a "clean" way insert that into the driver, just
> > glancing at the code..
> that is another possibility, yes. But it still remains the challenge
> of controlling how the filesystem code allocates blocks to
> make sure that the first things you write really end up into
> the "initial" part of the disk so the bios can boot from it.

Depending on the shape of the files you need to have on the disk, you
could split this between two FreeBSD partitions (/dev/fd0a and /dev/fd0d
or something), with the second partition being the bizzaro extra sectors.

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Re: kernel type

2001-05-27 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> As I remember, way back in the mists of 1990 when I first encountered a NeXT
> box, one of the principal reasons for selecting the Mach 2.x micro kernel was
> "mach messaging".  This was a unified mechanism for almost all IPC both within
> one host or distributed over a network, where eg. sockets (netork or unix
> domain), pipes etc. were seen as abstractions of the core messaging function. 
> This fitted very well with the general OO design philosophy of the company. 
> If anyone has access to a copy of the socket(2) man page from any NeXTSTEP
> version, I dimly remember there being an informative paragraph about this
> point.

This is mostly true, but the Mach kernel they shipped definately wasn't
what I'd call a "micro kernel".  It was based on the earlier CMU monolithic
4.3BSD Mach kernel.   At the time, we had a source license for their
kernel (at least most of; not device drivers, feh!), and this was very 

> Whilst Mach messaging was not commonly used directly in the Unix userland
> which was pretty much stock BSD 4.3, it was very important in the AppKit --- 
> NeXT's real stock in trade.

In fact, the IPC between the appkik/user processes and the Display PostScript
server really made use of this, could result in very high performance 
when moving large bitmapped images, etc.

I would love to have a UI available these days; it was worlds better than
X at the time, and frankly, still better than what we have today.  The
afterstep and WindowMaker guys have made some progress emulating the
visual interface.  But can you imagine trying to run GNOME or KDE on a
25Mhz 68030 today?  


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Re: How to disable software TCP checksumming?

2001-05-30 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

The TCP checksum protects more than just the contents of the packet
on the wire; it's also a (somewhat) weak check on the contents
of your packet sitting in memory, and as it's going over the bus
in your computer between memory and peripherals and for other end-to-end
sorts of issues. 

Of course, with rude things like NAT boxes and other network elements
taking liberties with your data, this becomes less and less useful
as time goes on, sigh.


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Re: How to disable software TCP checksumming?

2001-06-05 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> > 
> > There are good reasons why checksumming in upper layers should not be disabled
> > even if some lower layer does checksumming of its own.  I recall reading some
> > good points on this one at "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I" from (now late)
> > Richard W. Stevens.
> It seems to me to be kind of moot to check the same value twice, unless
> you suspect hardware problems. Aren't you talking about two different
> checks over the same data instead of checksum off-loading?

Suspect hardware problem?  Of course you should!  That's why memory
systems have parity or ECC, and I/O buses are similarlly protected.  At
least on real computers.

The link-level CRC only protects the data as it goes over the link 
between the link-level hardware which generates the CRC and the box 
on the other end that receives it.  It does not protect the data
end-to-end, so if it's gets corrupted whilst sitting in memory in
an intermediate node, you won't detect that.

Why would it get corrupted?  

1.  Software.   Random unrelated other software does a random store in
the buffer containing your packet sitting in memory.  Fancy device drivers
that do scatter-gather I/O gets it wrong every now and then and points
off into space.  mbuf cluster which should be treated as read-only isn't,
and some other code hoses it.  (See PR kern/27782 at for an example of this.)

2.  Hardware. I found broken UNIBUS hardware 15 or 20 years ago this
way.  I had some broken hardware which took frame relay frames on
a HSSI interface and turned them into AAL5 ATM cells that would get
the cell reassembly wrong if you pushed too hard.  Or just plain
broken memory that results in packet corruption.

I've personally experienced all these problems.  Maybe I'm just
unluckly.  One common thread of my experiences is being close to the
bleeding edge of technology where stuff isn't as mature as many people
are used to.

This end-to-end issue is not a theoretical consideration.  While the
1's complement internet checksum isn't that strong, it does detect a
bunch of bug-like behavior like this.

Louis Mamakos

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Re: How to disable software TCP checksumming?

2001-06-06 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> "Louis A. Mamakos" wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > > It seems to me to be kind of moot to check the same value twice, unless
> > > you suspect hardware problems. Aren't you talking about two different
> > > checks over the same data instead of checksum off-loading?
> > 
> > Suspect hardware problem?  Of course you should!  That's why memory
> > systems have parity or ECC, and I/O buses are similarlly protected.  At
> > least on real computers.
> > 
> > The link-level CRC only protects the data as it goes over the link
>   ^^
> After reading the rest of his messages, I'm not so sure, but I would
> think he was talking about _transport_ level check sum, and verifying
> that with hardward (NIC) instead of software (IP stack).

If I'm not mistaken the message that started this thread inquired
about adding an option to prevent TCP from doing a checksum, since
the fancy gigabit hardware performed reliable link-level error detection
itself.  I argue that since TCP is an end-to-end transport protocol that
individual error detection on a per-hop basis is not sufficient either
theoretically or practically.  My last message illustrated a number of
cases where the transport of the packet over a link was reliably
done, but the contents of the packet were corrupted by malfunctioning
software or hardware which the end-to-end TCP checksum detected.

I have less of an issue with the endpoints of the TCP connection
offloading checksum computation to the NIC card, though you're
still exposed to a certain class of error, like the PR I referenced.
The problem is what happend to your data in intermediate network
elements (routers, etc.) between the endpoints of the TCP connection.

Louis Mamakos

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Re: Making support for ADSL interface ??

2001-06-06 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> How good is FreeBSD current structures for running ADSL, I'm thinking about the
> ATM support already present, and probably using netgraph ? I would need support
> for the most common protocols used worldwide, t.ex PPPoATM, IPoATM

You'd also need to support PPPoE, which on most ADSL systems appears
as PPP on Ethernet as RFC-1490 bridged encapsulation of the ethernet
frames in AAL5 ATM cells.  It's unclear that this is worth doing at
the ATM level since the CPE devices with an Ethernet are fairly
inexpensive; the existing Ethernet interface might be the most cost

There's also limited standardization on management interfaces for ADSL
CPE equipment.  It's been a couple of years since I've been involved
with the ADSL forum, but there were proposes to have some management
channel to the CPE device (perhaps using ILMI?  I don't recall). 

Louis Mamakos

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Re: Making support for ADSL interface ??

2001-06-06 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Louis,
> Thanks for your reply.
> "Louis A. Mamakos" wrote:
> > 
> > You'd also need to support PPPoE, which on most ADSL systems appears
> > as PPP on Ethernet as RFC-1490 bridged encapsulation of the ethernet
> > frames in AAL5 ATM cells.  It's unclear that this is worth doing at
> > the ATM level since the CPE devices with an Ethernet are fairly
> > inexpensive; the existing Ethernet interface might be the most cost
> > effective.
> I will need to support PPPoE, but netgraph can probably take care of
> that But directly, as the point is to have one single low cost box
> with everything, that why I'm working on doing an ADSL board with PCI
> interface And I might even put the ADSL interface on the mainboard.

What I'm not sure is if the netgraph code currently has hooks into
the ATM network interfaces, and if it "knows" about ethernet frame
bridge encapsulation.  I'm guessing that the netgraph platform would
make the most sense to support this kind of application.


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Re: problem with systm.h trying to call resettodr()

2001-06-08 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

I didn't think resettodr(9) was a system call exposed to user program,
but instead a function available to be called from kernel code.  Thus,
the section 9 manual page.


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Re: How to disable software TCP checksumming?

2001-06-10 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

Setting aside the degree to which you choose to be paranoid about
where data can be corrupted, and the likelyhood thereof-- there
is an architectural issue here, which is that the CRC provided
by your friendly neighborhood Ethernet NIC card only protects the
data over one Ethernet subnetwork.  The TCP checksum, and TCP in
general, provides end-to-end semantics, independent of the
concatenation of physical links the TCP segments might transit from
the source to the destination.  If you have an end-to-end protocol,
with end-to-end semantics, then you need and end-to-end mechanism.

Remember years ago when Sun by default shipped their OS with UDP
checksums disabled for UDP-based NFS traffic.  The position was that
you had this strong 32 bit CRC protecting your NFS traffic between
the client and server (on the same LAN, of course) and the UDP
checksum was wasteful and degrading performance.  And people had
mysterious things happen to their files when running UDP/NFS over
WAN links and other interesting media and circumstances.

Everything old is new again.


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Re: Status of encryption hardware support in FreeBSD

2001-06-28 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> In a message dated 06/27/2001 11:06:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> > That's not really the point here, I was talking about lowest end
> >  hardware compared to high end CPU. If we compare with high end hardware,
> >  then we're talking about factor >50 faster than software There are
> >  chips out that can do >1Gbit 3-DES, given a 64bit/66Mhz PCI bus.
> >  
> >  I'm just starting with a low end chip to complement my 133 Mhz 486 based
> >  net4501 board, with the goal of low cost and low power, not absolute
> >  performance.
> Its cheaper and more flexible to buy a faster motherboard, which is the point 
> to the rest of us who are deciding if we care about a hardware solution.

Really?  Have you even looked at the net4501 board which was mentioned?  It's
a single-board computer constructed for some specific communication
applications, with no VGA or keyboard support, or spinning fans, and is
pretty inexpensive and in a very small form factor.  Why do I want to
replace this with "a new motherboard?"

Please consider that you probably can't imagine all the applications that
these platforms might be used in, an the availability of fire-breathing
Really Fast CPUs might not actually be applicable to some applications
with very specific requirements. 

"A new motherboard" isn't going to be more flexible since it's likely
to require a power supply larger than the whole low-power computer
you propose to replace.  I'd rather spend the $100 or $150 to add
crypto performance for some applications and maintain the small form
factor, low power consumption, and no moving parts.

The "rest of us" covers quite a few people, with a variety of interesting


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Re: FreeBSD Mall now BSDCentral

2001-07-06 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> I was thinking about this the other day.  I don't think there's very
> much money likely to be made in "value-add" CD distributions in the
> near future -- that requires hard work to add value, and that requires
> someone being paid to do it.

The value-add may have nothing to do with the contents of the CD's.  Consider
that having a well-run subscription service might be valuable, or perhaps
better physical packaging in other than the standard jewel boxes.  

Or adding some addition disks as part of the set of other useful software
or documentation.  Perhaps providing sets of pre-built picobsd
distributions with floppy images?  Maybe with hardcopy versions of
the handbook or other documentation.  Or perhaps someone with 
phone-in tech support to help people install, run and support FreeBSD.

There's a number of different price points and and value propositions
you could shoot for.  The tricky bit is finguring out which of the
alternatives people want. :-)


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Re: bridging

2000-07-07 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

They can't be in the same collision domain -- the only way to do that
is to have an Ethernet repeater which repeats bit by bit fron one 
segment to another, and propagating a collision on one segment as a
jam on another.

On a FreeBSD box, where you interfaces to ethernet segments are NIC
cards, you can't get your hands on the ethernet frame until the 
NIC has received it completely.  Thus, you don't have to opportunity
to act as a repeater (not that you'd want to anyway) to have a
single collision domain.


> On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Narvi wrote:
> > > On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Sean Lutner wrote:
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Bridges create a broadcast zone. broadcast packets will cross the bridge
> > > > unobstructed.
> > > 
> > >   OK.  So do bridged interfaces fall within the same collision
> > >   domain?... or are they just members of the same broadcast domain?
> > > 
> > 
> > They can't be in the same collison domain - you'll realise it if you
> > think about it for a second.
>   It is possible to span 2 collison domains across 1 
>   yes they could be, if it were possible with FreeBSD (?IS it?) to
>   put two ethernet cards in this setup:
>   FreeBSD
> int1  int2
>   /\
>  /  \
> /\
>   switch1 switch2 
>   If int1 and int2 were part of the same collision domain, then
>   switch1 and switch2 would also be part of the same collosion
>   domain and visa versa.  This would be pretty cool to see happen,
>   essentially making a VLAN switch (with Layer 3 capabilities).
> Nick Rogness
> - Speak softly and carry a Gigabit switch.
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Re: 64bit Ethernet Controllers

2000-08-18 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Have any 64bit PCI ethernet controllers been tested in 4.x yet? Preferably
> quad port..I've seen a few around (adaptec has one) but no mention on the
> list of specific experience.

This may not be exactly what you meant, but the Alteon Gigabit ethernet
controllers (the ti device) are 64 bit PCI cards.  The ones I'm using have
optical connections, but they do have a twisted pair version with support
for a 10/100-Base-T phy in addition to the gigabit phy.


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Re: freebsd and non-preemtive threads

2000-08-25 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> * Robert Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000821 18:01] wrote:
> > 
> > For reference, my recollection is that peemption-aware userland thread
> > libraries tend to make alot of timer syscalls, losing some of the
> > advantage of being a userland thread library (low context switch cost, few
> > transistions between user/kerneland).  The AFS LWP code included a
> > fasttime() mechanism that took advantage of the ability to mmap kernel
> > memory under SunOS, allowing direct access to the timer variable in
> > kernel, without a context switch.  I do not believe that native ports to
> > Linux/FreeBSD/et al have retained this capability, especially given its
> > requirements for privilege.  However, it would be easy to imagine a kernel
> > module exporting a /dev/time, which had the singular ability of allowing
> > the mmaping of a page containing only the kernel's timer variables,
> > permitting syscall-free precise time access from userland using atomic
> > memory access calls.
> I think phk and I discussed this about a year ago, our idea was to
> automatically map the segment in for each process (also allowing
> things like getpid and such to be accessable).
> It would be nice to see happen either way (mmap'able /dev/time or
> automatically)

If it's a  uni-processor machine, could you use the cycle counter

I wrote a driver under FreeBSD 3.0 for the Datum bc635PCI which allowed
a process to mmap() the device registers of this board.  With
two memory references, you'd get a timestamp with 100ns resolution,
which was handy for a bunch of tasks.

I don't know that a /dev/time would give you sufficient resolution,
as convienient memory-based stuff would only be updated everytime
hardclock() ran, at HZ times per second.  The gettimeofday(), etc.,
routines do some other fiddling (like the TSC register, or reading 
other programmable timer devices).


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Re: React to ICMP administratively prohibited ?

2000-11-18 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> On Sat, 18 Nov 2000, Jesper Skriver wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 17, 2000 at 02:29:04PM -0800, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> > > 
> > > Probably not, what if one started a stream of spoofed ICMP lying
> > > about the state of the route between the two machines?  I have
> > > the impression that the Linux box wouldn't be able to connect
> > > because of this behavior.
> > 
> > Correct, a attacker could in theory make sure we couldn't connect to 
> > a given remote box, but as I see it, it's mostly in teory.
> > 
> > We could only react to this if we had a TCP session where we was
> > waiting for a SYN/ACK from this specific host, this only leaves a very
> > narrow window for a attacker to abuse, as he had to know both
> > destination and time.
> > 
> > Do you agree ?
> > 
> > /Jesper
> Well, if you honor such messages, don't you have to honor them in the
> middle of a connection too?  Then you could cause a connection drop at any
> time.

No, you don't.

This is a replay of discussions that happened literally 20 years ago
as the first TCP implementations were being done.  I believe the
acceptable practice at the time was to honor an ICMP advisory (e.g.,
pass it to TCP to have it abort the pending connection) while in
SYN-SENT state.  That is, when initially trying to open the connection,
give up sooner based on the ICMP message, rather than waiting for an
ACK timeout.  

If an ICMP message associated with a connection was received after 
the connection passed to ESTABLISHED state, then you could choose 
to pass an advisory to the application, but not abort the connection.
The Berkeley network stack did this, and a variety of applications
would give up and die should they get an error return from a read()
or write() system call on the connection, even though it was still
alive.  I think that behavior may have changed, but I haven't check
anytime recently.

At the time, the anticipated source of ICMP messages were Destination
Unreachable advisories, provoked by either permanant or transient
routing failures to the destination.

> It would seem simpler to have the ISP in question use proper RST
> responses, or just stop filtering totally.

This behavior, while widely implemented, is a hack and a kludge.  An
intermediate network element isn't supposed to spoof source address
and return responses on behalf of some other system.  This only works
for TCP, and only if you can see the headers (e.g., not encrypted with


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Re: React to ICMP administratively prohibited ?

2000-11-19 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

This patch seems like it will do the wrong thing for ICMP messages that
are associated with non-TCP packets.   It looks like ICMP unreachable
messages for UDP packets will never get delivered to UDP sockets.


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Re: React to ICMP administratively prohibited ?

2000-11-19 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

It would seem more appropriate, somehow, to push the response to the
ICMP message up into the protocols where they can take the appropriate
action.  Of course, the problem is that the PRC_* abstracted codes may
not be rich enough to express all the semantics you'd wish to convey.

So one goal might be to see if this sort of process could get pushed into
netinet/tcp_sub.c:tcp_ctlinput().   Personally, I don't really like the
idea of the icmp_input() function reaching into TCP's private state and
doing stuff.  There's too many potential interactions (e.g., what about
IPSEC security associations?) 

I dunno, some of this is probably a matter of taste.


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Re: 4.2-RELEASE will not boot after install ?

2000-12-06 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

I had the same problem on an old PPro box.  The BIOS seemingly doesn't
like the new (2 sector long) boot manager.  If you fire up sysinstall
again, and tell it to install the "standard bootblocks" (forgot the
exact phrase), rather than the boot manager, you'll probably be OK.


> Don't know if I should post here but
> I just installed 4.2-RELEASE onto a ppro 200 (had linux) the install
> went without a hich. Then when I rebooted, the box just stopped. It
> seemed like it could not read the mbr. So I booted  again off the
> floppies and I used the loader to switched the currdev to the harddrive
> (disk1s1a) it found the hardrive.  I then loaded the kernel from the
> harddrive and booted off the harddrive. After I was up on the box I then
> ran disklabel -B ad0 and thought that maybe the installation did not add
> the boot reccord info. Rebooted agian to have the same problem as
> before.  I then tried it agian with the flags for the boot code, no
> luck. Finally I dd out the first 512 blocks of the harddrive and ran
> strings on it. Seems that thier was nothing their ! so I was lucky
> enough to have another 4.2 box and I just copied its first 512 blocks.
> Now it boots fine !
> Is their a known issue with this ? or maybe I did something wrong ?
> thank you
> nathan
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Re: su root hangs when logged in via SSH

2000-12-13 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Mike Tancsa wrote:
> > 
> > Yeah, I had a similar problem to this in the past where syslogd was kind of
> > hung, and the su was blocking waiting for I guess syslog to return.  If you
> > can login as root on the console, kill syslogd, restart it and see if su
> > works once again.
> Nope, it does not work again. But after a couple of seconds after
> restarting syslogd I've got this messages on the console:
>  "syslogd: timed out waiting for child"
> Another note, syslogd does not go with a normal kill, it needs a kill -9
> to make it into heaven.
> Could this be related to having a serial console?

This sounds very familiar to me.  I had a problem like this in the
past, and it was a case of syslog blocking trying to write to /dev/console
and blocking.  The comconsole port starts a getty on /dev/console, which
might be surprising if you also had one running on ttyd0.

I don't recall the details, but I think that the serial console is 
definately related to your problem.

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Re: kernel type

2000-12-18 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> As I remember, way back in the mists of 1990 when I first encountered a NeXT
> box, one of the principal reasons for selecting the Mach 2.x micro kernel was
> "mach messaging".  This was a unified mechanism for almost all IPC both within
> one host or distributed over a network, where eg. sockets (netork or unix
> domain), pipes etc. were seen as abstractions of the core messaging function. 
> This fitted very well with the general OO design philosophy of the company. 
> If anyone has access to a copy of the socket(2) man page from any NeXTSTEP
> version, I dimly remember there being an informative paragraph about this
> point.

This is mostly true, but the Mach kernel they shipped definately wasn't
what I'd call a "micro kernel".  It was based on the earlier CMU monolithic
4.3BSD Mach kernel.   At the time, we had a source license for their
kernel (at least most of; not device drivers, feh!), and this was very 

> Whilst Mach messaging was not commonly used directly in the Unix userland
> which was pretty much stock BSD 4.3, it was very important in the AppKit --- 
> NeXT's real stock in trade.

In fact, the IPC between the appkik/user processes and the Display PostScript
server really made use of this, could result in very high performance 
when moving large bitmapped images, etc.

I would love to have a UI available these days; it was worlds better than
X at the time, and frankly, still better than what we have today.  The
afterstep and WindowMaker guys have made some progress emulating the
visual interface.  But can you imagine trying to run GNOME or KDE on a
25Mhz 68030 today?  


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Re: New netgraph features?

2000-12-22 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Poul-Henning Kamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I may not have caught the drift here, but if you send meta-data
> >across the net, wouldn't some kind of authentication be needed?
> Yes, It must be. This is probably the next-in-thread request for
> comments/suggestions. I'm still not sure if the whole thing would be useful,
> so, the authentication methods seem too far to me at the present time. If you
> have any comments about this... I think you know what to do :)

Assuming you can use the administrative/policy model, you can probably 
use IPSEC AH and get this "for free."


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Re: polling for sio?

2004-04-09 Thread Louis A. Mamakos
> On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 12:34:43PM -0600, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> > In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Marcel Moolenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > : On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 03:36:02PM -0700, othermark wrote:
> > : > I have a multi-port PCI card under puc and sio that has 4 19200
> > : > connections to it now, and when data is streaming across all of
> > : > them at once, I get several silo overflows.  Would it be better
> > : > to run this under puc + uart?
> > : 
> > : Not really. The problem is that puc(4) iterates over all ports in
> > : the same way whether you use uart(4) or sio(4). So, puc(4) is
> > : the problem more that sio(4) or uart(4). However, uart(4) has the
> > : beginnings of an interface that puc(4) could use to figure out
> > : which UART needs attention without actually calling the interrupt
> > : routine for each of them.
> > 
> > Yes, but at 19200 baud, his problems likely aren't related to the
> > iteration.  They are likely related to the fact that he said his
> > interrupt is shared and therefore not fast.  We have horrible
> > interrupt latency in current when you want to get to the FIFOs of
> > UARTs quickly :-(.
> Those cards are just what they are - cheap.
> They have very small FIFOs and they don't use DMA.
> IRQ sharing makes them even worse than traditional ISA stuff.
> My advise for cost efficient and fast serials is getting USB ones.
> Even noname USB serials do much better then puc(4) based.
> E.g. the FT232BM (uftdi(4)) has 128 bytes send and 384 bytes receive
> buffer plus your USB controller does DMA.
> At best you would add a cheap OHCI card if your onboard USB is UHCI
> based as OHCI is less CPU intensive.

I used to use 9600 bps serial links on LSI-11/23 systems 20 years ago
to run SLIP over.  This was with dumb DL-11 serial adapters on way
slower CPUs and busses than we have today.  The difference was a
much lower interrupt latency.  You'd think that running serial links
10 times faster on CPUs that are a few hundred times faster wouldn't
be too hard.

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Re: concurrent scp transfers (and a testing methodology ?)

2004-07-06 Thread Louis A. Mamakos
> I have read several documents on the number of
> concurrent  https sessions a FreeBSD system is capable
> of.
> However, I wonder how well this relates to how many
> ssh sessions (scp file transfers, specifically) that a
> FreeBSD server can handle.  Can anyone throw out some
> basic numbers for this ?  Assuming a 1ghz p3 and 2gigs
> of RAM, and assuming that everyone is transferring a
> totally different file.  (so there is no amount of
> cache hits - everything comes straight off the drives)
> I would think the major bottleneck would be disk - you
> would start chugging the disks far before you used up
> all the CPU on a 1ghz p3 ... but what is the second
> bottleneck ?  Is it cpu, or is it ram (or mbufs, etc.)
> Would it be a reasonable test to just start up scp
> sessions from the machine to itself and then divide
> the number of sessions you can acceptably create by
> the number 2 ?  Or is this somehow a flawed test ?
> Any additional comments (kernel tunes, settings, war
> stories) are greatly appreciated. (like, does SMP help
> a lot here, or just a little ?)

What crypto algorithm are you using for your ssh/scp
session? AES, DES, 3DES, arcfour?  Any hardware assist for
doing the crypto?  Are you having the underlying SSH session
try to compress the data?  


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Re: Status of encryption hardware support in FreeBSD

2001-07-23 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

Hi, I just received shipping notification from UPS that my net4501 is in
the shipping pipeline; can't wait for it to arrive.

On a practical note:  is there a mailing list or some other forum which
will host net4501 users?  Since it's likely that there will be a bunch of
different operating systems running on this, it may not be that the
existing OS-specific mailing lists would be best suited.  A point of focus
with a community of users that could help each other would be greatly
appreciated, and likely reduce your involvement in offering support and
answering questions.  

Just something to think about..


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Re: perhaps one of phk's "intern" projects?

2001-07-27 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Matthew Emmerton([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2001.07.26 16:50:52 +:
> > On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Matthew Jacob wrote:
> > 
> > > It'd be nice if one could pass a time specification to at in the form of "next
> > > reboot".
> > > 
> > > -matt
> > > 
> > 
> > Why not just write a script for the command and stick it in
> > /usr/local/etc/rc.d?
> because a uid != 0 won't write a startup file there, won't he? ;-)

Of course, he could use the crontab(1) command, and install an
entry with a time of '@reboot'.  

RTFM:   man 1 crontab
man 5 crontab

Sure, this starts something on *every* reboot, but that's the same
as if you installed someting in /usr/local/etc/rc.d


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Re: libcurl in the base distribution of FreeBSD

2001-07-27 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

FYI, curl is already available as a port: /usr/ports/ftp/curl even if it's
not part of the base system.


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2001-07-29 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Daniel Eischen wrote:
> > Why are you trying to push so much into the kernel?
> > Rethink the problem you are trying to solve.
> See his other posting; he's living inside the constraints
> of an existing library and API.

Yes, except these are problems of his own making because the library
and API were originally user-mode code and not in the kernel.  Somewhere
along the way a decision was made to push that function into the kernel,
and all these bizzaro "problems" of calling back user-mode code from
the kernel, etc. follow from that decision.


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Re: Unix Philosophers Please!

2001-10-31 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> > "Nicpon, John" wrote:
> > 
> > Please specifically define where data goes that is sent to /dev/null
> to the place where no data ever came back.

..on those "blank" tapes on which you should be backing up the data 
you do care about. help fight the secret, hidden war against entropy.

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Re: Measuring interrupt latency

2001-11-10 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Louis A. Mamakos" writes:
> : One a related, timekeeping note:  is there any interest in updating or
> : extending the SO_TIMESTAMP socket option to return higher resolution
> : timestamps?  Currently, it returns a struct timeval.  
> I think that's a great idea.  Something compatible with others would
> be my first choice.  My second choice would be phk's 64.64 idea.
> Warner

I don't believe there is another SO_TIMESTAMP implementation with higher
resolution timestamps (e.g., nanoseconds).  I'll have a look at what
exactly the Linux folks did; I think the code in ther other *BSD's
is a port of the FreeBSD code.


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Re: Measuring interrupt latency

2001-11-09 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

I did some experiments a few years ago with a FreeBSD 3.x system to
try to measure interrupt latency (and latency jitter).  The platform
was a 233MHz Pentium, and I had a PCI board which implemented a
high resolution timer (to 100ns resolution).  The PCI board could
be programmed to generate an interrupt at some given time, and one
PCI bus access to a register on the board would latch the current
value of the timer.

So, I had the board programmed to generate interrupts every second (at
roughly 500ms past the start of the second), and then in the
interrupt service routine, grabbed the value of the timer and computed
the delay based on how far the timer had advanced past the programmed
alarm time.  I then updated a histogram of the measured delays.

Here's some sample data.  The first set of data is where the PCI
board asserted an interrupt which wasn't shared with any other
peripherals.  The second set is where the board was in a different slot,
and shared with other devices (in the data shown, it was with an
Adaptec 7880 SCSI controller and a UHCI USB controller).

   5us <=   250831 <6us
   6us <=   751473 <7us
   7us <=67305 <8us
   8us <= 5032 <9us
   9us <= 1467 <   10us
  10us <=  877 <   11us
  11us <=  518 <   12us
  12us <=  369 <   13us
  13us <=  165 <   14us
  14us <=  112 <   15us
  15us <=  469 <   16us
  16us <=  199 <   17us
  17us <=   18 <   18us
  18us <=9 <   19us
  19us <=5 <   20us
  20us <=   12 <   22us
  22us <=   12 <   24us
  24us <=5 <   28us
  32us <=1 <   35us
  50us <=1 <   75us
 100us <=2 <  250us

to the shared version:

   5us <=1 <6us
   7us <=   32 <8us
   8us <= 2116 <9us
   9us <= 4468 <   10us
  10us <=92421 <   11us
  11us <=   187835 <   12us
  12us <=22369 <   13us
  13us <= 5725 <   14us
  14us <= 5141 <   15us
  15us <= 1073 <   16us
  16us <=  188 <   17us
  17us <=  130 <   18us
  18us <=  134 <   19us
  19us <=  122 <   20us
  20us <=  469 <   22us
  22us <=   80 <   24us
  24us <=   45 <   28us
  28us <=   11 <   30us
  30us <=6 <   32us
  32us <=   10 <   35us
  35us <=   18 <   50us
  50us <=3 <   75us
  75us <=1 <  100us
 100us <=5 <  250us

The object of this excersise was to try to characterize the jitter in
the interrupt response time latency.  The primary application for the
PCI board (a Datum bc635PCI/bc635CPCI) was to implement high-resolution
network interface timestamping.  As I mentioned previously, reading
this clock is relatively cheap with 3 32 bit PCI bus cycles, and I was
capturing timestamps of all the traffic arriving on a network interface.
The clock on the board was externally synchronized to UTC using a
1PPS signal and IRIG-B timecode from a GPS synchronized clock, with
an ovenized oscillator.  

I haven't tried to run the numbers again more recently on a more modern
kernel.  The device driver I did hasn't been ported to the NEWBUS
infrastructure in 4.x, which is something I need to get back to doing.
Other than CPUs that are much faster, I don't know if there are 
signifcant differences in kernel-level SPL-induced delays between 3.x and
4.x of the FreeBSD kernels.  I've had no experience with any of
the 5-current kernels, which are all different..


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Re: Measuring interrupt latency

2001-11-09 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

One a related, timekeeping note:  is there any interest in updating or
extending the SO_TIMESTAMP socket option to return higher resolution
timestamps?  Currently, it returns a struct timeval.  

I did a quick survey, and it appears that there are applications which
use this facility (though, surprisingly, not NTP despite the patch I
sent off years ago). I suspect these applications would be surprised to
discover a struct timespec. Also, NetBSD and OpenBSD have picked up this
code and apparently Linux has a form of it as well.

Based on some email from a week or two ago, I wonder if there's value
in returning a timestamp in the 64.64 format that phk proposed
previously, along with some additional status information.  Related
to the packet timestamping work I mentioned in a previous message, I
added a SO_TIMESTAMP2 socket option which returned a higher resolution
timestamp, along with auxilary data to identify the source of the
timestamp where there might be more than one clock available, as well
as some quality information (synchronized, estimated freq and phase
error, etc.)

If this interface was going to be extended, then it would be good
to only revisit this once.


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timestamp offload [was Re: TCP&IP cksum offload on FreeBSD 4.2]

2001-09-28 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

The cool thing I've always wanted to do with these programmable network
adapters is to have them capture timestamps of when packets are received
for high-accuracy latency measurements.  The network adapter could
drop a timestamp into some header when it's DMA'ed into the host's

The timestamp could come from some other PCI device (e.g., Datum bc635)
which can provide a timestamp in 3 PCI bus cycles.  The same sort of
think could be done on transmit for suitably tagged packets.

Some work I did a year or so ago measured the interrupt response time
latency, and it was pretty impressive at how large and variable it
could be.  


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Re: TCP&IP cksum offload on FreeBSD 4.2

2001-09-27 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

The other type of failure you might not catch are software errors; that
is, where a packet is produced by the network stack and then is
subsequently stomped on by a random store from some other code.  Or
a mis-programmed I/O card with scatter/gather capability doesn't pick 
up what was intended, etc.  The Internet checksum is useful for
detecting this class of error.

Louis Mamakos

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Re: TCP&IP cksum offload on FreeBSD 4.2

2001-09-27 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Louis A. Mamakos writes:
>  > The other type of failure you might not catch are software errors; that
>  > is, where a packet is produced by the network stack and then is
>  > subsequently stomped on by a random store from some other code.  Or
>  > a mis-programmed I/O card with scatter/gather capability doesn't pick 
>  > up what was intended, etc.  The Internet checksum is useful for
>  > detecting this class of error.
>  > 
> No, you're missing the point almost entirely.  The checksum is not
> skipped.  It is calculated by the DMA engine based on the data that's
> transferred across the I/O bus on the receiver (and / or the sender).
> If the data is incorrect as seen by the receiving nic, the checksum
> will be wrong and the packet will be dropped.

I was referring to the case on the transmit side where the wrong
data get's gathered up by the DMA engine because of software related
errors.  You get a valid checksum, but for the wrong data.  You might
have the wrong data because a drive screwed up setting the DMA descriptors,
or some other I/O transfer splatted over the buffer waiting in a 
transmit queue.

> If the packet lands in the wrong place, you have much worse problems. 

Sure you do; a software checksum at least gives you an opportunity to 
detect these failures.

While these are improbable failures, I know that I've experienced the
class I described in my years of hacking on network platforms, and
Ron has experienced the one he described.  These are not impossible
occurances; it's a matter of weighing the additional cost of the
software checksum vs. the likelyhood (and cost/impact) of undetected
corruption of the data. 

If you're running IPSEC or SSL up above all this, there's another 
mechanism to detect these types of failures. 

I just think back 10 or 15 years at the impact of Sun's decision to
not compute UDP checksums on their NFS traffic, because the network
adapter had a much stronger Ethernet CRC.  It was a trade-off not
worth making even then, with CPUs in the single-digit MIPS performance.
We ought to at least consider the previous experience.


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Re: TCP&IP cksum offload on FreeBSD 4.2

2001-09-27 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Louis A. Mamakos writes:
>  > I was referring to the case on the transmit side where the wrong
>  > data get's gathered up by the DMA engine because of software related
>  > errors.  You get a valid checksum, but for the wrong data.  You might
>  > have the wrong data because a drive screwed up setting the DMA descriptors,
>  > or some other I/O transfer splatted over the buffer waiting in a 
>  > transmit queue.
> What happens if that same i/o transfer splatted over the buffer
> waiting in user space prior to the copyin, or sitting in
> the socket buffer prior to a software checksum being done?
> Software checksums are not quite the panacea you make them out to be. 
> And they're very expensive.
> Geez.  All I wanted to do was pat Jonathan on the back for coming up
> with what is apparently the most flexible and well though out
> mechanism out there.  

And I don't disagree with you, it's wonderful work.

What I guess I'm trying to get across is that like any tool, it ought to
be used properly and in an informed way. For instance, you can mount a
file system async or with soft updates, and each of these choices have
their own trade-offs.

Folks ought to consider the likelyhood of this class of data
corruption, unlikely as it is, and weigh it along with the impact on
your application, and the differences in performance and loading.


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Re: TCP&IP cksum offload on FreeBSD 4.2

2001-09-27 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Andrew Gallatin wrote:
> > Geez.  All I wanted to do was pat Jonathan on the back for coming up
> > with what is apparently the most flexible and well though out
> > mechanism out there.
> it's great work. I was mainly curious to see if anyone had measured this
> kind of problem.
> Thanks

The paper that someone mentioned earlier in this thread had some
statistics on various classes of errors.  In a nutshell, they put
packet sniffers on 4 different networks, and collected traffic.  For
each back packet (where the checksum and ethernet CRC differed), they
then looked for retransmissions of the same data, and tried to characterize
the different failure modes they observed. 

It's very interesting reading.


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Re: Imagestream WanIC-520 interface cards

2001-10-17 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> We have been told by our rep at Time Warner Communications that those payments
> are still continuing.  TW (at least in PDX) does not have enough voice sales
> to be able to get on that pig trough and is equally unhappy as we are that the
> RBOC's are propping up what are in effect bankrupt CLECs.
> I used to have sympathy for the CLECs and their beef that the ILEC's are
> screwing everyone by not allowing competition.  But not any more - in our
> market the CLEC's charge about 95% of what the ILEC charges for voice
> services, so the customers gain nothing on the voice side of the house.
> Instead, the way that the CLEC's get customers is by giving away Internet
> service for free.  In short, the call termination payments fund the
> Internet service, instead of decreasing the cost of the voice service.
> Basically, the CLEC's have figured out how to use a poor government
> regulation that needs changing to put their competition out of business.
> It's no different than what Microsoft does when they use operating system
> revenue to fund a variety of unprofitable and destructive ventures into
> software applications like web browsers, web servers, ecommerce apps, etc.
> The only saving grace is that most of the CLECS are so ignorant when it
> comes to networking that their Internet service is so awful that at least
> the good customers are staying away from them for now.

You have much of this backwards.

This whole notion of "reciprocal compensation" for call termination was
originally put into the telecom tariffs by the RBOCs to prevent competation
in the local space.  They figured that the call volume would be asymetrical,
with the CLEC customer calling "the rest of the world" connected to the
RBOCs.  Thus, they created an unlevel playing field and changed the rules
of the game.   This "poor goverment regulation" is there solely because
the RBOCs worked really hard to ensure it would be put there.

Surprise, surprise, a bunch of folks came along and decided that the
new game was one they could play, and used it to their advantage.  D'oh!
(And this was sweet, because these same telecom tariffs would be used
by the RBOCs on a regular basis to whack their customers/competitors,
with the excuse, "Our hands are tied!"

Live by the tariff, die by the tariff.


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Re: Imagestream WanIC-520 interface cards

2001-10-17 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> I am perfectly aware of this.
> The RBOCs deserved to have those "fines" levied against them for a number
> of years, to punish them for attempting to block the CLECs.  However, it's
> been long enough for this, and in fact the money from the RBOCs is no longer
> being used to increase the CLEC's reach or service area (ie: infrastructure)
> and being used by the CLECS to bash each other, instead of bashing the

The recip-comp charges have nothing to do with extending the reach of
a CLEC's network.  It's (supposed) to cover the cost of carrying or
terminating an inbound POTS voice call.  In in more generic view,
recip-comp shows up in the "revenue" column of the balance sheet.  To assume
it's intended to be any more than that is imagination.

> The situation is equivalent to Foreign Aid that the US pays to a country such
> as Japan.  (which we still do to the tune of millions and millions of dollars
> a year)  Japan has long since ceased being a poor relation that needs to be
> bailed out.  The reasons for them being paid off by the US have been
> fulfilled.
> Yet, the payments continue, and the money is being used to free up other
> funding that's being spent on political - not necessary - things.

Huh?   You might also explain the situation as subsidizing the cost 
of providing Internet service.  It's revenue coming into the business
which would otherwise need to come from some other source, such as the

There are lots of other examples of charges and tariffs which telecom
carriers charge each other because of the bizzare reality set up by
FCC regulations.  You simply siezed upon one with contemporary sex-appeal.

If you want to rant about something, go take a look at how half-circuit
pricing is done for international private lines.  You think the US
carriers are evil, go see what state-supported telecom monopolies get
to do.  Or the hoops which much be jumped through to get licenses to
operate telecom, datacom, or Internet lines of business in some
countries around the world.

Disclaimer:  I work for a big stupid phone company, and have unfortunately
become aware of this and many other regulatory issues.


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Re: SSH stalls (was: FreeBSD performing worse than Linux?)

2001-12-01 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> I am not using compression and netstat -s confirms that it is really
> resending data. I examined it a bit more now and it seems OpenSSH 2.5 is
> sending a burst of small packets, each with 100 or 116 bytes 
> 14:30:46.232151 server.22 > client.1525: P 30977:31077(100) ack 1144 win 24820
> 14:30:46.233358 server.22 > client.1525: P 31077:31177(100) ack 1144 win 24820
> and another 50 small packets just like them rapidly after eachother.
> After this it will start to send bigger packets, 1076 or 1460 but its too
> late and its likely that the server will have to resend part of the small
> packets and connection will stall. This won't be a problem on a LAN but
> over the internet it can be. SSH Inc sshd doesn't have this problem as it 
> always send 1460 bytes per packet when possible. I have not been able to
> reproduce this with OpenSSH 2.3.0 because it seems to send 276-300 bytes
> per packet. 

This might be because our OpenSSH disables Nagle's algorithm by turning
on the TCP_NODELAY socket option.  See packet.c:packet_set_interactive()
for the code that does this.

This certainly will cause a bunch of small TCP segments to be generated,
back-to-back before an TCP ACK is received.  It's also probably a bad
idea to enable by default for every SSH interactive session.  It looks
like this gets turned on for X11 connection forwarding and for SSH
sessions with a PTY at the server end.


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Re: USB, select/poll for ucom

2003-06-25 Thread Louis A. Mamakos
> In message: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Danny Braniss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> : 
> : > I'm able to use ppp with umodem/ucom.  My brother uses ulpcom/ucom for
> : > his ppp needs.  I'm pretty sure that select is involved. :-)
> : > 
> : > >From what I can see in the code, I'd expect that it would work because
> : > the ttypoll routine is specified for the poll routine.  Why do you
> : > think it wouldn't work?
> : 
> : well, for one, my program doesn't work :-), it works with the RS232 version.
> : 
> : so i started to poke around, and did some reading, and as far as i could tell,
> : the read(2) has to be initiated by the host, but my knowledge of usb is close
> : to zero - it was zero 2 days ago, but still looking for some better docs, and
> : polish my english - as far as i remember interrupt is not polling, but the
> : ohci docs imply that :-)
> have fun.  the mindshare book is good.  however, it took me a long
> time to get a usb 'aha' moment and understand its twisty maze was
> really a workable design obscured by standardese...  I suspect it is a
> problem in the usb chipset driver for the com part.  ttypoll just says
> 'you have data in the buffer' so for some reason the data isn't making
> into the tty buffer.

I think the problem is that the USB hardware doesn't try to read data
from the peripheral until the user-mode code does a read(2) system
call.  I had this problem with the ugen device.  I would guess that
the ucom/umodem devices could use the tty clist infrastructure as
the intermediate buffer for data to be stuck into absent the user
application doing a read.


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Re: Minimalist FreeBSD 4.8

2003-08-27 Thread Louis A. Mamakos
> Actually, I have a small script that does something like this.  Here's
> a breif sketch.
> # prepare /cf
> make buildworld
> ${chroot} /bin/sh -${e}c "(cd $srcdir
> env MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=$objdir make -m ${srcdir}/share/mk -f \
> Makefile.inc1 hierarchy DESTDIR=$dstdir NOMAN=yes
> (cd etc ; env MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=$objdir make -m ${srcdir}/share/mk \
> distribution DESTDIR=$dstdir NOMAN=yes)
> for i in ${FreeBSDProgramDirs}; do
> echo \"==> \$i\"
> test -d \$i &&
> (cd \$i ; env MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=$objdir make -m ${srcdir}/share/mk \
> done)"
> Here's my current minimal list for a bootable system, although you
> might be able to trim it a little.  Also, it is optimized for 4.5.
> There will some tweaks needed for 4.8.  Also, I've done the buildworld
> with NOSHARED=no since we put both / and /usr on the same partition in
> our systems.
> My scripts are more complete, but also very specific to Timing
> Solutions' needs.  I've used these scripts to build flashes that take
> up about 12M or so.  There's about 2M that can be trimmed.
> Warner
> P.S.  Maybe I should find some time to pull together these scripts in
> a releaseable format...
> P.P.S.,  Here's what I use to set FreeBSDProgramDirs to in an
> over-arching makefile.

I've used a hacked-on version of Warner's scripts to build a FreeBSD
based firewall distribution to run on the Soekris 4501 box.  I was
able to get a running system for that application on an 8MB CF card.
Of course, the kernel was compressed and it was pretty stripped down..
I'm currently using a 32MB CF card, with two 16MB partitions for this
purpose (so I can back up to the previous version easily).

Of course, no gcc.  And heavens, no VI!  Got a microemacs on there
instead, whew!

I also built my system with NOSHARED=no to dramatically reduce the
space requirements for the root (and only) file system, and it works


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Re: sendmail + auth + ssl + freebsd

2001-12-19 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Leo Bicknell wrote:
> >After searching the archives and looking at the source, I find
> >myself more confused.  I've been asked to set up sendmail + ssl +
> >SMTP auth on a FreeBSD host.
> >
> >A quick "strings" on the sendmail binary shows a number of SSL
> >functions, so I'm thinking the SSL bits are in there, but I'm not
> >quite sure how to take advantage of them.  Issuing "AUTH" to a
> >stock -STABLE sendmail gets command unrecognized though, so I don't
> >think that is there.
> >
> >If no one else has figured this mess out, I'll do it and write a
> >page for the handbook. If someone else has, please clue me in, and
> >if necessary I'll still write that handbook page. :-)  It would be
> >very nice if it was simple to make FreeBSD sendmail SSL and 
> >authenticate against the password file.
> >
> I've managed to set it up to use AUTH, however I have not yet found the 
> time to make it use SSL.
> The only usefull documentation I have been able to find is this one: 

You have to generate a public key certificate and have the private 
key available to the sendmail daemon before it will do the STARTTLS

I've got a shell script around there that signs a certificate with a
bogus CA which enable the use of STARTTLS.  You can't validate the
other end of the connection, but at least it negotiates an encrypted

It's attached below, and it's a horrible blecherous hack and
provides very little security other than allowing the session to
be encrypted.  It's at least obviously not able to protect against
man-in-the-middle attacks since the CA signing the cert is completely
bogus.  It will make long distance phone calls when you're not
looking, eat your food, and make rude remarks about your spouse. 
Use at your own risk.

But it seems to do, er, something.  At least it makes passive traffic
sniffing less productive.


Re: FreeBSD performing worse than Linux?

2001-12-31 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

An underlying issue here is why applications decide to set TCP_NODELAY
options on sockets, rather than just letting Nagle's algorithm do
the right thing.  I recall some handwaving about this in the X server
some years ago to make mouse movements "smoother".

For the problem at hand, if both the client and server machines didn't
do TCP_NODLEAY, then there'd only be one packet smaller than the
TCP MSS in flight between the transmitter and receiver at any one 
time.  I think that poking OpenSSH to not set the TCP_NODELAY option
"fixed" this problem.

I was just pondering the TCP implementation in 4.5-PRERELEASE, and
it doesn't look like there's any explicit delay after a write going
on, other than Nagle's algorithm, in the TCP packetization code.  So
setting TCP_NODELAY is almost certain the Wrong Thing for most 
applications to do.  Perhaps there ought to be a warning in the
man page about being a poor network citizen, flooding the Internet
with tinygrams and otherwise making the performance of your application
generally suck.


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Re: FreeBSD performing worse than Linux?

2001-12-31 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

Disabling Nagle's algorithm for no good reason has very poor
scaling behavior.   This is what happens when TCP_NODELAY is
enabled on a socket.

If you look at the work function for most network elements, the part
that runs out of gas first is per-packet forwarding performance. Sure,
you need to have adequate bus bandwidth to move stuff through a box,
but it's performing per-packet forwarding operations and policy which
is the resource that's most difficult to make more of. I think this is
true for toy routers based on PC platform as well as high-end boxes like
the Cisco 12000 series. Juniper managed adequate forwarding performance
using specialized ASIC implementions in the forwarding path.  Of this
statement, I'm sure; in my day job at UUNET, I talk to all the major
backbone router vendors, and forwarding performance (and also
reasonable routing protocol implementions) is a show-stopper 
requirement they labor mightily over.

So here was have a mechanism with wonderful properties - it's a
trivial yet clever implementation of a self tuning mechanism to
prevent tinygrams from being generated by a TCP without all manner
of complicated timers.  It give great performance on LAN and other
high-speed interconnects where remote echo type applications are
demanding, yet over long delay paths where remote echo is gonna suck
no matter what you do, it automatically aggregates packets.

Nagle's algorithm and Van Jacobson's slow-start algorithm allowed the 
Internet to survive over congested paths.  And they did so with
a bunch of self-tuning behavior independent of the bandwidth*delay
product of the path the connection was running over.  It was and is
amazing stuff.

Likewise, the original problem in this thread is likely caused by some
part of the USB Ethernet implementation having inadequate per-packet
resources. It's probably not about the number of bytes, but the number of
transactions.  You see here a modern reimplementation of essentially the same
problem that the 3COM 3C501 ISA ethernet card had 15 years ago - back to
back packets were consistantly dropped because of the poor per-packet
buffering implementation.  It was absolutely repeatable.

Sure, it's "legal" to generate streams of tinygrams and not use Nagle's
algorithm to aggregate the sender's traffic, but it's just plain rude
and on low bandwidth links, it sucks because of all the extra 40 byte
headers you're carrying around.

I'm sure TCP_NODELAY got added because it sounds REALLY C00L to make 
the interactive thing go better.  But clearly people don't understand
the impact of turning on the cleverly named option and how it probably
doesn't really improve things.


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Re: path_mtu_discovery

2002-01-04 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

One possibility is that the code in icmp_input() processing the
PMTU discovery-induced ICMP message could verify that the returned
header in fact is associated with a connection on the host and
maybe even has sane sequence numbers (for TCP segments).  This would
make it more difficult to just spray these packets at host and
drop the MTU on routes.


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Re: path_mtu_discovery

2002-01-04 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> I don't have the RFC handy, but aren't all Internet connected hosts
> required to support a minimum MTU of 576 from end to end with no
> fragmentation?  Thus if we ever got an MTU less than 576 we should
> ignore it.  Right?

No, all hosts are required to be able to reassemble IP datagram fragments
of at least 576 bytes, but there's no lower bound on the MTU of the

Small MTUs first appeared on low-bandwidth SLIP links.  Along with TCP
header compression, this put a lower-bound on how long you'd have to
wait for a single packet to be transmitted on the interface.   If
your network interface was clever, and looked at the TOS bits in the
header or peeked at the TCP port numbers, you could arrange to queue
interactive traffic (telnet, rlogin, now ssh) ahead of non-interactive
traffic (FTP, SMTP, etc.) to improve the perceived response time with
remote character echos.  If the MTU was large, a large FTP packet might
just be starting its way out the interface when you want to transmit
interactive traffic; the small MTU limits the pain.

(Digression:  NORTEL (at least) had an interesting encapsulation on
their multiservice frame relay switch trunks where they could
interrupt a packet being transmitted and insert delay sensitive
traffic in the middle of a larger packet.   Cool hack.)

Also, even though this is on a cloned route, someone could attack
"well known" routes that might be on your computer.  For instance, the
route to well-known recursive name servers on a network, which are pretty
easy to guess for dial-up users on a modem pool.


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what slice did I boot from?

2002-01-04 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

I dunno if this has come up before or not, but thought I would ask.

I've got one of the litle soekris net4501 boards that I use as a
router/firewall/NAT box, and it works really good.  I have a stripped
down FreeBSD system that I run in a 16MB partition on an 32MB Compact
Flash card plugged into the net4501.  Actually, I have two 16MB 
slices, and my goal is to be running from one, and installing
the "next" version into the second slice.  That way, if the new one
distribution screws up, I can back-out to the older on on the other

That problem is that I have to generate a distribution with the
right /etc/fstab to reflect which of the two slices it will
be installed into, which is ugly.  What would be Really Nice is
a version of the "compatibility" disk devices which would be
associated with the "active" slice that was booted from, rather
than the first FreeBSD slice found on the disk.  This seems like
one mechanism to get what I want.  Unfortunately, this information
doesn't seem to get propagated up to the slice code from what I can

Any suggestions on alternative mechanisms?


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Re: what slice did I boot from?

2002-01-05 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> On Fri, 4 Jan 2002, Louis A. Mamakos wrote:
> > I've got one of the litle soekris net4501 boards that I use as a
> > router/firewall/NAT box, and it works really good.  I have a stripped
> > down FreeBSD system that I run in a 16MB partition on an 32MB Compact
> > Flash card plugged into the net4501.  Actually, I have two 16MB
> > slices, and my goal is to be running from one, and installing
> > the "next" version into the second slice.  That way, if the new one
> > distribution screws up, I can back-out to the older on on the other
> > partition.
> I've actually been monkeying with this and ran into a bigger problem ..
> boot2 only knows how to handle one FreeBSD slice. You have to play
> loader(8) tricks to boot the second slice.
> Specifically...
> . abort the kernel load
> . 'set currdev=disk1s2a:'
> . 'load /boot/kernel/kernel' (and so forth)
> Particularly if you are running -CURRENT you must compile in your device
> hints, otherwise everything gets confused.

Hmm.. I'm running a 4.4-STABLE based system on the hardware, and
don't seem to have any problem booting off the other slice.  Right
now, it's runnong on the second slice of ATA Compact Flash disk:

# kenv

The other slice is ad0s1.

And I checked, the kernel that's running actually did make it out of
that slice, and not the first one. 

> For picking the appropriate slice, you are up a creek all right.
> Assumably at some point you have to select a slice anyway, and you can use
> that to rewrite fstab.  Depending on the old compatibilty slice will
> certainly get you in hot water.

It would be just fine to have the boot0 boot manager be the mechanism
to do all this.  That's an easy toggle between the two alternatives,
though harder to do an automatic fallback, perhaps.

> I've been thinking about hacking up some forth to handle this switching
> programatically, so you get a nice menu to pick which FreeBSD slice to
> boot from if you enable the feature.

Where this mechanism might be useful is to detect abnormal shutdowns
(too many, too quickly) and use that to backup to the other partition.
I dunno, that might be more complicated and automagic than I need
for the moment, since the software seems fairly stable, and the hardware
is accessable for manual diddling if necessary.

I'm wondering if just generating the fstab on the fly might be
sufficient; I should be able to use kenv to get the vfs.root.mountfrom
loader variable (which strangely enough, isn't exported as a sysctl)
and go from there.



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Re: what slice did I boot from?

2002-01-05 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> On Sat, 5 Jan 2002, Louis A. Mamakos wrote:
> > Hmm.. I'm running a 4.4-STABLE based system on the hardware, and
> > don't seem to have any problem booting off the other slice.  Right
> > now, it's runnong on the second slice of ATA Compact Flash disk:
> >
> > # kenv
> > LINES="24"
> > console="vidconsole"
> > currdev="disk0s2a:"
> > interpret="ok"
> > kernel="/kernel"
> > kernel_options=""
> > kernelname="/kernel"
> > loaddev="disk0s2a:"
> > root_disk_unit="0"
> > vfs.root.mountfrom="ufs:/dev/ad0s2a"
> > #
> You're playing the same trick I am, just in more words :)  Which slice is
> loader.conf on?

Sorry, I wasn't clear.  I don't have any explicit configuration in
my loader.conf; this is just the environment that the loader cooked
up all by itself.  Each slice has it's own own loader along with a
complete root file system.

> > It would be just fine to have the boot0 boot manager be the mechanism
> > to do all this.  That's an easy toggle between the two alternatives,
> > though harder to do an automatic fallback, perhaps.
> You try boot0 ... that's where my problem showed up. One would boot but
> the other says "Invalid partition." This is a heavily hacked install
> though (since sysinstall won't let you put a second / into a second slice
> when a first FreeBSD slice already exists).

What you might try is making sure that the other partition starts on
a cylinder boundary.  I've noticed that the BIOS on some machines have
real heartburn when the slice starts at some random location not 
coincident with a cylinder boundary.  I don't know why, and I'm pretty
sure I don't want to know :=)


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Re: Hifn 7751/PowerCrypt status? (or: Paging jlemon...)

2002-03-22 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Has anyone heard from Jon Lemon about Hifn 7751 support? He mailed my boss a
> few months ago (January), saying that support was working, but we haven't
> heard from him since, and jkh suggested trying here.
> -lee

On a related note, Sam Leffler just reported some success in
porting the OpenBSD crypto framework to FreeBSD 4-STABLE.  It's
apparently still a work-in-progress in that the KAME IPSEC stack
has not been modified to use it yet.

I've attached a message he sent to the soekris-tech mailing
list (for the net4501 small system that runs FreeBSD).


--- Begin Message ---

I've put together a simple packaging environment for installing
PicoBSD/FreeBSD on net4501 systems.  There is an extensive (but unfinished)
set of instructions for working with the software and some sample
configurations that demonstrate how things work.  The tools let you
configure images for network booting and installation into compact flash.
There is a pxe-bootable installer image that walks you through installing an
image to compact flash.

Also included is a snapshot of my port of the openbsd crypto support that
hooks the Hifn 7951 to /dev/random and provides a /dev/crypto device.  This
will eventually include mods to the KAME IPsec code to use the 7951.

The package is available at

MD5 (net4501-20020318.tgz) = 95fd358cbcf9451337a26d7878c7afb4

All work has been done on the -stable brunch of FreeBSD.  Please send
feedback directly to me.


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Re: ftp and mail much slower into fbsd 4.4 vs and old BSDi

2002-07-01 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Yes, I can attest to this an I belive it is actually the case on both
> -current and -releng4 that disabling newreno improves TCP performance.
> I belive running an X11 application or scp(1) over a wavelan is a very
> good test-bed for this issue.
> -- 
> Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20

I find this patch also improves performance of SSH on most network
media.  Why so many applications go to the trouble to disable
Nagle's algorithm is beyond me.  I suspect the socket option has
too seductive of a name.


Index: packet.c
RCS file: /a/cvs/src/crypto/openssh/packet.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1. packet.c
--- packet.c28 Sep 2001 01:33:34 -
+++ packet.c2 Apr 2002 18:26:41 -
@@ -1281,9 +1281,11 @@
error("setsockopt IPTOS_LOWDELAY: %.100s",
+#if 0
if (setsockopt(connection_in, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (void *) &on,
sizeof(on)) < 0)
error("setsockopt TCP_NODELAY: %.100s", strerror(errno));
} else if (packet_connection_is_ipv4()) {
 * Set IP options for a non-interactive connection.  Use

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Re: more kernel programming style questions

2002-12-13 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

I'm not holding this up as the best example of style, but take a
look at the Bt848 driver  in /sys/pci for one approach.  Some years
ago I contributed some patches that got integrated that turned
those offset references into a structure definition.  The structure
definition was done with some macros so that you can hide compile
byte-order dependencies..


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Re: Advice on deriving accurate time values from the kernel?

1999-07-15 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

I've done some work on measuring things like interrupt response times
and the interval between two interesting events or steps in processing.
A cheap way to do this is to use the TSC register in the CPU, though you
then need to calibrate the frequency that the CPU really runs at.

If you're willing to spend some money, you can get hardware to plug into
a PCI slot that can return timestamps in 100ns units, as well as generating
interrupt at some time in the future, etc.  

See for one example of such hardware.
I have a device driver for FreeBSD for this board which even allows user
processes to get precise timing by mmap()'ing the device registers into
user space for easy access.

The driver will be contributed to the FreeBSD project "soon."  I was pretty
close to doing so just prior to the newbus conversion and now need to update
the driver for a more recent -current.


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Re: poor ethernet performance?

1999-07-16 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> : Good point but I think it's like how much of 100Mhz a 100BaseTX
> :can push.  If it pushes 100%, then it might be wise to have a little more
> :room for overhead.  Kinda like a car, better to have reserve power when
> :you need it then pushing it to the max.  In regards to 1000BaseT, I
> :thought there was no standards for that yet, atleast all the Gigabit stuff
> :is all fiber and not copper.  Quality of cable does matter, atleast in
> :high-end audio/video it does and I'm sure data would be more picky than
> :human ears.
> :
> :
> :Cheers,
> :Vince - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]      __  
> :Unix Networking Operations - FreeBSD-Real Unix for Free / / / / |  / |[__  ]
> The copper gigabit standard isn't out yet, but I was under the impression
> that they were pretty close.
> In regards to audio/video verses ethernet, you have to remember that 
> audio and video are *analog*, not digital.  The cable quality matters
> for analog, but it only needs to be "good enough" for digital.  If you
> don't get any bit errors (and you shouldn't) then a better cable is not
> going to make a difference.

One of the big deals with the different grades of cable is the degree of
crosstalk between the transmit and receive pairs in the cable sheath.  
When you're talking about Category-3 or Category-5 cable systems, this
INCLUDES the connectors, patch panels, cross-connect blocks and cross-connect

For instance, you have to work pretty hard to do better than 10Base-T 
with a Category-3 wiring system if you have type 66 punch blocks
because of the impedence bump and crosstalk issues.  Same sort of things
apply at 100base-T and Category-5 cable systems.  Using gold-plated
"Monster Cable" is just pissing away money of the other components are
also up to the same level of "quality"  (har, har).

And, as Matt said, if you're not getting CRC errors then it's good
enough, and there's no point spending money to get better wire.

(who uses #12 ROMEX cable for speaker wire.)

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Re: gethostbyaddr() and threads.

1999-08-09 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> ---Steve Tarkalson said:
> > this is solved by one of two methods:
> >1-) require the caller of gethostbyaddr() to supply a pointer to
> >a hostent struct which will be filled.
> > or 2-) the library uses thread specific storage which is re-used in
> >each call.
> > 
> You could malloc() a struct hostent for each call to
> gethostby*(), each time registering the hostent in some list along with the
> thread's PID. If the same thread calls gethostby*, use the same buffer, or
> allocate a new one if another thread calls it. Have a static function be called
> atexit to free all the mallocs.


If you're writing a multithreaded program, a slightly different API for
gethostbyname() is likely to be the least of your worries.

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Re: (2) hey

1999-08-12 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> > Well, I am the person who has this problem.
> > The RFCs does not explicitly say that we should not use underscore
> > character
> > as far as I understood. But it suggests which characters we should use.
> > 
> RFC 952
>1. A "name" (Net, Host, Gateway, or Domain name) is a text string up
>to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus
>sign (-), and period (.).  Note that periods are only allowed when
>they serve to delimit components of "domain style names".
> RFC 1101
>The current syntax for network names, as defined by [RFC 952] is an
>alphanumeric string of up to 24 characters, which begins with an
>alpha, and may include "." and "-" except as first and last
>characters.  This is the format which was also used for host names
>before the DNS.  Upward compatibility with existing names might be a
>goal of any new scheme.
> The above two documents limit the characters that may be used a a _ is not
> one of them. FreeBSD behaves correctly in this manner.

But the DNS is used to hold all sorts of information.  For example, how do
you reconcile domain names like:

in the DNS?  It violates the "starts with alpha" "requirement" in 952 and 1101
that you quotes, yet we use these things all the time.  In fact, you can
send email to that domain name because it has an A record associated with
it, as well as a PTR record.

I've always thought that the code that barfs on these names in gethostbyname()
really violates the "be conservative in what you send, and liberal in
what you receive" thought that made the Internet work.  Yeah, yeah, BIND
does it, but that's no excuse, either.

What do I know; I was just the first chair of the domain name working group
in the IETF so many years ago before it got fashionable.


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Re: (2) hey

1999-08-12 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

>   That IS a violation of the standard, since A records
> are not valid for hosts in 

And next I suppose you'll tell me that PTR records are not valid
outsize of the IN-ADDR.ARPA portion of the DNS namespace?

What people really miss is that the DNS is a distributed database
with delegation, used for all sorts of purposes.  Some of them are
widely known and almost universal (e.g., "look up and address for
this host").  Some parts of the namespace are used as indicies for
special purposes (e.g., translate a 4 octet IP address into a DNS

The DNS can store names where the values used for each octet of a
label in a DNS name can have any value at all between 0 and 255,
including " ", ".", and other rude things.  The general purpose
mechansim can be (ab)sed for all sorts of purposes not originally
envisioned (like Hesiod - you want to exclude "_" from user names?)

While gethostbyname() and it's ilk are used for one limited, scoped
purpose is no reason to break previously working configurations.  That
the ISC got a hair up their ass to break all those previously working
names is just a shame. 

Depending on my application, I might just want to have some part of
the DNS namespace return object that look like IP addresses for 
domain names which are not "hosts."  The current implemention of
bind makes that impossible unless I want to resort to using
the raw resolver routines, which is just busy-work.  This is just
an example of "smart-ass" software that believes it knows better
than the user does.


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Re: How to prevent motd including os info

1999-09-13 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

[I'm catching up on a bunch of FreeBSD mail since being out on vacation, so
perhaps I've missed the essence of this thread..]

I've also had the desire to capture the output produced when /etc/rc is 
run for all the reasons mentioned.  I always thought that perhaps init
would simply capture stdout on the other end of a pipe, and logically do
the "tee" thing with it.  In fact, couldn't init logically exec a

sh /etc/rc | tee /tmp/rc-output

when invoking /etc/rc?  (Where to put the output would seem to be one
of the more difficult choices since you don't start with a writable file system
mounted anywhere..)

Or perhaps init could capture the output on the end of a pipe and 
subsequently syslog it while it's echoing it to /dev/console.


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Re: how to shut down a TCP connection

1999-09-22 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Hi,
> I'm doing TCP development on a custom operating system that I've
> written and am using my FreeBSD box for testing my TCP stack.  I'm in
> the early stages right now and I have a lot of bugs.  One of my bugs
> is that I shut down a connection on my end but I'm doing something
> wrong and the connection on the FreeBSD side stays up, i.e.:
> [bsd@vger]:/net- netstat
> Active Internet connections
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address   (state)
> tcp0  0 vger.telnet   bos.5000  ESTABLISHED
> 'vger' is my FreeBSD machine and 'bos' is my experimental OS.  The
> connecton on 'bos' at this point is actually closed.
> Does anyone know how I can manually shutdown the above connection on
> 'vger' short of waiting a really long time or rebooting?

Since this is a telnet session, you could find out what login session this
connection is associated with it, and write something to the pty so data
will need to be sent on the connection.  The remote end with either respond
with a RST segment aborting the connection, or eventually the connection
wil die due to an ACK timeout.

Typically, I just use the write(1) command to do this to an abandoned
telnet session.


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Re: running single freq monitors (fwd)

1999-09-25 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

I've got a similar problem, not with a particular monitor, but with
an application where the VGA console is connected to a cheapo VGA-to-NTSC
base-band video converter.  These things usually come with a windows driver
which from what I can tell, simply causes the horizontal and vertical
refresh rates to be configured correctly.

I my application, I don't have to worry about what things look like before
X gets up and running; nothing will be damaged by the non-standard sync
frequencies - you can't can't see anything that's readable on the video

In my /etc/XF86Config file, I've got sections like this:

Section "Monitor"

Identifier  "PC/TV-1108"
VendorName  "AITech"
ModelName   "PC/TV-1108"
HorizSync   31.5
VertRefresh 60-60
# 640x480 @ 60 Hz, 31.5 kHz hsync
Modeline "640x480" 25.175 640  674  760  800   480  491  493  525

Section "Device"
Identifier  "motion771"
VendorName  "Number Nine"
BoardName   "FX Motion 771"
Ramdac  "ibm_rgb524"

Section "Screen"
Driver  "accel"
Device  "motion771"
Monitor "PC/TV-1108"
DefaultColorDepth 24
BlankTime   0
Subsection "Display"
Depth   24
Modes   "640x480"
Invert_VCLK "*" 0
ViewPort0 0

In my configuration, I'm using an "old" Number 9 Motion 771 board, with
4MB of memory.  This easily give me a 24 bit deep display, which is
way overkill once you run it into the NTSC converter and then an RF
modulator.  In my application, I didn't have a bizzaro hardware interface
on the display, so just about any old VGA board would probably work OK.

If you're wondering, this is part of my home automation system; there's a
TK application (actually, [incr tcl] and [incr widgets]) which displays
interesting stuff like caller-id information, temperatures, stock quotes
on channel 16 of the in-home RF distribution system.


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Re: PPPoE offer.

1999-10-04 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> [on PPPoE]
> Well... a few toronto people and I got together (I'm trying to find
> email addresses) to discuss the problem.  One particular thought that
> we had was that it would be cool if a single ppp process could handle
> a large number of connections.  We also discussed the fact that you
> may very well want some low-level routing of the PPPoE packets.
> The cost model with our telco (at least) is that each ethernet
> connection costs $1500/mo.  So... we need to be able to run somewhere
> around 5K to 10K connections (users) down each pipe.  This means that
> a box on the front end to "route" the packets to multiple boxes is an
> asset.

So just use an Ethernet bridge.  You could play some games with the
discovery protocol (which uses broadcast MAC frames) with multiple servers
are the remote end.

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Re: vmpfw in pine via NFS

1999-11-17 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> > 
> > /me shivers at the thought of my (easily) 500+ new messages a day
> > and hundreds of thousands of messages being stored one file for each
> > message...
> It's been done. It's called MS Exchange.

You don't have to use vile language in public :-)

MH has been storing mail in it's folders like this for years/decades.  While
it might be a little hard on the file system, it works great for the user.

Sorta like emacs.


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Re: Linux ioctl not implemented error

1999-12-01 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> >The console complaints about the ioctl are gone now. Unfortunately VMware
> >still complains. I'll try to findout why.
> Try to load new vmware port from:
> And reinstall it. I think this may fix the problem.

I'm trying the new port now.  I seem to have a problem with the
vmware emulator program dying due to some panic caused by an
uncaught signal whenever I try to save a configuration.  

Right now, I opted to not save the configuration, and have proceeded
on to booting a FreeBSD-3.3 release CDROM, and installing it in a
VMware virtual machine.  This is great.  I dunno if it's just me,
but this seems to provoke manical laughter from time to time.

Next up: how long to do a 'make world' of the 3.3 system inside the

So, is there a working network interface for the virtual machine?  That
would be very nifty, indeed.


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Re: Fwd: Re: kstat - an API for gathering kernel stats

1999-12-08 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, Arun Sharma wrote:
> > I'm interested in doing something like:
> > 
> > kern.stats.cpu0.idle
> > kern.stats.cpu0.nice
> > ...
> > kern.stats.cpu1.idle
> > kern.stats.cpu1.nice
> > ...
> > 
> > and I want the nodes cpu0, cpu1 etc dynamically created. 
> It would be better to have
> kern.stats.nice.cpu0
> kern.stats.nice.cpu1
> or simply
> kern.stats.nice.0

Yes, please!  It would be helpful if the kernel's MIB used instances 
(and there was easy support for creating them) like the MIBs many of
us use SNMP to access in network elements.


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Re: Cool little 100BaseTX switch - they're coming down in price

1999-12-18 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> > hub. It works fine except that it hangs occasionally (can be
> > reset by power-cycling).
>   Most of these can be attributed to the crappy wall wart they call a
> power supply.  If it's plugged into an UPS or replace it with your own DC
> power supply they generally hold up a lot better.
>   I have a Netgear FS108 at home (8 port 10/100 switch) and I've found
> Netgear stuff to be as cheap as I would go and still be reasonably
> reliable.

In the "don't do this at home" category, I have to relate a story regarding
one of the Netgear FS108 switches.

Recently, at my "day job" at UUNET, we moved into some new office space.  I
packed up all my stuff (including one of these FS108 switches) and put
it all back together again in my new office space.  I noticed a couple
of things, first that my SGI LCD display panel wasn't working any more;
I though the @$&*$ moves must have dropped it or something.  

The other thing was that when I powered up the FS108 ethernet swtich under
my desk, that I immediately smelled that distinctive "hot electronic smell",
followed by smoke (!) coming out of the FS108 box.  Hmm..  So, I open
up the case of the switch, and noticed that there's a *really* big chip
with a *really* big heatsink attached -this is the "bridge on chip".  And
I noticed another, smaller IC which had a hole blown out of the epoxy case
(which subsequently allowed the smoke to escape.  

It was than than I make the connection - Hmm.. SGI LCD monitor don't work.
Ethernet switch makes smoke.  Ethernet switch wants 5VDC power brick.  
SGI LCD monitor wants 12VDC power brick.  Ooops!

So, after switching power bricks, the SGI LCD monitor starts working again.
It really wants 12V and not 5V.

In a "what the hell" move, I powered up the ethernet Netgear Ethernet switch
with it's preferred 5V power brick -- AND IT WORKS JUST FINE!  Well mostly;
I think the chip with the hole was involved in driving the Transmit/Collision
LEDs which don't do anything anymore.  But pushing packets through the box
seems to work great; it's still doing the bridge thing of forwarding traffic
to the right port, etc.

So, please don't do this.  I'm sure I'm just luckly.  Hell, the thing might
burst into flames one day.  But I was sure impressed that I keept on working,
even after the smoke got loose.

Oh, and double check your power bricks before you plug them in.   It would
sure be nice if there were standard connections for each voltage, but
that's certainly not the case..


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Re: PR kern/15656

2000-01-17 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> In this PR, regarding IP header checksums, it's stated that a checksum of
> 0 is specified by the standard to be transmitted as all-1s (0x).  (A
> checksum of all 0s is taken to mean that the transmitting host did not
> calculate a checksum.)
> Can anyone find a reference to this in the official docs, or perhaps find
> an explanation why we do indeed send 0'ed checksums?  I've replicated this
> behavior on both 3.4-STABLE and 4.0-CURRENT, i386 and alpha.

This behavior is certainly in RFC-791, which describes IP.

Note that since the checksum is computed using 1's complement
arithmetic, all-1's is a represetation of -0, which has the same
arithmetic properties as the encoding of +0.  In this application, the
+0 encoding denotes "no checksump", which as far as I know, is only an
option for the UDP checksum.

An excerpt of RFC-791 says:

Header Checksum:  16 bits

A checksum on the header only.  Since some header fields change
(e.g., time to live), this is recomputed and verified at each point
that the internet header is processed.

The checksum algorithm is:

  The checksum field is the 16 bit one's complement of the one's
  complement sum of all 16 bit words in the header.  For purposes of
  computing the checksum, the value of the checksum field is zero.

This is a simple to compute checksum and experimental evidence
indicates it is adequate, but it is provisional and may be replaced
by a CRC procedure, depending on further experience.

So, if you implemented as it is described, computing a sum of the
packet contents who's result is 0x would then be complemented to
0x for inclusion in the packet header.  

A one's complement sum of values who's value is zero should always
produce a +0 (all zero bits) rather than a -0 (all one bits), At least
all right-thinking 1's complement hardware of the era (DEC, UNIVAC,
etc) worked that way.


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Re: PR kern/15656

2000-01-17 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Agreed; however, the PR states that should the checksum be 0x, the
> complement of which is 0x, the checksum should still be sent as
> 0x.

Ok, I looked at the PR, which seems to refer to the TCP header checksum,
rather than the checksum in the IP header.  So please disregard the specific
pointer to RFC-791.

> Can anyone verify this?  I can verify that BSD sends 0-checksums; I can't
> on Solaris.

For other than the intentional UDP-checksum is zero case (which shouldn't
really occur), the stack shouldn't be sending checksums in the protocol
headers valued 0x.  

Looking at the in_cksum code, it would appear that a test at the very
final step might be necessary (if you presume that the intermediate
computations might produce a -0).  But that code is highly tuned, and more
than a cursory examination is called for.


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Re: HP Type C1559 problems

2000-02-01 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

I'm using a HP SureStore 24x6 too, and have no problems talking to it
with chio.

I suspect there's some screwy optioning nonsense for the tape motion
stuff that's wrong.  


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Re: T1 / E1 PCI card for FreeBSD?

2000-02-10 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Len Conrad wrote:
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] tells me their P1200 E1 card, with FreeBSD drive, can't
> > work in channelized mode (like the etinc cards can't).  Their LMC150xM
> > cards can do channelized, but don't have a FreeBSD driver, but their
> > FreeBSD guy is looking at it.
> > 
> > Any hacker care to explain how a channelized T1/E1 (24 or 30 separate ip
> > streams) would be seen within FreeBSD? ifconfig setup?  Would we have to
> > assign 30 fixed ip addresses to these "virtual/channel" ip interfaces?
> Fixed, DHCP, PPP-assigned, whatever.  Individual addresses would certainly
> be the easiest way to use them, unless you're going to do aggregation at the 
> link layer.  Sorry, my knowlege of channelized T1 doesn't extend quite that
> far down.

You've got to look at what you're actually getting as a delivered capability.

What you actually have is 24 (or 32 in the case of an E1) 64kb/s bearer
channels.  Some of them might be combined with others to provide Nx64kb/s
coherent bearers.  Some of them may be dedicated to framing, transport
and signalling (e.g., the "D" channel of a 23B+D ISDN PRI T1).

That these bearer channels happen to be delivered on a T1 (or E1) entrance
facility as the handy carrying case is mostly orthoganal to how you'd treat
each individual bearer channel.  There might be configuration associated
with the T1 (e.g., AMI or B8ZS line encoding), but it's mostly invisible
to the bearer channels, other than enclosing them.  

So you'd probably end up with 24 network interfaces or devices
(in the case of a T1), one for each 64kb/s channel, unless you combine
them together somehow as Nx64K aggregate.

On the other hand, how the hardware abstraction is presented or exposed
by the OS might mask this.  Consider an ISDN BRI; this is a 2B+D channelized
facility, but due to the typical application it's used for, the completely
general abstration may not be necessary.


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Re: T1 / E1 PCI card for FreeBSD?

2000-02-10 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Hi Louie,
> >You've got to look at what you're actually getting as a delivered capability.
> What we are looking for is just 30 x 64 kbit incoming ISDN channels for 
> remote access to Internet.  "remote access concentrator".
> >channels.  Some of them might be combined with others to provide Nx64kb/s
> I see the Portmaster 3 can bond channels even across PM3 chassis, but we 
> would not need anything so fancy as that, as least in the first 
> phase. 

This was different from what I had described, which is combining two
or more 64kb/s channels into an aggregate channel of higher capacity;
essentially a fractional-E1 (or T1).

The "bonding" thing you referred to is really PPP multi-link where a
packet is segmented, and sent in parallel over multiple links. 

> Much more "sellable" to our clients (paying metered access for 
> local time charges for ISDN in Europe) would be hardware STAC compression, 
> ie, Lucent sells a card for the PM3 for hardware-assisted compression, for 
> all 60 channels compressed in a 2 x E1 chassis. Is there a PCI 
> stac-compression card supported by fbsd?

I dunno, if it was me, I'd just buy an Ascend/Lucent MAX or TNT box
and declare success.

I suppose you expose multiple devices, one per channel, like the sr driver
does for one channel.  But this is something of a different beast since
you'll also need to do something about the ISDN signalling.  I'm not
too familiar with how the isdn4bsd code is structured.


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Re: Copy-on-write filesystem

2000-03-05 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> > > Imagine: cp file file2, file and file2 reference the same exact blocks,
> > > but modified chunks of file2 would be given their own private blocks.
> > 
> > This is not a microsoft innovation, actually, I believe it was a VMS
> > innovation.  It's called a generational filesystem.  the original is
> > stored, and later generations of the file are stored as diffs.
> As far as I know, VMS simply stores whole files - no diffs involved. Now
> if you go back to for instance Univac 1100 and the Exec-8 OS (I suppose
> it is OS-1100 now), you'll find a system that *did* store the diffs. In
> the form of punched card images! :-)

Well, not really.  That was mostly an application convention rather than
being done in the OS.  And that all the applications wanted to use
SIR$ SDF to read program file elements was just a coincidence :-)

The cools part of Exec-8 that we still need (we already have sparse
files) are the virtual filesystem bits.  E.g., unloaded files.  People
have been struggling with multi-level storage architectures on UNIX
for years, while this was pretty much a solved problem on these 1's
complement 36 bit dinosars 30 years ago.  

(The notion was that if you didn't use a file in a while, the system
would release the data blocks, and mark the file as "unloaded."  When
you "assigned"/opened one of these files, a system process would cause
the current backup tape to be loaded, and the file restore.  When you
began to get low on disk space, likeway a systen process would start,
and sort all files based on their priority for being unloaded - based
on last reference time, do we have a current backup, who created it, etc.
It would then begin to release the data blocks until you acheived a
configured threshold.)


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Re: Is FreeBSD dead? Well, not in theory...

2000-03-10 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> As long as they keep their grubbly little hands off of it, and dont let the
> ciscos and uunets of the world (who both own a piece of bsdi) dictate
> policy, and as long as several key developers dont go work for BSDI (they
> would have already if they were going to I think)it shouldnt be much
> different.

As far as I know, UUNET had to divest their equity interest in BSDI at
the time that we (UUNET) went public years ago (or maybe it was when
we took some VC funding.. too long ago now.)   The AT&T lawsuit was
still simmering at the time, and that degree of uncertainty was deemed
hostile to raising money.

In retrospect, UUNET probably should have kept a piece.  Over the past
few years, UUNET has funded BSDI to add specific features (like doing
the SPARC port) but that was a conceptually simple contracting
arrangement that resulted in the code being available to all BSDI

What's interesting in all this is to consider all the various Internet
embedded application "wins" that FreeBSD and BSDI have.  Just the
ones that I can think about off the top of my head: Juniper Networks,
Mirapoint, Whistle (FreeBSD) and Ascend in the GRF platform (BSDI).
There are certainly others that escape me at the moment.  BSDI has
a nice embedded packaging of their product, and FreeBSD has gone in
that direction too with things like PicoBSD.  I think there's a big
potential here to vigerously pursue that high-reliablity Internet
infrastructure market with the combinations of the technology.  In
particular, BSDI can bring the support for those "vertical" applications
for OEM's that want to buy it.

These are obviously just my opinions, influenced by low blood sugar,
and not necessarily those of UUNET's.


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Re: Determining traffic on a socket - solution and security question

2000-04-12 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

These approaches work well, so long as the 32-bit sequence space doesn't
wrap.   At 100Mb/s, this wraps in about 6 minutes.  Sure, most connections
don't carry more than 4GB of data but you might be interested in the ones
that do.  

This also is a problem for the counters in struct if_data that are
of type u_long and are going to wrap way too quickly on busy high-speed
network interfaces.


> I have attached my final program which works on both FreeBSD 2.x and
> FreeBSD 3.x (I don't have a FreeBSD 4.x box to test this on yet).

> On FreeBSD 2.x one must be root to run this (to read /dev/kmem), but
> on FreeBSD 3.x any user can run this.

> I would argue that this is a potential security vulnerability. Some
> clever user may be able to exploit this for some protocols to
> determine the lengths of usernames and passwords (admittedly this is
> unlikely to work with telnet unless in line mode). The sysctl calls
> that extract things like TCP control blocks should require privileged
> access (although the downside of this is that programs like netstat
> would have to be setuid).

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Re: GPS heads up

2000-05-04 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> :Out of curiosity, how many people in this discussion are hams? 
> :
> :--mike N8NVW
> -Matt KC6LVW

WA3YMH  (and elligble for QCWA this year, yikes!)

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Re: GPS heads up

2000-05-04 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

> Warner Losh wrote:
> > 
> > What I was trying to say was that SA is caused by the satellites
> > reporting times that have a small offset added to or subtracted from
> > them.  Knowing where you are requires that you know what time it is to
> > a very precise degree.  Once you know what time it is, you can know
> > where you are.  That's why SA injects a pseudo random noise factor
> > into the timing information that the satellites report.  If you have
> > an atomic clock and a GPS clock, you can measure the offset between
> > the two fairly easily and graph the results.  That is what I mean when
> > I say you can compensate for the SA if you have a good atomic clock.
> This is what "Differential GPS" provides: a standard time source that
> can be used to remove the SA meanderings from the GPS fix.

Indirectly; the actual differential GPS corrections provide pseudo-range
corrections.  That is, the difference between what the actual distance
to the satellite is at the reference station, and the distance you
derive from the signal after it's been degraded.  These days, thats
primarily ionospheric effects.

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Re: Generic config file parser?

2000-05-29 Thread Louis A. Mamakos

I usually just embed a TCL interpreter into tools that require a lot 
of configurability.  You can then use that infrastructure to extend
the tool as well.  You can make config files which can just be eval'ed
by TCL to configuration your application.


> Wes Peters wrote:
> > 
> > > I'm really want to make this thing generic and unite it with
> > > others config file parsers (if memory serves me right, Daniel Sobral wrote
> > > RW version for rc.conf style files).
> > 
> > Not needed, there is such a parser library included in OpenSSL, which
> > is included in FreeBSD by default as of 4.0.  The documenation is
> > non-existent, but I suspect it will show up sooner than yet another
> > development effort would produce.
> Well, it _doesn't_ handle loader/rc.conf format, hosts format,
> inetd.conf format, pccard.conf format, etc, which is what bp is talking
> about. And, remember, _his_ library is already in the system too.
> But, alas, the format thing isn't even the beginning. That stuff doesn't
> do HALF the stuff my own libconf does. It doesn't handle nested
> sections, it doesn't handle multiple input files (which is pretty much
> the way we decided to do things), it does _update_ the files, it doesn't
> handle descriptions, it doesn't handle set/unset with comments, it
> doesn't handle unset (commented-out) options for reference purposes,
> doesn't handle multiple instances of a setting... and, then, it's access
> methods are pitiable. You can't enumerate settings in a section,
> enumerate sections, etc.
> Now, my library, which does all of the above, was shot down by msmith
> because *IT* doesn't handle a lot of stuff that ought to be handled.
> > A better choice might be found in XML.  Exploring the port of libxml
> > (in ports/textproc) might be enlightening.
> As long as we don't have to change the format the options are in. :-) It
> can get difficult once you are receiving input by NIS or NDAP, or the
> file formats are beyond your control. :-)
> -- 
> Daniel C. Sobral  (8-DCS)
>   "Sentience hurts."
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