need help with python

2019-07-04 Thread Robert Huff
AN writes:

>  I do not use python directly, only as dependencies.  It seems python36 is 
>  default now.  What is the correct procedure to set ports to use python36 
>  so I can safely delete python27?

Depending on the ports you need, it may not be possible to
completely move from 2.7 to 3.6.  I tried to do this within the last
few months and was blocked by (among other things) one port which
_absolutely insisted_ on python 2.7.  (Don't remember which one off
the top of my head.)
(It would be really useful if someone (not me!) wrote a script
that identified any ports which run on non-default versions which can
be safely upgraded.)


Robert Huff

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Re: need help with python

2019-07-04 Thread @lbutlr
On 4 Jul 2019, at 20:39, AN  wrote:
> I do not use python directly, only as dependencies.  It seems python36 is 
> default now.  What is the correct procedure to set ports to use python36 so I 
> can safely delete python27?

Rebuild all the ports that depend on python (and any python depends on).

You might also look at what you have that requires python. For example, I 
recently;y eliminated almost all the python packages by simply removing scons. 
It may come back if something needs scons to build in the future, but for now I 
have only three python 3.6 packages installed:

===>>> py36-ply-3.11
===>>> py36-setuptools-41.0.0
===>>> python36-3.6.8_2

These are required for bindutils, but I eliminated the one part of blind tools 
that needs put-on I wouldn’t have it at all.

Of course, your setup is different, but it is definitely worth looking at your 

pkg -rd python27

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need help with python

2019-07-04 Thread AN


I would appreciate some help, having a problem updating because of python.

FreeBSD FBSD_13 13.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #0 r349192: Wed Jun 19 
10:18:31 EDT 2019 
root@FBSD_13:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/MYKERNEL  amd64 1300032

I have the following installed:

py27-MarkupSafe-1.1.1  Implements XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe 
string for Python

py27-alabaster-0.7.6   Modified Kr Sphinx theme
py27-asn1crypto-0.22.0 ASN.1 library with a focus on performance 
and a pythonic API
py27-beaker-1.10.1 Session and Caching library with WSGI 

py27-cairo-1.14.1  Python 2 bindings for Cairo
py27-certifi-2019.3.9  Mozilla SSL certificates
py27-cffi-1.12.2   Foreign Function Interface for Python 
calling C code
py27-cryptography-2.6.1Cryptographic recipes and primitives for 
Python developers
py27-dbus-1.2.8Python bindings for the D-BUS messaging 

py27-dnspython-1.16.0  DNS toolkit for Python
py27-docutils-0.14_4   Python Documentation Utilities
py27-enum34-1.1.6  Python 3.4 Enum backported to 3.3, 3.2, 
3.1, 2.7

py27-funcsigs-1.0.2Python function signatures from PEP362
py27-gobject-2.28.6_8  Python bindings for GObject
py27-gobject3-3.28.3   Common files for the Python bindings for 

py27-gtk2-2.24.0_5 Set of Python bindings for GTK+
py27-idna-2.8  Internationalized Domain Names in 
Applications (IDNA)

py27-imagesize-0.7.1   Python image size library
py27-ipaddress-1.0.22  Port of Python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.7
py27-iso8601-0.1.11Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates
py27-libxml2-2.9.8_2   Python interface for XML parser library for 
py27-lxml-4.3.1Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and 
libxslt libraries

py27-mako-1.0.12   Super-fast templating language in Python
py27-openssl-18.0.0Python interface to the OpenSSL library
py27-pycparser-2.18C parser in Python
py27-pygments-2.3.0_1  Syntax highlighter written in Python
py27-pyrex-0.9.9_1 Programming Language for writing Python 
extension modules

py27-pysocks-1.6.8 Python SOCKS module
py27-pystemmer-1.3.0_2 Snowball Stemming Algorithms for 
Information Retrieval

py27-pytest-runner-2.11.1  Test support for pytest runner in
py27-pytz-2018.9,1 World Timezone Definitions for Python
py27-qt5-dbussupport-5.12.1Qt event loop support for dbus-python
py27-setuptools-40.8.0_1   Python packages installer
py27-setuptools_scm-3.1.0  Setuptools plugin to manage your versions 
by scm tags

py27-six-1.12.0Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
py27-snowballstemmer-1.2.0_1   Snowball stemming library collection for 

py27-sphinx_rtd_theme-0.4.3Mobile-friendly py-sphinx theme
py27-sphinxcontrib-websupport-1.1.0 Sphinx API for Web Apps
py27-sqlite3-2.7.16_7  Standard Python binding to the SQLite3 
library (Python 2.7)

py27-typing-3.6.6  Type Hints for Python
py27-urllib3-1.22,1HTTP library with thread-safe connection 
pooling, file post, and more
py36-Babel-2.7.0   Collection of tools for internationalizing 
Python applications
py36-CommonMark-0.9.0  Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown 
py36-Jinja2-2.10.1 Fast and easy to use stand-alone template 
py36-MarkupSafe-1.1.1  Implements XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe 
string for Python

py36-alabaster-0.7.6   Modified Kr Sphinx theme
py36-asn1crypto-0.22.0 ASN.1 library with a focus on performance 
and a pythonic API
py36-beaker-1.10.1 Session and Caching library with WSGI 

py36-cairo-1.14.1  Python 2 bindings for Cairo
py36-certifi-2019.6.16 Mozilla SSL certificates
py36-cffi-1.12.3   Foreign Function Interface for Python 
calling C code
py36-chardet-3.0.4_1   Universal encoding detector for Python 2 
and 3
py36-cryptography-2.6.1Cryptographic recipes and primitives for 
Python developers
py36-cython-0.29_1 Compiler for Writing C Extensions for the 
Python Language
py36-dbus-1.2.8Python bindings for the D-BUS messaging 

py36-docutils-0.14_4   Python Documentation Utilities
py36-evdev-0.8.1   Bindings to the Linux input handling 
py36-future-0.17.1_1   Clean single-source support for Python 3 
and 2
py36-gobject3-3.28.3   Common files for the Python bindings for 
py36-idna-2.8  Internationalized Domain Names in 
Applications (IDNA)

py36-imagesize-0.7.1   Python image size library
py36-iso8601-0.1.12Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates
py36-libxml2-2.9.9 Python interface for XML parser library for 

New 2019Q3 branch

2019-07-04 Thread René Ladan

The 2019Q3 branch has been created. It means that the next update on the
quarterly packages will be on the 2019Q3 branch.

A lot of things happened in the last three months:
- pkg 1.11
- New USES: cabal
- Default version of MySQL switched to 5.7
- Default version of Python switched to 3.6
- Default version of Ruby switched to 2.5
- Default version of Samba switched to 4.8
- New default version for Julia: 1.0
- Firefox 68.0
- Firefox-esr 60.8.0
- Chromium 75.0.3770.100
- Ruby 2.4.6
- Ruby 2.6.3 (new)
- Qt5 5.12.2

Next quarterly package builds will start on Saturday June 6th at 1:00 am and
should be available on your closest mirrors few days later.

For those stat nerds out there, here's what happened during the last 3
months on head:
Number of commits: 7837
Number of committers:  172
Most active committers:
1491  sunpoet
 614  yuri
 454  swills
 453  tobik
 389  jbeich
 282  antoine
 252  amdmi3
 244  dbaio
 210  pkubaj
 151  kai
Diffstat: 20359 files changed, 381015 insertions(+), 358327 deletions(-)

and on the 2019Q2 branch:
Number of commits: 499
Number of committers:   59
Most active committers:
 137  antoine
  87  jbeich
  43  linimon
  27  koobs
  21  tz
  18  tobik
  14  riggs
  10  joneum
  10  cmt
   9  swills
Diffstat: 1694 files changed, 12455 insertions(+), 10151 deletions(-)


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mysql{client,server} upgrade from 5.6 to 5.7

2019-07-04 Thread tech-lists


context: freebsd-12-stable, pkg with poudriere-devel

Following the instructions in /usr/ports/UPDATING at 20190701 for
changing the default installation from mysql5.6 to 5.7 results in
mysql-client being upgraded as expected and mysql56-server being removed
rather than upgraded. If mysql57-server is then installed, it won't

This is in complete contrast to the type and detail and outcome of
upgrading any other server package, like apache or exim for instance.

Shouldn't there be a warning or even a link showing how to overcome
this in UPDATING?


Description: PGP signature