On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 10:07:06PM +0200, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> Mathieu Arnold:
> > > Is a port allowed to depend on the installed version of itself for
> > > running "make test"?
> > 
> > Nope.  Tests are run after the port is installed, so, it should already
> That is not true.  "test" depends on "stage".  It does not install
> the port.

Oh, you are right, I don't know why my brain made the shortcut staged ==

> > be ok.  What problem are you trying to solve.
> I'm working on a port that can't run its regression tests out of
> the build or stage areas.  The command to be tested will call
> submodules with compiled in absolute paths (/usr/local/libexec/...).
> So this port bla/foo would require to be already installed for
> testing:
> TEST_DEPENDS=   foo:bla/foo
> The foo command will call /usr/local/libexec/foo/foo-helper.  If
> the latter isn't there, foo won't run.

Well, you cannot have recursive dependencies, so a port cannot depend on
itself.  What about if you chroot in STAGEDIR to run the tests?

Mathieu Arnold

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