Re: Building a port with poudriere that depends on a cargo crate that needs net access

2021-02-10 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 08:24:46AM -0500 I heard the voice of
Adam Jimerson, and lo! it spake thus:
> The crate in question is psl (

Note that the build also blocks network access, so crates that
require it tend to break there too, and people notice and complain
about that.

In this case, x-ref
so apparently there's some way to point it at a manually pre-fetched

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Committer needed: x11-wm/ctwm, PR 251520

2020-12-22 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 10:18:23AM +0100 I heard the voice of
Kurt Jaeger, and lo! it spake thus:
> > 
> > Can somebody land the patch in the approved attachment to
> >
> > ?
> Done.


Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Committer needed: x11-wm/ctwm, PR 251520

2020-12-19 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
ctwm's build-time detection of the manpage location is being defeated
by the minimalist /usr/local available in poudriere builds, so it
needs to be nudged in the right direction.

Can somebody land the patch in the approved attachment to


Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: portsnap broken?

2019-07-06 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 10:11:41AM +0200 I heard the voice of
Kurt Jaeger, and lo! it spake thus:
> > With a little script to pull the snapdates:
> > [...]
> Nice! Can you put that script somewhere for others to use ?

It's pretty small and straightforward.  Attached.  It _is_ based on a
bit of reverse-engineering of /usr/sbin/portsnap, so there may well be
a better way already extant of getting the info (and there probably
should be, if there isn't), but it Works For Me...

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

# Find the server list
my @servers;
use Net::DNS;
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
my $srv = $res->search('', 'SRV');

die "Nothing from SRV request: @{[$res->errorstring]}\n" unless $srv;

foreach my $rr (grep { $_->type eq 'SRV' } $srv->answer)
my $si = {
'priority' => $rr->priority,
'host' => $rr->target,
push @servers, $si;

@servers = sort {
my $r;
return $r if($r = ($a->{priority} <=> $b->{priority}));
return $r if($r = ($a->{host} cmp $b->{host}));
return 0;
} @servers;

# We need to store temp files to go through openssl...
my $tmpdir;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
$tmpdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1);
die "Failed making tempdir" unless -d $tmpdir;

# Load snapshot info and check timestamp from each
for my $s (@servers)
my $host = $s->{host};
my $key  = "http://$host/pub.ssl;;
my $snap = "http://$host/latest.ssl;;

my $keyout  = "$tmpdir/$host.key";
my $snapout = "$tmpdir/$host.snap";

use LWP::UserAgent;
my $web  = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 5);
my $res = $web->get($key, ':content_file' => $keyout);
$s->{failed} = 1;
print STDERR "$host key fetch failed: @{[$res->status_line]}\n";

$res = $web->get($snap, ':content_file' => $snapout);
$s->{failed} = 1;
print STDERR "$host snap fetch failed: 

# Now we use openssl to dissect
my @cmd = ( qw(openssl rsautl -pubin -inkey), $keyout, '-verify' );

use IPC::Run3;
my ($out, $err);
run3(\@cmd, $snapout, \$out, \$err);
my $rc = $? >> 8;
if($rc  != 0)
$s->{failed} = 1;
print STDERR "$host: openssl returned $rc\n$err\n";

# Second field of $out is the timestamp
chomp $out;
my $ts = (split/\|/, $out)[1];
$s->{timestamp} = $ts;

# And show the results
my $now = time;
for my $s (@servers)
my $host = $s->{host};
(my $sh = $host) =~ s/\.portsnap\.freebsd\.org$//;
print "$sh: failed\n";

my $pri  = $s->{priority};
my $ts   = $s->{timestamp};

# How old?
my $old = $now - $ts;
my $age;
if($old > 86400)
my $days = int($old / 86400);
$age .= "$days days, ";
$old -= ($days * 86400);
my $hours = int($old / 3600);
$old -= ($hours * 3600);
my $mins = int($old / 60);
$old -= ($mins * 60);
$age .= sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $mins, $old);

use Date::Format;
chomp(my $ftime = ctime($ts));

printf "%20s: $ftime  ($age ago)\n", $sh;
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Re: portsnap broken?

2019-07-02 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, Jul 02, 2019 at 07:45:26PM -0600 I heard the voice of
@lbutlr, and lo! it spake thus:
> Out of date based on what? How often are you pulling portsnap?

With a little script to pull the snapdates:

% ./ 
your-org: Sun Jun 30 19:26:35 2019  (2 days, 01:24:42 ago)
metapeer: Sun Jun 30 19:26:35 2019  (2 days, 01:24:42 ago)
   ec2-eu-west-1: Sun Jun 30 19:26:35 2019  (2 days, 01:24:42 ago)
  ec2-ap-southeast-2: Sun Jun 30 19:26:35 2019  (2 days, 01:24:42 ago)
  ec2-ap-northeast-1: Sun Jun 30 19:26:35 2019  (2 days, 01:24:42 ago)
   ec2-sa-east-1: Sun Jun 30 19:26:35 2019  (2 days, 01:24:42 ago)

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
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Re: portupgrade + FLAVORS

2019-05-12 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, May 06, 2019 at 01:17:56PM -0500 I heard the voice of
Bob Willcox, and lo! it spake thus:
> Any word on when/if your patch will be integraded into the port
> proper?

I presume the route would be it getting integrated upstream, and then
a new release with the change makes it into the port.  The ref'd PR

> >

would be the path to that, and I'm pretty sure Bryan (CC'd) would also
be the guy to do that.  I haven't seen him comment on it one way or
another, though I've also scarcely seen him anywhere else on ML's or
other github activity in that time, so I presume he's pretty busy
elsewhere ATM.  Maybe one of those ridiculous "job" things...

I did get a message from someone else pointing at a slowdown caused in
portversion I haven't had a chance to look at; I've just used `pkg
version` since pkgng stopped being ng.  Given my druthers, there's
probably big hunks of portupgrade's bucket I'd just whack  :)

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Re: pango-1.42.4_2 fails in configure on 12.0-RELEASE-p3

2019-05-11 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 07:19:30PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Axel Rau, and lo! it spake thus:
> > Am 09.05.2019 um 13:02 schrieb olli hauer :
> > try with a fresh devel/meson (delete meson before), seems there
> > has something changed but PORTREVISION of  devel/meson was not
> > incremented
> I checked out meson from svn, but had no luck.

I'm not sure it's purely meson related.  It's easy enough to trigger;
just try `make configure` with the X11 option disabled.  I see there's
some stuff in patches messing with meson bits related to xft; maybe
the patches need some adjusting?

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Re: Problem with portupgrade and py27-tkinter

2019-04-19 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 04:07:20PM -0400 I heard the voice of
Robert Huff, and lo! it spake thus:
> Montgomery-Smith, Stephen writes:
> >  I have both py27-tkinter and py36-tkinter installed.  When I do
> >  portupgrade, it tries to upgrade py27-tkinter to py36-tkinter:
> Am I correct in remembering portupgrade dosen't handle flavors?

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Re: upgrade of port fails because of existing link

2019-04-10 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 04:13:33PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Torfinn Ingolfsen, and lo! it spake thus:
> Often, a port fails to upgrade because of an existing link. Example:
> --->  Preserving /usr/local/lib/qt5/ as
> /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg/
> cp: symlink: File exists
> Copy failed!

That's not the port, that's portupgrade and its handling of stashed up
compat libs.  It has a bug and does something poorly with symlinks.

It bites me on mesa-libs regularly too, and occasionally elsewhere.  I
grumble, manually delete the compat symlink, then go `portupgrade -w`
the thing again to get it to retry the install.  And hope it annoys
someone else enough that they go fix it...

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: portupgrade + FLAVORS

2019-04-10 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 04:06:00PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Torfinn Ingolfsen, and lo! it spake thus:
> Ah. I use portsnap to upgrade my ports tree. Is there a delay or
> difference?

A delay, sure, but the last commit in devel/portupgrade was over a
year ago.  You'd probably notice if it were that much slower   ;p

My best guess is still something along the way tweaked up the patch
you're trying; check the md5 vs the one in my earlier mail.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: portupgrade + FLAVORS

2019-04-08 Thread Matthew D. Fuller

> Any reason why not just submit it in Bugzilla?

Well, I s'pose one _could_ split a hair and argue that it's
FreeBSD-specific, and so should be a ports patch rather than an
upstream change.  But that'd be an awful fine hair to try and cleave
in this case   :p

It's in a PR to upstream.  And the upstream maintainer is also the
port $MAINTAINER, so...

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: portupgrade + FLAVORS

2019-04-08 Thread Matthew D. Fuller

> It doesn't apply cleanly to portupgrade in an up to date ports tree

Hm.  Seems to work fine here.

% svn up
Updating '.':
At revision 498434.

% clean patch
===>  Cleaning for portupgrade-2.4.16,2
===>  License BSD3CLAUSE accepted by the user
===>   portupgrade-2.4.16,2 depends on file: /usr/local/sbin/pkg - found
===> Fetching all distfiles required by portupgrade-2.4.16,2 for building
===>  Extracting for portupgrade-2.4.16,2
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for portupgrade/freebsd-portupgrade-2.4.16_GH0.tar.gz.
===>   portupgrade-2.4.16,2 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/ruby24 - found
===>  Patching for portupgrade-2.4.16,2
===>   portupgrade-2.4.16,2 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/ruby24 - found
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for portupgrade-2.4.16,2

% md5 files/patch-flavors 
MD5 (files/patch-flavors) = 95f97bcb5f02c5705b4cc958d5bc62ac

(md5 matches the attachment as I see it coming through the ML post)

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
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portupgrade + FLAVORS

2019-04-07 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
For any portupgrade users still out there wishing for FLAVOR support,
I have patches to add it.  I've been running them here locally for a
few weeks without incident (apart from an extra upgrade or two
actually working without manual intervention/resort to portmaster,
that is).  Dropping the attached patch into
$PORTS/ports-mgmt/portupgrade/files/patch-flavors and rebuilding it is
a simple shortcut to getting it in place.

I haven't done any testing of using portupgrade with pre-built
packages (is there even any reason to post-pkg?), or using portinstall
(never saw the point), but it seems to handle the upgrading path just

Also sitting in a PR upstream at

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
   On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.
--- bin/portupgrade.orig2018-03-09 18:59:29 UTC
+++ bin/portupgrade
@@ -1147,6 +1147,11 @@ def get_make_args(origin, pkgname = nil)
 args = $make_args.split(' ')
+  if flavor = origin[/@(.+)$/, 1]
+args << 'FLAVOR=' + flavor
+  end
   quoted = 0
   n = 0
   is_quoted = false
--- lib/pkgtools/pkgdb.rb.orig  2018-03-09 18:59:29 UTC
+++ lib/pkgtools/pkgdb.rb
@@ -425,10 +425,20 @@ class PkgDB
   @installed_pkgs = []
   @installed_ports = []
   @db = {}
+  flavors = {}
+  pkg_flavors = xbackquote(PkgDB::command(:pkg), 'annotate', '-Sa',
+   'flavor').split("\n")
+  pkg_flavors.each do |line|
+pkg, flavor = line.sub(/: Tag: flavor Value: /, ':').split(':')
+flavors[pkg] = flavor
+  end
   pkg_origins = xbackquote(PkgDB::command(:pkg), 'query', '%n-%v 
   pkg_origins.each do |line|
 pkg, origin = line.split(' ')
 @installed_pkgs << pkg
+origin << '@' + flavors[pkg] if flavors[pkg]
 add_origin(pkg, origin)
--- lib/pkgtools/portsdb.rb.orig2018-03-09 18:59:29 UTC
+++ lib/pkgtools/portsdb.rb
@@ -325,6 +325,7 @@ class PortsDB
   def portdir(port)
+port = port.sub(/@.*$/, '')
 File.join(ports_dir, port)
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Re: p5-Quota on 12

2019-02-05 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Feb 04, 2019 at 04:06:33PM -0800 I heard the voice of
Tim Rice, and lo! it spake thus:
> I was trying to figure out why ldap-account-manager was missing from
> the ports on 12 and discovered p5-Quota was marked as broken.

FWIW, I ran into the issue a few weeks back on a stable/12 box.
AFAICT, the perl stuff in LAM is all the, which I wasn't
even using in the first place (so I stupid-patched p5-Quota so it's
probably broken, but it doesn't matter to me).

It made me wonder how easy it would be to just OPTION-alize that in
the LAM port wholesale so it didn't even need anything perl, but then
I realized I also really wanted to drag it up to a current version
too, and that was way too much work to contemplate in the 5 minutes I

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
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Re: replacement for xmms?

2019-01-16 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Jan 16, 2019 at 04:40:10PM -0800 I heard the voice of
Jack L., and lo! it spake thus:
> audacious, there's even a skin to make it look identical to xmms
> (well, almost)

It's in the settings, you can set it to 'Winamp Classic Interface',
which is what xmms was aiming at too.  It even accepts the skin I had
on xmms (which was probably originally a winamp skin I downloaded from
somewhere 15 years ago...).

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: FreeBSD Port: firefox-63.0.1,1 multiple errors build

2018-11-01 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Nov 01, 2018 at 03:28:58AM -0700 I heard the voice of
David Wolfskill, and lo! it spake thus:
> I would welcome such a thing: it's annoying to need to manually "pkg
> delete lang/rust" every time rust needs an update.

I haven't needed to do that in quite some time...

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Should a package restart on upgrade itself

2018-06-27 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 11:58:17AM +0200 I heard the voice of
Mathieu Arnold, and lo! it spake thus:
> Please point out to ports doing this so that they can be fixed.

On the "irritates me from time to time" list,

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: cannot compile www/node

2018-04-19 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 07:06:32PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Wojciech Puchar, and lo! it spake thus:
> /usr/bin/ld:/usr/ports/www/node/work/node-v9.11.1/out/Release/
> file format not recognized; treating as linker script

I've gotten this (well, something that looks like this anyway; I don't
have a recent error handy so I'm going by memory) regularly on node
for 6 months or so.  My workaround is to set CXX to a clang I've got
around from ports, and then it gets through fine.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Perl help needed

2018-03-30 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 02:46:05PM -0400 I heard the voice of
Robert Huff, and lo! it spake thus:
> Socket.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got handshake 
> key 0xd200080, needed 0xdf00080)

I'd say your most likely bet would be rebuilding p5-Socket, on the
theory that (a) it sounds like it relates to a Socket, (b) installs a
.so so obviously compiles stuff, and (c) has "Socket.c" in the .so
according to strings(1).

(mostly (a) of course)

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE - mail/milter-manager broken

2018-03-18 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 08:10:14PM +0100 I heard the voice of
Kurt Jaeger, and lo! it spake thus:
> Tested it, seems to still dump core.
> Backtrace is at

I recall trying to build it on ruby 2.4 on a server some time back
(early last year?  It's been a while...) and it failed to even start
up.  Went back to 2.3 and it's been solid since.  So I'd guess it's
ruby version dependent.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: FreeBSD Port: php72-7.2.0 : trouble with lang/php72 & libargon2

2017-12-11 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 11:32:08PM + I heard the voice of
Oliver Schonrock, and lo! it spake thus:
> and it solves my issue as well.  Don't think the CPUTYPE stuff comes
> into it.

Well, maybe.  From your mail, though, it looks like you did that
testing by rebuilding/installing the ports _on the local machine_,
rather than rebuilding in poudriere.  If the poudriere box was
building binaries with instructions not in your local machine, that
local build would bypass that issue, so it may still be there.
"Illegal instruction" seems like an odd presentation for "missing

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
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Re: FreeBSD Port: php72-7.2.0 : trouble with lang/php72 & libargon2

2017-12-11 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Dec 07, 2017 at 08:21:05PM + I heard the voice of
Oliver Schonrock, and lo! it spake thus:
> pkg check --dependencies reports problem.

This seems the separate issue already being convered.

> 1. In the worst case (when built on remote poudriere) php72 crashes when
> using the PASSWORD_ARGON2I algo for password_hash.


> 1. BAD: from poudriere
> # php -r 'echo password_hash("password", PASSWORD_ARGON2I). "\n";'
> Illegal instruction (core dumped)

This suggests the libargon compiled on the poudriere machine is using
instructions not present on the running machine; often a newer or
higher end CPU model.  Building libargon locally on the final machine
sidesteps the issue.

If that's the cause, you may well have other landmines in other
packages lying in wait, so you should try and root-cause it.  Do you
have a CPUTYPE or the like in the poudriere setup, which may be
outpacing the system you're running the final result on?

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
   On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.
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Re: Status of portupgrade and portmaster?

2017-10-01 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 09:21:31PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Marco Beishuizen, and lo! it spake thus:
> Using portupgrade every day and still works great. Tried portmaster
> once but liked portupgrade more. I use poudriere just for testing
> ports.

I also use portupgrade constantly on several systems, and portmaster
occasionally for some special cases where it has advantages.

I also use poudriere on a lot of systems.  Actually, most, nowadays.
And I'm extremely happy with it.  But I expect the systems I'm running
straight out of ports now will continue to do so for a very long time,
since poudriere just won't fit at all.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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   On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.
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Re: Hosting distfiles on HTTPS w/Let's Encrypt - how? [somehow solved]

2017-06-05 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sun, Jun 04, 2017 at 09:48:02PM + I heard the voice of
Marcin Cieslak, and lo! it spake thus:
> My temporary solution to this problem is to pin the CA certificate
> in the port itself:


> -FETCH_ENV= HTTP_AUTH=basic:*:I\ accept\
> +FETCH_ARGS+=   --ca-cert="${FILESDIR}/dst_root_ca_x3.crt" already sets


itself (on !makesum).  If you don't need that FETCH_ENV at all, you
wouldn't need the _ARGS either (and if you do need the _ENV, you'd
probably want to pull in the default as well to match...)

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: ICU Portupdate faulty

2017-05-05 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, May 05, 2017 at 10:05:05AM -0600 I heard the voice of
Adam Weinberger, and lo! it spake thus:
> Yes, this is the correct answer. After icu got patched, the VuXML
> entry was lowered to mark 58.2_2,1 as non-vulnerable. Jos, it sounds
> like your ports tree is after the icu update but before the VuXML
> modification. Update your ports tree to bring in the new VuXML file
> and you should be good.

No, it's not looking at the vuxml file right in ports.  It'll be using
the audit file downloaded nightly as part of
/usr/local/etc/periodic/security/410.pkg-audit, so it'll always be ~a
day out of date.  Run `pkg audit -F` manually to kick a refetch of the

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
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Re: Best way to cause synth to ignore rebuilding of a port??

2017-03-08 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Mar 08, 2017 at 03:13:37PM -0600 I heard the voice of
Bob Willcox, and lo! it spake thus:
> Hmm, the plugin/addon I use and would be lost without is for tab
> groups.  Do they still work in 52?

I'm pretty sure it's 57 (or 58?) that they're getting broken.
Certainly they work fine here on the current 52 out of ports.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
   On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.
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Re: running poudriere with 8 builders

2017-03-04 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sat, Mar 04, 2017 at 12:57:40PM +0100 I heard the voice of
Kurt Jaeger, and lo! it spake thus:
> /pou is on an Samsung SSD 840 EVO 250GB:
> smartctl says:
>   9 Power_On_Hours  0x0032   091   091   Always   -   41885
>  12 Power_Cycle_Count   0x0032   099   099   Always   -   8
> 177 Wear_Leveling_Count 0x0013   083   083   Always   -   199
> The Wear_Leveling_Count shows that it's probably beyond the spec
> already 8-}

Actually, I'm pretty sure it means the opposite   8-}

It's my understanding that the "Raw" value on them is pretty much
roughly the actual count of levelled drive writes, and the cooked
"Value" (/worst, though that doesn't make a difference on that
attribute) winds up basically meaning "percent of rated life left"[0].
So you've got ~200 drive writes, and have used about 17% of its life.

On a 250GB 840 Evo I have, in somewhat easier use than being
poundriered senseless:

177 Wear_Leveling_Count PO--C-   095   095   000-57

It's in a mirror with a similarly sized MX100, which (with its
different attributes; can't be consistent, y'know) says

202 Percent_Lifetime_Used   P---CK   095   095   000-5

which agrees; I've only got 19/20ths of their lifespan to go before I
gotta cough up umpty-dozens of dollars to replace them.

[0] For most SMART attributes, the cooked 'value' actually starts at
100 and counts down, with the Threshold level being where it
starts claiming to be deeply unhappy.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
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Re: lighttpd does not pull OpenSSL dependency

2016-10-27 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 06:35:25PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Mathieu Arnold, and lo! it spake thus:
> Well, that is another problem, and you are right, OpenSSL's shlib
> should have been bumped, blame the former maintainer for that. I'll
> talk to the new maintainer about that.

The argument could be made that (a) OpenSSL 1.1.0 is gonna be released
and brought into ports Any Day Now and it already has a different
shlibver (and that would get us back on parity with upstream, for what
that's worth), and (b) by the time 11-CURRENT (where you gotta expect
bumps) becomes 11-STABLE, base openssl will be private-ized anyway.

It's a good couple theories...

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Re: lighttpd does not pull OpenSSL dependency

2016-10-27 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 04:22:09PM +0100 I heard the voice of
Matt Smith, and lo! it spake thus:
> I don't see this on my system which is FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #0 r307132
> $ ldd /usr/local/sbin/ntpd | grep -E '(crypto|ssl)'
> => /usr/local/lib/ (0x800cee000)
> => /usr/local/lib/ (0x801aca000)
> Most likely because I have correctly declared the default version of the
> SSL library by putting DEFAULT_VERSIONS=ssl=libressl-devel in make.conf.

You're using libressl, which has a totally different SOVERSION, so it
can't flip itself back and forth.  openssl has the same SOVERSION.

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Re: lighttpd does not pull OpenSSL dependency

2016-10-27 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 03:05:03PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Mathieu Arnold, and lo! it spake thus:
> Once you install openssl from ports, the ports framework will use
> it, always.

That is absolutely not the case since OpenSSL in base was updated to
.so.8 and ports wasn't re-bumped past it.  Everything gets confused
all the time.

Even in an e.g. net/ntp rebuilt just now:

% ldd /usr/local/sbin/ntpd | grep -E '(crypto|ssl)' => /usr/local/lib/ (0x800cea000) => /usr/lib/ (0x801ae6000)

Just looking at a ldd through /usr/local I'm finding tons of things
that are still linking to base libcrypto.  STuff from ldns, nginx,
Virtualbox, libwww, lots of X pieces...

This makes me *EXTREMELY* nervous about upgrading _any_ systems where
I'm using ports OpenSSL to stable/11.

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Re: Forcing poudriere to rebuild a package and all dependencies

2016-08-27 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 03:21:16PM -0700 I heard the voice of
Russell L. Carter, and lo! it spake thus:
> Here's my /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf, [...]
> [...]
> #  Set this to the list of ports you wish to rebuild every time the
> #  kernel is built.
> PORTS_MODULES=nvidia-driver-340  nvidia-driver virtualbox-ose-kmod 
> sysutils/vm-bhyve sysutils/pefs-kmod

Incidentally, PORTS_MODULES is a var used by the _kernel_ build, not
anything in the _ports_, so setting it in the poudriere environment
doesn't do anything.

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Re: curl and nginx no longer build on same host

2016-07-18 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 06:44:49AM +0800 I heard the voice of
Euan Thoms, and lo! it spake thus:
> Aha, I got ftp/curl to build using WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes. Don't know
> why I didn't try it before, perhaps since it is deprecated.
> So, I think we need to address some shortcoming in the new macro
> DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ssl=openssl.

That seems...  odd.

> DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ssl=openssl

will cause to set the variable SSL_DEFAULT to
the value 'openssl'.



will cause to set the variable SSL_DEFAULT to
the value 'openssl' (unless you've got OPENSSL_PORT defined, in which
case it's set to whatever that is) and spit out a warning.

So, unless you're setting OPENSSL_PORT, they're doing exactly the same
thing (modulo the warning).  If you are (e.g., from using libressl
instead), you need to set THAT instead of 'openssl' in the

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Re: Making a port - debugging cmake check_include_file

2016-04-24 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 12:48:58PM +0300 I heard the voice of
abi, and lo! it spake thus:
> port Makefile.
> Looks like the best solution - no need to poke upstream or make patch.

Interesting.  It's not clear from the docs that
CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES affects the actual build of the program (or
anything except the check_include_file() from a look around,
actually).  Well, if it works...

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Re: Making a port - debugging cmake check_include_file

2016-04-24 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 12:09:53PM +0300 I heard the voice of
abi, and lo! it spake thus:
> On 24.04.2016 12:00, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> >  set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${idirs})
> >
> > seems like it might do the trick.
> Nope, the same behavior.

Did you add those along with and after the EXTRA_INCDIRS stuff?  Else
the extra bits wouldn't have been stuck into INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES yet.

> Is hardcoded directory includes considered evil and I should find
> (read - ask here :)) ) better solution ?

LOCALBASE != /usr/local is liable to be pretty rare, but I think it's
still theoretically supported, so...

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Re: Making a port - debugging cmake check_include_file

2016-04-24 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 11:44:31AM +0300 I heard the voice of
abi, and lo! it spake thus:
> I go the first way, however it seems that include directory is ignored 
> in include tests.

Oh, right.  That's annoying.

> Should I try CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ? However, I don't know the
> effect of this on linux systems.

I'd skip worrying about that for now.  Get a patch working for the
port, then worry later about if/how to upstream it.


seems like it might do the trick.

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Re: Making a port - debugging cmake check_include_file

2016-04-23 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 11:51:00PM +0300 I heard the voice of
abi, and lo! it spake thus:
> /usr/bin/cc-O2 -pipe  -fstack-protector -fno-strict-aliasing -o 
> CMakeFiles/cmTC_bd985.dir/CheckIncludeFile.c.o   -c 
> /usr/home/abishai/zoneminder/work/ZoneMinder-5a3978f/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckIncludeFile.c
> /usr/home/abishai/zoneminder/work/ZoneMinder-5a3978f/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/CheckIncludeFile.c:1:10:
> fatal error: 'libv4l1-videodev.h' file not found
> #include 
>   ^
> 1 error generated.

Note lack of -I/usr/local/include in the command.  So cmake isn't
looking there.  You'd need to somehow get that in the list.

Of course, it'd actually be spelled $LOCALBASE, presumably.  Actually,
libv4l does install pkgconf stuff, so if the cmake process could be
tweaked to pull that in, that may be the "best" solution.  Look at the
FindPkgConfig module in cmake

Of course, that does mean doing a fair amount more surgery in the
CMakeFile.  Simpler may just be to pass $LOCALBASE in via CMAKE_ARGS
and then manually add that via include_directories().

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Re: Completely unscientific poll: cfengine, puppet, other?

2016-02-29 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 08:34:46AM +0100 I heard the voice of
Marko Cupać, and lo! it spake thus:
> On Sun, 28 Feb 2016 14:11:36 -0500
> Chris Inacio  wrote:
> > Happy if you would just reply with which one, if any, you use.
> For my relatively simple task of occasional push of identical
> configuration files to dozens of jails I use salt.

I'm also using salt somewhat lightly for a bunch of jails.  I'm using
it mostly for the incidentals rather than core (e.g., one jail is a
mail server; salt doesn't touch the config.  But others need
null-client type mail configs; salt does those).  It has its...
quirks, but I'm still using it, so I guess that means it beats doing
everything manually.

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Re: www/nghttp2 build failure

2016-02-17 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 05:45:38PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Beeblebrox via freebsd-ports, and lo! it spake thus:
> Latest version (nghttp2-1.7.1) fails to build.

I looked at this a little when I ran into it earlier; the configure
script only looks for initgroups() in grp.h (where it isn't) rather
than unistd.h (where it is), so it doesn't find it, and dumps in a
local definition.  But the place it's used DOES pull in unistd.h, so
it gets the conflict.  A configure (.in maybe, since the port does
autoreconf) patch would be called for, I presume.

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Re: Problem with package library dependencies after update from 8.4 to 9.3

2016-01-12 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:46:46AM -0600 I heard the voice of
Paul Keusemann, and lo! it spake thus:
> and I now have a number of installed packages that are claiming
> as a required shlib but there are no packages
> that provide it.  It does exist in /usr/local/lib.

This would be the mildly annoying behavior of pkg since a couple
updates ago, where it doesn't recognize shlib symlinks right.  I think
there's been a thread or two about it.  I'd just ignore it.

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Re: update PHP

2015-11-28 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 07:21:10PM +0100 I heard the voice of
Miroslav Lachman, and lo! it spake thus:
> Carmel NY wrote on 11/27/2015 12:39:
> > Would I l then need to rebuild everything that depends on PHP or could I 
> > just
> > add the "-r" flag to portupgrade?
> You can get list of all origins of ports depending on main php port by 
> this command
> pkg query %o `pkg info -r php5 | tail -n +2`

I've had good luck with PHP upgrades by just changing the origins,
then rebuilding the php ports themselves.  PECL stuff will also need a

Of course, you could just do a little sed'ery, but I tossed together a
quickie .pl to do it with a little more seatbelts.  e.g., with a
little editing to pretend I'm going from 5.6 to 5.5:

% pkg query '%o' | grep php56 | /tmp/
pkg set -yo lang/php56:lang/php55
pkg set -yo archivers/php56-bz2:archivers/php55-bz2
pkg set -yo textproc/php56-ctype:textproc/php55-ctype
pkg set -yo ftp/php56-curl:ftp/php55-curl

I intentionally just made it print out the 'pkg set's so I could
eyeball them for sanity.  Then just a quick C of 'em into a root
terminal, and I'm off to the rebuilding races.  A little obvious
editing should let you do 5->56 with it.

(of course there's always the chance of extensions moving around, so
you may have to manually find and deal with one or two, but it makes
it a lot easier)

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

# pkg query '%o' | grep php56 | $SELF

my $old = $_;
(my $new = $_) =~ s/56/55/;

die "Couldn't find dir $new" unless -d "/usr/ports/$new";

print "pkg set -yo $old:$new\n";

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Re: Speedup ports install

2015-10-28 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 08:22:34AM +0100 I heard the voice of
Baptiste Daroussin, and lo! it spake thus:
> IIRC portmaster only creates packages as backup of the installed
> version just in case the new package will fail it can reinstall the
> old one in that case, yes a tgz would be way faster, you can even
> chose plain tar to even more reduce the over head.


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Re: php5-phar-5.4.45

2015-10-27 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 04:37:58PM +0100 I heard the voice of
A.J. "Fonz" van Werven, and lo! it spake thus:
> That I understand, but I'd expect that now with PHP 5.6 being the
> default, lang/php5 would point to lang/php56 instead of lang/php54,

There IS no lang/php54, and never has been.  lang/php5 doesn't point
anywhere, it's just 5.4.

> Or is lang/php5 going to disappear altogether over time?

I'd assume.

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Re: Odd dependency issue with pkg 1.6

2015-10-19 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 12:25:32PM -0700 I heard the voice of
Kevin Oberman, and lo! it spake thus:
> Since the update to pkg-1.6 I have gotten errors when running "pkg
> check -d".

FWIW, I get similar.  No bare unversioned .so's, but they're all for
filenames that are symlinks to the actual libs.

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Re: Port Fetch Failing

2015-06-01 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Jun 01, 2015 at 07:02:57PM -0500 I heard the voice of
Tim Daneliuk, and lo! it spake thus:

 This is what happens when you are:  A) In a hurry and B) Paranoid and
 C) Willing to copypasta a config without thought :(

 Thanks to you and Chuck, I have a more reasonable (I think):


That still looks awful weird.  Paranoid, and enabling +LOW?  If you're
having to explicitly list ciphers, you're probably on the wrong

And I suspect the -SSLv3:-SSLv2 isn't really what you want.  You
probably want to disable the _protocols_, not the _ciphers_.  e.g., on
a 10.x machine, I have

SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3

(I figure every extra character on the CipherSuite line means either
I'm way smarter, or way dumber.  And there's only so much smarter I
can get, so...)

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Re: Pourdriere produces faulty build results due to bug

2015-04-01 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Apr 01, 2015 at 11:30:20PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Guido Falsi, and lo! it spake thus:
 - ports linking to other libraries in base which are linked to base ssl,
 causing conflicts

On my system, libssl/libcrypto is used by:


At a glance, I wouldn't be surprised to find libfetch/libarchive used
somewhere in ports.  But the krb5/gssapi bits may be the trickiest to
unravel, considering how widely they wind up getting linked into

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Re: Geoip2 / maxminddb

2015-02-16 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
 I actually have a port built for it.  Just need to get 10 minutes to
 check and polish it up...

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Re: Geoip2 / maxminddb

2015-02-16 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 06:50:37PM +0100 I heard the voice of
Peter Hodur, and lo! it spake thus:
 I would like to ask ... is there geoip2 (maxminddb, the new version)
 library in ports tree or not?

I actually have a port built for it.  Just need to get 10 minutes to
check and polish it up...

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Re: mail/dovecot2: who calls doveconf upon boot?

2015-02-02 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Feb 02, 2015 at 04:43:01PM +0100 I heard the voice of
Marko Cupać, and lo! it spake thus:
 My question is: Who calls doveconf, and for what purpose?

A quick look at the rc script in the ports tree suggests
that it's unconditionally running dovecot when it's run try try and
populate base_dir, whether $dovecot_enable or not.

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Re: Resetting maintainership

2014-12-10 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 02:32:16PM -0800 I heard the voice of
Bryan Drewery, and lo! it spake thus:
 On 12/10/14 2:27 PM, Pietro Cerutti wrote:

I have some outstanding patches that change it to ports.rtf...

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Re: Update php from 5.5 to 5.6?

2014-10-10 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 11:37:24AM +0200 I heard the voice of
Mathieu Arnold, and lo! it spake thus:
 Easiest way to do it would be to remove php55-* and mod_php55-xxx
 and install their php56-* and mod_php56-xxx equivalents.

Pre-pkgng, I did it via creepy magic sed'ery in /var/db/pkg; change
the origins, then a regular portupgrade/portmaster will see the newer
versions and run with it.  Post-pkgng, we can just use pkg set to
avoid some of the creepery.

I did the 55-56 on a machine about a month ago, and came up with the
below.  It just spits out the commands, then I can eyeball to be sure
they're right and CP into a term.  Then check the 'pkg version',
should show all of them needing upgrades to 5.6.x.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

# pkg query '%o' | grep php55 | $SELF

my $old = $_;
(my $new = $_) =~ s/55/56/;

die Couldn't find dir $new unless -d /usr/ports/$new;

print pkg set -yo $old:$new\n;

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Re: [HEADSUP] pkg(8) is now the only package management tool

2014-09-01 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, Sep 02, 2014 at 03:51:31AM +0200 I heard the voice of
Michelle Sullivan, and lo! it spake thus:

 Correct, take a 9.2 install disk, install it, portsnap and then
 install pkg on it...  Oh wait, you can't.. pkg_install is broken,
 and 9.2 install disks don't have pkg in the BaseOS

So what?  The pkg port uses _ITSELF_ to register.  The pkg in the
base system isn't pkg, it just a bootstrap to fetch the pkg pkg (which
them uses itself to register too).  If you're using the pkg _PORT_,
it's not even involved in the first place.

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Re: FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently scheduled for deletion

2014-08-12 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 09:31:08PM -0700 I heard the voice of
Dennis Glatting, and lo! it spake thus:
 do_install in the Makefile does the chown.

Generally you'd want to do something more like using @owner/@group in
plist, rather than chown'ing in the stage.  Doing that would break
building as non-root, too.

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Re: ports-mgmt/portupgrade and pkg 1.3

2014-08-05 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 09:24:15AM +1200 I heard the voice of
Jonathan Chen, and lo! it spake thus:
 portupgrade appears to be a lot slower with the pkg-1.3 when it goes
 into its clean-up phase. The pkg which -q ... that portupgrade
 performs during that phase appears to be taking quite a bit longer
 that the older version did.

This is a combo of portupgrade beating the crap out of pkg and pkg
beating the crap out of your disk.  For tha latter, see a quick
rundown at; you can see
the difference with/out the locking yourself with that command line.

For the former, see a fix at which seems to
eliminate it (at least, it should only slow down when it really has a
lot of stuff to do).

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Lots of installed ports show succeeds index

2014-07-25 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 03:58:34PM -0700 I heard the voice of
Kevin Oberman, and lo! it spake thus:
 Which begs the question, why is it out of sync? If you update your ports
 tree, all you need to do is:
 make -C /usr/ports fetchindex (takes a few seconds)

That's only probably close, if you do it shortly after svn up.

 There are a couple of other ors, but I'll just say that you are
 probably working too hard if you don't use an index.

I prefer or use portsnap, which pulls along INDEX for the tree as
built (except when INDEX build is broken anyway, in which case it gets
a little stale).  If portsnap had no other redeeming qualities, I'd
probably still use it just for that one...

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Re: tex-format fails build (package)

2014-07-25 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 10:19:55PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Michelle Sullivan, and lo! it spake thus:

 pkg_create: read_plist: unknown command '@fmtutil
 /usr/local/share/texmf-var/web2c/pdftex/amstex.fmt' (package tools out
 of date?)

This would seem to be the key point...

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Re: tex-format fails build (package)

2014-07-25 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 01:30:48PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Michelle Sullivan, and lo! it spake thus:

 If that were true then everyone should switch to pkgng now.. the
 problem is fmtutil and fmtutil-sys does not exist on my system and
 appears to be included only in tetex not texlive .. it appears there
 used to be a port for it, but it is no more (merged into tetex?)

 .. you might want to check my other post, TEX_DEFAULT=tetex in
 make.conf fixes it...

No, this doesn't have anything to do with 'fmtutil' the-command; this
is '@fmtutil' the-plist-directive, which is in print/tex-formats's
plist (via indirect logic down in  Since that doesn't get
built with TeTex, of course it doesn't error in that case.

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Re: tex-format fails build (package)

2014-07-25 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 02:07:10PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Michelle Sullivan, and lo! it spake thus:

 So where's the error

That pkg_create doesn't know what to do with the @fmtutil in the

Whether that devolves to you shouldn't still be using pkg_*, or
@fmtutil wasn't setup quite right on pkg_* and you're just the first
to notice, or @fmtutil was never intended to work in pkg_* and a gun
was jumped, I express no opinion   :)

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Re: tex-format fails build (package)

2014-07-25 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 02:15:09PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Michelle Sullivan, and lo! it spake thus:

 Thanks, at least eyes are on it...

Well, _my_ eyes can't really do anything about it   :)

I think bapt@ has been the one doing most of the TeXery, so he'd
probably be the one to talk to about it.

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Re: Update php from 5.4 to 5.5 ?

2014-06-18 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:05:46PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Melvyn Sopacua, and lo! it spake thus:
 You can do the following:
 pkg query -e '%o ~ */php5-*' '%o'| while read origin; do \
 new_origin=`echo ${origin} | sed -e 's/php5-/php55-/'`
 echo portmaster -o ${new_origin} ${origin}; done

You could just use 'pkg set -o' on these instead to shuffle the origin
in the pkgdb, then just a regular round of
portmaster/portupgrade/whatever will look at versions in the new
place.  That's equivalent to how I've done such migrations in the past
with pkgog (creepy sed'ery through /var/db/pkg).

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: After apr update, svn can't find

2014-06-11 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 03:22:17PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Tijl Coosemans, and lo! it spake thus:
 There's a problem in the apr port which makes it link libaprutil to
 the installed libapr instead of the newly built one.

Just so.

After upgrade:

% ldd /usr/local/lib/ 
/usr/local/lib/ = /usr/local/lib/ (0x801626000) = /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg/ (0x80184a000) = /lib/ (0x801a7c000) = /lib/ (0x801c9c000) = /lib/ (0x80081f000)

Then rebuild it again:

% ldd /usr/local/lib/
/usr/local/lib/ = /usr/local/lib/ (0x801626000) = /usr/local/lib/ (0x80184a000) = /lib/ (0x801a7c000) = /lib/ (0x801c9c000) = /lib/ (0x80081f000)

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Re: second call: dns/libidn staging broken

2014-05-29 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:57:22PM -0400 I heard the voice of
Lowell Gilbert, and lo! it spake thus:
 Assuming my previous paragraph isn't wildly wrong, the easy
 workaround would be to install emacs. That's just a hack; the right
 fix (I think) is to add a port option to let it depend on emacs, or
 for the port to adjust the plist dynamically.

That doesn't sound right.  I don't have emacs installed, and

% ls `pkg info -l libidn | grep \.el`

So I'd keep looking for the reason.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: second call: dns/libidn staging broken

2014-05-28 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 08:55:01PM -0400 I heard the voice of
Lowell Gilbert, and lo! it spake thus:
 I tried rebuilding libidn on the host system (outside the
 tinderbox), but it didn't break (with and without WRKDIRPREFIX, with
 portmaster or make install). I guess I need to fix my tinderbox to
 get further...

Works fine for me here too, and I've always got WRKDIRPREFIX set.

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Re: ACTION REQUIRED - Unstaged Ports being DEPRECATED on June 31st.

2014-05-12 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 10:31:06AM +1000 I heard the voice of
andrew clarke, and lo! it spake thus:
 A short script I threw together to show any ports installed that are
 marked as unstaged in the above list:

Alternately, to check against the local ports tree:

% pkg query -a '%o' | xargs -n1 -I% sh -c 'if make -C /usr/ports/% -V NO_STAGE 
| grep -v '^\$'  /dev/null ; then echo % ; fi'

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Re: Spamd

2014-04-04 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Apr 04, 2014 at 08:52:29AM +0300 I heard the voice of
Esa Karkkainen, and lo! it spake thus:
 On Thu, Apr 03, 2014 at 09:53:10AM +0200, Jos Chrispijn wrote:
 Since my last Spamd port update I get this error when I try to start
 Same here, I've had this happen every time when I update
 spamassassin, using portmaster, which is using pkgng.

pkg-plist in spamassassin includes

@unexec rm -rf /var/run/spamd 21 /dev/null || true

so removing the package will blow away the pid file.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Port version problem

2014-03-23 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 07:05:13AM -0400 I heard the voice of
Jerry, and lo! it spake thus:
 dri-9.1.7_3,2 succeeds index (index has 7.6.1_3,2)
 libEGL-9.1.7  succeeds index (index has 7.6.1)
 libGL-9.1.7   succeeds index (index has 7.6.1_4)
 libdrm-2.4.50 succeeds index (index has 2.4.17_1)
 xf86-video-ati-7.2.0_1succeeds index (index has 6.14.6_1)
 xf86-video-intel-2.21.15_1succeeds index (index has 2.7.1_6)
 xorg-server-1.12.4_4,1succeeds index (index has 1.7.7_11,1)
 How is that even possible?

I'd say you're running WITH_NEW_XORG.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Port version problem

2014-03-23 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 08:02:41AM -0400 I heard the voice of
Jerry, and lo! it spake thus:
 I tried your suggestion with negative results. Any other ideas?

Yes, the one I already sent   :)

You're running WITH_NEW_XORG, which changes the versions of various X
ports.  Either explicitly enabled yourself, or implicitly on a version
(recent -CURRENT) new enough.  And no INDEX builder is running a
version with that set, so it shows the OLD_XORG versions.

I recommend ignore it, it doesn't matter.  Only other likely
solution is building INDEX yourself, which is expensive and you'll
just forget it next time anyway.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Port version problem

2014-03-23 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 07:16:38AM -0500 I heard the voice of
Matthew D. Fuller, and lo! it spake thus:
 I recommend ignore it, it doesn't matter.

Or alternately phrased, use -l'' instead of -L=, like I always
do.  There are various reasons I'd have installed a newer version than
INDEX has, like NEW_XORG, and even version I'd have installed a newer
version than in the ports tree at all, like on a port I maintain and
have updated but hasn't gotten committed yet.

I only care to hear about stuff where I'm _behind_; if I'm _ahead_
that's the rest of the world's problem, not mine   :)

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Dependencies: base vs. ports (Was: Re: ports/187468)

2014-03-13 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 07:01:20AM -0500 I heard the voice of
Bryan Drewery, and lo! it spake thus:
 Take openssl for example, [...]

From the user perspective, this in particular has been an occasional
but steady low-level grumble of mine for years, and I've definitely
come to wish it were hidden away.  The few times I've wanted a newer
version for something and tried using the ports openssl, it's just
turned into a giant mess of conflicts between the two and I've had to
give up and undertake a big cleanup process.  Maybe if you set the
make.conf flag and go only ports openssl straight from the first
server setup it would work right, but I'm not even sure about _that_.
Wasn't there just a discussion earlier this week about something not
honoring it right?

So, yeah; if you ask me, openssl can't possibly be given the
lib/private or libbsdssl or whatnot treatment too soon   :)

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Re: Dependencies: base vs. ports (Was: Re: ports/187468)

2014-03-13 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 08:22:08AM -0500 I heard the voice of
Scot Hetzel, and lo! it spake thus:

 This was caused by the port maintainer deciding to force the port to
 always us the base version of OpenSSL on FreeBSD = 10.  Instead of
 letting the sysadmin decide on which to use (port / base).

That imputes rather more specific intent than I think is really called
for; it's just as easy to read as didn't consider the case of
somebody on = 10 wanting to use port openssl instead at all rather
than chose to disallow $PREV.  But either way, I think it makes my
point; it's a fringe-enough option that there are liable to be
landmines waiting.  And I'm confident that Murphy has me on
speed-dial, so they're sure to be in places I'm going to need on 5
minutes notice sometime.

Whereas is there _is_ no /usr/lib/lib{ssl,crypto}, it can't create a
messy conflict   8-}

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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DEFAULT_PHP_VER and r343784

2014-03-08 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
r343784 added a WARNING to about DEFAULT_PHP_VER

+.if defined(DEFAULT_PHP_VER)
+WARNING+=  DEFAULT_PHP_VER is defined, consider using 

But the PHP ports themselves set DEFAULT_PHP_VER in Makefile.ext,
which all the sub-pieces (i.e., everything but lang/phpVER) include.
Which means that _every_ build of them spits out a warning and then
sits around twiddling its thumbs for a couple seconds.  Rather slows
down upgrades, not to mention yelling at the user about something not
in their control...

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Why would a port use its own existence as an excuse to fail install?

2014-02-15 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 07:31:19PM -0800 I heard the voice of
David Wolfskill, and lo! it spake thus:
 So that Installing qt4-clucene-4.8.5...pkg-static:
 qt4-clucene-4.8.5 conflicts with qt4-clucene-4.8.5 (installs files
 into the same place).  Problematic file:
 /usr/local/lib/qt4/ is what I was going on about.
 That really seems like about the lamest excuse for failing an
 install that I could imagine

Actually, it's an excellent excuse.  Installing it when it's already
installed is shupid.  What's lame is that it's not _realizing_ it's
already installed, and failing to try and uninstall it first.

And I think that's a problem across several qt4 ports, due to some
renaming along the line that did something like change them from
qt4-xyz to xyz-qt4 or the like.  A 'pkg check -d' on my workstation
since I pkg2ng'd blows up a bunch of errors alone those lines:

x11/kdelibs4 has a missing dependency: x11/qt4-opengl
x11/kdelibs4 has a missing dependency: textproc/qt4-clucene
x11/kdelibs4 has a missing dependency: devel/qt4-qtestlib
x11/kdelibs4 has a missing dependency: devel/qt4-declarative
[ various other kde/qt bits in the same pattern ]

% pkg info | grep -E 'qt4-(opengl|clucene|qtestlib|declarative)'
qt4-clucene-4.8.5  QtCLucene full text search library wrapper
qt4-declarative-4.8.5  Qt4 framework for building highly dynamic user 
qt4-opengl-4.8.5   Qt OpenGL library
qt4-qtestlib-4.8.5 Qt unit testing library

% pkg info qt4-clucene
Name   : qt4-clucene
Origin : textproc/clucene-qt4

Note the Origin of textproc/clucene-qt4 where kdelibs4 is expecting to
find textproc/qt4-clucene.  So I'd guess the same sorta thing is
making portmaster try to _install_ it for you, rather than _upgrading_

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Why would a port use its own existence as an excuse to fail install?

2014-02-15 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
 So I'd guess the same sorta thing is making portmaster try to
 _install_ it for you, rather than _upgrading_ it.

Or, rather, not touch it at all.

A nice thing about portmaster is that it's smarter than portupgrade.
An annoying thing is that, to me anyway, that usually seems to take
the form of trying to outsmart me, and I don't take kindly to that
kinda crap from anything without thumbs   :p

In this case, I'd guess, portmaster does its thing of pulling lists of
unmet (by whatever criterion) dependancies of the new thing you're
installing/upgrading to, and building/installing them itself rather
than letting ports' own recursion handle it.  So building the port you
actually want to upgrade would say, hey, that qt4-clucene stuff is
already there, so nothing to do.  But portmaster notices (presumably
through the same mechanism pkg check -d is triggering) that, hey,
there's no port with that origin installed, so I'll build and install
it myself first.  Which fails, since it's already installed, thus...

Now, why the origin of the _package_ is up to date with reality, while
the origins of the dependancy links are wrong, is the root question.
Those moves (r338902, Jan 6) were before I pkg2ng'd this box, so maybe
it's just some bad interaction between MOVED and portupgrade's pkgdb
which would have done the fixup and pkgog[0] and pkgng.

[0] Appropriate nomenclature in the long run, I suspect.  Imagine the
day when 12- and 13-STABLE are common, and then one day you find an
8.x box that's been sitting untouched since now, and you have to bring
it up to date.  You try and look at the installed packages, and you
say pkg...  oh god   :)

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Can't compile openjdk7 at 340877

2014-01-27 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 06:23:16AM -0500 I heard the voice of
George Mitchell, and lo! it spake thus:
 I updated my ports tree to revision 340877, and trying to compile
 openjdk7 dies like this:
 cd bsd_amd64_compiler2/product  ./test_gamma
 Using java runtime at: /usr/local/openjdk7/jre
 Error occurred during initialization of VM
 java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/invoke/AdapterMethodHandle

My solution was forcing it to use the bootstrap version again.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: svn commit: r338650 - in head/java/openjdk7: . files

2014-01-04 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sat, Jan 04, 2014 at 03:56:26PM + I heard the voice of
Mathieu Arnold, and lo! it spake thus:
   Revert lang/openjdk7 to 7u25.

This has had build problems for me on 2 different systems that had _45
installed.  It blows up after using the installed openjdk7 partway
through with an error chain like

gmake[6]: Leaving directory 
All done.
gmake[5]: Leaving directory 
cd bsd_amd64_compiler2/product  ./test_gamma
Using java runtime at: /usr/local/openjdk7/jre
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/invoke/AdapterMethodHandle
gmake[4]: *** [product] Error 1
gmake[4]: Leaving directory 
gmake[3]: *** [generic_build2] Error 2
gmake[3]: Leaving directory 
gmake[2]: *** [product] Error 2
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 
gmake[1]: *** [hotspot-build] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 
gmake: *** [build_product_image] Error 2
*** [do-build] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/java/openjdk7.
*** [build] Error code 1

On one system I could get around it by just dumping the installed
openjdk7 and letting it pull in a new bootstrap.  The other, it seems
to have worked to manually install the bootstrap and do a

% make BOOTSTRAPJDKDIR=/usr/local/bootstrap-openjdk

dance in the port dir.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: problems after installing ports-mgmt/portconf

2013-10-11 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 09:37:13AM +0200 I heard the voice of
Matthias Apitz, and lo! it spake thus:
 I have had to uninstall portconf again to be able to build more ports.

Near's I can tell, portconf and bmake just flat out don't get along.
With some squirreling around in make.conf, you can make _that_ warning
shut up, but you just wind up with a different one for ports that you
have portconf stuff for.  I stopped investigating at that point  :|

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Re: Berkeley DB 4.1

2013-09-12 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 12:57:06PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Ivan Voras, and lo! it spake thus:
 And while the argument seems valid, it also doesn't have an estimate
 of which / how many ports will break with a more recent bdb.

FWIW, I've manually pushed all the systems I've managed to higher
versions than 4.2 for years.  I remember having 4.6 around a lot.  In
a quick look around now, I see 4.8 on everything but one system that's
running 4.7, servers and a couple workstations.  I can't recall _ever_
seeing a breakage.

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portsdb + rrdmerge = *hiccup*

2013-08-16 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
Hey guys,

Since databases/rrdmerge showed up in ports, portupgrade seems to have
gotten a bit unhappy with INDEX:

[Updating the portsdb format:bdb_btree [...] 
/usr/ports/INDEX-8:19441:rrdmerge-0.0_b05d69bfac64: 0.0_b05d69bfac64: Not in 
due form: 'version[_revision][,epoch]'.

(whether the version is itself malformed, or portsdb is being overly
retentive, I leave as an exercise to the readers   ;)

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Re: Would software for non-commercial use be acceptable as a port?

2013-07-27 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 02:28:31AM +0200 I heard the voice of
Peter Looyenga, and lo! it spake thus:
 Am I right to conclude that the product, with the non-commercial
 clause I described above, could be a candidate for the ports
 collection or would the restriction be a huge obstacle?

There are a number of entries in ports/LEGAL along the lines of no
commercial use, often with RESTRICTED or NO_CDROM or the like also
set in the ports' Makefile's.  Lots of examples to extrapolate from
there.  See also

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Rebuild all ports for perl minor version update?

2013-06-14 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 01:12:09AM -0700 I heard the voice of
Thomas Mueller, and lo! it spake thus:
 In that case, why didn't they go to perl 5.18?

I should hope that lang/perl5.16 _NEVER_ goes to 5.18   8-}

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Can a ports commiter add this to their todo list

2013-04-14 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 09:42:02PM -0700 I heard the voice of
Cy Schubert, and lo! it spake thus:
 In message, Shane Ambler writes:
  Currently the port audio/hydrogen is marked as broken and has an
  expiration date of 2013-03-05 so I am hoping to get it fixed before it
  is deleted.
 I assigned the PR to myself. Just rattle my cage when the freeze is over.

See also and
some discussion back around

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Re: svn commit: r311718 - in head: audio/hydrogen databases/adstudio databases/p5-DBD-Oracle databases/xapian-bindings10 devel/gauche-gaunit devel/linux-js devel/linuxthreads devel/ros-common devel/ru

2013-02-05 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, Feb 05, 2013 at 03:07:11PM + I heard the voice of
Baptiste Daroussin, and lo! it spake thus:
   Mark as deprecated a bunch of ports that are marked as broken for more than 
   month without a fix
 Modified: head/audio/hydrogen/Makefile
 --- head/audio/hydrogen/Makefile  Tue Feb  5 14:45:14 2013
 +++ head/audio/hydrogen/Makefile  Tue Feb  5 15:07:10 2013
 @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ LIB_DEPENDS+=   sndfile:${PORTSDIR}/audio/
   tar:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libtar \
 +DEPRECATED=  Broken for more than 6 month
 +EXPIRATION_DATE= 2013-03-05
  BROKEN=  does not install has been
around for this since Oct, with no maintainer response.  Though it's a
little hard to get the meat out of it, since it includes a shar not a

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: svn commit: r311718 - in head: audio/hydrogen databases/adstudio databases/p5-DBD-Oracle databases/xapian-bindings10 devel/gauche-gaunit devel/linux-js devel/linuxthreads devel/ros-common devel/ru

2013-02-05 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Feb 06, 2013 at 12:21:29AM +0100 I heard the voice of
Baptiste Daroussin, and lo! it spake thus:
 Thanks for the pointer I'll have a look and undeprecate if it works

I believe it's the bit toward the end of the patch that actually

See also a few mails about it on -ports last July, esp.
I used the patch attached to the ticket linked in that mail sometime
earlier last year, and it installed OK (though with the plist issues I
noted there).  Apparently they're ignoring it, since the next release
won't use scons anymore, but there's no release of that yet.

'm pretty sure I never heard back from the maintainer on that mail
either, though last year was kinda a blur...

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: INDEX|DESCRIBE-N not provided by portsnap server

2012-10-15 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 08:57:58PM -0500 I heard the voice of
Matthew D. Fuller, and lo! it spake thus:
 On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:02:59PM +0300 I heard the voice of
 Sergey V. Dyatko, and lo! it spake thus:
  Building new INDEX files... INDEX-7 not provided by portsnap
  server; INDEX-7 not being generated. DESCRIBE.7 INDEX-8 not
  provided by portsnap server; DESCRIBE.7 INDEX-8 not being
  generated. DESCRIBE.8 INDEX-9 not provided by portsnap server;
  DESCRIBE.8 INDEX-9 not being generated. done.
 This has happened to me on -CURRENT since mid-Feb.

OK, I finally got sick enough of dealing with these to track this

It's been broken since r227483 (2011-11-12).  Running 'fetch update'
(doing them individually was OK I think; maybe that's why there hasn't
been an uproar about it?) has been broken, and at least currently
'extract' is as well.


Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: INDEX|DESCRIBE-N not provided by portsnap server

2012-08-24 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:02:59PM +0300 I heard the voice of
Sergey V. Dyatko, and lo! it spake thus:
 Building new INDEX files... INDEX-7 not provided by portsnap server;
 INDEX-7 not being generated. DESCRIBE.7 INDEX-8 not provided by
 portsnap server; DESCRIBE.7 INDEX-8 not being generated. DESCRIBE.8
 INDEX-9 not provided by portsnap server; DESCRIBE.8 INDEX-9 not being
 generated. done.

This has happened to me on -CURRENT since mid-Feb.  Been meaning to
send a mail about it...  it seems like something odd in sh, failing to
see the right response to checking the existence of a file.

You can work around it by adding a portsnap -I update, which
succeeds in building the INDEXen.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Ports in Subversion and the INDEX file

2012-08-23 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 11:21:24AM +0200 I heard the voice of
Christer Solskogen, and lo! it spake thus:

 how do you regenerate this file these days? make index seems to take
 a pretty long time.

I switch to using portsnap years back, which provides it prebuilt.  I
prefer that to fetchindex, since I know it matches the ports it's
given me.

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Re: unable to build openjade after updating perl

2012-07-04 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Jul 04, 2012 at 09:36:11AM -0400 I heard the voice of
Jerry, and lo! it spake thus:
 I just did a quick perusal of the Sourceforge site and it appears
 that there is a newer version available. Apparently, and I might be
 wrong, it also has a slight name change.

No, you're thinking of the opensp files, which is a different package
(textproc/opensp/).  Nothing has moved in [open]jade for $YEARS, sadly
(or sp, for that matter...).

But, apropos this, see

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Re: painful process.. php53/etc

2012-06-22 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:15:39PM -0400 I heard the voice of
Michael Scheidell, and lo! it spake thus:
 if I already installed php5 (when it was php 5.3), and I want to 
 'rename' everything without recompiling, replacing, or updaring 
 packages, would it be:

You'd have to -o anything that moved.  Which in this case, would be
php5-everything; probably nothing else though.

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Re: PHP 5.4.0 : lang/php54

2012-05-29 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 11:48:00AM -0700 I heard the voice of
Doug Barton, and lo! it spake thus:
 With respect to those involved, the lang/python port is a special
 kind of problem.

I agree.  IME, it causes more confusion than it solves.  I don't ever
bother having lang/python on any systems; I just install whichever
version (the latest, as a rule) I want, and if I ever find 'python'
itself installed I mutter under my breath and pkg_delete it as fast as
my fingers can fly.

 The whole concept of category/portname where there are multiple
 versions of portname is flawed. The DEFAULT_PORTNAME_VER mechanism
 works just fine, especially for dependencies.

The disadvantage though is that we need to grow and use b.p.m
infrastructure then for every port we start handling multiple versions
of.  We need the vars, the switches for defaults, we need a special
USE_* var (and maybe with multiple magic values for modular stuff like
PHP), ports need to all use that instead of just RUN_DEPENDS'ing on a
binary, blah blah blah.  That doesn't scale for crap.

(not germane to this particular case of course, since that's
 already all there for PHP, but it makes for an ugly general
 solution   :|  )

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: portmaster and php 5.4/5.3 issues

2012-05-18 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 12:40:06PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Florian Smeets, and lo! it spake thus:
 On 05/18/2012 12:09, Daniel Braniss wrote:
  what (if any :-), is the magic to convince portmaster to compile
  the php53-* extensions instead of php5-* extensions?
 you need to deinstall all php5* ports (something like pkg_delete -x
 php5) and reinstall php53 and php53-extensions with your list of
 modules set to on. One example, if you have archivers/php5-zip now
 you need archivers/php53-zip with php53.

As a dirty rotten underhanded wildly-unsupported trick I've used in
the past to hack around this issue, I've manually edited
/var/db/pkg/php5-*/+CONTENTS to s/php5/php5_/ all the ORIGIN lines.
Then I could just `portmaster` or `portupgrade -f` them all, and it
winds up OK.  Usually.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Upgrading libs with many dependent ports

2012-01-18 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 06:43:27PM -0800 I heard the voice of
Kevin Oberman, and lo! it spake thus:
 Take a look at pkg_chklib. It is  quite optimized and runs multiple
 checks in parallel so that you can run it on 1100 ports in about 1.5

I've looked at it.  From the samples and docs I've seen, it seems to
do both more and less than I want.  That's not a knock on it, it just
goes in a slightly different direction than I want.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Upgrading libs with many dependent ports

2012-01-17 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 05:51:11PM -0800 I heard the voice of
Kevin Oberman, and lo! it spake thus:
 The manual method would be to install sysutils/bsdadminscripts and
 use a command like `pkg_libchk | grep -E | sort 
 tmpfile` to provide a list of ports that actually are linked to the
 libraries in question.

FWIW, I some years ago wrote up a quickdirty perl script to find
missing or out of date libs.  It pulls out and warns about missing
libs, stuff in compat/pkg (held over after upgrade by
portupgrade/portmaster), and stuff in the base /usr/lib/compat (handy
when crossing major versions, and potentially other big upheavals).
It's only about a k; I'll attach it.

I pretty much wind up ldd'ing /usr/local/{bin/*,sbin/*,lib/*.so*} and
running the results through the script.  Usually something like `cd
/usr/local/bin ; ldd *  /tmp/ldd.bin ;  /tmp/ldd.bin`.
That tells me the files; then I can use my brain or pkg_which to tell
me which packages are involved.  I'm happy with that level of
automation, because I like keeping my brain firmly in the loop on such
things, but it wouldn't be too hard to extend it to do its own walks
over the filesystem, etc.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: cvs checkout ./. csup

2011-11-19 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 04:11:24PM + I heard the voice of
Christian Weisgerber, and lo! it spake thus:
 You can also export the repository by NFS to other machines nearby.
 A local checkout from an NFS file system is more efficient than
 cvs's remote handling.

An additional speedup can be gotten from using readonly mode (cvs -R);
that saves a lot of lockfile creation along the way.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: databases/postgresql84-server 8.4.9 rc.d script broken

2011-10-18 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 11:45:28AM +1100 I heard the voice of
John Marshall, and lo! it spake thus:
 After upgrading databases/postgresql84-server from 8.4.8_1 to 8.4.9, the
 rc.d script vomits thus:

All of them, probably.  The 9.0.x ditto:


Can be worked around locally by putting a postgresql_user=pgsql in

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
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Re: HEADS UP: ports/ and 10.0-CURRENT

2011-09-27 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 09:36:17AM -0400 I heard the voice of
Robert Huff, and lo! it spake thus:
 Adrian Chadd writes:
   Our children will be dealing with Y2038. :-)
 Statistically, some of us will.

Actually, I had to deal with it just last week...

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Replacing procmail with maildrop

2011-09-26 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 02:43:50AM -0500 I heard the voice of
Conrad J. Sabatier, and lo! it spake thus:
 I'm just wondering, though, if you could offer any advice on how to
 convert something like the following procmail recipe I use for my
 FreeBSD mailing lists.

I work off the envelope sender, but you can adapt it.  Maildrop gives
you subexpression matches.

if($RETPATH =~ /^owner-freebsd-([^@]+)/)

(of course, the cvs list ends up having to be special cased)

So you'd just match the List-ID header similarly, something like

if(/^List-ID: freebsd-([a-z]+)
to FreeBSD/$MATCH1

(totally untested of course...)

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
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Re: Replacing procmail with maildrop

2011-09-26 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 04:07:31AM -0500 I heard the voice of
Conrad J. Sabatier, and lo! it spake thus:

 OK, I'm starting to get a little better of an idea of what to do.
 My main concern so far has been the ability to nest a set of
 commands within a recipe the way procmail allows.

Well, it's C-like; you can put braces around the body of the if and
have however much you want inside there.

 I don't want to use the full list name as it appears in the List-Id
 header, but a simpler, pared down version of it.  This was fairly
 easy to do in procmail; I just have to work out the correct syntax
 for doing it with maildrop.

What I had there

  if(/^List-ID: freebsd-([a-z]+)
  to FreeBSD/$MATCH1

should give you (mod bugs in my top-of-my-head'ing of course) the same
sorta result as your

 * ^List-Id:.*
 ListId=`formail -c -x List-Id: | \
 sed -e 's/^.*//' -e 's/.*$//' \
 -e 's/\.freebsd\.org//' \
 -e 's/^freebsd-//'`

 | $STORE +FreeBSD/${ListId}

in that it winds up in FreeBSD/[the stuff between freebsd- and].  Except without forking off a bunch of external
programs, just to pull out a piece of a header   :p

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: (maintainer question) Possible bug in cvs: cvs diff -uN: -N switch being ignored (disappearing, actually)

2011-08-31 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 03:50:04AM -0500 I heard the voice of
Conrad J. Sabatier, and lo! it spake thus:
 [...] so I don't try to do anything that modifies the repo,

cvs add doesn't affect the repository, just the working tree state.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Time to mark portupgrade deprecated?

2011-07-25 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 12:14:19PM +0200 I heard the voice of
Michal Varga, and lo! it spake thus:

 I have no objections in [portmaster's] promotion to new users as the
 new, one and only approved way of managing ports, but this in no
 way cuts it for currently deployed portupgrade setups, where
 portupgrade works 'just fine' (and can work the same for years to


For all its troubles (and certainly they are legion), portupgrade gets
along with what I try to do.  portmaster does 90%, and I fight it
tooth and nail on the last 10% (or would, if I didn't just use
portmaster instead), because what it's trying to do just doesn't quite
match what I'm trying to do.

(also, it's really nice having portupgrade around for upgrading
portmaster, and portmaster for upgrading portupgrade or ruby*.  Even
if neither is strictly necessary, it's still very comfortable and
comforting ;)

 I can still (though barely) remember times when portupgrade was
 actually spending 95% cpu time on compilation and rest on fixing /
 saving / database / dependencies, in contrast to the current 30%
 compilation time + 70% portupgrade database fractal magic disco that
 nobody gets anymore.

Just earlier today, I did a perl upgrade on my workstation.  That
means I upgrade perl, then force-rebuild p5-*.  You can darn well bet
I used portmaster for that latter.  Spending giant piles of time on
database fractal magic disco is one thing wrapped around a 10 minute
firefox build; wrapped around couple-second perl module builds it's
just insane.  I'll just fire off a pair of rebuilds...

% time portmaster p5-version
2.906u 2.501s 0:07.51 71.9% 706+2679k 0+21io 167pf+0w

% time portupgrade -f p5-version
15.555u 8.054s 0:26.55 88.8%299+2510k 0+10io 17pf+0w

And really, that's best-case for portupgrade, since p5-version
actually has some C files to compile.  Most modules are just files to
copy, and take less time.  Still portupgrade takes more than 3 times
as long.  19 seconds of overheard, times 130 p5-*'s, is over 41
minutes on a full rebuild, just to do its hinky-dance.  The actual run
is out of my backscroll now, but from history:

30  22:17   time nice portmaster p5-
31  22:30   pkgdb -F

so it took at most 13 minutes.  I know it sat idle a little while
before I noticed it was done.  Still, portupgrade would be almost an
hour, instead of less than a quarter hour.

All that said, 95% of my port upgrading happens via portupgrade.
Presumably, were there were no other choice, I could twist things
around so I'd get by with just portmaster.  Maybe someday I'll have to
do that due to portupgrade rotting completely out of usability.  But
I'd be real cranky about being crammed into it while portupgrade still
works for me.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: Spamassassin vs Perl

2011-06-24 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 09:09:00AM +0200 I heard the voice of
Kurt Jaeger, and lo! it spake thus:
 How can one reconstruct a good dependency tree of all perl related
 ports which allows to cleanly rebuild them all ?

I always just start with `portupgrade -f p5-\*`.  Then look around in
the old site_perl dir for stragglers (usually fairly few).

Of course, that won't catch non-modules that depend tightly on the
version, but those are rare enough that I've always just dealt with
them when they came to notice.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
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Re: lang/guile build fails for me

2011-06-01 Thread Matthew D. Fuller
On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 02:36:46PM +0300 I heard the voice of
Andriy Gapon, and lo! it spake thus:
 It also fails for me on stable/8 with base gcc as ports compiler, but in a
 different fashion at configure step:
 checking for lt_dlinit in -lltdl... no
 configure: error: libltdl not found.  See README.

I see the same on -CURRENT amd64 with base gcc.

Matthew Fuller (MF4839)   |
Systems/Network Administrator |
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