Just updatet the ports tree to r455280.

No python depending port is building anymore.

According to
/usr/ports/UPDATING, tag 20171130, some has to do "make FLAVOUR=pyXX" for a 
certain port.
This weird text also states, that poudriere >3.2.X users also do not have to 

First: running recent poudriere 3.2.2 gives me simply  
[00:01:18] Calculating ports order and dependencies
[00:01:19] Error: compute_deps_pkg failed to lookup pkgname for 
processing package samba46-4.6.11 from net/samba46 -- Does devel/py-iso8601 
provide the

among several other errors, poudriere dies.

Updating the hosts ports via portmaster also fails, as stated.

According to the information-rich UPDATING entry, I have to put "make 
install" to EACH port? Or is it only for those ports where the user has a 
choice? Or is
this general? What?

Just in case it can be selected globally (where is the explanation/info whether 
it can or
not?), does it imply ancient py27 is now out and a more modern python3 is the 

I'm confused.

Kind regards,

O. Hartmann

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