Re: Question

2005-02-13 Thread .:PBS:. Medik
Hello again,
I'm just returning a final note as you have supplied me with the solution, 
many thanks.
I ditched my 4.6.2R, and found another version in my old stack of CDs' the 
4.7 version, and installed
like a charm, as you suggested, I did a minimal install and fetched all 
relevant distributions
VIA FTP, and everything compiled perfectly along with Apache.. Why I didn't 
get the 5.3 as you suggested, well,
my CD burner is still fried, and I'm not able to replace it anytime soon. 
so the luck of finding the 4.7 in my overly large inventory of CDs' was a 
miracle  :)

Again many thanks for throwing me in the right direction, if I need 
anything else, I will surely return to you via email  :)

Best regards.

At 10:57 AM 2/10/2005 +0100, Erik Norgaard wrote:
.:PBS:. Medik wrote:
I installed my copy of 4.6.2 cleanly on a machine, to avoid having to 
find myself looking for more ports and programs to install I did a 
complete installation without bothering with the configuration of 
Xwindows ( as I will be accessing this box from SSH on a windows machine) 
so I don't need the XFREE86 or however its called, hehe. So in essence 
this is all being fine tuned by remote on LAN.
First, 4.6 is depreciated, since you are starting on a clean install, I 
suggest you start with a current release such as 4.11 or 5.3. For ease of 
future upgrade, I suggest 5.3. Get the first iso, no need for the rest.

Second, you might find yourself installing a few times before you get it 
right. Not that you get it wrong at first, but your needs might need to 
clear up. A full install is not recommended, you will get a system that 
requires more work to update. A minimal is better, since you can always 
add stuff as you need. Dependencies are resolved automatically if you use 
the ports.

For a workstation I choose X-Developer, for a server, no X.
To answer your question about whether I'm downloading .iso, no I did that 
for the first copy of the OS only and made a cd copy from windows yes. 
But all further ports I grab are *.tar.gz straight from yes 
and then ftp'd into my bsd box. I can unzip them fine then I'm stuck with 
the tar to which I believe I 'untared' it correctly that now I have an 
apache_1.3.33 folder, which to me seems fine, but I don't believe I put 
it in the right directory tree.
It sounds like you are not installing from ports, this explains why apache 
fails to compile. You should get the ports tree in /usr/ports, then

# cd /usr/ports/www/apache13
# make
# make install
if you get an error, retry and you can catch all the output using script:
# script apache_build.log
# make
# exit
see if you can locate the problem if not copy the relevant part of the 
output when asking here.

cheers, Erik
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2005-02-09 Thread .:PBS:. Medik
Hello, My name is Marc.
I'll explain quickly my situation, some time ago I had downloaded 
freeBSD4.6.2 R (about 2 yrs ago)
I still have it today and proceeded to reinstalling it. I realize I should 
have grabbed the latest release, but alas for some reason I can't through 
my router. Yes I'm running a private network on windows, (for the time 
being until I can adequately configure freebsd as a server).

When I had gotten my first copy of freebsd (this release in question) I had 
taught myself how to use it. but this is over 2 yrs ago, and lots have 
melted away since. So in essence I'm again labelled a newbie. I tried 
re-building my kernel and was forced to reinstall the generic kernel, 
further more, I would also like to be able to install the Apache web 
server, I managed to get the Apache_1.3.33 but for some reason it wont 
compile (make), I have assumed that perhaps it was already compiled and 
tried to do a config or an install to it and still nothing.. what am I 
doing wrong?

Yes I have already literally downloaded and printed several man pages on 
multiple topics (over 180 pages worth)
and I still can't make heads or tails from it. I assume your time is 
limited as mine is, I'm a business owner with little time to dedicate to my 
personal project and I don't have anyone knowledgeable enough on hand to 
get any personal help. My question is this, would it be at all possible to 
have a form of 1 on 1 to resolve this issue?

I await your response eagerly.
Thank you greatly for any help you can provide.
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Re: Question

2005-02-09 Thread .:PBS:. Medik
Thank you for replying so quickly.
And to further tell you my problem here goes:
I installed my copy of 4.6.2 cleanly on a machine, to avoid having to find 
myself looking for more ports and programs to install I did a complete 
installation without bothering with the configuration of Xwindows ( as I 
will be accessing this box from SSH on a windows machine) so I don't need 
the XFREE86 or however its called, hehe. So in essence this is all being 
fine tuned by remote on LAN.

To answer your question about whether I'm downloading .iso, no I did that 
for the first copy of the OS only and made a cd copy from windows yes. But 
all further ports I grab are *.tar.gz straight from yes and then 
ftp'd into my bsd box. I can unzip them fine then I'm stuck with the tar to 
which I believe I 'untared' it correctly that now I have an apache_1.3.33 
folder, which to me seems fine, but I don't believe I put it in the right 
directory tree.

Also I have printed out the better part of the FBSD handbook, but right now 
I think I'm having an info overload. I've been at this for roughly 2 weeks 
now, out of stubbornness I didn't wish to disturb anyone with this, but my 
buddy who tutored me way back when has since gone away.

I can supply you with more info if you wish, as this is perhaps only the 
tip of my iceburg.. :)
Thanks again,

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