PHP5 Compile Problems

2006-04-26 Thread Bradford Fisher
I'm currently trying to run:
make CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--with-pcre-regex \
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-fastcgi \
However, every time I run the command, I get an error about a problem
with apache13.  But I do not want to install apache, because I plan to
use lighttpd instead.
After talking with a couple people in the ##freebsd channel on, I edited my /usr/ports/lang/php5/Makefile so that it read
WITH_APACHE = NO and then ran "make distclean" in both the
/usr/ports/lang/php5 and /usr/ports/www/apache13 directories.  Then I
reran the above command, but make still tried to obtain the apache13
code and ended with an error.
What might I be doing wrong?
Thanks! - Brad
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IP Filter

2006-04-25 Thread Bradford Fisher
Recently I acquired Michael Lucas's AbsoluteBSD.  And while it was
written for FreeBSD version 4.x, I figured that I would follow along
with it in hopes that I could apply some of his discussed topics to my
FreeBSD 6.0 setup as I began learning about the operating system and the
administration of a webserver.
However, upon entering the section regarding IP Filter, I have come
across a couple differences and had some trouble.  The differences lie
with how IP Filter was implemented.  Where Lucas discussed compiling IP
Filter directly into the kernel, the handbook mentioned the pre-compiled
version of IP Filter into the base operating system and how to enable it
through rc.conf.  (I have tried both and now believe that the error is
not in how I enabled IP Filter, but in the rules themselves)
Currently, I have FreeBSD 6.0 p7 running with the GENERIC kernel.  In
rc.conf, I have set the options: ipfilter_enable="YES",
ipfilter_rules="/etc/ipf.rules", ipmon_enable="YES", ipmon_flags="-Ds" .
I then proceeded to configure /etc/ipf.rules as follows:
# IP Filter Rules File
# Block Garbage
block in log quick from any to any with ipopts
block in log quick proto tcp from any to any with short
# System Loopback Interface
pass in quick on lo0 all
pass out quick on lo0 all
# Outbound Traffic
pass out on vr0 all head 100
block out from to any group 100
block out from any to group 100
block out from any to my.ip.address/32 group 100
# Inbound Traffic
block in on vr0 from any to any head 200
block in from to any group 200
block in from to any group 200
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = www keep state group 200
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = pop3 keep state group 200
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = smtp keep state group 200
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 22 keep state group 200
(have also added flags S/SA with no luck)
block return-rst in log proto tcp from any to any flags S/SA group 200
block return-icmp(net-unr) in proto udp all group 200
As I do not have a webserver installed and configured at the time nor a
mailer daemon configured, I have not tested the www, pop3, or smtp rules
yet, but I do use SSH frequently and have found that with the above
ruleset enabled, I cannot get connected.  The weird part is that when I
open the SSH client, I get a prompt for my username, but after sending
the username, my connection times out before receiving the second prompt
for my password (this does not happen when I have IP Filter disabled).
I believe that the line "block in on vr0 from any to any head 200" is
the culprit responsible for my troubles, but can't figure out why it
would be a problem since I have specifically stated a pass statement for
the SSH.
I hope that someone will be able to take a look at my ruleset and figure
out what my problem is.  And if at all possible, a brief explanation as
to why.  My whole goal with this project is to learn about the operating
system and administration. =)
I also realize that IP Filter is probably becoming a deprecated
technology new solutions are coming into play (I'm mainly using IP
Filter as a means to get my feet wet as I follow along with Lucas).
However, it anyone has any suggestions as to what packet filtering
technology to deploy and configure, I'm more than willing to take a
Thanks for your time - Bradford Fisher
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CPUTYPE Optimizations

2006-04-17 Thread Bradford Fisher
Gathering information as I begin building my optimized make.conf, I
collected from my sysctl output that I'm running on an Intel Pentium(R)
4 2.53 GHz processor.  I was wondering what architecture would be best
applied to the CPUTYPE flag.
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