It's a little difficult to tell from the lack of info you've provided, but I'd assume you're running a release to which the patch has not been applied. To do this, you'd need to upgrade to 7-STABLE, 8-RELEASE, or 8-STABLE. CURRENT would work too, but that's not really a candidate for production servers and you should think hard about putting STABLE on one. That being said, STABLE is generally quite stable and I don't have a problem with one in production provided they are reasonably tested before deployment.

Adam Vande More

My supfile uses the tag
*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_7_2

The docs on stable say to use RELENG_7 for which I assumed was out of date with the docs not always being updated frequently. Is there a different tag for 7.2 Stable or am I not understanding the different versions?


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