
Can anyone give me their experiences of desktop printing
(OpenOffice/KDE/Gnome/Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird, etc) recently?
I haven't tried for a while but it was a pain to setup and maintain the last
time I looked at it.

If you are using this for "real-work" and you are getting good results please
let me know what you are using (software and hardware ideally).

The environment I would like to put this into is a family house, very small
setup with 2 PCs and 2 printers. Currently both are Windows PCs but
one is experiencing all of the classic issues with a multi-year Windows
installation and since they are used exclusively for E-Mail and word
processing I am interested in migrating one PC over to FreeBSD.

.. If the solution was a Linux distro (box package, or otherwise) I would
also be interested.
... I am not a subscriber so please keep me CC'ed in the discussion.

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