
we are using freebsd 5.4 and 4.10 as pop3 server, one of the msg that the cron daliy run generated email cause our pop3 to break in the middile of the msg download. We tested by using either pop3 cleint or a direct telnet pop3 login.

we looked at the tcpdump, the telnet side strangely send the RST to pop3 server without a clear reason (at the end of the following pop3 output), other pop3 msgs downloading works, except this particular msg, whihc always knocked out the connection.

is there any known strangeness out of the tcp stack?

17:07:15.096321 s2.my.net.3290 > ant.POP3SERVER.pop3: P 3334678991:3334679000(9) ack 1566293258 win 57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 1675048627 1929333684> (DF) [tos 0x1
17:07:15.096459 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: P 1:19(18) ack 9 win 57920
<nop,nop,timestamp 1929385891 1675048627> (DF)
17:07:15.098039 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: . 19:1467(1448) ack 9 win 5
7920 <nop,nop,timestamp 1929385892 1675048627> (DF)
17:07:15.358492 s2.my.net.3290 > ant.POP3SERVER.pop3: . ack 1467 win 56472 <nop,n
op,timestamp 1675048891 1929385891> (DF) [tos 0x10]
17:07:15.358524 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: . 1467:2915(1448) ack 9 win
57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 1929386153 1675048891> (DF)
17:07:15.358536 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: . 2915:4363(1448) ack 9 win
57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 1929386153 1675048891> (DF)
17:07:15.358547 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: . 4363:5811(1448) ack 9 win
57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 1929386153 1675048891> (DF)
17:07:15.631304 s2.my.net.3290 > ant.POP3SERVER.pop3: . ack 2915 win 57920 <nop,n
op,timestamp 1675049152 1929386153> (DF) [tos 0x10]
17:07:15.631333 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: . 5811:7259(1448) ack 9 win
57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 1929386426 1675049152> (DF)
17:07:15.669195 s2.my.net.3290 > ant.POP3SERVER.pop3: R 3334679000:3334679000(0)
win 1
17:07:15.906823 s2.my.net.3290 > ant.POP3SERVER.pop3: . ack 7259 win 57920 <nop,n
op,timestamp 1675049425 1929386426> (DF) [tos 0x10]
byte 144417:07:15.096321 s2.my.net.3290 > ant.POP3SERVER.pop3: P 3334678991:3334679000(9) ack 1566293258 win 57920 <no
p,nop,timestamp 1675048627 1929333684> (DF) [tos 0x10]
17:07:15.096459 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: P 1:19(18) ack 9 win 57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 192938589
1 1675048627> (DF)
17:07:15.098039 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: . 19:1467(1448) ack 9 win 57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 1929
385892 1675048627> (DF)
17:07:15.358492 s2.my.net.3290 > ant.POP3SERVER.pop3: . ack 1467 win 56472 <nop,nop,timestamp 1675048891 1929
385891> (DF) [tos 0x10]
17:07:15.358524 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: . 1467:2915(1448) ack 9 win 57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 19
29386153 1675048891> (DF)
17:07:15.358536 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: . 2915:4363(1448) ack 9 win 57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 19
29386153 1675048891> (DF)
17:07:15.358547 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: . 4363:5811(1448) ack 9 win 57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 19
29386153 1675048891> (DF)
17:07:15.631304 s2.my.net.3290 > ant.POP3SERVER.pop3: . ack 2915 win 57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 1675049152 1929
386153> (DF) [tos 0x10]
17:07:15.631333 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: . 5811:7259(1448) ack 9 win 57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 19
29386426 1675049152> (DF)
17:07:15.669195 s2.my.net.3290 > ant.POP3SERVER.pop3: R 3334679000:3334679000(0) win 1 17:07:15.906823 s2.my.net.3290 > ant.POP3SERVER.pop3: . ack 7259 win 57920 <nop,nop,timestamp 1675049425 1929
386426> (DF) [tos 0x10]
17:07:15.906852 ant.POP3SERVER.pop3 > s2.my.net.3290: R 1566300516:1566300516(0) win 0

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