Netwriting Masters 505

2003-06-06 Thread Ken Evoy
o Steadily increase your visitor's perceived value of your
product or service.  Benefits and more benefits have to be

o Never waver from your MWR goal.  Be consistent.

Do all of this and you will indeed write a Web site that 
SELLS.  Pure and simple... it *will* sell.


Well, you now have your Masters Degree in Netwriting from
SiteSell University.  For your PhD, don't miss the "BIBLE of

Allan Gardyne, of fame, summarized his
review of MYWS! in his excellent newsletter like this

As you know, SiteSell OVER-delivers, packing
incredible value for money into every product.

"Make Your Words Sell" is no exception.

Whether you're an affiliate or a merchant,
you need this book, because everyone who has
a website needs it.

Thanks very much for joining me over the last 5 days.  I
wish you much "online writing" success.


- Ken

P.S.  Did I tell you yet that everyone reads a P.S.? 



The Netwriting Masters Course is sent only to those people
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NOTE: You must send it from the same e-mail address that is 
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Contact info: E-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Written by Ken Evoy, M.D.
(c) copyright 2003 

"Make Your Words Sell!" TM 

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Netwriting Masters 404

2003-06-05 Thread Ken Evoy
ake each joint magnetic.

Compel the reader to continue on with enthusiasm and
excitement.  Present your information in short, tight
bursts.  Make every line snap.

Time to leave before you generate serious heat.  :-)

See you tomorrow, our final day together.

- Ken

P.S. Homework assignment?  Make your Opening Headline and
Subheadings perfect.  Review the list above of what these
should accomplish.  Don't stop perfecting them!

Then start writing the copy that will follow... the Opening
Paragraph is especially important and must build upon your

You don't have to complete all the copy.  You can do that
after we finish this course.  But do start jotting down
thoughts for each section, as they come to you.

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NOTE: You must send it from the same e-mail address that is
subscribed to this 5-day course.

Contact info: E-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Written by Ken Evoy, M.D.
(c) copyright 2003 

"Make Your Words Sell!" TM 

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SiteSell communication.  To ensure that you never miss an 
e-mail from us, follow these tips...

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Netwriting Masters 303

2003-06-05 Thread Ken Evoy
t grow and grow.  You can never have
too many.  All benefits add to the perceived value of your
product or service in your customer's mind.

The higher the perceived value, the greater the chance of a
sale... or download... or subscription, depending on your
Most Wanted Response.

I could go on for days, just about getting benefits right.
Because it is *THAT* important.

Confusing features and benefits is not just the amateur's #1
copywriting problem.  Pros do it every day, too!

MYWS! shows you an awesome method to develop a huge list of
"most relevant" benefits quickly and easily.  It's called
the SWAT? technique.  You just keep SWATTING those features
until they are rock-solid, irresistible benefits.

The SWAT? technique is indispensible for Netwriters (that's
you and me), online or off, experienced or not.

Because benefits will always be...

... the bottom line that SELLS!

A long benefits list provides the key information you need
to write persuasive copy on your Web site.  Benefit-laden
words strike visitors "where they live."

They fulfill wants and provide solutions for your ideal
customer.  They guarantee that you will keep her attention
and increase her interest.

You are well on your way to a sale!

Take a few moments and visit the sales site for Make Your
Knowledge Sell! (MYKS!).

My target customer is someone who has a book or infoproduct
inside her brain, waiting to be set free.  She has
knowledge and insights gained from life experiences that
other people want, and are willing to pay for.

Can you see the benefits that I'm stressing?  Can you see
the pain that MYKS! cures and the gain that it delivers?

MYKS! offers the solution of how to create, publish, market
and sell an infoproduct successfully on the Net.  The gain
for the customer is both personal and financial -- a
fulfilling outlet and extra income are just two examples.

The benefits list has a second function which is really just
an extension of the first.

It will help you create your *USP*.  Your "Unique Selling
Proposition" tells your reader what differentiates you from
your competitor.

Your USP is your *single best benefit* that every visitor to
your Web site will perceive as being unique to you.

It tells your visitor why they should buy from you and not
the business on the next site.

As the Net expands, a compelling USP will be essential. You
have to be able to stand out from the crowd.  So here's your
homework assignment for tomorrow...

Go back to your benefits list. Start to narrow down your
choices, one by one.

Whittle them down until you are satisfied that you have
identified the very best benefit.

Not sure?  Ask for a second or third opinion.

Then package this benefit into...

o   a sentence or phrase that persuades...

o   a collection of words that highlights an outstanding
benefit that a visitor/ reader can't ignore...

o   a message that makes her think "Your product/service 
is the only one for me."

Building the perfect USP will be the hardest thing that
you'll ever have to do.  And the most important.

Yet another reason why the SWAT? technique is an
indispensible tool in your Netwriting toolbox... it does
more than help you identify the maximum number of benefits.
It builds your USP.

The key to the USP exercise is keeping your customer's
mindset up front and center at all times.

On Day 4, we'll see why it's worth some extra "cyber elbow
grease" to get your USP exactly RIGHT... the best it can be.

I know you're anxious to get typing (finally) so I'll leave.

See you tomorrow.

- Ken

P.S.  If you have the time, compare the MYKS! copy with that
of Make Your Price Sell!.  MYPS! has a completely different
customer.  My ideal customer for MYPS! already has a
product, or is about to launch one, or has a good idea of
what she wants to do.

So she has a different set of wants (i.e., gains to be
acquired) and pains (to be cured).  Can you spot them?  Can
you spot the USP?...

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NOTE: You must send it from the same e-mail address that is
subscribed to this 5-day course.

Contact info: E-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Written by Ken Evoy, M.D.
(c) copyright 2003 

"Make Your Words Sell!" T

Netwriting Masters 202

2003-06-04 Thread Ken Evoy
uot; information to drive
traffic to your Web site, both online and off.  Not a single
time-waster in the lot.

For more information, visit the MYSS! 2002 site...


And the free 5-day Affiliate Masters Course also shows you
how to develop traffic and sales through the proper use of
keywords.  Even if you're not an affiliate, you'll find this
information useful for selling your own products...


Take your time as you build your foundation/thumbnail
sketch(es).  The effort you put in now is going to hold up
your Web site and...

... your business.

Remember the next Web site for your visitor is only a
mouse-click away.  And realistically, that next site
probably belongs to a competitor.

Your words are always competing with a ticking clock.
A rather sobering thought, isn't it?  Life on the Net is
fast, but you can handle the speed if you are prepared.

See you tomorrow.


P.S.  Almost forgot your homework.  Please write out, point
by point, a detailed thumbnail sketch of your ideal

Oh, by the way...

It might be easier to jot your ideas down with a pen or
pencil rather than with that shovel.  You can put the shovel
back where it belongs.  You're finished building the
foundation. ;-)

To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail to...

NOTE: You must send it from the same e-mail address that is
subscribed to this 5-day course.

Contact info: E-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Written by Ken Evoy, M.D.
(c) copyright 2003 

"Make Your Words Sell!" TM 

Filtering software may prevent you from receiving important 
SiteSell communication.  To ensure that you never miss an 
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