Re: re0: PHY read failed

2011-11-17 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:32 AM, John Kotrla wrote:
 I don't use the device,
 any suggestions?

Compile it out of your kernel.  You should be able to do this by adding:

nodevice re

to your kernel config and rebuilding.

As to the actual problem it sounds like it might be a hardware issue.
(Good thing you're not using it.)
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Re: 8.0: OpenSSL stat()'s NLS 500+ times causing extreme system load

2009-12-17 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 2:05 AM, Jonathan McKeown wrote:
 It can also be enabled separately in nagios's main config file -
 child_processes_fork_twice is the option to look for.

Actually I had never seen that before. :)  I added this setting
immediately and it definitely cut the CPU usage down, but the load
average went way up.  No doubt that's because a lot of processes that
don't live long enough for load average accounting for no longer

I'm a lot more interested in CPU usage than load average, so it's a
big win for me. :)

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Re: 8.0: OpenSSL stat()'s NLS 500+ times causing extreme system load

2009-12-16 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Dan Nelson wrote:
 It's defined in src/lib/libc/Makefile, so you should be able to remove that
 line, rebuild libc and reinstall, and see whether your performance issue
 goes away.

I tried that and as you predicted, all the bogus stat calls went away.

Unfortunately the performance issue did not. :(  Back to the drawing
board for me!

Upon further inspection, it seems as though for each check, Nagios
spawns a process that spawns a process that spawns a process that runs
the check.  I did ktrace -i -t w -p (nagiospid) on Nagios for 30
seconds and the ktrace output contained records from 2365 different
processes spawned in that 30 seconds.  During that time, I would
expect about 800 checks to have run, so it does seem like it's right
at 3 processes per check.

I just don't think the system can keep up with all that fork()ing
without going all out; it's just a limit of the Nagios plugin

But thank you very much for point me in the right direction!
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8.0: OpenSSL stat()'s NLS 500+ times causing extreme system load

2009-12-10 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
We have a Nagios server (ports/net-mgmt/nagios) that has a lot of
check_nrpe2 (ports/net-mgmt/nrpe2) checks.

We recently upgraded the server it runs on to 8.0-STABLE (r199975).
The performance has never been great, but now it's really atrocious
and I'm trying to figure out what's going on.

The machine (a dual-core Nehalem) has a load average of 5 - 10 at all
times, and top shows 100% CPU usage, 75% system CPU usage.  No
process has more than a few % CPU though.

This is due to the large number of very short-lived processes doing
individual Nagios checks that don't live long enough to appear in top.

I investigated in some more detail with ktrace and found that each
execution of check_nrpe2 performs 520 stat() calls.  The bulk of them
look like this:

 81915 check_nrpe2 CALL  stat(0x7fbfde28,0x7fbfddc4)
 81915 check_nrpe2 NAMI  /usr/share/nls/C/
 81915 check_nrpe2 RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
 81915 check_nrpe2 CALL  stat(0x7fbfde28,0x7fbfddc4)
 81915 check_nrpe2 NAMI  /usr/share/nls/libc/C
 81915 check_nrpe2 RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
 81915 check_nrpe2 CALL  stat(0x7fbfde28,0x7fbfddc4)
 81915 check_nrpe2 NAMI  /usr/local/share/nls/C/
 81915 check_nrpe2 RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
 81915 check_nrpe2 CALL  stat(0x7fbfde28,0x7fbfddc4)
 81915 check_nrpe2 NAMI  /usr/local/share/nls/libc/C
 81915 check_nrpe2 RET   stat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
 81915 check_nrpe2 CALL  stat(0x7fbfde28,0x7fbfddc4)

kdump also shows 70 calls to getpid, which seems excessive.  (About 50
of them appear to be in a tight loop.)

The check_nrpe2 program simply opens an SSL socket to a remote server,
sends a short request and gets a short response.  It is a pretty
simple program. (~22k of source)

The calls to getpid() bother me a bit, but I think the NLS is the real problem:

$ kdump -E -t n | fgrep /nls/ | head -1
 81915 check_nrpe2 0.016815 NAMI  /usr/share/nls/C/
$ kdump -E -t n | fgrep /nls/ | tail -1
 81915 check_nrpe2 0.135663 NAMI  /usr/local/share/nls/libc/C
$ kdump -E | tail -1
 81915 check_nrpe2 0.222510 CALL  exit(0x1)
$ kdump -E -t n | fgrep /nls/ | wc
 5082540   32004

So this program spends over half its life looping over 508 stat()
calls looking for a nonexistent file.  And then another chunk
(probably a lot smaller, but not measured) looping over getpid().

Both appear to be related to SSL; if I set up nrpe not to use it, both
excesses go away and the program finishes in about half the time,
using about half the CPU resources.

To confirm that it was SSL-related, I tried:

$ ktrace openssl s_client -connect x2:5666

And I got the exact same stat()  getpid() behavior.

Obviously there is some small CPU overhead associated with SSL.  This
is not about that.  This is about the system overhead induced by
calling stat 500+ times on a directory that doesn't exist.

This gets a little worse.  Because there are several checks running at
any given time, there is a lot of contention to VFS lookup this
handful of paths.  That's an area where FreeBSD has known SMP
performance issues I've seen discussed elsewhere, and this is a
pathological worst case.  The net result, a dual core machine is
brought to its knees by a relatively simple Nagios setup.

Anyway, long story short, why is OpenSSL doing this and how can we make it stop?

Thanks for any suggestions!
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Re: reducing size of apache instances

2009-09-11 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 1:48 PM, John Almberg wrote:
 As a sanity check... I've been studying these processes all morning. When I
 use 'top', the column RES shows the amount of RAM used for the process,
 correct? This is the value I'd like to get down.

How many Apache processes are involved, total?  Because I'm really not
sure how much success you're going to have with this.  You're at 22mb
already (by comparison mine are 44mb *without* mod_php).  How much
improvement are you looking for?  A couple of megs?

Unless there are tens of thousands of processes, buying a couple of
gigs of RAM is probably the most time and cost effective solution.

Also keep in mind that a lot of the RES is the configuration, which
isn't going to change at all when you disable modules. (Unless you
change it.)
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Re: reducing size of apache instances

2009-09-11 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 4:20 PM, John Almberg wrote:
 I would have thought, but some times it really gets slow and I'm trying to
 figure out why. When bogged down, the load averages are low. The main thing
 that looks out of whack is swap space, which seems to never go below 7%, but
 sometimes gets up into the 20%-30% range. When it gets that high, the server
 slows to a crawl.

In this case you don't want to look at processes with big RES, you
want to find processes with a big difference between RES and SIZE
and/or the ones with flat-out largest SIZE.  Try sorting top by SIZE
and see what bubbles up.  (Ignore rpc.statd if it's running.)
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Re: reducing size of apache instances

2009-09-10 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:58 PM, John Almberg wrote:
 I assume that some are critical to the basic operation of Apache. I am
 hoping I can google a list of these tomorrow. Obviously these I'll have to
 live with.

This is a pretty short list, and Apache won't start without them.

 All I can think of is a trial and error process (i.e., turn them off one by
 one and see if anything breaks.)

 Is there a better way?

Other than those core modules you mentioned above, one of the most
distinguishing characteristics of modules is that they define config
directives that you then use.  I would recommend that you walk through
your configs and determine which module each and every directive comes
from.  To a reasonable degree of accuracy, that will give you the list
of modules that are really in use.  Naturally you'll find some
exception(s), but this will get you very close without a lot of
trial-and-error downtime.
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Where have all the vnodes gone?

2009-07-31 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
With the last few releases, I've noticed a distinct trend toward
disappearing vnodes on one of the machines I look after.

This machine isn't doing a whole lot.  It runs a couple of small web
sites, and once an hour it rsync's some files from one NFS mount to
another, but the rsync doesn't stay running; it restarts every hour
and runs for 10-15 minutes.

I set it to log the number of vnodes every ten minutes and this is what I got:

00:47:59 vfs.numvnodes: 39337
00:57:59 vfs.numvnodes: 40568
01:07:59 vfs.numvnodes: 44554
01:17:59 vfs.numvnodes: 52141
01:27:59 vfs.numvnodes: 55713
01:37:59 vfs.numvnodes: 58643
01:47:59 vfs.numvnodes: 60792
01:57:59 vfs.numvnodes: 67130
02:07:59 vfs.numvnodes: 76035
02:17:59 vfs.numvnodes: 84349
02:27:59 vfs.numvnodes: 92187
02:37:59 vfs.numvnodes: 98114
02:47:59 vfs.numvnodes: 116854
02:57:59 vfs.numvnodes: 124842
03:07:59 vfs.numvnodes: 164173
03:17:59 vfs.numvnodes: 172257
03:27:59 vfs.numvnodes: 178388
03:37:59 vfs.numvnodes: 183066
03:47:59 vfs.numvnodes: 190092
03:57:59 vfs.numvnodes: 198322
04:07:59 vfs.numvnodes: 204598
04:17:59 vfs.numvnodes: 208311
04:27:59 vfs.numvnodes: 214207
04:37:59 vfs.numvnodes: 221028
04:47:59 vfs.numvnodes: 227792
04:57:59 vfs.numvnodes: 233214
05:07:59 vfs.numvnodes: 240112
05:17:59 vfs.numvnodes: 247572
05:27:59 vfs.numvnodes: 256090
05:37:59 vfs.numvnodes: 262720
05:47:59 vfs.numvnodes: 269755
05:57:59 vfs.numvnodes: 274986
06:07:59 vfs.numvnodes: 279879
06:17:59 vfs.numvnodes: 287039
06:27:59 vfs.numvnodes: 291984
06:37:59 vfs.numvnodes: 294267
06:47:59 vfs.numvnodes: 296658
06:57:59 vfs.numvnodes: 299086
07:07:59 vfs.numvnodes: 301825
07:17:59 vfs.numvnodes: 309060
07:27:59 vfs.numvnodes: 312955
07:37:59 vfs.numvnodes: 317400
07:47:59 vfs.numvnodes: 320047

At that point the machine crashed with:

panic: kmem_malloc(16384): kmem_map too small: 334745600 total allocated

If I don't tune kern.maxvnodes up to the point where it panics, then
eventually it runs out of vnodes and all sorts of stuff gets stuck in

The machine in question is running 7.2-RELEASE-p3, but I already
upgraded it from 7.1 trying to get this to go away, so it's a problem
that's been around for awhile.

My guess is that they're leaking in the kernel somewhere because of
the rsync, because there's just not much else going on, but unless I
can figure out how many vnodes are being used on a per-process basis,
I can't make any headway on proving or disproving that.  I do know
that according to fstat, there are only 1000-1500 descriptors open at
any given time, and kern.openfiles ranges 250-500.  So I'm just
mystified what the other 30+ could be.

Is there any way to figure out where all these vnodes are going?

TIA for any advice!
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Re: Embedded scripting language advice sought

2009-01-24 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 2:46 PM, George Hartzell wrote:
 I don't have any useful advice to offer, but I would love it if you
 would summarize anything interesting that you get.

 I do a lot of computational biology work and am always interested in
 extension language for my computing systems.

There was not a lot of response.  One suggestion for Tcl and one for Ruby.

I figured that all of the possibilities were going to be a pain to
develop in their own unique way, so that was probably not the best
evaluation criteria.  The best choice was going to be the one that the
people who were going to use it every day were the most comfortable

So what I did was code up little samples in each of the serious
contenders: Lua, Python, Ruby, and Tcl.  Without telling people which
language was which, I sent them around for votes.  I really liked the
Tcl syntax and I thought it was going to do really well, but Python
came back the winner.

Even so, I kept researching for farther-flung alternatives and turned
up a couple of others as well, although several of the embedded
languages are pretty stale, dead, or haven't gotten past
0.0.1-pre-alpha.  Of the haven't heard of it before languages, only
one called Pike earned serious consideration.  (Technically I had
heard of its predecessor LPC, but only as a result of a misspent
youth. :-) )

Pike and Python went head to head and, probably since our team is
heavy with C++ programmers, Pike came out on top.

So, we've started doing a proof-of-concept using Pike and we'll see
how it goes.  So far so good, and it's actually a pretty fun language
to work with.

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Embedded scripting language advice sought

2009-01-18 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
For a project I'm working on, I need to find an scripting language, and I
have a long wishlist:

- able to be easily embedded in a C++ application

- real object-oriented with inheritance (preferably multiple inheritance)

- able to implement object methods in C++ where needed

- sandbox operation (e.g. ability to suppress any file I/O  system
libraries, but keep math and string libraries)

- thread-safe, or, at least able to have multiple coexisting execution
contexts in one running process

- relatively user-friendly syntax (i.e. (not (lisp (based

- has to build and embed on FreeBSD

This is a mathematical model, and the goal is to write certain
high-performance parts in C++, but to provide the user a command-line style
interface where they can explore interactively, examine/tweak data values,
etc, and then override certain behavior by subclassing from the C++ base
classes using the scripting language to see how it affects the next model
iteration.  One thread is handling the model calculations, and one handles
the user's exploration, with appropriate synchronization when changes are
made.  (We are doing this already, but since the code is C++, only the data
can be edited while it's running and inspection is limited to our hacky

The obvious choice for this was Lua; it hits a lot of the marks, but not all
of them and not all well.  I got as far as creating a Lua object in C++
that exposes some core functionality, which is great, but when it comes to
inheritance, and especially multiple inheritance, Lua's object model wasn't
thrilling me.  Also, it uses setjmp for error handling, which I'm worried
will mess around with C++ exceptions; they are already fragile enough in
threaded applications.

I do like Lua, but I'd really rather find an embedded scripting language
designed from the start to support OO, if one exists.  Are there other
alternatives I should look at?   Lua is to C as __ is to C++?

I tried to give Guile a look but a quick poll of the users vetoed the
syntax.  Lua is clearly ahead in the user-friendly department.

I also wondered if Python would be a good choice, but I'm just not sure
about how well it handles having new code generated more or less on the fly
in the middle of a running application.  I somewhat suspect that if it were
done in Python, it would end up being a Python app with C++ add-ins, rather
than a C++ app with an embedded scripting language.  That isn't a
deal-breaker, of course, as long as it works; results matter.  That's not
exactly lightweight though, and I'm not sure if (or how) Python sandboxes.

One last wouldn't it be nice wish...  If the user creates something they
particularly like on the fly, compositing up an object a piece at a time on
the command line, it would be just grand if the scripting language were able
to reproduce a class definition for that arbitrary object that could be
saved or tweaked for later reference and reuse.  If not, we'll just have to
abstract the editing process enough to keep one ourselves, which would
probably be a bit user-unfriendly but hardly the end of the world.

But with a wishlist this long and exotic, I'm afraid the question here is
not whether something can do it all, but how disappointed I'm going to be.

I'm grateful for any language suggestions or feedback.  Is Lua as close as
we can get?  Python?  Other?!


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Local patches to ports?

2008-09-09 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
We use Apache 1.3 on FreeBSD and for a long time, we have maintained our own
build process separate from the ports collection because we have some local

These are accounting patches, of interest to no one but us, so I have no
chance of getting anyone upstream to ever adopt them, but they are very
important to us.

After our last upgrade to 7-STABLE (7.1-PRERELEASE) our local build process
started producing broken binaries but the port has patches and one of them
makes it work.  So, this seems like a good time to replace our build process
with the ports collection.

What's the best way to preserve our local patches and our custom
configuration flags, and get them to apply to each new update of the port?


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Re: Local patches to ports?

2008-09-09 Thread Linda Messerschmidt
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 3:58 PM, Greg Larkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would recommend setting up a local Tinderbox installation:

Wow, it looks like a lot of work, but if we can finally build everything in
one place, with our local patches and then get portupgrade -PP to work
reliably everywhere else, that would be worth the effort.  I'll check it


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