Re: Colorized compiler/linker messages

2011-01-23 Thread Mark Johnston
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 08:00:52PM -0600, Michael D. Norwick wrote:
 Good Day,
 I have seen this for some time when building ports and was wondering
 how it was done.  GCC when compiling and linking certain programs,
 ebook for example, emits messages in various colors.  How is that
 done?  Where does one find what the various colors are supposed to
 signify?  Or, is it just because it's more appealing?
 Thank You,

I'm not sure about ebook specifically, but there's a wrapper for gcc called 
colorgcc which colorizes the diagnostics and errors that gcc emits. The idea is
that one can just do something like CC=colorgcc make when building.

I'm sure there are other programs out there that do something similar,
but colorgcc is the most common I think. Apparently there are similar
wrappers for make and diff as well.

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Re: DNS Proxying based on source address

2003-03-14 Thread Mark Johnston
Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:
 I'm doing a project where I want users on a wireless lan to be routed
 to a single, wildcard A record, where they will be forced to input
 some registration information, and then allowed out into the real
 world.  Some nice folks at southwestern university have already
 written a project that does this called NetReg but they are
 requiring a reboot of the client machine and changes to the DHCP lease
 file.  (which will be stopped and started while the client reboots)

 [much snipped]

I'm assuming here that what you want is a system allowing people to
register and get access, but you don't want to have them change their IP
address between when they first boot and when they go live.  That
introduces a bit of complication to the matter - read on.

 **big question**
 Would adding a second address to the loopback device to the system
 (and only having the rules fwd to those addresses) solve the source-ip
 dilemma?  (at least for the DNS, for the http the machine is still
 expecting a reply from some ip that is blocked).  Is there any way you
 all can think of to have the server return a page when the user tries
 to access a site via IP (ala a transparent proxy).

It sounds like transparent proxying is exactly what you want.  Here's
my take on a solution for you - some parts of it I've tested for a
similar scheme, some parts are speculation.

First off, please reread the paragraph of ipfw(8) starting with fwd
ipaddr[,port], just for reference.

I'd start with an ipfw rule like the following, on the gateway:

ipfw add 65000 fwd $GATEWAY tcp from $INTERNAL to any

That grabs all incoming TCP traffic and redirects it to your own box.
This part I've tested before, in conjunction with Apache - any web
request, no matter the destination IP, will get a response from your
httpd.  Other TCP traffic will hit your box and receive a RST or no
response, depending on your firewall rules.  If you want to get fancy,
you can listen for other protocols and send custom messages.

Once you've got that rule into place, it's pretty straightforward to add
rules to allow/NAT/whatever traffic on an IP-by-IP basis for hosts that
you want to let out:

ipfw add 64900 allow tcp from $REGISTERED_IP to any

and so on.  

You can decide what you want to do for DNS; my testing used BIND 9's
views and ACLs to serve all requests from unregistered IPs with the same
answer for any A query, but just leaving UDP wide open seems all right
to me.  Even if people are able to look up names, they can't make any
TCP connections.

Remember here that you haven't got any security; it's trivial to sniff
the network, find someone that has already registered, and take over
their IP.  Not much you can do about that except implement a tunnelling
protocol or do some tricks with ipfw2's layer 2 filtering (which still
doesn't help against the dedicated attacker that will change his or her
MAC address.)  For a basic registration-required scheme, though, it
seems pretty sound.

Hope this is fairly clear - good luck with your setup.


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