Re: freebsd-update upgrade -r 7.4-RELEASE-p12

2013-10-09 Thread Mike Brown
Eduardo Morras wrote:
 [...] uname -a should give the correct answer. Has uname other utility than 
 show information about the operating system implementation? No, and it must 
 be accurate.

That's what I thought, but when I asked about it here last year, I was told 
that this is the way things are; our expectations of uname are at fault.

I believe if he were to compile his own kernel, it would say -p12.

Suggestions were made for how to deal with it, but I don't know if they 
were ever followed up on. They wouldn't affect 7.x in any case.

Start reading the thread here:
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Re: freebsd-update upgrade -r 7.4-RELEASE-p12

2013-10-08 Thread Mike Brown
alexus wrote:
 ok, I just did fetch  install and got bumped from p5 to p9
 # uname -a
 FreeBSD 7.4-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 7.4-RELEASE-p9 #0: Mon Jun 11
 19:47:58 UTC 2012
 can I take it all the way to -p12?

-p10 through -p12 probably didn't involve any kernel changes. Bumping the 
reported patchlevel isn't considered important enough to warrant building a 
new kernel.

If your sources are in /usr/src, do this:

grep -v # /usr/src/sys/conf/ | head -4
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Re: Should I be able to use mergemaster with freebsd-update?

2013-06-26 Thread Mike Brown
I wrote:
 The main problem this time is that I'm not so lucky with the password files, 
 because for 8.4, freebsd-update has fetched new, stock .db files to put in 

Whoa, sorry, I misspoke here. 

freebsd-update asked me, after the merges, to approve unspecified differences 
in pwd.db and spwd.db.  I assumed that it had fetched those files as part of 
the 8.4 distribution. But 
seems to indicate that's not what happened; only master.passwd was changed.

I'm looking through the freebsd-update code now. I see it does actually do 
some special handling of master.passwd, but not until you do your 
'freebsd-update install'. At that point, it will look at /etc/master.passwd 
and see if it's newer than /etc/pwd.db or /etc/spwd.db, and it will run 
pwd_mkdb. It doesn't use the -p flag, so I guess it doesn't care about passwd.

This pwd_mkdb run didn't happen for me, though, since my 'freebsd-update 
install' run didn't actually put the new master.passwd file, or anything else, 
into /etc yet. I thought it would, but I don't understand it, really. So I 
don't see how it's supposed to work.

To summarize:

1. I did the initial 'freebsd-update -r 8.4-RELEASE upgrade'
2. When prompted, I did all the merges it needed me to do by hand.
3. When prompted, I approved all the diffs. Two of the diffs were unspecified 
pwd.db  spwd.db changes, which caused me some alarm.
4. I looked in the staging area and found that these were empty files.
5. I looked in /etc and nothing new had been placed there yet.
6. I did the 'freebsd-update install' and checked /etc again; still nothing.
7. Afraid of rebooting with bogus password database files staged, I generated
proper pwd.db, spwd.db, and passwd files myself, and put them in the
staging area.

Next step, I think, is reboot, before another 'freebsd-update install' run.
I'm worried something is still amiss, though, so I'm holding off for now. :(
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Re: freebsd-update percentage indicators - what are they, why are they so random?

2013-06-25 Thread Mike Brown
 Fetching 1 metadata files...  70.5%

I think this is a result of having -v in my GZIP environment variable.
I always forget about my GZIP and BZIP2 variables. I should've known.
So, never mind about that.
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Re: Should I be able to use mergemaster with freebsd-update?

2013-06-25 Thread Mike Brown
 I'm using freebsd-update to upgrade my system to the latest minor version
 (from 8.3-RELEASE to 8.4-RELEASE).
 I'm surprised that the merge handling system isn't more robust. When 
 the old way, from source, I was used to using mergemaster to handle any 
 merges that couldn't be done automatically.
 But when using freebsd-update, it seems that any failed merges require that 
 you get dumped into an empty text editor for each file.

As I continue with this process, doing all the mergemaster tasks manually, I'm 
finding that the situation is even worse than I first realized.

First, the relatively painless part. As I mentioned, after running 
'freebsd-update -r 8.4-RELEASE upgrade', I had to deal with the un-mergeable 

Although mergemaster apparently isn't an option, its interactive merge 
function is really just a front-end for sdiff, so I found that I could 
replicate that part of its functionality by doing this in a separate window 
(-w 100 because I use a 100-column terminal):

cd /var/db/freebsd-update/merge/8.4-RELEASE
find -X . -type f | xargs -n 1 -o -I % sh -c '{ echo Now processing %. 
left=current, right=new, help=?; sdiff -d -w 100 -o ../new/% ../old/% %; }'

This populated my 'new' directory with merged files, so that (in the first 
window) when I opened the text editor for each one, I only had to just give it 
a once-over and exit the editor.

Among the diffs in this 8.3 to 8.4 upgrade were changes to /etc/master.passwd 
and /etc/passwd, to add the 'auditdistd' and 'hast' users. As reported in 
March 2012 [1] in relation to 8.x to 9.x upgrades, this won't work as 
expected, because freebsd-update doesn't run pwd_mkdb after the master.passwd 

Now the real hurt begins; in the 8.3 to 8.4 upgrade, it's even worse.

Once I saved all the files in the editor, I was prompted to approve a diff for 
each one. I had to answer y or the entire process aborts.

Among the changes I was asked to approve, besides visible diffs, were 
unspecified differences in /etc/pwd.db and /etc/spwd.db, the binary files that 
contain the password database.  There's no choice but to answer y and 
approve them, and I don't get any opportunity to rebuild them properly.

So apparently, freebsd-update wants to install new, stock password databases, 
which are out-of-sync with my customized, merged master.passwd  passwd files. 
(And because of the way the freebsd-update system works, what I actually 
approved were empty, 0-byte files, the result of the failed merges.)

What would happen if I just let it do this? Surely I wouldn't be able to log 
in, after the reboot, right?

After approving the files (again, I had no choice!), I was presented with 
lists of all the files that would be deleted, added, and modified. Sure 
enough, bad /etc/pwd.db and /etc/spwd.db files were in the list.

At this point, the merge folders were now gone; I no longer had the new 
master.passwd in a recognizable place. So I thought, OK, I'll run 
'freebsd-update install' and hope that the new files end up in /etc. Then I 
could just run 'pwd_mkdb -p /etc/master.passwd' to regenerate passwd, pwd.db 
and spwd.db before my reboot.

But the 'freebsd-update install' didn't put them there yet; I guess that 
doesn't happen till after the reboot. So they're still sitting in a staging 
folder, now gzipped and with obfuscated names, indexed in a separate file.

Averting this disaster-in-the-making is not at all straightforward:

cd /var/db/freebsd-update
mkdir -m 0700 /tmp/oldpwdfiles
zcat files/`grep '^/etc/master\.passwd' install.LYQAJQ/INDEX-NEW | cut -d \| -f 
7`.gz  /tmp/oldpwdfiles/master.passwd
zcat files/`grep '^/etc/passwd' install.LYQAJQ/INDEX-NEW | cut -d \| -f 7`.gz  
zcat files/`grep '^/etc/pwd\.db' install.LYQAJQ/INDEX-NEW | cut -d \| -f 7`.gz 
zcat files/`grep '^/etc/spwd\.db' install.LYQAJQ/INDEX-NEW | cut -d \| -f 7`.gz 
mkdir -m 0700 /tmp/newpwdfiles
pwd_mkdb -d /tmp/newpwdfiles -p /tmp/oldpwdfiles/master.passwd
gzip /tmp/newpwdfiles/*
mv /tmp/newpwdfiles/master.passwd.gz files/`grep '^/etc/master\.passwd' 
install.LYQAJQ/INDEX-NEW | cut -d \| -f 7`.gz
mv /tmp/newpwdfiles/passwd.gz files/`grep '^/etc/passwd' 
install.LYQAJQ/INDEX-NEW | cut -d \| -f 7`.gz
mv /tmp/newpwdfiles/pwd.db.gz files/`grep '^/etc/pwd\.db' 
install.LYQAJQ/INDEX-NEW | cut -d \| -f 7`.gz
mv /tmp/newpwdfiles/spwd.db.gz files/`grep '^/etc/spwd\.db' 
install.LYQAJQ/INDEX-NEW | cut -d \| -f 7`.gz
rm -fr /tmp/oldpwdfiles /tmp/newpwdfiles

I'm really shocked that it came to this. Did I just overlook the 
--no-surprises option in freebsd-update?

And now, before I reboot, I have to figure out how to handle the changes that 
got made in /etc/mail ... ordinarily I'd run 'make all install restart' in 
there. Not an option till after reboot, though. At least it's not crucial for 
the reboot to work.

Again, this is something that mergemaster was really good for. But 

Re: Should I be able to use mergemaster with freebsd-update?

2013-06-25 Thread Mike Brown
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013, at 15:29, Eugene wrote:
 I do not quite understand. Is the freebsd-update upgrade process
 completely broken? 

IMHO it is partially broken; I'm not doing anything special. How broken it is 
depends on what's getting changed. Most of what the system is designed to do, 
it indeed does very well. It also overlaps some of the functionality of 
mergemaster in that it automatically merges as many files as it can, which is 

Where it is under-designed and under-implemented is in its rudimentary 
handling of un-mergeable files, and in its total lack of support for the 
regeneration of /etc/*.db files (like the, uh, rather important password 
database) and sendmail aliases - things that you would handle via mergemaster 
in an ordinary, source-based upgrade, but which you must now figure out how to 
do by hand, without any guidance, and they really don't make it easy for you.

When I upgraded from 8.1 to 8.3, I avoided the issue altogether by not really 
merging anything; when dumped into the empty text editor, I just loaded my old 
files and made no changes. In the Handbook, there's an assumption that people 
who do this will go back later and figure out what merges are needed, but the 
resources you need to do that don't exist; if you don't do the merge when 
prompted, you don't get a second chance. In fact, even if you do it when 
prompted, you need to get it right, or start the whole process over.

My upgrade to 8.3 worked out OK because I got lucky; freebsd-update hadn't 
fetched new, stock password database files. The unmergeable files were all 
text files, nothing requiring anything to be regenerated.

But this time around, for 8.3 to 8.4, I am trying to do everything I'm 
supposed to, actually merging when prompted. The fact that it's a *really* 
manual process is a pain, but as I mentioned, I found a way to at least run 
sdiff from another window, which made it a lot easier, although still more 
tedious than it should be.

The main problem this time is that I'm not so lucky with the password files, 
because for 8.4, freebsd-update has fetched new, stock .db files to put in 
/etc.  So, yes, I was able to merge master.passwd  passwd, but that's not 
very helpful since the .db files won't be in sync with them.

If allow my custom password database to be overwritten with these new, stock 
.db files, obviously that's bad. And because freebsd-update makes no special 
allowance for the .db files, it actually put a zero-byte file in the staging 
area instead of the real .db file (as if it were going to have me modify it 
with an editor). So if I proceed, my password database will actually be 
overwritten with an empty file, which I believe would be a disaster.

The solution, I feel, is to:

1. make freebsd-update recognize files that most likely need to be regenerated 
instead of replaced - /etc/*.db, at least, if not also any other binary file, 
and some of the things that would be generated by 'make' in /etc/mail. The 
user should be informed that these files need to be regenerated, if there's no 
way to just regenerate them automatically when their companion source files 
have been updated or merged.

2. make freebsd-update run mergemaster on the unmergeable text files, instead 
of dumping the user into an empty text editor for each one. For each file that 
can't be automatically merged, mergemaster will give the user the opportunity 
to choose whether to keep the old file, replace it with the new file, 
interactively merge them via sdiff, or do nothing. It is also smart enough to 
realize that when certain files are being touched, such as /etc/master.passwd, 
/etc/mail/aliases, etc. you'll need to run pwd_mkdb, cap_mkdb, services_mkdb, 
or newaliases...and it will run those for you (or remind you to do it). For 
this to work, mergemaster would need some tweaking to deal with 
freebsd-update's staging area, and to not duplicate any of the work that 
freebsd-update does.

I keep hoping that maybe there's some nuance of the process that I'm missing, 
and that all of this really is not a problem.. user error, or not reading the 
docs carefully enough, you know? But Mark Felder's comments seem to confirm 
that it's a real issue.
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freebsd-update percentage indicators - what are they, why are they so random?

2013-06-22 Thread Mike Brown
I'm using freebsd-update to upgrade my system to the latest minor release.

At a couple points in the process, I get weird status indicators (percentages) 
showing me that something is happening:

Fetching 1 metadata files...  70.5%
Inspecting system... done.

Sometimes these numbers are negative, and although not entirely random, they 
don't seem to follow any particular pattern... they don't creep up from 0 to 
100, at least:

Preparing to download files... done.
Attempting to automatically merge changes in files... done.

What is the point of these numbers? Does everyone see them, or is it just me? 
Are they supposed to be on separate lines like this, or are they supposed to 
overwrite each other one line?
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Should I be able to use mergemaster with freebsd-update?

2013-06-22 Thread Mike Brown
I'm using freebsd-update to upgrade my system to the latest minor version
(from 8.3-RELEASE to 8.4-RELEASE).

I'm surprised that the merge handling system isn't more robust. When upgrading 
the old way, from source, I was used to using mergemaster to handle any 
merges that couldn't be done automatically.

But when using freebsd-update, it seems that any failed merges require that 
you get dumped into an empty text editor for each file. It doesn't even tell 
you where the new file is so you can load it and compare it to the old one. 
After that, you're asked to approve every diff, but if you reject one, you 
don't get a chance to re-edit; the entire upgrade aborts and you have to 
start all over again. 

Since it wasn't obvious what to do, last time I upgraded, I just loaded all my 
old files and kept them as-is, without merging them. This time, I'm trying to 
actually take care of them when prompted.

When I get dumped into the empty text editor, I suppose it's not too hard to 
figure out that the new file is in /var/db/freebsd-update/merge/8.4-RELEASE, 
but that's certainly not documented anywhere. It could at least be mentioned 
prior to being sent to the editor. The old file is mentioned, so why not the 

Regardless, when doing a manual merge by loading both files and consolidating 
them, or by copy-paste voodoo between terminal windows, it is far easier to 
screw up than mergemaster's method, at least in my experience. So I was 
thinking that when I get to this stage of the freebsd-update process, it would 
be nice to use mergemaster in a separate terminal window.

I mean, I know where the new files are, and I know where I need the merged 
files to go, so it should be just a matter of invoking mergemaster with the 
right flags, right? Then when I'm dumped into a text editor, it won't be 
empty; I'll see the mergemaster-produced file, and can just give it a 

The handbook even mentions mergemaster as if it is an option:
...or at least, it suggests I read about it, for some reason.

But I can't figure out how to get mergemaster to use freebsd-update's file 
locations. Here is what I tried:

mergemaster -ciFv -m /var/db/freebsd-update/merge/8.4-RELEASE -D 

Here's what that results in, even if I add trailing slashes:

make: don't know how to make distrib-dirs. Stop
make: don't know how to make distrib-dirs. Stop

  *** FATAL ERROR: Cannot 'cd' to /var/db/freebsd-update/merge/8.4-RELEASE and 
install files to
  the temproot environment

Any suggestions appreciated.
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Re: FreeBSD-update?

2013-04-24 Thread Mike Brown
Da Rock wrote:
 sysctl kern.version

For me, that's the same info as in uname -a.

Try this:

grep -v # /usr/src/sys/conf/ | head -4
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perl-after-upgrade mistakenly thinks nothing needs to be done

2013-04-11 Thread Mike Brown
Hi all,

I'm running 8.3-RELEASE and thought I'd update Perl from 5.12 to 5.16.
Silly me. I updated my ports snapshot, and as per UPDATING, ran

portmaster -o lang/perl5.16 lang/perl5.12

This went OK, so I then ran perl-after-upgrade, with and without -f. It scans 
the packages and finds everything it should, but insists nothing needs to be 
done, saying  0 moved, 0 modified, 0 adjusted for every one of them. At the 
end it says Fixed 0 packages (0 files moved, 0 files modified).

Well of course this isn't right; all my modules are still sitting in the
5.12.4 directory and are not getting moved over to the 5.16.2 one. This 
naturally breaks everything depending on those modules.

What's going wrong? Sorry if this is a novice question.

Please let me know what I need to check. Thanks,

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Re: perl-after-upgrade mistakenly thinks nothing needs to be done

2013-04-11 Thread Mike Brown
Thanks for the replies; I really appreciate it.

Alexandre wrote:
 Have you followed steps described in perl-after-upgrade man page?
 $ man perl-after-upgrade

Yes, except for the last step (deleting old CONTENTS backups), since the 
previous steps didn't seem to do what they should. As I said, 
perl-after-upgrade thinks there's nothing to do. It doesn't report any 
packages it can't handle. It handles them, but for some reason determines that 
they are OK, despite the fact that the modules are all still sitting in the 
old installation.

Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
 Have you done portmaster 5-?
 If not, do it.

I hadn't done that.
(portmaster 5- doesn't work, but portmaster p5- does.)

UPDATING makes mention of this, but I didn't understand that it was saying it 
was a required step. Specifically, this is what it says:


  AFFECTS: users of lang/perl*

  lang/perl5.16 is out. If you want to switch to it from, for example
  lang/perl5.12, that is:

  Portupgrade users:
0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety):
pkgdb -Ff

1) Reinstall new version of Perl (5.16):
env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -o lang/perl5.16 -f perl-5.12.\*

2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl:
portupgrade -fr perl

  Portmaster users:
portmaster -o lang/perl5.16 lang/perl5.12

portmaster p5-

Comprehensive (but perhaps overkill):
portmaster -r perl-

  Note: If the perl- glob matches more than one port you will need to
specify the name of the Perl directory in /var/db/pkg explicitly.

  The default version for Perl has also been changed from 5.12 to 5.14.


Because of the way the portupgrade section is numbered, I thought the 
portmaster section was giving me 3 options: regular, conservative, 
comprehensive -- not two steps (1. portmaster -o, then 2. choose either the 
conservative or comprehensive option).

...partly my reading comprehension failure, I guess. It makes no mention of 
perl-after-upgrade, though.

My understanding is that perl-after-upgrade looks at what perl-dependent 
packages are installed. As I can see by its output, this includes not just the 
application packages like SpamAssassin and mrtg, but their requisite Perl 
module packages as well, like HTML::Parser. Then, as these packages are found, 
perl-after-upgrade moves things from the old Perl installation over to the 
new, and does some other cleanup.

Maybe that's a flawed assumption, because it seems rather weird to me that 
before running perl-after-upgrade, I'm expected to *first* to do a *full 
upgrade or reinstall* of the modules.

Isn't that exactly what we're trying to avoid by running perl-after-upgrade? 
Nothing in the perl-after-upgrade man page suggests this is necessary; in 
fact, the intro implies the opposite.

 After this is done,
 how much have you got left under 5.12.4?

Not much of anything, just a man page, a few mrtg .pm files...

Naturally, running perl-after-upgrade at this point yields the same results as 
before (0 moved, 0 modified, 0 adjusted for everything). But this time, that's 
the expected output, I believe, given that I just reinstalled everything.

I guess I'm just completely confused about what perl-after-upgrade was 
actually supposed to do, so it's difficult to suggest documentation updates. 
At the very least, though, maybe change UPDATING to clarify that the 
portmaster steps are a sequence, and mention perl-after-upgrade.
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freebsd-update not updating reported patchlevel

2012-05-03 Thread Mike Brown
I installed 8.2-RELEASE when it was new, and have been just using 
freebsd-update since then. I run freebsd-update whenever there are new 
critical patches. But for some reason, my system's reported patchlevel number 
hasn't updated since p3.

For example, with this latest OpenSSL security update, running 'freebsd-update 
fetch' says (among other things) The following files will be updated as part 
of updating to 8.2-RELEASE-p7 and WARNING: FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE-p3 is 
approaching its End-of-Life date. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade 
to a newer release within the next 2 months.

So apparently it really thinks I'm at -p3, when I know I'm at -p6, and was at 
-p5 before that, and -p4 before that. The fact that the latest update only 
included the OpenSSL files confirms that the relevant files have been getting 
updated when I 'freebsd-update install'.

But 'uname -r' continues to return 8.2-RELEASE-p3. Rebooting doesn't help. 
Is there something I need to do in order to bump the reported patchlevel? I 
thought this was supposed to happen automatically, since I didn't have to do 
anything to get it up to -p3.

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Re: null bytes after ANSI sequences in color 'ls' output

2008-06-28 Thread Mike Brown
OK, so the null bytes are correct for vt100 and should've always been there, 
and the fact that they've suddenly showed up in FreeBSD 6.3 is basically a 

Setting NCURSES_NO_PADDING has no effect, so 'ls' apparently does just use 
termcap features.

Following Dan Nelson's advice to switch TERM to xterm-color only changes the 
behavior slightly: rather than getting 2 trailing ESC[m sequences followed by 
8 null bytes, I get 1 ESC[m followed by a single 0x0F byte, which shows up as 
^O when piped through less.

After reading a bit more about ANSI codes at, I see that the trailing codes 
are just variations on a 'reset' theme.

ESC[36m = cyan text
ESC[39;49m = default text; default background
ESC[m = same as ESC[0m
ESC[0m = default rendition, canceling any preceding ESC[foom
ESC[0m;10m = default rendition; default font
Ctrl-O in xterm = string command/capability 'ae' ('End alternative character 

Now, I thought I'd try terminal type 'linux' as well. This changes things a 
bit: I now get ESC[0;10m at the end, which means reset to default rendition, 
with the default font. It has no padding bytes or odd control chars, so I can 
use this with 'less -R'.

In summary, 'ls -dG Mail | less' yields the following:

with TERM=vt100-color

with TERM=xterm-color (or just xterm; they're aliases):

with TERM=linux:

So I guess as long as I use 'less -R', which is the only way to reliably use 
'less' to page ANSI color output, I'm going to have to use TERM=linux, or else 
add another pipe to filter out the offending characters, like 'tr -d \000'. 
I think I'm going to opt for the latter, for now, because I seem to recall 
some weirdness with SecureCRT's linux emulation.

Thanks for the speculation and assistance! You got me on the right track.
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null bytes after ANSI sequences in color 'ls' output

2008-06-27 Thread Mike Brown
After I upgraded 6.2-STABLE (Feb 2007-ish) to 6.3-STABLE (last week), my 
colorized 'ls -G' output is now plagued with 8 null bytes following each ANSI 

I normally pipe my output to 'less -R' so ANSI sequences pass through while 
other control characters are converted to visible ones. This worked great 
until now. Now I see '^@' for each null. It's not a new feature of less, so
I assume it's ls or curses throwing in the nulls.

For example, I'm getting output like this if I use 'ls -G | less':


It's the '^@'s that are unexpected, although the repeated ESC[m pairs are also 
mysterious since they seem to have no purpose.

If I use 'ls -G | less -R', then the ANSI sequences pass through as they 
should, but I still get the nulls.


Is this is reproducible?
Should I file a PR?

FWIW, my tcsh TERM environment variable is vt100-color.
I'm using SecureCRT with vt100 emulation and ANSI color. 

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Re: non-English character support

2005-10-30 Thread Mike Brown
Alex Teslik wrote:
 I was also wondering why there is no en_US.UTF8 in /usr/share/locale? Any
 guidence is much appreciated.
 I am using FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE-p5.

In FreeBSD 4.x, the UTF-8 locale support files have to be installed from the
ports collection.

cd /usr/ports/misc/utf8locale
make install

You'll need to do this after each OS upgrade (unless you go to 5.x, under
which you should remove the port entirely).
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Re: pkg_create: correct usage?

2005-08-04 Thread Mike Brown
mdff wrote:
 i'm trying to create packages on freebsd-5.4-RELEASE.
 can anyone tell me how to define a packinglist for
 pkg_create with the ability to remove the directories
 after pkg_delete and not getting complaints if they are
 not empty?
 if i specify @dirrm dir in the packinglist, i get these
 errors, if some packages share a specific directory:
 # pkg_delete packname
  pkg_delete: unable to completely remove directory '/usr/local/lib'
  pkg_delete: couldn't entirely delete package (perhaps the packing
  list is incorrectly specified?)

This question might be better to ask on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Procedure for migrating user accounts to new system ?

2005-07-06 Thread Mike Brown
Nelis Lamprecht wrote:
 To answer my own posting. Simply copy(keeping correct permissions)
 /etc/passwd, /etc/master.passwd and /etc/group to the new system
 making sure you have a backup of the original if anything goes wrong.
 Then run pwd_mkdb -p /etc/passwd which will update /etc/pwd.db,
 spwd.db. I then rsync'ed all home directories and all is well.

I would add (as this just came up with one of my users today) that
you will probably also want to copy /var/cron/tabs to the new system,
lest everyone lose their crontabs.
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Re: Linux move to FreeBSD

2005-07-05 Thread Mike Brown
Bob Hall wrote:
 The belief that guys with red skin, horns, pointy tails, and pitchforks
 represent the devil is a European superstition, not a Christian
 doctrine. There's no support for it in the Bible or the writings of the
 church fathers.

There is also no support, except among BSD fans, for horned, pointy-tailed, 
red-skinned creatures with pitchforks representing anything other than a li'l 
devil. Saying it represents an invisible, oft-benevolent 'daemon' has very 
little credibility when the mascot was clearly intended to look like what 
two-thirds of humanity would recognize as _el diablo_, albeit an awfully
harmless, cartoony one.

I think I will give one of my favorite input  control devices, the 'mouse', a 
mascot. It'll look a lot like this guy: 
...but if anyone complains I'll just tell them it's clearly not an animate 
rodent, but is rather a stylized, anthropomorphic interpretation of a computer 
accessory. I'm sure the lawyers at Disney will see my point of view. Hey, if
it works for Beastie the daemon...

On a more serious note, am I the only one who has been getting hiccups of 
freebsd-questions mail from last year? I just got a bunch of traffic 
(including one of the previous incarnations of this abysmal Beastie logo 
non-debate) from late December, all posts that I had seen before.
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installworld failure - osreldate.h

2005-06-07 Thread Mike Brown
Hi all,

Any idea what would be causing this during a routine upgrade of FreeBSD 
4.10-STABLE (Dec 1 2004) to today's STABLE? has a 'touch version' 
in it, but I don't see how that could ever produce 'not found'.

 Installing everything..
cd /usr/src; make -f Makefile.inc1 install
=== share/info
=== include
creating osreldate.h from
setvar PARAMFILE /usr/src/include/../sys/sys/param.h;  . 
/usr/src/include/../sys/conf/; echo $COPYRIGHT  osreldate.h;   
 echo #ifdef _KERNEL  osreldate.h; echo '#error 
osreldate.h must not be used in the kernel, use sys/param.h'  osreldate.h;  
echo #else  osreldate.h;  echo \#'undef 
__FreeBSD_version'  osreldate.h;echo \#'define __FreeBSD_version' 
$RELDATE  osreldate.h;  echo #endif  osreldate.h
touch: not found
*** Error code 127

Stop in /usr/src/include.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/src.

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Re: installworld failure - osreldate.h

2005-06-07 Thread Mike Brown
Mike Brown wrote:
 Hi all,
 Any idea what would be causing this during a routine upgrade of FreeBSD 
 4.10-STABLE (Dec 1 2004) to today's STABLE? has a 'touch version' 
 in it, but I don't see how that could ever produce 'not found'.

(and my system clock is OK; I just ran ntpdate again to be sure.
I also ran adjkerntz -i)

  Installing everything..
 cd /usr/src; make -f Makefile.inc1 install
 === share/info
 === include
 creating osreldate.h from
 setvar PARAMFILE /usr/src/include/../sys/sys/param.h;  . 
 /usr/src/include/../sys/conf/; echo $COPYRIGHT  osreldate.h; 
echo #ifdef _KERNEL  osreldate.h; echo '#error 
 osreldate.h must not be used in the kernel, use sys/param.h'  
 osreldate.h;  echo #else  osreldate.h;  echo 
 \#'undef __FreeBSD_version'  osreldate.h;echo \#'define 
 __FreeBSD_version' $RELDATE  osreldate.h;  echo #endif  osreldate.h
 touch: not found
 *** Error code 127
 Stop in /usr/src/include.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/src.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/src.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/src.
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/src.
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buildworld processes failing (was Re: installworld failure)

2005-06-07 Thread Mike Brown
Mike Brown wrote:
 (and my system clock is OK; I just ran ntpdate again to be sure.
 I also ran adjkerntz -i)

Never mind; I have bigger problems. The 'touch: not found' I see now is 
related to the just-now-noticed fact that my buildworld had failed for some 
reason. Subsequent attempts to run buildworld are failing as well, at random 
places. /var/log/messages indicates processes involved in the build are 
dumping core.

=== gnu/usr.bin/groff/font/devutf8
/usr/obj/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/groff/font/devutf8 created for 
*** Signal 10

Memory issues? I upgraded the motherboard and RAM on this system. The old one 
had 384 MB, the new one has 512 MB. In my old kernel (still running at the 
moment), I had MAXMEM set based on the 384 figure. I'm occasionally seeing 
memory paging related errors and I'm guessing it's because of the bad value, 
hence my desire to upgrade the OS with no MAXMEM setting this time.

Unfortunately I am apparently unable to do something so memory-intensive as
building world with things being unstable, and my old RAM was bad and is long
gone, so I'm not sure what to do, short of installing from scratch :/

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Re: Mailinglist privacy: MY NAME ALL OVER GOOGLE!

2005-05-10 Thread Mike Brown
Anthony Atkielski wrote:
 It _is_ the fault of the mailing list manager that posts are being
 archived without the permission of mailing-list members.  Members must
 be required to explicitly grant permission when they subscribe.

Even if they did, there is no way for the mailing list software or the 
administrators of the list to know who is receiving the messages or whether 
those addresses correspond to individual human beings. The list is just a list 
of addresses. It is quite possible, even likely, that at least one or two of 
the addresses subscribed to this very list are archiving every post, or 
perhaps reflecting the posts to email users on another network.

In short, if you don't want it public, don't post it.
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sorry for late post on MY NAME ALL OVER blah blah

2005-05-10 Thread Mike Brown
Sorry; didn't notice as I was catching up on email that it was a
dead thread already, and that I was replying to a known troll.
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Beastie logo *is* a li'l devil, ya gotta admit

2005-02-11 Thread Mike Brown
Anthony Atkielski wrote:
 Bob Johnson writes:
  I work in an office largely populated by born-again Christians, and some
  of them very definitely object to the BSD logo.  Even after I explained
  the  daemon thing, they still didn't think BSD should use The Devil
  as its logo.
 It doesn't help that some people use devil and daemon
 interchangeably.  Daemons were originally morally neutral entities; the
 Devil (or devils in generally) have been mostly evil creatures
 throughout history.  Of course, Judeo-Christian tradition turned daemons
 into fundamentally evil creatures (instead of just metaphysical
 helpers), too.

All of these people who try to rationalize that daemons are actually benign, 
helpful creatures and that it was the nasty bad religious nuts who associated 
them with malevolence seem to be overlooking the fact that the mascot's red 
color, pitchfork, spiked tail, and pointy ears are hallmarks of the 
modern/wrong interpretation of what a daemon is: a li'l devil, so to 

It seems a bit absurd to suggest that the original artists were trying to 
represent the metaphysical helpers. The mascot is clearly a toned-down, 
cartoony rendition of the fundamentally-evil end of the supernatural, like 
Casper the Friendly Ghost, or the kind of devil that sits on Jerry the Mouse's 
shoulder and suggests mischievous things to do to Tom the Cat.
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Re: MAJOR DISFUNCTION! Computer reboots instead of booting FreeBSD!

2004-12-25 Thread Mike Brown
 My computer (HP Compaq DC7100) refuses to boot to FreeBSD. It enters
 the MBR, I then select FreeBSD in the bootloader and the computer 
 reboots! What kind of behavior is this, and why won't it give FreeBSD a 

I had the same symptom on different hardware. If I watched closely, I could 
see a kernel error message appear very briefly before the reboot. I tried 
various things and posted here about it, but could not get past it, and no one 
offered any help. Disabling ACPI made zero difference. I didn't understand why 
it would boot fine on the miniinst CD to do the install, but wouldn't boot 
from the HD (an ordinary ATA one, at that).

The problem went away when I gave up on FreeBSD 5.3 and installed FreeBSD 4.10 
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Re: No latin characters :(

2004-12-21 Thread Mike Brown
Mário Gamito wrote:
 Hi again,
 I did everything just as you told me.
 When i type a latin letter like á, etc., i get a greek letter :(

Internally, your á is probably byte 0xE1, as that is how it is defined by 
the ISO-8859-1 character map, and I assume that it's being interpreted 
correctly on the input side. If this byte is interpreted for output/display 
according to another character map, then you will see some other character 
that you didn't intend. For example, if it looks like ß (Latin small letter 
sharp s, which is used when writing the German language), then the byte is 
being interpreted according to CP437.

If you tell us what character you get, it may help. We also need to know what 
you are using for display. Anything you can tell us about your setup, and how 
*we* can reproduce your results... There are so many possible points of 
failure, and you have not told us enough.

Are you using the console (using hardware text modes), or are you doing this 
via an X Window session and a terminal window, or are you SSHing in and 
looking at everything through a Windows or Mac OS X environment? If you're not 
doing this at the console, then what SSH or terminal app are you using and how 
do you have it configured? In what are you typing the non-ASCII characters -- 
a shell? a text editor? Which one? All of these things make a difference.

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Re: stuck at gettext....

2004-12-17 Thread Mike Brown
Zachary Huang wrote:
 but still I got stuck here when installing the
 /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base.  It appears that the patch for
 freebsd did not work for gettext... now what do I do?

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Re: JDK14 fails to install

2004-12-10 Thread Mike Brown
Daniel Bye wrote:
 This has come up several times recently.
 The Linux Sun JDK (which is used to bootstrap the build of the native
 JDK) requires that the Linux procfs system is available.  Add this to
 your /etc/fstab:
  linprocfs   /compat/linux/proc   linprocfs   rw   0  0
 and then, as root:
 kldload linprocfs
 mount /compat/linux/proc
 You can then restart the build of the native JDK.
 FYI, this is mentioned in the linux-sun-jdk* ports' pkg-message files.
 Once the native JDK is built and installed, you can remove the Linux
 one, and you will no longer need to mount the linprocfs.

Does this also apply to the linux-blackdown-jdk* ports/packages?
I tried installing the linux-blackdown-jdk14 package last night
but I could not run the VM; it complained of a missing file in /proc.

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FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE kernel boot problems

2004-11-30 Thread Mike Brown
First the system specs:
  * Motherboard: SuperMicro 370SED (manuf. in 2000; see [1])
  * CPU: Intel Pentium III 933 MHz
  * RAM: 384 MB (128 MB PC100; 256 MB PC133)
  * network:
* Linksys LNE100TX Etherfast 10/100 (device dc0)
* Linksys LNE100TX Etherfast 10/100 (device dc1; unused for now)
  * video: integrated
  * storage:
* built-in primary IDE controller
  * primary master: 24x CD-ROM (unknown manuf.)
* built-in secondary IDE controller: disabled in BIOS
* Maxtor Ultra/ATA 100 PCI IDE controller:
  * primary master: Maxtor 80 GB ATA/133 DiamondMax Plus 9 (new)
using entire disk for FreeBSD slice; geometry is OK.
  ad4s1a150 MB  /
  ad4s1b768 MB  swap
  ad4s4d8 GB/var
  ad4s1e7 GB/usr
  ad4s1f   61 GB/milo (misc)
  * primary slave: Maxtor 60 GB ATA/100 (DiamondMax Plus 60)
  * secondary master: Maxtor 30 GB (DiamondMax VL40)
  * secondary slave: none

Now for my problem:

If I install FreeBSD 4.10 from a miniinst CD-R on this system, it works great, 
no problems.

If I install FreeBSD 5.3 from a miniinst CD-R on the same system with no 
hardware changes, the CD boots up fine (no need to disable ACPI), it fails to 
make it through the boot process; it just keeps rebooting. More on that in a 

It also fails to install if all of the following are true:
  - partitions were set up already from a previous install;
  - in the slice editor I just re-entered the mount points
(they come up as asterisks each time sysinstall is run...
I assume that's normal?)
  - the newfs flag is NOT set on each partition
Under these circumstances, the install process freezes at the first fsck_ffs 
operation (Doing fsck_ffs -y /mnt/dev/ad4s1f which is my /milo partition) 
...and no key combos can get out of it. I thought it maybe just took a while 
but after 30 minutes I decided it was dead.

OK, anyway, so if I set newfs on the partitions, then the base distribution 
installs OK. I can set up the network and root user password, enable SSH and 
inetd, and then let it boot...

  BSP CPU.Microcode OK

  Searching for Boot Record from CDROM..Not Found
  Searching for Boot Record from Floppy..Not Found
  Searching for Boot Record from SCSI..Not Found
...and then I get a stack dump that I can't copy here because it disappears as 
the system automatically reboots right away.
If I press a key during the boot, before /boot/loader runs, I can enter
 0:ad(0,a) /boot/kernel/kernel -p

The result is a rapidly twirling - that then slows and then freezes.  A cold 
reboot is then needed. Same effect when using -sv or -C.
I have also tried putting in a different drive (an old 5 GB Seagate instead of 
the 80 GB Maxtor) and installing to that. For some reason, it doesn't 
automatically reboot after printing the kernel stack dump, but otherwise 
there's no change in behavior.

I tried using an old 5 GB Seagate drive instead of the Maxtor 80 GB. I tried 
using a different drive cable. I tried disconnecting all drives other than the 
boot drive. I have tried setting the partition active and not modifying the 
MBR. I have also tried using UFS1 instead of UFS2 on all partitions. I have 
tried using the FreeBSD boot loader. No difference in any case. Twirl twirl 
twirl freeze.




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